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1、 Unit 1 Text A How Difficult Is English? 英語有多難 Like the national push for Asian literacy (n.有文化,有教養(yǎng),有讀寫能力) in Australia,就如澳大利亞在全國推行學亞洲語言一樣,there has been foreign languages fervor[f??v?] in China,中國也掀起一股外語熱,with English on top of the list. 在這股熱潮中,英語高居榜首。English is not only taught at schools,colle

2、ges and universities,but also at evening classes,on radio and TV.不僅各級學校教英語,夜校、電臺、電視臺也都設有英語課程。Parents hire private tutors for their school children;父母為學齡的孩子聘請英語家教,adult English learners would sacrifice the weekend at an English corner in a public park practicing their spoken English with peop1e of t

3、he same interest and determination. 成年英語學習者會犧牲周末休息日,到公園參加英語角,與志趣相投的英語學習者練習口語。Is English such a difficult language that it really demands people to invest a large amount of time and energy before it is mastered ? 英語真的有這么難,需要人們投入大量的時間和精力才能掌握嗎? The answer,if I am asked to offer,is undoubtedly,yes.如果我被

4、問及這個問題,那么毫無疑問,我的答案是:是的。From my personal experience, 從我個人的經(jīng)驗來看, I think learning English means far more than learning its pronunciation,its grammatical rules,its words,etc.英語學習不僅僅是學習英語發(fā)音、語法規(guī)則、詞匯等,It involves learning everything about the countries where it is used and the people who use it.它包括學習與使用該語

5、言的國家和民族有關的所有內(nèi)容。Without such a complete understanding of the language, 對英語沒有這樣全面的理解,the English a foreigner speaks will inevitably sound strange or even unintelligible though there is not anything wrong with his pronunciation,sentence structure and the words he uses.即使發(fā)音、句子結(jié)構(gòu)、措辭毫無錯誤,一個外國人所講的英語也難免聽起來稀

6、奇古怪甚至難以理解。 The social customs and habits of the English-speaking people contribute a lot to the difficulty a foreigner has in learning it.講英語民族者的社會風俗習慣增加了外國人學習英語的難度。Take the Chinese English learners for example.以學英語的中國人為例," Hello "and "Good morning" may sound a little bit simple to Chinese people."

7、你好"和"早上好"是非常簡單的。It is totally beyond the understanding of a Chinese English learner that native English speakers would be annoyed when theyre addressed "Where are you going?",which is a commonly used addressing among the Chinese."你去哪兒?"是中國人常用的問候語,若英語母語者被問及"你去哪兒?",他們會因此感到不悅,這一點讓中國的英語學習者大為不解。Is there

8、anything wrong with the English sentence structure ? 這個英語句子結(jié)構(gòu)不對嗎? Of course not.當然不是。It takes quite some time for a Chinese English learner to understand the western concept of privacy being violated in this address. 學英語的中國人得費點兒時間才能理解這一問候語侵犯了西方人的隱私。By the same token,同樣,"Have you eaten?"(which is a

9、nother addressing term the Chinese people usually use)will sound to native English speakers that the Chinese are so hospitable that they invite people to meals off-handedly. 英語母語者聽到"你吃了嗎?"(中國人常用的另外一個問候語),會覺得中國人非常好客,會在事先毫無準備的情況下請人吃飯。Meanwhile,the Chinese would be shocked to hear,"Oh,its very nice of

10、you.When?", if the addressee happens to have a craving for Chinese cooking and has not had his dinner yet.如果聽話者此刻正希望品嘗一下中國美食,又碰巧沒有吃飯,他會回答"太好了,什么時候?",中國人為此也會大吃一驚。 "We can say we are going to have chicken for dinner.Why cant we say pig,bull or sheep for dinner instead of pork,beef or mutton?" Chines

11、e English learners may raise such questions.中國的英語學習者可能會這樣問:"我們可以說吃雞,為什么不能說吃豬、吃牛、吃羊,而要說吃豬肉、牛肉、羊肉呢?"Figuring out the reasons for the peculiar English vocabulary is no easy task for Chinese English learners.對學習英語的中國人來說,為這些特殊的英語詞匯找出理由并非易事。But the problem is that memorizing English words mechanically wo

12、uld be devastating and inefficient if they did not know what had happened in British history.問題在于如果不懂英國歷史,死記硬背英語單詞毫無效率。Thus learning English(and other languages as well)involves learning the history of the countries where it is spoken.所以說,學英語(其他語言亦如此)還包括學習使用該語言國家的歷史知識。A task of this kind is more d

13、ifficult for Chinese English learners than for people who speak a western language other than English because Chinese has nothing in common with the alphabetic English and China had little contact with the Western world in modern history.學習英語的中國人要做到這一點比其他非英語國家的西方人要困難得多,因為漢字和英語這種拼音文字毫無共同之處,并且中國和西方世界在

14、近代史上很少接觸。Consequently,所以,the background knowledge of English fascinates large numbers of interested and determined English learners in China but at the same time disheartens quite a few.在中國,英語背景知識既吸引了大量英語愛好者,也使許多人喪失信心。 The Western and Oriental values are found to be in confrontation in learning En

15、glish.英語學習中,東西方的價值觀念是相互沖突的。Native English speakers may complain about Chinese confusion when using "he" and "she",for the two words sound the same,though,different in written forms in Chinese.英語母語的人會混淆漢語中"他""她"的用法,因為這兩個字盡管字形不同,讀音卻相同,他們因此常常抱怨。As a result,some native English speakers conclude that the

16、 Chinese are unable to tell the difference between the two sexes.結(jié)果有些英語母語的人得出結(jié)論,認為中國人不區(qū)分兩種性別。But native English speakers are more gender blind than the Chinese when they mention their cousins.但是在涉及表親的時候,英語母語的人更是混淆性別。The confusion caused by the confrontation of Western and Chinese values,to a certain

17、 extent,東西方價值觀的沖突造成的語言上的混淆,affects the Chinese English learners comprehension of what he/she reads and hears.在一定程度上影響學習英語的中國人對自己所讀或所聽到的內(nèi)容的理解。Only by developing an understanding and tolerance(忍受) of different cultural values can a Chinese English learner reach the goal of communicating with native En

18、glish speakers.學習英語的中國人只有增加不同文化價值觀之間的理解和寬容,才能達到與英語母語者交流的目標。 A Chinese English learner could not have a good command of Eng1ish unless he overcomes the cultural barriers(not all,of course!)in learning English.學習英語的中國人,只有在學習英語的過程中克服文化障礙才能很好地掌握英語。(當然不可能是克服全部文化障礙!)Many Chinese translate what they think

19、 about in Chinese into English when they talk or write.很多中國人說話或?qū)懽鞯臅r候,將自己漢語思維的內(nèi)容翻譯成英語,This kind of English inevitably affects the fluency and flow of speech,the amount of information conveyed,and,above all,the quality of communication.這勢必會影響英語表達的流暢、傳達的信息量,最重要的是,影響交流的質(zhì)量。 The above is,not wholly,how d

20、ifficult English is.盡管不完全,以上就是學習英語的困難。Some native speakers might have said, "You foreigners dont use good English! " at the time a foreigner fails to understand what he is saying.英語母語者被外國人誤解的時候可能會說:"你們外國人不懂地道的英語!""Why should l?"1 would protest,我要反駁:"我們?yōu)槭裁匆?"though.Still,I have to keep asking myself

21、:Is it possible for a foreigner to command English?我還要問:一個外國人可能精通英語嗎? IV Any living language is in a constant state of change.任何 一種活生生的語言都是處于不停的變化之中的。That change is gradual(逐漸的) and continuous(連續(xù)的) .該變化是逐漸并且連續(xù)不斷的。At any particular moment,it is almost hard to notice like most of the changes th

22、at affect your own body.就像影響你身體的大部分變化一樣,這種變化在某一特定時刻是很難察覺的。You dont notice them, 身體的這些變化不容易覺察,but youre lucky if it feels as good and serves you as well as ten years ago.但是如果你的身體如十年前一樣好的話,你是非常幸運的。In that period of time it has changed.但是在這十年間,你的身體已經(jīng)發(fā)生了變化。It is the same with Language .語言的變化也是這樣的。 The

23、 most common and the most noticeable可覺察的 kind of change is what happens to vocabulary.語言的變化中,最常見、最容易察覺的是詞匯的變化。New words appear;old words take on new meanings . 新詞出現(xiàn),老詞增加新義。Even the native speaker might feel surprised. 即使是母語者對這些變化也會感到吃驚的。Mouse began to mean a small,hand-held device which can be us

24、ed to give instructions to a computer to which it is connected by a short cable(電纜).Mouse一詞開始表示一種小型的手動裝置,這種裝置通過一根短短的導線連到計算機上,可以向計算機發(fā)指令。To describe a person as green is a way of saying that he is naive(缺少經(jīng)驗的) or inexperienced.Green可以用來描述一個人缺少經(jīng)驗。Now the word indicates a whole philosophy of life or a

25、political opinion,目前這個詞表示一整套生活哲學和政治觀點。and we have greenism (綠色主義)which is supported by greenists.我們現(xiàn)在有綠色主義這種提法,綠色主義者支持這種提法。In their shopping they will look for products which carry green-labeling(綠色標志)which indicates that they have been made in a way which is not harmful to the environment . 購物時,他們

26、尋找?guī)в芯G色標志的產(chǎn)品。綠色標志代表該產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)過程對環(huán)境是無害的。Such products are eco-friendly(有利于生態(tài)環(huán)境的)and they are preferred by those who are eco- conscious.這種商品是無害于生態(tài)環(huán)境的,有生態(tài)意識的人偏愛這種產(chǎn)品。 Text B Learning a Language 學 語 言 Most students would like to know how to learn a 1anguage more easily. 大部分學生都想知道如何能夠輕松地學好一門語言,Most ling

27、uists and language teachers would also like to know this.大部分語言學家和語言教師也想弄清楚這個問題。Linguists are working on this problem in two ways.語言學家從兩個方面研究這個問題。First,they are trying to understand how children learn to speak and understand their native language. 一方面,他們致力于弄清楚兒童是如何學會母語、理解母語的。They are also trying to l

28、earn how people learn a second language.另一方面致力于研究人是如何學習第二語言的。 Linguists are not sure how children learn to speak.語言學家并不確定兒童是如何學說話的。Some linguists think that children are born with an ability to learn and use a 1anguage.一些語言學家認為兒童生來就有學習和使用語言的能力。 This does not mean that they come into the world knowi

29、ng their native language. 這并不是指一個人的母語是與生俱來的;It means that,along with many other things,they are born with the ability to learn their native language.而是指一個人生來具有學習其母語的能力,這種能力與人在其他方面表現(xiàn)出來的能力是相同的。With just a little exposure to the language,孩子只要與要學習的語言有一定接觸,and a little help from their parents,they are ab

30、le to learn to speak.在父母的些許幫助下就能夠?qū)W會說話。Another group of linguists does not think this is correct.另外一派語言學家則對此持有異議。 This second group of linguists thinks that children learn to use a 1anguage from their parents.持反對意見的語言學家認為兒童是跟著父母學會使用語言的。They believe that parents teach their children to produce sounds

31、 and words in their language.他們認為父母首先教孩子發(fā)聲、吐字。When children know some words,their parents will begin to teach them to say sentences.當孩子掌握一定詞匯以后,父母就開始教他們?nèi)绾谓M織句子。These linguists do not think that parents teach their children in the same way that adults are taught a second language.但是他們認為,父母教孩子的方式不同于教成年

32、人學習第二語言的方法。Instead,相反,parents probably teach their children by talking to them and correcting their use of 1anguage. 父母是通過與孩子交談并糾正他們的語言錯誤來教孩子說話的。These linguists feel that children learn their language mainly from the environment . 這一派語言學家認為,兒童主要通過語言環(huán)境學會使用語言的。 In this case,這種情況下,the environment is th

33、eir family and their home. 語言環(huán)境是家庭和生活環(huán)境。As you see,可以看出,the first group of linguists disagrees.第一派語言學家對此并不贊同。 There are some other theories about how children learn a language.關于兒童如何學習語言還有一些其他理論。 Many people are studying the process of language learning by children.This work is being done in man

34、y countries.許多國家中有很多人正著手研究兒童學習語言的過程。Linguists are not the only people who are interested in this process.Many psychologists,doctors, and parents are also interested.People who teach foreign languages are interested, too.不僅語言學家,許多心理學家、醫(yī)生和父母都對兒童的語言學習過程感興趣。外語教師也對這一過程很感興趣。 Foreign language teachers are

35、 interested in how children learn to speak their native language for a very important reason.外語教師對兒童如何學說母語感興趣,有其很重要的原因。If they knew how children learn their native language,他們?nèi)绻纼和绾螌W習母語,perhaps they would have an easy way to teach adults,as well as children, a second language.就可能找到一種簡便的方法教兒童和成年人學習

36、第二語言。This is a very interesting idea.這是一種非常有意思的想法。Some foreign language teachers believe that adults learn a second language the same way children learn their native language . 有些外語教師認為成年人學習第二語言的過程和兒童學習母語的過程是相同的。These teachers try to make their students learning similar to that of children.這部分外語教師模仿

37、兒童學習語言的過程組織教學:These teachers speak only the foreign language in the classroom.課堂上只講外語,They will not talk to students in the native language.不與學生講母語。They try to expose them to as much of the spoken foreign language as possible.They do not teach them any rules for using the language.他們使學生盡可能多地接觸所學外語的

38、口語形式,不教學生語言使用的規(guī)則。Most parents dont teach their children rules for language usage,either. They simply tell them how to say something correctly.Foreign language teachers using this spoken language method do the same thing. 外語教師采用這種口語教法是因為大多數(shù)父母在教孩子說話的時候也不教孩子語言使用規(guī)則,而只是告訴孩子怎樣講話是正確的。For some students,對一些學

39、生來說,this method is successful.這種方法是成功的,They learn to speak quickly and easily.他們能夠輕而易舉地、很快地學會所學的語言。They seem to enjoy using the language,他們似乎很喜歡去用所學的語言,and they do not pay much attention to whether they use exactly the right rules for what they say.并不很在意是否使用了正確的語言規(guī)則。Some students, however,cannot lea

40、rn a language this way.Linguists are trying to find another way to teach them a language.另外一些學生則不適合這種方法,語言學家著手尋找一種適合他們的教學方法。 A second method,the rule-learning method,sometimes works better with these students.另外一種方法--語言規(guī)則學習法--更適合這部分學生。Some linguists believe that learning a foreign language is diffe

41、rent from learning to speak ones native language.一些語言學家認為學習外語不同于學習母語。They feel that students must learn the rules for using the language by memorizing them and must practice saying things in the language and using the rules correctly.學生必須通過記憶來學習語言使用規(guī)則,必須練習使用這種語言,練習正確地使用這些規(guī)則。These linguists try to

42、teach students the rules of the language they want to learn.語言教師首先教學生要學的語法規(guī)則,Then they give them many sentences in the language to say over and over again.再給學生一些例句讓他們反復練習,The students are encouraged to make up new sentences,using the rules that they have learned and the words that they know.同時鼓勵學生使用

43、所學過的語法規(guī)則和他們所掌握的詞造句。 Some students are very successful with this second, rule-learning method.一些學生使用這種語法規(guī)則學習法效果非常好,They learn the language quite quickly and can use it well.他們學得很快,用得也好。They know the rules for using the language and can speak the language and understand it,too.他們掌握了語言使用規(guī)則,能夠使用所學的語言,也

44、能夠理解別人的話。For many students, this is the best way to learn a foreign language.對一些學生來說,這是學外語最好的方法。For some students, both of these methods may work.對另外一些學生來說,兩種方法都行之有效。Sometimes teachers use a combination of these methods in class,有時候,老師在課堂上將兩種方法結(jié)合起來用,hoping that everyone will be able to learn the lan

45、guage with one method or the other.目的是讓每個學生都能受益。Some people can go to a country and "pick up" the language simply from hearing it and trying to communicate in it.有些人能夠到國外通過傾聽,與人交流等手段自然而然的學會那個國家的語言。 These people are rare.但這畢竟是少數(shù)人。 Most people try to learn a language by taking classes and studying i

46、t in some way.大多數(shù)人還是通過課堂或者其他方式來學語言的。Most teachers will try different ways to help students learn a language quickly and easily.大多數(shù)老師也通過不同的教法來幫助學生輕松快速的學會一門語言。Linguists and psychologists are trying to understand how people learn and use a language.語言學家和心理學家正致力于弄清楚人是如何學會并使用語言的。Perhaps language 1earning

47、 will be easier when they have a clear understanding of how people learn and use a language. 也許在解決了這個問題之后,語言學習會變得容易一些。 Unit 2Text A Caught Between Two Cultures夾在兩種文化之間 I was born and raised in Hong Kong. 我是土生土長的香港人。 For the past six years I’ve been living in the United States.六年來一直生活在美國,I work as

48、 a salesgirl in a large department store. 是一家大百貨商店的女售貨員。Right now I’m going through a difficult period of my life which is hard for me to talk about.目前我正經(jīng)歷人生中一段痛苦,自己也很難講述。 A few months ago 1 went to Hong Kong for a visit.幾個月前,我回香港探親,It was the first time I’d gone back there since coming to the Uni

49、ted States.這也是我到美國后第一次回家探親。I was eager to see my parents,my brothers and sisters,and my friends.我期待著見到我的父母、兄弟姐妹和我的朋友。 I really got a shock when I arrived.到達時,我確實大吃一驚。Hong Kong was not the same city that I left six years ago.香港已經(jīng)不是六年前我離開時的那座城市了。Things had changed so much that I didn’t recognize part

50、s of it.這兒發(fā)生了巨大的變化,一些地方都認不出來了。My elementary school was gone.我讀書的那所小學已經(jīng)不復存在。The houses on the street where I used to live had been torn down and replaced by office buildings.曾經(jīng)住過的那條街上的房子已被拆掉,代之而起的是辦公大樓。 The shock from the physical changes in the city,however,was nothing compared to the confusion and

51、 hurt I soon began to feel in my parents’ home.但是,我到了父母親家里不久,就發(fā)現(xiàn)了一些令我想不通的問題,情感上也受到了挫傷。與之相比,香港外觀上的變化給我的震驚算不得什么。My family greeted me warmly when I arrived.我的家人熱情地迎接我回家。While my mother was busy preparing a special dinner in my honor,我母親忙著備飯為我接風,the rest of the family eagerly asked me questions about my

52、 life in the United States.家里其余的人迫不及待地問我在美國的生活。I felt happy that day and for a couple of days after,那天和之后的幾天我都非常高興。but then I began to feel that something was wrong.但是不久我就開始感覺到事情有些不對勁兒。I noticed that my family,especially my mother, would sometimes glance at me in a strange way when I was speaking.我注

53、意到,在我講話的時候,我的家人,尤其是我母親,會以一種奇怪的目光看我。They gradually became less warm and friendly toward me,漸漸地,大家對我疏遠起來,不像開始時那么熱情、友好了。and I became uncomfortable and confused as to(至于) why they were behaving that way.我感到不舒服,弄不明白他們?yōu)槭裁催@樣對待我。 I decided to talk to my mother.我決定和母親談一談。She asked me,“Have you forgotten you

54、r Chinese way ?” 她問我:“你忘了中國的規(guī)矩了嗎?”I asked her what she meant.我問她指的是什么。She said.“You’ve forgotten the place of women in a Chinese home.她回答說:“你忘了中國家庭里女人的地位了。You talk when you should remain silent.應該保持沉默的時候,你卻在講話。You speak on matters that are of concern only to men.你就那些只與男人有關的事情發(fā)表見解。You speak openly of

55、 your inner feelings and desires.你直言不諱你的內(nèi)心感受和愿望,That’s not the way of a Chinese woman.這不是中國女人的做法。We keep our thoughts and feelings to ourselves.” 我們的想法和感情都不說出來?!? As my mother spoke,聽著母親這樣講,I realized what had happened to me.我意識到了是怎么回事。American including American women,美國人,包括美國女性,are much freer in

56、expressing their thoughts and feelings.都非常自由地表達自己的思想和感情。Also American women feel as free as men to speak or give an opinion about any subject.美國男女一樣,對任何問題都自由地發(fā)表見解。They don’t take a silent back seat during a discussion.在討論中,她們不會做一個沉默的旁觀者。I guessed that through my association with Americans during the

57、 past six years,我想,過去六年和美國人的交往中,I had gradually adopted some of their ways.我漸漸學了他們的一些做法。 During the next few days I tried to be a Chinese woman.接下來的幾天,我盡力作一名中國女性,But it didn’t work.可是沒用。My family remained distant from me.家人和我疏遠。They could no longer accept me fully as on e of them.他們無法完全把我當作自己人。I b

58、ecame more uncomfortable and hurt as things were said and done that made me feel that I was an outsider,a stranger in my own country.身在家鄉(xiāng)卻被視為外人,這使我更加不自在,感覺受到了深深的傷害。 I cut my visit short by three weeks and came back to the United States.我提前三周結(jié)束了這次探親,回到美國。But coming back here didn’t lessen the confus

59、ion and pain.但是回來之后并沒有減輕我的困惑和苦惱。In fact,事實上,I feel more confused than before.我比以前更加困惑,I now feel homeless.感到無家可歸。I don’t feel like an American.我感覺自己不是美國人,Americans haven’t accepted me.美國人也不接受我。The women I work with at the store are polite enough,商店里一起工作的女同事們都對我非常禮貌,but they don’t try to get close to

60、 me or let me get close to them.但是她們不接近我,我也無法接近她們。During the morning coffee break they make plans to have lunch together and go shopping.上午工作休息喝咖啡時她們計劃一起吃午飯,一起購物;On Fridays they talk about the disco place they’re going to that night.星期五她們談論晚上要去哪家迪廳,They never include me in their plans 。但是從未將我列入她們的計

61、劃。My accent,我的口音、my name,and my oriental features mark me as a foreigner.名字和東方人的長相顯示我是個外國人。I’ve felt for a long time that I wasn’t being accepted by Americans,but I’d felt that I was Chinese and that my home was Hong Kong.長期以來,我感到自己是中國人,我的故鄉(xiāng)是香港,自己不被美國人接受。Now I no longer consider Hong Kong my home.現(xiàn)在

62、我不再將香港視為我的故鄉(xiāng),And so I feel homeless.因此感到無家可歸。I’m caught between the old world where I no 1onger belong and the new world which has not yet accepted me.我被夾在兩個世界當中——不再屬于原來的世界,還未被新世界接納。 Ⅳ. “Culture shock”occurs as a result of total immersion in a new culture.“文化沖擊”是完全浸人一種新文化所產(chǎn)生的結(jié)果。It happens to “peop

63、le who have been suddenly moved abroad”. 這一現(xiàn)象經(jīng)常發(fā)生在“突然移居國外的人”身上。Newcomers may be anxious because they do not speak the language,know the customs,or understand people’s behavior in daily [deili] ad. 每日地,日常地a. 每日的,日常的life.初來乍到者與當?shù)厝酥v不同的語言,不了解當?shù)氐牧曀?,也無法理解人們?nèi)粘I钪械男袨?。他們會因此而感到焦慮不安。The visitor finds that “

64、yes”may not always mean“yes",旅游者發(fā)現(xiàn)“是”并非總代表“贊同”,that friendliness does not necessarily mean friendship,友好不一定代表友誼,or that statements that appear to be serious are really intended as jokes.聽起來嚴肅的話語也許只是玩笑。The foreigner may be unsure as to (至于)when to shake hands or hug,外國人無法確定什么情況下該握手,什么情況下該擁抱,when t

65、o start conversations,什么時候開始說話,or how to approach a stranger.如何結(jié)識陌生人。The notion(概念) of “culture shock” helps explain feelings of bewilderment (n.困惑 ).“文化沖擊”可以幫助我們解釋這種困惑感。Language problems do not account for all the frustrations (n.挫折)that people feel.語言并非造成人們這種挫折感的全部原因。When one is deprived ( vt.奪去

66、)of everything that was once(adv.一次) familiar [????????] a.熟悉的;冒昧的 ,such as understanding a transportation system,knowing how to register for university classes,or knowing how to make friends.difficulties in dealing with the new society may arise .像交通系統(tǒng),注冊大學課程,交友等這些一個人曾經(jīng)熟悉的一切全部消失,他在新社會中肯定會碰到一些困難。 Text B Culture Shock — The Initial Stresses文化沖擊—最初的壓力 My friend Dr.Dong had a wonderful chance to go to Seattle to present a paper at a professional meeting.我的朋友董醫(yī)生有幸獲得了一次去西雅圖在一個專業(yè)會議上做學

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