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1、China's mold industry and its development trend 由于歷史原因形成的封閉式、“ 大 而全” 的 企業(yè)特征,我國大部分企業(yè)均設有模具車間,處于本廠的配套地位,自 70 年代末才有了模具工業(yè)化和生產專業(yè)化這個概念。 Due to historical reasons for the formation of closed, "big and complete" enterprise features, most enterprises in China are equipped with mold workshop, i

2、n factory matching status since the late 70s have a mold the concept of industrialization and specialization of production. 生產效率不高,經濟效益較差。 Production efficiency is not high, poor economic returns. 模具行業(yè)的生產小而散亂,跨行業(yè)、投資密集,專業(yè)化、商品化和技術管理水平都比較低。 Mold production industry is small and scattered, cross-industr

3、y, capital-intensive, professional, commercial and technical management level are relatively low. 據不完全統(tǒng)計,全國現(xiàn)有模具專業(yè)生產廠、產品廠配套的模具車間(分廠)近17000家,約60萬從業(yè)人員,年模具總產值達200億元人民幣。 According to incomplete statistics, there are now specialized in manufacturing mold, the product supporting mold factory workshop (fa

4、ctory) near 17 000, about 600 000 employees, annual output value reached 20 billion yuan mold. 但是,我國模具工業(yè)現(xiàn)有能力只能滿足需求量的60%左右,還不能適應國民經濟發(fā)展的需要。 However, the existing capacity of the mold and die industry can only meet the demand of 60%, still can not meet the needs of national economic development. 目前,國內需

5、要的大型、精密、復雜和長壽命的模具還主要依靠進口。 At present, the domestic needs of large, sophisticated, complex and long life of the mold also rely mainly on imports. 據海關統(tǒng)計,1997年進口模具價值6.3億美元,這還不包括隨設備一起進口的模具;1997年出口模具僅為7800萬美元。 According to customs statistics, in 1997 630 million U.S. dollars worth of imports mold, not in

6、cluding the import of mold together with the equipment; in 1997 only 78 million U.S. dollars export mold. 目前我國模具工業(yè)的技術水平和制造能力,是我國國民經濟建設中的薄弱環(huán)節(jié)和制約經濟持續(xù)發(fā)展的瓶頸。 At present the technological level of China Die & Mould Industry and manufacturing capacity, China's national economy in the weak links an

7、d bottlenecks constraining sustainable economic development. Technical level of China's mold industry currently uneven, with wide disparities. 從總體上來講,與發(fā)達工業(yè)國家及港臺地區(qū)先進水平相比,還有較大的差距。 Generally speaking, with the developed industrial countries, Hong Kong and Taiwan advanced level, there is a l

8、arge gap. 在采用CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP等技術設計與制造模具方面,無論是應用的廣泛性,還是技術水平上都存在很大的差距。 The use of CAD / CAM / CAE / CAPP and other technical design and manufacture molds, both wide application, or technical level, there is a big gap between both. 在應用CAD技術設計模具方面,僅有約10%的模具在設計中采用了CAD,距拋開繪圖板還有漫長的一段路要走;在應用CAE進行模具方案設計和分

9、析計算方面,也才剛剛起步,大多還處于試用和動畫游戲階段;在應用CAM技術制造模具方面,一是缺乏先進適用的制造裝備,二是現(xiàn)有的工藝設備(包括近10多年來引進的先進設備)或因計算機制式(IBM微機及其兼容機、HP工作站等)不同,或因字節(jié)差異、運算速度差異、抗電磁干擾能力差異等,聯(lián)網率較低,只有5%左右的模具制造設備近年來才開展這項工作;在應用CAPP技術進行工藝規(guī)劃方面,基本上處于空白狀態(tài),需要進行大量的標準化基礎工作;在模具共性工藝技術,如模具快速成型技術、拋光技術、電鑄成型技術、表面處理技術等方面的CAD/CAM技術應用在我國才剛起步。 In the application of CAD te

10、chnology design molds, only about 10% of the mold used in the design of CAD, aside from drawing board still has a long way to go; in the application of CAE design and analysis of mold calculation, it was just started, most of the game is still in trial stages and animation; in the application of CAM

11、 technology manufacturing molds, first, the lack of advanced manufacturing equipment, and second, the existing process equipment (including the last 10 years the introduction of advanced equipment) or computer standard (IBM PC and compatibles, HP workstations, etc.) different, or because of differen

12、ces in bytes, processing speed differences, differences in resistance to electromagnetic interference, networking is low, only about 5% of the mold manufacturing equipment of recent work in this task; in the application process planning CAPP technology, basically a blank state, based on the need for

13、 a lot of standardization work; in the mold common technology, such as mold rapid prototyping technology, polishing, electroforming technologies, surface treatment technology aspects of CAD / CAM technology in China has just started. 計算機輔助技術的軟件開發(fā),尚處于較低水平,需要知識和經驗的積累。 Computer-aided technology, softwa

14、re development, is still at low level, the accumulation of knowledge and experience required. 我國大部分模具廠、車間的模具加工設備陳舊,在役期長、精度差、效率低,至今仍在使用普通的鍛、車、銑、刨、鉆、磨設備加工模具,熱處理加工仍在使用鹽浴、箱式爐,操作憑工人的經驗,設備簡陋,能耗高。 Most of our mold factory, mold processing equipment shop old, long in the length of civilian service, accuracy

15、, low efficiency, still use the ordinary forging, turning, milling, planing, drilling, grinding and processing equipment, mold, heat treatment is still in use salt bath, box-type furnace, operating with the experience of workers, poorly equipped, high energy consumption. 設備更新速度緩慢,技術改造,技術進步力度不大。 Rene

16、wal of equipment is slow, technological innovation, technological progress is not much intensity. 雖然近年來也引進了不少先進的模具加工設備,但過于分散,或不配套,利用率一般僅有25%左右,設備的一些先進功能也未能得到充分發(fā)揮。 Although in recent years introduced many advanced mold processing equipment, but are too scattered, or not complete, only about 25% utili

17、zation, equipment, some of the advanced functions are not given full play. 缺乏技術素質較高的模具設計、制造工藝技術人員和技術工人,尤其缺乏知識面寬、知識結構層次高的復合型人才。 Lack of technology of high-quality mold design, manufacturing technology and skilled workers, especially the lack of knowledge and breadth, knowledge structure, high level

18、s of compound talents. 中國模具行業(yè)中的技術人員,只占從業(yè)人員的8%~12%左右,且技術人員和技術工人的總體技術水平也較低。 China's mold industry and technical personnel, only 8% of employees 12%, and the technical personnel and skilled workers and lower the overall skill level. 1980年以前從業(yè)的技術人員和技術工人知識老化,知識結構不能適應現(xiàn)在的需要;而80年代以后從業(yè)的人員,專業(yè)知識、經驗匱乏,動手能力差

19、,不安心,不愿學技術。 Before 1980, practitioners of technical personnel and skilled workers, the aging of knowledge, knowledge structure can not meet the current needs; and staff employed after 80 years, expertise, experience lack of hands-on ability, not ease, do not want to learn technology. 近年來人才外流不僅造成人才數(shù)量

20、與素質水平下降,而且人才結構也出現(xiàn)了新的斷層,青黃不接,使得模具設計、制造的技術水平難以提高。 In recent years, the brain drain caused by personnel not only decrease the quantity and quality levels, and personnel structure of the emergence of new faults, lean, make mold design, manufacturing difficult to raise the technical level. 我國模具工業(yè)現(xiàn)狀及發(fā)展

21、趨勢 由于歷史原因形成的封閉式、“大而全”的企業(yè)特征,我國大部分企業(yè)均設有模具車間,處于本廠的配套地位,自70年代末才有了模具工業(yè)化和生產專業(yè)化這個概念。生產效率不高,經濟效益較差。模具行業(yè)的生產小而散亂,跨行業(yè)、投資密集,專業(yè)化、商品化和技術管理水平都比較低。 據不完全統(tǒng)計,全國現(xiàn)有模具專業(yè)生產廠、產品廠配套的模具車間(分廠)近17000家,約60萬從業(yè)人員,年模具總產值達200億元人民幣。但是,我國模具工業(yè)現(xiàn)有能力只能滿足需求量的60%左右,還不能適應國民經濟發(fā)展的需要。目前,國內需要的大型、精密、復雜和長壽命的模具還主要依靠進口。據海關統(tǒng)計,1997年進口模具價值6.3億美元,這還不

22、包括隨設備一起進口的模具;1997年出口模具僅為7800萬美元。目前我國模具工業(yè)的技術水平和制造能力,是我國國民經濟建設中的薄弱環(huán)節(jié)和制約經濟持續(xù)發(fā)展的瓶頸。 我國模具工業(yè)目前技術水平參差不齊,懸殊較大。從總體上來講,與發(fā)達工業(yè)國家及港臺地區(qū)先進水平相比,還有較大的差距。 在采用CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP等技術設計與制造模具方面,無論是應用的廣泛性,還是技術水平上都存在很大的差距。在應用CAD技術設計模具方面,僅有約10%的模具在設計中采用了CAD,距拋開繪圖板還有漫長的一段路要走;在應用CAE進行模具方案設計和分析計算方面,也才剛剛起步,大多還處于試用和動畫游戲階段;在應用CAM技


24、低,至今仍在使用普通的鍛、車、銑、刨、鉆、磨設備加工模具,熱處理加工仍在使用鹽浴、箱式爐,操作憑工人的經驗,設備簡陋,能耗高。設備更新速度緩慢,技術改造,技術進步力度不大。雖然近年來也引進了不少先進的模具加工設備,但過于分散,或不配套,利用率一般僅有25%左右,設備的一些先進功能也未能得到充分發(fā)揮。 缺乏技術素質較高的模具設計、制造工藝技術人員和技術工人,尤其缺乏知識面寬、知識結構層次高的復合型人才。中國模具行業(yè)中的技術人員,只占從業(yè)人員的8%~12%左右,且技術人員和技術工人的總體技術水平也較低。1980年以前從業(yè)的技術人員和技術工人知識老化,知識結構不能適應現(xiàn)在的需要;而80年代以后從業(yè)的人員,專業(yè)知識、經驗匱乏,動手能力差,不安心,不愿學技術。近年來人才外流不僅造成人才數(shù)量與素質水平下降,而且人才結構也出現(xiàn)了新的斷層,青黃不接,使得模具設計、制造的技術水平難以提高。

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