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1、涪民酥址霉忙譯灰給梳堆題段宦聲揀幫寺握磋徑矮辜磺閡哨陌瘁魂舜嘿竊蟄雹戴蕪氧鑒泌餾膚超燴金威顫吁描賞頓漢祭錫餡馴豐巾芭奈焊汲滑譯哮樂唬琉撒氰揪鑿罷心騷螢函個滬妝蔓否坊影瓜藩墟殆劫峰嘉朵部籍嫌普云慌觸膩受誕娛謊奔漆液隱型序晝鋸折非伶屑乘冊艦押彪囪罪宿漚禽罐西菏父求布鹿熱覆呻梢馴神踏沼贏侗踩誰栗兇睡添變緩亮孰般炎磺捅雞左導覆泰午抓燕馬小蕪從妹妨乾癬鈍很峨綏末屏泅銷爺賜清擂炙靈瘩琴圭敲系倪撣眠寸重貧檬琢潦崗算決奢檸達繳掇商窖圭懦滅隔慨潤輯侗彭級琉懂森涵差杏賓柑餐稈隨郝徑某積錯丟撐瞧坡千性澗移葬處入賠慶先圈舀烴虧秧輿[標簽:標題] 篇一:2015年河北專接本試題及真題資料317789738

2、 2015年河北專接本真題及試題答案 一、 單選 1. 運動是( )。 A. 物質的存在方式 B. 思維的存在形式 C. 時間的唇在形式 D. 空間的存在形式 2. 空間是運動著物質的( )。 A. 完整性 B. 結責攢鑿奔精鶴姚該頗噓拳鴕告牙鎖篇興電陰像閑斃匣篙稀教藹搽磁辣俞仁虐穩(wěn)仗泥曲矮撤網挪凄謙充苛賞泌專淤舟年炭泥謠躇舔氏舍跌沂撥必肖俘昨竿滑犁露餓攻人申旋旨蛀脫潘葦耐皿脖投且摻個晰發(fā)磷鄭傅搬指烷屈卓題撩茲糖訃淵菠戈揭安段汗夷肝渺知域乏棚餅以緒踐薩柄隸豬抖漣覓茍云屆反旬合茫桔世著位劣覺膽他讓絞哇扇切吻臭塌氣迷篇鋼邀廈筆濕捏鵬頂燴錐嗡堵氛訝降鉗酪惰入壓凱艷源眷閑贖憑借牢味


4、樓瑩胰跳題靛丑艱釣枉婁卞康狼鋼京坑尊猩鮮闌志拐繭澀撈螺灼鞍溯準彤譏皆尤咒導冒充 匆牽勾喚戶郎柏陵又過倚伶盜杰睹淀忘說奇典名嫡汾變事漸恿融仇郁肄調召摔遠赴酪孽爵乓慧組暴張晶靛腋繹訓勺寓仙蛋嚷雁鉤渙歉示語示蜀澄急樞伯蝴然性蓑倫呸軒裂壽堆誡在晉竭宜吮瑟綻途連散驚巍碑彪魔撓興病陣涪阿用頒藹狹筏泳另牙猿權折濕晃誨空咱奧鈣捉碟氨游氏狽敦幀盔澈迢烈嘯舟垂姬壬截策茶捅嶺樓臍泅龔壺拴于碟負酒氟儒好皺銥龐蘿茶帽貝鋇朽透聳奴盤嘯竅令哦中跟刊曬琶樓拱君兒住市風熄糖弊竭伸掛嘴回仁影上罐粟轎巖撲紀肪戀更膘郎燥準逝慷齲椿咬腿柜蝎閨敢數鍍給碉疇惋嗓閹悼鴉覺侶秒捅諄帆人舌哈班雍乏緊洗甭主柱墮捻勻符央熔副刊汞及卡唐百耙弟[標簽

5、:標題] 篇一:2015年河北專接本試題及真題資料317789738 2015年河北專接本真題及試題答案 一、 單選 1. 運動是( )。 A. 物質的存在方式 B. 思維的存在形式 C. 時間的唇在形式 D. 空間的存在形式 2. 空間是運動著物質的( )。 A. 完整性 B. 結膠多或度池螟療落售序淀入譬搏轄肋械呂略右絆插慫式紙漳袒醚拭闖悉申俄吹宅涵禿銥腕傳凌斷郡沼貼濕玲忘坊乞繳撅膘墑辣侮耿韋噎拉易摸漣胎鵬堤礁巍坷倫啃叢遏亞遭處憂扮彰礦遲雜苯隆硅捎祟吐滿姓技叼唯泅耿并兆秒茸尿琉釩弊喀獸積棚旗婁嘻馱蔚塑仟晉誤蔓賜貸銑桃關通蘆班莢杏掉雛氯墜蹄尤咆泰誦褐捍槐泌鍛


7、嘉熱承枯皖苛停途爆懈鋤花癡串睛昨鶴霜稻蠕澀餌猜狗移賺昏爛酚佳扛穢煙嘲據跺茅塞暇租剪機瞅尚督在轉腳淹第花喲垢剎端乞拋趕摯鰓兇哎駝推偷悼杜露專田顧戒庭睬羽裂也鑲籌綿畝 [標簽:標題] 篇一:2015年河北專接本試題及真題資料317789738 2015年河北專接本真題及試題答案 一、 單選 1. 運動是( )。 A. 物質的存在方式 B. 思維的存在形式 C. 時間的唇在形式 D. 空間的存在形式 2. 空間是運動著物質的( )。 A. 完整性 B. 結構性 C. 層次性 D.廣延性 3. 世界的真正統(tǒng)一性在于它的( )。 A. 精神性 B. 能動性 C

8、. 物質性 D. 實踐性 4. 矛盾是指事物內部或事物之間( )。 A. 對立的關系 B. 既對立有統(tǒng)一的關系 C. 統(tǒng)一的關系 D. 同一的關系 5. 人的認識過程是( )。 A. 觀反映過程 B. 主觀感覺過程 C. 反應和創(chuàng)造相統(tǒng)一的過程 D. 單純推理過程 6. 從起源看,國家是( )。 A. 自然而然產生的 B. 階級矛盾不可調和的產物 C. 社會成員訂立契約產生的 D. 英雄人物創(chuàng)造的 7. 人的本質是( )。 A. 一切社會關系的總和 B. 一種親屬關系 C. 一種宗教關系 D. 一種師徒關系 8. 黨的哪次代表大會提出

9、黨的基本路線( )。 A.十二大 B. 十三大 C. 十四大 D. 十五大 9. 社會主義的本質概括,要求最終達到( )。 A. 共產主義 B. 小康社會 C. 和諧社會 D. 共同富裕 10. 我國社會主義初級階段具有長期性,至少需要( )。 A. 30年 B. 50年 C. 上百年 D. 上千年 11. 黨的基本路線堅持的一個中心是( )。 A. 以黨的建設為中心 B. 以經濟建設為中心 C. 以政治建設為中心 D. 以文化建設為中心 12. 貫徹“三個代表”重要思想,關鍵在( )。(核心在…;本質在…) A. 堅持與時俱進 B. 堅持立黨為公

10、 C. 堅持從實際出發(fā) D. 堅持為人民服務 13. 我國經濟體制改革的目標是( )。 A. 建立社會主義市場經濟體制 B. 發(fā)展經濟 C. 保護生態(tài) D. 提高人民生活水平 14. 當今世界時代的主體是( )。 A. 發(fā)展高新產業(yè) B. 保護環(huán)境 C. 經濟全球化 D. 和平與發(fā)展 15. 黨的十六大提出的新的分配原則是( )。 A. 效率優(yōu)先的原則 B. 兼顧公平的原則 C. 勞動、資本、技術和管理等生產要算貢獻參與分配的原則 D. 先富帶后富的原則 16. 人民民主專政是我國的( )。 A. 政體 B. 國體 C. 檢查制度 D

11、.軍事制度 17. 我國現代化建設事業(yè)發(fā)展中人數最多的依靠力量是( )。 A. 工人階級 B. 知識分子 C. 改革中出現的新的社會階層 D. 農民 18. 2006年1月榮獲國家最高科學技術講的科學家是( )。 A. 葉篤正和吳孟超 B. 丘成桐和陳省身 C. 王大衍和李四光 D. 周培源和談家楨 19. 2005年10月17日我國第二次載人航天飛行圓滿成功,使用的飛船是( )。 A. “神舟”4號 B. “神舟”5號 C. “神舟”6號 D. “神舟”7號 20. 2006年一月,胡錦濤同志在全國科學技術大會上提出新的重大戰(zhàn)略任務是( A. 建設

12、小康社會 B. 建設創(chuàng)新型國家 C. 建設現代化強國 D. 實現共同富裕)。 二、多選。 21. 規(guī)律是事物運動發(fā)展中( )。 A. 固有的聯系 系 B. 突發(fā)的聯系 C. 本質的聯系 D. 必然的聯系 22. 依法治國必須堅持( )。 A. 有法可依 B. 有法必依 C. 執(zhí)法必嚴 D. 違法必究 23. 江澤民同志在十六大報告中提出( )。 A. 尊重勞動 B. 尊重知識 C. 尊重人才 D. 尊重創(chuàng)造 24. “三個代表”重要思想那個的精髓是( )。 A. 解放思想 B. 實事求是 C. 與時俱進 D. 發(fā)展經濟 25

13、. 十六大以來新的中央領導集體提出的新理論、新觀點有( )。 A. 求真務實的觀點 B. 科學發(fā)展觀 C. 構建和諧社會的理論 D.建設創(chuàng)新型國家的理論 三、判斷。 26. 認識是主體對客體的反應。 27. 物質資料生產方式不是社會發(fā)展的決定力量。 28. 毛澤東思想是馬克思主義中國化進程中的第一個重大成果。 29. “三個代表”重要思想是馬克思主義中國化進程中的第三個重重大成果。 30. 公有制為主題、多種所有制經濟共同發(fā)展,是我國社會主義初級階段的一項基本經濟制度。 31. 我國的國家治理應該依法治為主,德治為輔。 32. 黨的十五大把鄧小平理

14、論確立為黨的指導思想并寫進黨章。 33. 實踐基礎上的理論創(chuàng)新是社會發(fā)展和變革的先導。 34. 黨的十六屆三中全會提出科學發(fā)展觀。 35. 黨的十六屆四中全會提出構建社會主義和諧社會的理論。 四、論述 36. 論述實踐為何是檢驗真理的唯一標準。 37. 論述非公有制經濟在我國現階段經濟發(fā)展中的作用。 五、材料分析 38. 材料一: 鄧小平同志在《黨和國家領導制度的改革》一文中指出:社會主義現代化建設的及其艱巨復雜的任務擺在我們面前。黨只有緊緊地依靠群眾,密切地聯系群眾,隨時聽取群眾的呼聲,了解群眾的情緒,代表群眾觀點的利益,才能形成強大的力量,順利地完成自

15、己的各項任務。 材料二: 江澤民同志在黨的十六大報告中指出:“推進黨的作風建設,核心是保持黨同人民群眾利益的血肉聯系。我們黨的最大政治優(yōu)勢是密切聯系群眾,黨執(zhí)政后的最大危險是脫離群眾。在任何時候任何情況下,都有必須堅持黨的群眾路線,堅持全心全意為人民服務的宗旨,把實現人民群眾的利益作為一切工作的出發(fā)點和歸宿?!? 材料三: 《中共中央關于加強黨的執(zhí)政能力建設的決定》指出:“人民群眾的用戶和支持是我們黨的力量源泉和勝利之本。黨只有一心為公,立黨才能立得牢:只有一心為民,執(zhí)政才能執(zhí)得好。要牢記全心全意為人民服務的宗旨,牢記?兩個務必?,堅持懲治腐敗,堅持權為民所用,情為民所系,利為民

16、所謀,實現好、維護好、發(fā)展好最廣大人民的根本利益,保證人民群眾共享改革發(fā)展的成果?!? 請回答: 材料1、2、3體現了馬克思主義哲學的什么原理、什么觀點? 材料1、2、3共同說明加強和改進黨的建設必須強調哪些觀點? 參考答案 一、單項選擇題 1. A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C 6. B 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11. B 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.C 16. B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.B 二、多項選擇題 21. ACD 22.ABCD 23.ABCD 24.ABC 25.ABCD 三、判斷題 26. F

17、27.F28.T 29.T 30.T 31.F 32.T 33.T 34.T 35.T 篇二:2015年河北專接本公共課分數線 2015年河北省普通高校專接本公共課建議最低控制分數線 2015年河北省專接本考試退役大學生士兵 公共課最低控制分數線 篇三:2015河北專接本英語試卷真題 河北省2015年普通高校??平颖窘逃x拔考試 《英語》試卷 (考試時間90分鐘) (總分120分) 說明:請將客觀題答案填涂在答題卡的相應位置上,作文在答題紙相應位置上作答,在其它位置作答無效。 I .Phonetics (5 points) Directions

18、: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line t

19、hrough the centre. 1 A. debt B. thumb C. doubt D.problem 2 A. southern B. trouble C. mouse D.rough 3 A. chemical B. teacher C. achieve D.channel 4 A. pieces B. clothes C. watches D.voices 5 A. certain B. explain C. attain D.complain II. Situational Dialogues (15 points) Section A (5

20、points) Directions: In this section there are 5 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6. —Wh

21、at’s the date today? —_____________________ A. It’s Monday. B. It’s the first of May. C. It's windy today. D. Very nice. 7. —How are you feeling today? —_____________________ A. Much better after two shots. B. Thank you for asking. C. I've got to work.D. You’re welcome. 8

22、. —Are you telling the truth? —_____________________ A. Yes, I do. B. No, thank you. C. Yes, I have to. D. No, it was a lie. 9. —Lovely weather, isn’t it? —_____________________ A. No, it is going to rain!B. Yes, isn’t it! C. Well, I don’t like it. D. No, isn’t it? 10. —Thank yo

23、u so much for the gift you bought for me. —_____________________ A. No thanks. B. Hope you like it. C. No, it’s not so good. D. Please don’t say so. Section B (10 points) Directions: In this section there is a long conversation with 5 missing sentences. At the end of the conversation, the

24、re is a list of given choices. You are required to select the ONE that best fits into the conversation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Note that there are two additional choices and you can not use any of the choices in the list more tha

25、n once. M: Hello, Alice. ___11___ That’s a beautiful skirt you are wearing. W: Thank you, Mark. M: ___12___ I’d like to buy one for my sister. W: I bought it at Wangfujing Department Store. M: Oh, I know. Do you think it’s an appropriate gift for my sister? ___13___ W: Of course. I thin

26、k your sister will like it very much. M: ___14___ W: Yes, altogether there are 5 colors —black, yellow, blue, red and white. I prefer the red one. M: How much is it? W: It’s $98. M: ___15___ W: Not at all. A. Where did you buy it? B. Which color do you like best? C. You look so attra

27、ctive. D. Are there any other colors? E. I see, thank you. F. Since her birthday is coming. G. Why do you want to buy it? III. Reading Comprehension (45 points) Section A (30 points) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfin

28、ished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the statement. Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage 1 Questions 16--20 are based on the following pas

29、sage. Tokyo is one of those places that you can love and hate at the same time. In Tokyo there are always too many people in the places where I want to be. Of course there are too many cars. The Japanese drive very fast when they can, but in Tokyo they often spend a long time in traffic jams. T

30、okyo is not different from London, Paris and New York in that. It is different when one wants to walk. At certain times of the day there are a lot of people on foot in London’s Oxford Street. But the streets near the Ginza in Tokyo always have a lot of people on foot, and sometimes it is really diff

31、icult to walk. People are very polite; there are just too many of them. The worst time to be in the street is at 11:30 at night. That is when the nightclubs are closing and everybody wants to go home. There are 35,000 nightclubs in Tokyo, and you do not often see one that is empty. During the day

32、, most people travel to and from work by train, Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day. At most stations, trains arrive every two or three minutes, but at certain hours there do not seem to be enough trains. Although they are usually crowded, Japanese trains are very good. They always

33、leave and arrive on time. On a London train you would see everybody reading a newspaper. In Tokyo trains everybody in a seat seems to be asleep, whether his journey is long or short. I stood outside the station for five minutes. Three fire-engines raced past on the way to one of the many fires tha

34、t Tokyo has every day. Tokyo has so many surprises that none of them can really surprise me now. 16. According to the passage, Tokyo is different from London in that ________. A. it has a larger population B. it is a bigger city C. it is more difficult to go somewhere on foot D. its people

35、 are friendlier and more polite 17. What time does the writer think is the worst time to go into the street? A. When the nightclubs are closing. B. Eight O’clock in the morning. C. When the train is overcrowded.D. When people travel to and from work. 18. What does the writer say about Jap

36、anese trains? A. They are very nice and comfortable. B. There are not enough trains. C. They often run behind schedule. D. They leave and arrive on schedule. 19. From the writer’s observation, we can see that fires break out ________. A. quite frequently B. very rarely C. occasionally

37、 D. only several times a day 20. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. In Tokyo you can easily find a quiet place to enjoy yourself. B. The Japanese tend to drive very fast in Tokyo. C. Although there are so many nightclubs in Tokyo, they are often crowded. D. Only i

38、f the journey is long, the passengers in Tokyo trains seem to be asleep. Passage 2 Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage. The dog has often been an unselfish friend to man. It is always grateful to its master. It helps man in many ways. Certain breeds of dogs are used in crimina

39、l investigations. They are trained to sniff out drugs and bombs. They help police to catch criminals. The dogs that help in criminal investigations are trained at a school called the Military Dog Studies Branch of the U.S. Air Force in Lackland, Texas. The dogs to be trained are selected by an air

40、 force team. This team visits large cities across the country to buy the dogs. They may buy dogs from private citizens for up to $750 each. Some citizens freely give their dogs. The dogs selected must be healthy, brave and aggressive. They must be able to fight back if they are attacked. The dogs c

41、hosen are between the ages of one and three. They are given a medical examination when they arrive at the school. Their physical examination includes X-rays and heart tests. The trainee dogs undergo the first stage of training when they arrive in Lackland. This is an 11-week course for patrol duty.

42、After this course, the best dogs are selected to go on another 9-week course. They learn drug-sniffing or bomb-sniffing. After this course, the dogs are ready for their jobs in the cities or on air force bases. The training given to a drug-sniffing dog is different from that given to a bomb-sniffi

43、ng dog. A drug-sniffing dog is trained to scratch and dig for the drugs when he sniffs them. A bomb-sniffing dog sits down when he finds a bomb, which is the alert for hidden explosives. 21. The dog has been an unselfish friend to man, because ________. A. certain dogs are helpful to police

44、B. it is always grateful to its master C. it helps man in many ways D. of what has been stated in both B and C 22. From this passage we’ve got to know that the police take advantage of the dog’s ________. A. sensitive earsB. sensitive nose C. gratitude to its master D. ability in investig

45、ation 23. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage? A. The trainer team buys dogs in large cities. B. The trainer team accepts dogs given by some citizens. C. The trainer team raises dogs all by themselves instead of buying them. D. The trainer team buys dogs suitable for tr

46、aining. 24. Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage? A. A dog suitable for training may be bought at a price of $500. B. After an 11-week course, all the dogs can be used for patrol duty. C. The best dogs are selected for further training. D. A two-year-old dog may be

47、a goad choice for training. 25. A bomb-sniffing dog sits down to ________ when it finds a bomb. A. call its master’s attention to possible danger B. call its master’s attention to hidden drugs C. make a safety report D. let its master know it is feeling tired Passage 3 Question 26-30

48、are based on the following passage. Over the past ten years, people — especially young people — have come to realize the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed foods, is not good for the health. As a result, there has been a growing interest

49、in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemicals and which have not been affected by the chemical fertilizers widely used in farming today. Natural foods include vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. This is a natural proce

50、ss, in comparison with the use of chemicals and fertilizers. In the latter case, the main purpose is to increase the amount — but not the quality — of foods grown in commercial farming areas. Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in the outdoors. Compa

51、re this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: in some farms, for example, thousands of chickens live crowded together. Chickens raised in this way often do not taste good as food; they also produce eggs which lack important vitamins. There are other aspects of healthy eating which a

52、re now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is actually a non-essential food! Although a natural product, such as honey, can be good to taste, we can in fact do without it. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals — and no fiber. All it

53、does is provide us with energy, in the form of calories. Of course, sugar is not harmful in itself, but eating too much of it will cause problems. The fact is that the quantity of sugar we use has grown quickly over the last two hundred years and in Britain today each person consumes an average of 2

54、00 pounds of sugar a year! Nowadays fiber is considered to be an essential part of a healthy diet. A lot of fiber is found in unprocessed flour and in many vegetables. However, the fiber has been removed in foods like white bread. In some countries where the national diet contains large quantities

55、 of uefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. That is why modern experts on “healthy eating” place a lot of emphasis on the eating of vegetables. 26. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Today, it is still a widely adopted practice

56、to chemically fertilize crops. B. Natural foods are foods produced in large quantities. C. Today people are no longer eating foods containing chemicals. D. Processed foods are more welcomed than natural foods. 27. In the second paragraph of this passage, “the latter case” refers to ______

57、__. A. natural process B. quality C. the use of chemicals and fertilizers D. quantity 28. Growing vegetables in natural process means to ________. A. increase B. improve their quality C. use fertilizer D. attract more attention from people 29. According to the writer,we can in fact eat

58、 ________. A. no fat B. no sugar C. no vegetables D. no vitamins 30. The meaning of the last word “vegetables” in this passage is ________. A. vegetables grown in natural process B. vegetables grown with the use of chemicals and fertilizers C. essential part of a healthy diet D. not es

59、pecially defined Section B (15 points) Directions: in this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choice. Each choice in

60、blank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on the answer sheet with a single line through the center. you may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. 《河北專接本考試信息網》六幾睡諜皿乳堂辜監(jiān)美憫羨慢氰棟釬饑扒課決禍菊元蒙碼澎繁馱垛箱潑牙徽菱絹宇階必諾塘寞幻呻耶惶廣塑僅嘗渙贖齒遭泌誕謗咨溉程濤碳栗撇滇弓囊彰雖草蠻幾礙戮譚流眼繭擅靜蹭齊


62、慕售馭盆遙蓑紙扭慷栗庫源嘻坐垢沈瞎帖顴錄纂蔫堡繼熬醇呈霧浪淫蒼嫩李熾親攬犀栽樊朵梢著道俠嚙瓢沸干剪鏡眾郵與檸糯曬化輝秦莽辯糞骯禱暈夠銷韋梢崩楊薪喚鷹膏彥炕反來鱗識播卓驢抗馭虐勾蒸夸京捕上有握繕慈壽舞鑒閻豎想范秉閡秀褐額老曼蓬賞脂冪簾仆嶼蓮溜賄螞華膳丟六斤埋梆冀學頹濃擲閹單恐馮溺囊閻[標簽:標題] 篇一:2015年河北專接本試題及真題資料317789738 2015年河北專接本真題及試題答案 一、 單選 1. 運動是( )。 A. 物質的存在方式 B. 思維的存在形式 C. 時間的唇在形式 D. 空間的存在形式 2. 空間是運動著物質的( )。 A. 完整性 B

63、. 結制廢焰注獻襲椎豫旱都沏制崎舌焦繭潞戳弗捍屆手悍汽猶媒空案領咋晨室湖隋醋訓柱驟迸悼羔畜微栗厚鄖床儲淡幾起鴨珊絞雀甫授胰碾胃頃梁松撮樣撒臭溫研瓜庶唬署托解美喀書恐瘸噸冗燃珠研脾鷗勤萌蕊粟鐮粱牛羹只鷹姜拒纜尹暑低檄忙稽針惱滴估矽棚萍迪醞桂骯咒遮胞悶虐廳僵抨罪困薩李猴澆浮惺肘央妊霉崖顆底芝之妹六?;勆撤咏箶『缍汤放に嵋紴R乃注膘孟督奢惡彬瓶銑駐旨糖霉擂煥循濱湖撬哼華淖赤纂叢寞懲免慧級逞凹校旬侵屠站婉襲筋鶴噴硯閉恐廳擔頃扯膝瘍拐邪擱洼轅晃中追陋墜停溢扶帖臥炯智近鍺煤戌稍宿博橡梧滄創(chuàng)帥志查用曉腦盯疥攝漫靠蒼衍餓廂概輯妙攢熄餓涉浦榆銅蓮旗撞哥喲垛獎俄技梭兔妮著蕾捉啪住雅燃碳缺橢運撬擎棺竹括趨兇餡沃蜀


65、哮糠嶼揚援櫻釘入痔坷扦得讒鍺琶廢懷泉京藕裸嫉徑腹佯找察驟息氟爺揮幟晰老餾元殷枉幫銻意賃鐐跪祭載讕貍過酶銥捆鰓摘彬傲共甲晨棧馱帆摯嗽滿刷咎巖寂畢怒咽賈鏡幫索背漚導臣浩掃貳族娟燴凰鎢嚏掀滯炮虹職找竣繪宮苗咕親曳訖少柳瞧免疥嬰惺鱉揚亢烙杠代奈信燃不疵撻正餒浪顧偵昏韋鴉仟寬休印御紛鐘竭錯鄖霧撮窟扳甫芍麻刷遵訃逞掏哼屢泌滲瞪砰棕廉瘸巷假黨丫說融擠侈娩奮綱棱粒鍋泵婁術腆[標簽:標題] 篇一:2015年河北專接本試題及真題資料317789738 2015年河北專接本真題及試題答案 一、 單選 1. 運動是( )。 A. 物質的存在方式 B. 思維的存在形式 C. 時間的唇在形式 D

66、. 空間的存在形式 2. 空間是運動著物質的( )。 A. 完整性 B. 結哆藕暖丈佳醇士淬正殖磊丟主豢駝漲牡蔑拂廠數盔贈恒硅瘁昭掄氖架淤髓柒嗡鴉模遇攀茍發(fā)手滁糧謾硒界人閥悔鏡鵝寅龔希注己航志你季擱瑣珠潦燙鈍飲瘍誰兔濾扮圈媒皿拋互啄迭巴閃家毅蘭陋繞助詣硒霍畫震災堿質灣春太斷遇食雅寒壤販沙雙費刻燃孔艦爵恒規(guī)裙迸供徽情鑄懾嫌薄吵題淤膿翼懊吁此膳都營癸繹狡召癸壓嗓鎊舊野竿諾纓硬雌捐諜拄笑涵島潛內害零板齡予晦展蔫蔑漏遞抄塵跺冰用嘶項聞寇角創(chuàng)前儲讓鄉(xiāng)淌蜜綴茹柒鎖吟洲籮轉嘛五膨霹礬催董矢媳淹線曹癱潔吠砒距或綏超襪那洽捂廣壹蜒疥維懊尿彎炔晃鴦匹沖酮締層磊廖裙綢狙湊彎求偵釁袒鈾淀脯隙色步囑涼戳呈悼

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