摘 要
With the improvement and development of social productive forces, the stamping of Mold Manufacturing now is already a very advanced metal processing methods. It has the feature of simple operation, high accuracy, product consistency, high production efficiency, high utilization of materials and for mass production and so on. The graduation project bases on the pieces(binaural washer)of punch set that have been identified in binaural washer dimensions for analysis and design of the craft of punch set resulting in getting the craft of punch. I will do the job of calculation and design of structural parameters punch basing on the craft of punch set that has been determined,and ultimately determine the progressive of punch structure of Progressive Die according to the literature. I select the standard parts and the mold according to the designed structure of punch structure .Thus completing the mold design. After the completion of mold design, I use UG software to complete three-dimensional model and use AutoCAD software to complete the graphics of mold assembly drawing. The graduation project is independently complete not less than40,000 characters of the specified English translation associated with professional. Through this graduation design, I learn systematically and mastered the preparation of technical of manufacturing process and knowledge of mold design. I used the advanced design concepts and design methods, and I successfully complete the graduate design of Binaural Washer Punching and Blanking Progressive Die Design.
Key words : design; process analysis; stamping die; progressive die; structural calculations.
目 錄
引言 1
1 沖載件的工藝性分析 2
1.1 沖載件 2
1.1.1沖載件材料的選擇 2
1.1.2沖載件結構分析 2
1.1.3沖載件尺寸精度 2
1.2 沖載模的選擇 3
1.2.1方案一 — 單工序模生產 3
1.2.3方案二 — 復合模生產 3
1.2.3方案三 — 級進模生產 3
2 沖載工藝設計 4
2.1 排樣方式的確定及計算 4
2.1.1搭邊值的確定 4
2.1.2確定排料方向 4
2.1.3計算送料步距A 5
2.1.4計算料條寬度B 5
2.1.5排樣圖 5
2.1.6計算材料的利用率 6
2.2 級進模壓力中心的建立 7
2.3 沖載力的計算 9
2.3.1 沖孔力 10
2.3.2 落料力 10
2.3.3 沖載力 10
2.3.4 卸料力、推件力和頂件力 10
2.3.5 壓力機的選擇 11
3級進模設計 12
3.1 凸、凹刃口尺寸計算 12
3.1.1 沖孔時凸、凹模刃口尺寸的計算 12
3.1.2對于落料時凸、凹模刃口尺寸的計算 12
3.2 凸、凹模外形尺寸計算及確定 14
3.2.1沖孔及落料凸模外形尺寸計算及確定 14
3.2.1沖孔及落料凸模外形尺寸計算及確定 16
4 級進模主要零件設計 17
4.1 級進模模架的設計 17
4.2級進模模柄的設計 18
4.3 級進模墊板的設計 19
4.4 凸模固定板的設計 20
4.5 彈性卸料板設計 21
4.6 導料板的設計 23
4.7 標準圓柱銷和內六角圓柱螺釘?shù)倪x擇 23
4.8 級進模導柱和導套的選擇 25
4.9 級進模校核 26
5 級進模零件材料的選擇 27
5.1 級進模凸模選材 27
5.2 級進模凹模選材 28
5.3 級進模上、下模座選材 28
5.4 級進模導柱和導套選材 28
5.5 級進模其他零件的選材 29
5.5.1級進模墊板、導料板和卸料板選材 29
5.5.2 級進模凸模固定板選材 29
6 級進模主要零部件的加工工藝 30
6.1 凸模加工工藝 30
6.1.1圓形凸模加工工藝 30
6.1.2非圓形凸模加工工藝 30
7 級進模的UG建模和autoCAD制圖 31
總結 33
謝 辭 34
參考文獻 35
附 表 36
A novel method for improving the surface quality of microcellular injection molded parts 11頁.docx
Optimisation of Micro Injection Moulding Process through Design of Experiments 6頁.docx
zhuang pei.stp

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