Radio Receiver
A block diagram for a modern radio receiver is shown in Fig..2-4.The input signals to this radio are amplitude-modulated radio waves. The basic electronic circuits include: antenna ,tuner, mixer, local oscillator ,IF amplifier, audio detector, AF amplifier, loudspeaker, and power supply.
Fig.1 A Block Diagram For Modern Radio Receiver
Any antenna system capable of radiating electrical energy is also able to abstract energy from a passing radio wave. Since every wave passing the receiving antenna. Induces its own voltage in the antenna conductor, it is necessary that the receiving equipment be capable of separating the desired signal from the unwanted signals that are also inducing voltages in the antenna. This separation is made on the basis of the difference in frequency between transmitting stations and is carried out by the use of resonant circuits, which can be made to discriminate very strongly in favor of a particular frequency. It has already been pointed that, by making antenna circuit resonant to a particular frequency, the energy abstracted from radio waves of that frequency will be much greater than the energy from waves of other frequencies; this alone gives a certain amount of separation between signals. Still greater selective action can be obtained by the use of additional suitably adjusted resonant circuits located somewhere in the receiver in such a way as to reject all but the desired signal. The ability to discriminate between radio waves of different frequencies is called selectivity and the process of adjusting circuits to resonance with the frequency of a desired signal is spoken of as tuning.
Although intelligible radio signals have been received from the stations thousands of miles distant, using only the energy abstracted from the radio wave by the receiving antenna much more satisfactory reception can be obtained if the received energy is amplified. This amplification may be applied to the radio-frequency currents before detection, in which case it is called radio-frequency amplification or it may be applied to the rectified currents after detection, in which case it is called audio-frequency amplification. The use of amplification makes possible the satisfactory reception of signals from waves that would otherwise be too weak to give an audible response.
The process by which the signal being transmitted is reproduced from the radio-frequency currents present at the receiver is called detection, or sometimes demodulation. Where the intelligence is transmitted by varying the amplitude of the radiated wave, detection is accomplished by rectifying the radio frequency current. The rectified current thus produced varies in accordance with the signal originally modulated on the wave irradiated at the transmitter and so reproduces the desired signal. Thus, when the modulated wave is rectified, the resulting current is seen to have an average value that varies in accordance with the amplitude of the original signal.
Receiver circuit are made up a of a number of stages. A stage is a single transistor connected to components which provide operating voltages and currents and also signal voltages and currents. Each stage has its input circuit from which the signal comes in and its output circuit from which the signal, usually amplified, goes out. When one stage follows another, the output circuit of the first feeds the signal to the second. And so the signal is amplified, stage by stage, until it strong enough to operate the loudspeaker.
Radio Waves
Radio Waves are a member of the electromagnetic of waves. They are energy-carriers which travel at the speed of light (ν), their frequency(?) and wavelength(λ) being related , as for any wave motion, by the equation
ν=?* λ
where ν=c=3.0*108 m/s in a vacuum (or air). If λ=300m, then ?=ν/λ=3.0*108 /(3.0*10 2)=106Hz=1MHz. The smaller λ is, the larger ?.
Radio Waves can be described either by their frequency or their wavelength. But the former is more fundamental since, unlike λ (and ν ), f does not change when the waves travel form one medium to another.
Radio Waves can travel form a transmitting aerial in one or more of three different ways.
Surface or ground wave.. This travels along a ground, the curvature of the earth’s surface. Its range is limited mainly by the extent to which energy is absorbed form it by the ground. Poor conductors such as sand absorb more strongly that water, and the higher the frequency the greater the absorption. The range may be about 1500km at low frequencies (long wave, but much less for v. h. f.).
Sky wave. This travels skywards and, if it is below a certain critical frequency (typically 30MHz), is returned to earth by the ionosphere. This consists of layers of air molecules (the D,E and F layer), stretching form about 80km above the earth to 50km, which have become positively charged through the removal of electrons by the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. On striking the earth the sky wave bounces back to the ionosphere where it is again gradually refracted and returned earthwards as if by 'reflection '. This continues until it is completely attenuated.
Space wave. For v. h . f., u. h. f. and microwave signals, only the space wave, giving line-of sight transmission, is effective. A range of up to 150km is possible on earth if the transmitting aerial is on high ground and there are no intervening obstacles such as hills, buildings or trees.
Electrical oscillators are widely used in radio and television transmitters and receivers, in signal generators, oscilloscopes and computers, to produce A.C. with waveforms which may be sinusoidal, square, sawtooth etc. and with frequencies from a few hertz up to millions of hertz.
Oscillatory circuit
When a capacitor discharges through an inductor in a circuit of low resistance, an A.C. flows. The circuit is said to oscillate at its natural frequency which, as we will show shortly, equals, i.e. its resonant frequency f0. Electrical resonance thus occurs when the applied frequency equals the natural frequency as it does in a mechanical system..
In Fig,2(a) , a charged capacitor C is shown connected across a coil L.C immediately starts to discharge, current flows and a magnetic field is created which induces an e. m. f. in L. This e. m. f. opposes the current . When C is completely discharged the electrical energy originally stored in the electric field between its plates has been transferred to the magnetic field around L.
Fig.2(b) oscillator Fig.2(a) The LC circuit
By the time the magnetic field has collapsed, the energy is again stored in C. Once more C starts to discharge but current now flows in the opposite direction, creating a magnetic field of opposite polarity. When this field has decayed, C is again charged with its upper plate positive and the same cycle is repeated.
In the absence of resistance in any part of the circuit , an undamped sinusoidal A.C. would be obtained. In practice , energy is gradually dissipated by resistance as heat and a damped oscillation is produced.
As the resistance of an LC circuit increases, the oscillation decay more quickly. To obtain undamped oscillations, energy has to be fed into the LC circuit in phase with its natural oscillations to compensate for the energy dissipated in the resistance of the circuit. This can be done with the help of a transistor in actual oscillators.
A simple tuned oscillator is shown in Fig.2(b). The LC circuit is connected in the collector circuit (as the load) and oscillations start in it when the supply is switched on . The frequency of the oscillations is given by, i.e. then natural frequency of the LC circuit. The transistor merely ensures that energy is fed back at the correct instant from the battery. The current bias for the base of the transistor is obtained through R .
The term amplifier is very generic. In general, the purpose of an amplifier is to take an input signal and make it stronger (or in more technically correct terms, increase its amplitude). Amplifiers find application in all kinds of electronic devices designed to perform any number of functions. There are many different types of amplifiers, each with a specific purpose in mind. For example, a radio transmitter uses an RF Amplifier (RF stands for Radio Frequency); such an amplifier is designed to amplify a signal so that it may drive an antenna. This article will focus on audio power amplifiers. Audio power amplifiers are those amplifiers which are designed to drive loudspeakers. Specifically, this discussion will focus on audio power amplifiers intended for DJ and sound reinforcement use. Much of the material presented also applies to amplifiers intended for home stereo system use.
The purpose of a power amplifier, in very simple terms, is to take a signal from a source device (in a DJ system the signal typically comes from a preamplifier or signal processor) and make it suitable for driving a loudspeaker. Ideally, the ONLY thing different between the input signal and the output signal is the strength of the signal. In mathematical terms, if the input signal is denoted as S, the output of a perfect amplifier is X*S, where X is a constant (a fixed number). The "*" symbol means? Multiplied by".
This being the real world, no amplifier does exactly the ideal, but many do a very good job if they are operated within their advertised power ratings. The output of all amplifiers contain additional signal components that are not present in the input signal; these additional (and unwanted)characteristics may be lumped together and are generally known as distortion. There are many types of distortion; however the two most common types are known as harmonic distortion and inter modulation distortion. In addition to the "garbage" traditionally known as distortion, all amplifiers generate a certain amount of noise (this can be heard as a background "hiss" when no music is playing). More on these later.
All power amplifiers have a power rating, the units of power are called watts. The power rating of an amplifier may be stated for various load impedances; the units for load impedance are ohms. The most common load impedances are 8 ohms, 4 ohms, and 2 ohms (if you have an old vacuum tube amplifier the load impedances are more likely to be32 ohms, 16 ohms, 8 ohms, and maybe 4 ohms). The power output of a modern amplifier is usually higher when lower impedance loads (speakers) are used (but as we shall see later this is not necessarily better).
In the early days, power amplifiers used devices called vacuum tubes (referred to simply as "tubes" from here on). Tubes are seldom used in amplifiers intended for DJ use (however tube amplifiers have a loyal following with musicians and hi-fi enthusiasts). Modern amplifiers almost always use transistors (instead of tubes); in the late 60's and early 70's, the term "solid state" was used (and often engraved on the front panel as a "buzz word"). The signal path in a tube amplifier undergoes similar processing as the signal in a transistor amp, however the devices and voltages are quite different. Tubes are generally "high voltage low current" devices, where transistors are the opposite ("low voltage high current"). Tube amplifiers are generally not very efficient and tend to generate a lot of heat. One of the biggest differences between a tube amplifier and a transistor amplifier is that an audio output transformer is almost always required in a tube amplifier (this is because the output impedance of a tube circuit is far too high to properly interface directly to a loudspeaker). High quality audio output transformers are difficult to design, and tend to be large, heavy, and expensive. Transistor amplifiers have numerous practical advantages as compared with tube amplifiers: they tend to be more efficient, smaller, more rugged (physically), no audio output transformer is required, and transistors do not require periodic replacement (unless you continually abuse them). Contrary to what many people believe, a well designed tube amplifier can have excellent sound (many high end hi-fi enthusiasts swear by them). Some people claim that tube amplifiers have their own particular "sound". This "sound" is a result of the way tubes behave when approaching their output limits (clipping). A few big advantages that tube amplifiers have were necessarily given up when amplifiers went to transistors.
What are Amplifier Classes?
The Class of an amplifier refers to the design of the circuitry within the amp. There are many classes used for audio amps. The following is brief description of some of the more common amplifier classes you may have heard of.
Class A: Class A amplifiers have very low distortion (lowest distortion occurs when the volume is low) however they are very inefficient and are rarely used for high power designs. The distortion is low because the transistors in the amp are biased such that they are half "on" when the amp is idling. As a result, a lot of power is dissipated even when the amp has no music playing! Class A amps are often used for "signal" level circuits (where power is small) because they maintain low distortion. Distortion for class A amps increases as the signal approaches clipping, as the signal is reaching the limits of voltage swing for the circuit. Also, some class A amps have speakers connected via capacitive coupling.
Class B: Class B amplifiers are used in low cost, low quality designs. Class B amplifiers are a lot more efficient than class A amps, however they suffer from bad distortion when the signal level is low (the distortion is called "crossover distortion"). Class B is used most often where economy of design is needed. Before the advent of IC amplifiers, class B amplifiers were common in clock radio circuits, pocket transistor radios, or other applications where quality of sound is not that critical.
Class AB: Class AB is probably the most common amplifier class for home stereo and similar amplifiers. Class AB amps combine the good points of class A and B amps. They have the good efficiency of class B amps and distortion that is a lot closer to a class A amp. With such amplifiers, distortion is worst when the signal is low, and lowest when the signal is just reaching the point of clipping. Class AB amps (like class B) use pairs of transistors, both of them being biased slightly ON so that the crossover distortion (associated with Class B amps) is largely eliminated.
Class C: Class C amps are never used for audio circuits. They are commonly used in RF circuits. Class C amplifiers operate the output transistor in a state that results in tremendous distortion (it would be totally unsuitable for audio reproduction). However, the RF circuits where Class C amps are used employ filtering so that the final signal is completely acceptable. Class C amps are quite efficient.
Class D: The concept of a Class D amp has been around for a long time, however only fairly recently have they become commonly used. Due to improvements in the speed, power capacity and efficiency of modern semiconductor devices, applications using Class D amps have become affordable for the common person. Class D amplifiers use a very high frequency signal to modulate the incoming audio signal. Such amps are commonly used in car audio subwoofer amplifiers. Class D amplifiers have very good efficiency. Due to the high frequencies that are present in the audio signal, Class D amps used for car stereo applications are often limited to subwoofer frequencies, however designs are improving all the time. It will not be too long before a full band class D amp becomes commonplace.
Other classes: There are many other classes of amplifiers, such as G, H, S, etc. Most of these are variations of the class AB design, however they result in higher efficiency for designs that require very high output levels (500W and up for example). At this time I will not go into the details of all of these other classes as I have not studied them all in detail. Suffice to be aware that they exist for now.
圖1 無線電接收機框圖
ν=?* λ
這里,ν=c=3.0*108 m/s(在空氣中),如果λ=300m,則?=ν/λ=3.0*108 /(3.0*10 2)=106Hz.=1MHz。波長λ越小,頻率?越高。
(c) 空間波。甚高頻、超高頻和微波只能以空間波的形式才能有效 傳播,空間波也稱視距傳播。如果天線架設(shè)很高且沒有障礙阻隔,如高山、建筑物、大樹等,空間波的傳播距離可達150千米
在一個低阻的RC 回路中,電容通過電感放電,回路中有交流電流流過,則稱回路發(fā)生了振蕩,其振蕩頻率等于,正好等于它的諧振頻率 f0 。當(dāng)外加信號頻率等于回路的固有振蕩頻率時,回路發(fā)生諧振,這也和機械振動系統(tǒng)相似。
若電路中無電阻,則可獲得無衰減的正弦交流電流。實際上,由于回路損耗電阻的存在,能量會逐漸以熱能的形式消耗掉,產(chǎn)生的 是一個逐漸衰減的振蕩波形。
圖2(b)調(diào)諧振蕩器 圖2(a) 振蕩電路
A類 A類具有非常低的失真,盡管他們效率非常低,很少用在高效率放大器中。它的失真很低是因為當(dāng)空載時放大器工作在放大區(qū)的中點,結(jié)果,許多能量在無信號輸入時已經(jīng)被消耗掉了,因為A類放大器具有低失真的特性,所以常常當(dāng)在放大器的前級,作為在電路中信號到達電壓擺動的極限時,A類放大器的失真產(chǎn)生了消波,A類放大器是通過電容偶合連接揚聲器的。
B類 B類放大器通常被使用在廉價、低品質(zhì)設(shè)計中,比起A類放大器,B類放大器有更高的效率,然而,當(dāng)信號弱時會產(chǎn)生交迭失真,B類常常用在經(jīng)濟型電路中。在IC放大器出現(xiàn)之前,B類放大器一般用在收音機電路,便攜式收音機以及對音質(zhì)要求不高的電路中。
AB類 AB類在家庭立體聲和相似放大器最常用的一種放大器,AB類放大器綜合了A類B類放大器的優(yōu)點。它具有B類放大器的高效率和A類放大器的低失真??朔薆類弱信號失真和A類的削波失真。AB類