The new concept of cutting processing
The nowadays cutting tool company cannot only be again the manufacture and the sales cutting tool, in order to succeed, they must be consistent with the globalization manufacture tendency maintenance, through enhances the efficiency, cooperates with the customer reduces the cost. Approaches the instantaneous global competition after this after NAFTA, the WTO time, the world company is making quickly to the same feeling, is lighter, a cheaper response. In other words, they make the product and the components contain can in high speed under revolve, as a result of the cost pressure, best, is lighter moreover must make cheaply. Obtains these goals a best way is through develops and applies the new material, but these is new and the improvement material usually all with difficulty processes. In in this kind of commercial power and the technical difficulty combination is especially prominent in the automobile and the aviation industry, and has become has the experience the cutting tool company to research and develop the department the most important driving influence.
For example, takes the modular cast iron to say that, it has become the engine part and other automobiles, the agriculture the material which see day by day with the equipment and in the machine tool industry components. This kind of alloy provides the low production cost and the good machine capability combination. They are cheaper than the steel products, but has a higher intensity and toughness compared to the cast iron. But at the same time the modular cast iron is extremely wear-resisting, has fast breaks by rubbing the cutting tool material the tendency. In this wear resistant very great degree bead luminous body content influence. Some known modular cast iron bead luminous body content higher, its resistance to wear better, moreover its machinability is worse. Moreover, the modular cast iron porosity causes off and on to cut, this even more reduces the life.
May estimate that, the high degree of hardness and the high wear-resisting cutting material quality must consider the modular cast iron the high resistance to wear. And the material quality contains extremely hard TiC in fact (carbonized titanium) or TiCN (carbon titanium nitrides) thick coating when cutting speed each minute 300 meters processes the modular cast iron to prove usually is effective. But along with cutting speed increase, scrap/The cutting tool junction plane temperature also is increasing. When has such situation, the TiC coating favors in has the chemical reaction with the iron and softens, more pressures function in anti- crescent moon hollow attrition coating. Under these conditions, hoped has one chemical stability better coating, like Al2O3 (although under low speed was inferior to TiC hard or is wear-resisting).
The chemical stability becomes an important performance performance dividing line compared to the resistance to wear the factor, the speed and the temperature is decided in is processed the modular cast iron the crystal grain structure and the performance. But usually thick coating of TiCN and TiC or only ductile iron oxides in the soil coating is applied to, because the today majority of this kinds are processed the material the cutting speed in each minute 150 to 335 meters between. Is higher than each minute 300 meter applications regarding the speed, the people to this kind of material are satisfied.
In order to cause this scope performance to be most superior, the mountain high researched and developed and has promoted in view of modular cast iron processing material quality TX150. This kind of material quality has hard also the anti- distortion substrate, is very ideal regarding the processing modular cast iron. Its coating the oxide compound coating which hollowly wears by thick very wear-resisting carbon titanium nitrides and a thin anti- crescent moon, the top is thin layer TiN. This kind of coating which needs the center warm chemistry gas phase deposition using the state of the art production resistance to wear and the anti- crescent moon hollow attrition which the CVD coating complete degree of hardness moreover the tough smoothness increases (MTCVD) the craft. Substrate/The coating combination performance gives the very high anti- plastic deformation and the cutting edge micro collapses the ability, causes it to become under the normal speed to process the modular cast iron the ideal material quality.
The coating ceramics also display can effectively process the modular cast iron. In the past, the aluminum oxide ceramics application which not the coating tough good such as nitriding silicon and the silicon carbide textile fiber strengthened the work piece material chemistry paralysis limit. Today but could resist the scrap distortion process through the use to have the high thermal coating cutting tool life already remarkably to increase. But certain early this domains work piece processing use aluminum oxides spread the layer crystals to have to strengthen the ceramics, today most research concentrate in the TiN coating nitriding silicon. This kind of coating can remarkably open up the tough good ceramics the application scope.
When machining, the work piece has processed the surface is depends upon the cutting tool and the work piece makes the relative motion to obtain.According to the surface method of formation, the machining may divide into the knife point path law, the formed cutting tool law, the generating process three kinds.
The knife point path law is depends upon the knife point to be opposite in the work piece surface path, obtains the superficial geometry shape which the work piece requests, like the turning outer annulus, the shaping plane, the grinding outer annulus, with the profile turning forming surface and so on, the knife point path are decided the cutting tool and the work piece relative motion which provides in the engine bed;
The formed cutting tool law abbreviation forming, is with the formed cutting tool which matches with the work piece final superficial outline, or the formed grinding wheel and so on processes the formed surface, like formed turning, formed milling and form grinding and so on, because forms the cutting tool the manufacture quite to be difficult, therefore only uses in processing the short formed surface generally;
The generating process name rolls cuts method, is when the processing the cutting tool and the work piece do unfold the movement relatively, the cutting tool and the work piece centrode make the pure trundle mutually, between both maintains the definite transmission ratio relations, obtains the processing surface is the knife edge in this kind of movement envelope, in the gear processing rolls the tooth, the gear shaping, the shaving, the top horizontal jade piece tooth and rubs the tooth and so on to be the generating process processing.Some machining has at the same time the knife point path law and the formed cutting tool method characteristic, like thread turning.
The machining quality mainly is refers to the work piece the processing precision and the surface quality (including surface roughness, residual stress and superficial hardening).Along with the technical progress, the machining quality enhances unceasingly.The 18th century later periods, the machining precision counts by the millimeter; At the beginning of 20th century, machining precision Gao Yida 0.01 millimeter; To the 50's, the machining precision has reached a micron level; The 70's, the machining precision enhances to 0.1 micron.
The influence machining quality primary factor has aspects and so on engine bed, cutting tool, jig, work piece semifinished materials, technique and processing environment.Must improve the machining quality, must take the suitable measure to the above various aspects, like reduces the engine bed work error, selects the cutting tool correctly, improves the semifinished materials quality, the reasonable arrangement craft, the improvement environmental condition and so on.
Enhances the cutting specifications to enhance the material excision rate, is enhances the machining efficiency the essential way.The commonly used highly effective machining method has the high-speed cutting, the force cutting, the plasma arc heating cuts and vibrates the cutting and so on.
The grinding speed is called the high-speed grinding in 45 meters/second above cuttings.Uses the high-speed cutting (or grinding) both may enhance the efficiency, and may reduce the surface roughness.The high-speed cutting (or grinding) requests the engine bed to have the high speed, the high rigidity, the high efficiency and the vibration-proof good craft system; Requests the cutting tool to have the reasonable geometry parameter and the convenience tight way, but also must consider the safe reliable chip breaking method.
The force cutting refers to the roughing feed or cuts the deep machining greatly, uses in the turning and the grinding generally.The force turning main characteristic is the lathe tool besides the main cutting edge, but also some is parallel in the work piece has processed superficial the vice-cutting edge simultaneously to participate in the cutting, therefore may enhance to feed quantity compared to the general turning several times of even several times.Compares with the high-speed cutting, the force cutting cutting temperature is low, the cutting tool life is long, the cutting efficiency is high; The shortcoming is processes the surface to be rough.When force cutting, the radial direction cutting force death of a parent is not suitable for to process the tall and slender work piece very much.
The vibration cutting is along the cutting tool direction of feed, the attachment low frequency or the high frequency vibration machining, may enhance the cutting efficiency.The low frequency vibration cutting has the very good chip breaking effect, but does not use the chip breaking equipment, makes the knife edge intensity to increase, time the cutting total power dissipation compared to has the chip breaking installment ordinary cutting to reduce about 40%.The high frequency vibration cutting also called the ultrasonic wave vibration cutting, is helpful in reduces between the cutting tool and the work piece friction, reduces the cutting temperature, reduces the cutting tool the coherence attrition, thus the enhancement cutting efficiency and the processing surface quality, the cutting tool life may enhance 40% approximately.
To lumber, plastic, rubber, glass, marble, granite and so on nonmetallic material machining, although is similar with the metal material cutting, but uses the cutting tool, the equipment and the cutting specifications and so on has the characteristic respectively.
The lumber product machining mainly carries in each kind of joiner's bench, its method mainly has: The saw cuts, digs cuts, the turning, the milling, drills truncates with the polishing and so on.
The plastic rigidity is worse than the metal, the easy bending strain, the thermoplastic thermal conductivity to be in particular bad, easy to elevate temperature the conditioning.When cutting plastic, suitably with the high-speed steel or the hard alloy tools, selects the small to feed quantity and the high cutting speed, and uses compressed air cooling.If the cutting tool is sharp, the angle is appropriate, may produce the belt-shaped scrap, easy to carry off the quantity of heat.
Glass (including semiconducting material and so on germanium, silicon) but degree of hardness high brittleness is big.To methods and so on glass machining commonly used cutting, drill hole, attrition and polishing.To thickness in three millimeters following glass plates, the simple cutting method is with the diamond or other hard materials, in glass surface manual scoring, the use scratch place stress concentration, then uses the hand to break off.
To the marble, the granite and the concrete and so on the hard material processing, mainly uses methods and so on cutting, turning, drill hole, shaping, attrition and polishing.When cutting the available circular saw blade adds the grinding compound and the water; The outer annulus and the end surface may use the negative rake the hard alloy lathe tool, by 10~30 meter/minute cutting speed turning; Drills a hole the available hard alloy drill bit; The big stone material plane available hard alloy planing tool or rolls cuts planing tool shaping; The precise smooth surface, available three mutually for the datum to the method which grinds, or the grinding and the polishing method obtains.
Cutting tool in hot strong alloy application
The aviation processing also changes rapidly. For example, nickel base heat-resisting alloy like several years ago the most people had not heard Rene88 now occupies to the aircraft engine manufacture uses the total metal quantity 10~25%. Has very good showing and the commercial reason regarding this. For example, these heat strong alloy will be able to increase the engine endurance moreover to permit the small engine work on the big airplane, that will enhance the combustion efficiency and reduces the operation cost. These tough good materials also present the expense on the cutting tool. Their thermal stability causes on the knife point the temperature to be higher, thus reduced the cutting tool life. Similarly, in these alloy carbide pellet remarkably increased the friction, thus reduces the cutting tool life.
As a result of changes in these conditions, can be very pleased to have processed many titanium alloys and nickel-based alloy materials C-2 hard metal alloys, in the application to today's cutting edge of blade to the crushing and cutting depth of the trench lines badly worn. But using the latest high-temperature processing of small particles hard metal alloys to be effective, cutlery life improved, but more importantly to enhance the reliability of applications in high-temperature alloys. Small particles hard metal than traditional hard metal materials higher compression strength and hardness, only a small increase in the resilience of the cost. And resulted in high temperature alloy processing than traditional hard metal resistance common failure mode more effective.
PVD (physical gas phase deposition) coating also by certificate effective processing heat-resisting alloy. TiN (titanium nitrides) the PVD coating was uses and still was most early most receives welcome. Recently, TiAlN (nitrogen calorization titanium) and TiCN (carbon titanium nitrides) the coating also could very good use. In the past the TiAlN coating application scope and TiN compared the limit to be more. But after the cutting speed enhances them is a very good choice, enhances the productivity in these applicati