[管理學]管理學 第九版第十章課后答案

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1、Chapter 10 Organizational Structure and Design TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS DEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 1. Organizational design is the organization’s formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated. (False; difficult; p. 266) 2. Organizational structure is the d

2、egree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs. (False; moderate; p. 266) 3. The concept of work specialization can be traced back a couple of centuries to Adam Smith’s discussion of division of labor. (True; moderate; p. 267) 4. Originally, when work specialization w

3、as implemented, employee productivity rose because it wasn’t widely used. (True; moderate; p. 267) 5. Today, most managers see work specialization as a source of ever-increasing productivity. (False; moderate; p. 267) 6. Grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow is termed custom

4、er departmentalization. (False; moderate; p. 268) 7. When decisions tend to be made at lower levels in an organization, the organization is said to be decentralized. (True; moderate; p. 272) 8. The concept of centralization-decentralization is absolute. (False; moderate; p. 272) 9. When

5、effective implementation of company strategies depends on managers having involvement and flexibility to make decisions, the company is probably more decentralized. (True; moderate; p. 272) 10. A term for increased decentralization is employee empowerment, which is giving employees more authorit

6、y to make decisions. (True; easy; p. 273) 11. The degree of formalization varies widely between organizations and even within organizations. (True; moderate; p. 274) 12. Many of today’s organizations are extremely reliant on strict rules and standardization to guide and regulate employee be

7、havior. (False; moderate; p. 274) ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS 13. An organic organization tends to be characterized by high specialization, extensive departmentalization, narrow spans of control, high formalization, a limited information network, and little participation in decision makin

8、g by low-level employees. (False; moderate; p. 275) 14. An organic organization would likely be very flexible. (True; moderate; p. 275) 15. Innovators need the efficiency, stability, and tight controls of the mechanistic structure. (False; easy; p. 276) 16. The relationship between organ

9、izational size and structure tends to be linear. (False; difficult; p. 276) 17. Joan Woodward attempted to view organizational structure from a technological perspective. (True; moderate; p. 276; AACSB: Technology) 18. Woodward’s findings support that there is “one best way” to organize a ma

10、nufacturing firm. (False; moderate; p. 277; AACSB: Technology) 19. Since Woodward’s initial work, numerous studies have demonstrated that organizations adapt their structures to their technology. (True; moderate; p. 277; AACSB: Technology) COMMON ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGNS 20. The strength of

11、 the functional structure is that it focuses on results. (False; moderate; p. 278) 21. A simple structure is an organizational design that groups similar or related occupational specialties together. (False; easy; p. 279) 22. In divisional structures, the parent corporation typically acts as

12、 an external overseer to coordinate and control the various divisions. (True; easy; p. 279) 23. Employee empowerment is a crucial aspect of team structure because there is no line of managerial authority from top to bottom. (True; moderate; p. 279) 24. A matrix design creates a dual chain of

13、 demand. (True; easy; p. 281) 25. Project structures tend to be rigid and inflexible organizational designs. (False; easy; p. 281) 26. Internal boundaries are boundaries that separate the organization from its customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. (False; moderate; p. 282) 27. To

14、 minimize or eliminate boundaries, managers might use virtual or network structural designs. (True; easy; p. 282) 28. The inspiration of the virtual organization structural approach is the film industry. (True; moderate; p. 282) 29. Many organizational design concepts are not applicable to t

15、wenty-first century companies. (True; moderate; p. 283) 30. It is critical for members in a virtual organization to collaborate on work activities throughout the entire organization. (False; moderate; p. 284) MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS For each of the following choose the answer that most co

16、mpletely answers the question. DEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 31. _______________ is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization. a. Departmentalization b. Organizational design c. Organizational structure d. Work specialization (c; easy; p. 266) 32. Organizational de

17、sign is based on decisions about ____________. a. work specialization and mechanisms b. chain of command and span of control c. centralization and matrices d. strategy and structure (b; moderate; p. 266) 33. In describing the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separat

18、e jobs, managers use the term ___________. a. work specialization b. departmentalization c. chain of command d. span of control (a; moderate; p. 267) 34. Which statement accurately defines work specialization? a. It is the degree to which tasks are grouped together. b. Individual emplo

19、yees specialize in doing part of an activity rather than the entire activity. c. Jobs are ranked relative only to their worth or value to the businesses. d. It clarifies who reports to whom. (b; difficult; p. 267) 35. During the _______________, managers viewed work specialization as an unend

20、ing source of increased productivity. a. first half of the twentieth century b. 1960s c. 1970s and 1980s d. 1990s and beginning of the twenty-first century (a; moderate; p. 267) 36. In some jobs, _______________ work specialization more than offset the economic advantages. a. distrust of b

21、. human diseconomies from c. disgust of d. employees’ excitement about (b; difficult; p. 267) 37. On what basis are jobs grouped in order to accomplish organizational goals? a. departmentalization b. centralization c. formalization d. coordination (a; moderate; p. 268) 38. Functio

22、nal departmentalization groups jobs by ______________. a. tasks they perform b. territories they serve c. products or services they manufacture or produce d. type of customer they serve (a; moderate; p. 268) 39. Departmentalization based on _______________ groups’ jobs is based on the ter

23、ritory or physical location. a. functional b. product c. geographic d. matrix (c; easy; p. 268) 40. ______________ departmentalization is based on the product or customer flow through the organization. a. Product b. Functional c. Process d. Organizational structure (c; moderate; p. 2

24、68) 41. What kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government organization where different public service responsibilities are divided into activities for employers, children, and the disabled? a. product b. geographic c. outcome d. customer (d; moderate; p. 268) 42. ______

25、________ departmentalization is used more in recent years to better monitor the needs of customers and to respond to changes in those needs. a. Needs-based b. Functional c. Process d. Customer (d; moderate; p. 268) 43. Work teams composed of individuals from various functional specialties a

26、re known as ________________ teams. a. differentiated b. product c. cross-functional d. weak (c; moderate; p. 268) 44. The line of authority that extends from the upper levels of management to the lowest levels of the organization is ____________. a. authorized line of responsibility b. un

27、ity of command c. responsibility factor d. chain of command (d; moderate; p. 270) 45. ______________ refers to the rights inherent to a position that allows a manager to tell subordinates what to do and expect them to do it. a. Responsibility b. Unity of command c. Chain of command d. Aut

28、hority (d; moderate; p. 270) 46. ________________ is the obligation or expectation to perform a duty. a. Responsibility b. Unity of command c. Chain of command d. Span of control (a; moderate; p. 270) 47. Which one of Fayol’s 14 principles of management helps preserve the concept of a

29、continuous line of authority? a. unity of demand b. unity of command c. demand structure d. continuous demand (b; moderate; p. 270) 48. The theory that a person should report to only one manager is called ____________. a. authorized line of responsibility b. unity of command c. responsi

30、bility factor d. chain of command (b; moderate; p. 270) 49. Concepts such as chain of command and authority are considerably less relevant today because of things like _______________. a. information technology b. span of control c. conflicting demands of multiple bosses d. empowerment (a;

31、 difficult; p. 270; AACSB: Technology) 50. The traditional view was that managers could not—and should not—directly supervise more than ______________ subordinates. a. three or four b. five or six c. seven or eight d. nine or ten (b; moderate; pp. 270-271) 51. The concept that defines the

32、 number of subordinates that report to a manager and that indirectly specifies the number of levels of management in an organization is called _____________. a. authorized line of responsibility b. unity of command c. responsibility factor d. span of control (d; difficult; p. 271) 52. All ot

33、her things being equal, as the span of control grows wider or larger, organizational design becomes more _____________. a. bureaucratic b. democratic c. effective d. efficient (d; difficult; p. 271) 53. When the span of control _______________, employee performance suffers due to a lack of

34、 time, leadership, and support. a. remains too small b. becomes moderate c. becomes too large d. becomes less cost efficient (c; moderate; p. 271) 54. Trends in the past few years have centered on a ____________ span of control to reduce costs and speed decision making. a. narrower b. wide

35、r c. deeper d. stable (b; moderate; p. 271) 55. The degree to which decision making is confined at a single point in an organization is described as ____________. a. unity of command b. chain of command c. span of management d. centralization (d; moderate; p. 272) 56. What factor inf

36、luences the amount of centralization an organization uses? a. Decisions are significant. b. The company is geographically dispersed c. The organization is facing the risk of company failure. d. The environment is complex. (c; moderate; p. 272) 57. What factor influences the amount of decentr

37、alization an organization uses? a. Lower-level managers want a voice in decisions. b. Lower level managers are not as capable at making decisions as upper-level managers. c. Effective implementation of company strategies depends on managers retaining say over what happens. d. The company is larg

38、e. (a; moderate; p. 272) 58. In recent years, there has been a movement to make organizations more flexible and responsive through _____________. a. centralization b. decentralization c. alternative organizational structure d. customer-based structure (b; moderate; p. 273) 59. The degree

39、 to which jobs are standardized and guided by rules and procedures is called ______________. a. work specialization b. centralization c. decentralization d. formalization (d; difficult; p. 273) 60. When managers standardize employee behavior through rules and procedures, the jobs are becomin

40、g more _____________. a. diversified b. formalized c. vertical d. horizontal (b; difficult; p. 273) ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS 61. A(n) ____________ organization is rigidly controlled and efficient. a. organic b. horizontal c. learning d. mechanistic (d; moderate; p. 275)

41、62. Organizations that work like efficient, well-oiled machines are described as ______________. a. organic b. mechanistic c. rational d. intuitive (b; moderate; p. 275) 63. Which of the following would likely be found in mechanistic organizations? a. wide span of control b. empowered empl

42、oyees c. decentralized responsibility d. standardized job specialties (d; difficult; p. 275) 64. A(n) ____________ organization is able to change rapidly as needs require. a. organic b. horizontal c. vertical d. mechanistic (a; moderate; p. 275) 65. GlaxoSmithKline became more _____

43、__________ when it restructured to allow lab scientists to set the priorities and allocate the resources. a. bureaucratic b. mechanistic c. volatile d. organic (d; difficult; p. 275) 66. The appropriate structure for an organization is based on four contingency variables: strategy, size, d

44、egree of environmental uncertainty, and _________________. a. technology b. history c. leadership d. intensity of competition (a; easy; p. 275; AACSB: Technology) 67. In describing the relationship between structure and strategy, it can be said that _____________ . a. structure follows str

45、ategy b. strategy follows structure c. strategy and structure are always handled equally d. strategy follows structure in smaller organizations (a; moderate; p. 276) 68. In linking strategy and structure, most strategic frameworks tend to focus on ______________. a. the pursuit of meaningful

46、 renewal of old ideas b. cost maximization c. minimizing risk and maximizing profit opportunities by copying market leaders d. the pursuit of imitation (c; difficult; p. 276) 69. Structure is related to the size of the organization, such that larger organizations tend to have ____________ th

47、an smaller organizations. a. more specialization b. less departmentalization c. less centralization d. fewer rules and regulations (a; moderate; p. 276) 70. Structure is related to the size of the organization, such that larger organizations are more _____________. a. mechanistic b. organi

48、c c. structurally weak d. decentralized (a; moderate; p. 276) 71. Joan Woodward’s study of the relationship between technology and structure is based upon her study of small manufacturing firms in _________________. a. the northeastern United States b. the south of Wales c. France d. south

49、ern England (d; difficult; pp. 276-277; AACSB: Technology) 72. As a type of technology, _____________ centers on large-batch production and requires moderate levels of complexity and sophistication. a. unit production b. mass production c. process production d. service production (b; modera

50、te; p. 277; AACSB: Technology) 73. In Joan Woodward’s study of the relationship between technology and structure, the structure that was the most technically complex was ______________. a. unit production b. mass production c. process production d. technological production (c; moderate; p. 2

51、77; AACSB: Technology) 74. According to Woodward’s studies, what type of production works best with a mechanistic structure? a. unit b. process c. product d. mass (d; moderate; p. 277) 75. The greater the environmental uncertainty, the more an organization needs to become ______________

52、_. a. organic b. mechanistic c. technologically pure d. supportive of technological change (a; moderate; p. 277) 76. Global competition, accelerated product development by competitors, and increased demands by customers for better service have encouraged organizations to become more _______

53、______. a. organic b. mechanistic c. technologically pure d. task oriented (a; moderate; p. 277) COMMON ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGNS 77. Traditional organizational designs tend to be more mechanistic, and include _______________. a. simple, functional, and corporate structures b. simple, fun

54、ctional, and business unit structures c. functional, strategic, and business unit structures d. simple, functional, and divisional structures (d; moderate; p. 278) 78. What is a strength of a simple structure? a. Employees are grouped with others who have similar tasks. b. It focuses on resu

55、lts. c. It is inexpensive to maintain. d. There are cost-saving advantages from specialization. (c; easy; p. 278) 79. What is a weakness of a simple structure? a. Duplication of activities and resources increases costs and reduces efficiency. b. Functional specialists become insulated and ha

56、ve little understanding of what other units are doing. c. Pursuit of functional goals can cause managers to lose sight of what’s best for the overall organization. d. Reliance on one person is risky. (d; easy; p. 278) 80. The strength of a _____________ structure is based on results of manager

57、s, but it has a weakness because duplication can occur easily within the organization a. simple b. functional c. divisional d. matrix (c; difficult; p. 278) 81. A small business with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, centralized authority, and limited formalization can be said

58、to possess a ________________ structure. a. simple b. functional c. divisional d. matrix (a; easy; p. 278) 82. An online wine retailer that sells and ships hundreds of wines to customers all over the world with a payroll of six employees, most likely has what kind of organizational structure

59、? a. bureaucratic b. simple c. functional d. divisional (b; difficult; p. 278; AACSB: Globalizations) 83. As the number of employees in an organization grows, structure tends to become more ______________. a. specialized b. informal c. centralized d. relaxed (a; easy; p. 278) 84.

60、What type of organizational structure is made up of autonomous, self-contained units? a. bureaucratic b. simple c. functional d. divisional (d; moderate; p. 279) 85. Managers in contemporary organizations are finding that traditional hierarchical designs __________________ for the environm

61、ents they face. a. form a foundation b. are somewhat suitable c. are perfectly suitable d. often are not appropriate (d; difficult; p. 279) 86. In what type of organizational structure is empowerment most crucial? a. bureaucratic b. simple c. functional d. team (d; easy; p. 279)

62、 87. In large organizations, the team structure complements what is typically a _______________ structure. a. simple b. divisional c. matrix d. project (b; moderate; p. 279) 88. What is an advantage of a team structure? a. Employees are more involved and empowered. b. The fluid and fle

63、xible design can respond to environmental changes. c. It draws on talent wherever it is found. d. It allows for faster decision making. (a; easy; p. 280) 89. What is a disadvantage of a team structure? a. There is an increased complexity of assigning people to projects. b. There are task and

64、 personality conflicts. c. There is no clear chain of command. d. There are communication difficulties. (a; easy; p. 280) 90. When an organization assigns specialists to groups according to the projects they are working on, this is called a ________________. a. divisional structure b. functi

65、onal structure c. product structure d. matrix structure (d; difficult; p. 280) 91. A matrix structure mixes characteristics of functional departmentalization and _______________. a. product departmentalization b. process departmentalization c. a dual chain of command d. a narrow span of

66、 control (a; difficult; p. 281) 92. A matrix structure violates a key element of organizational design called ___________________. a. unity of command b. chain of command c. span of management d. decentralization (a; moderate; p. 281) 93. A ____________ structure is an advanced version of the matrix organization, where employees continuously work on assignments that are oriented to completion of a task. a. weighted b. functional c. conservative d. project (d; difficult; p. 2

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