1、Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A. Material analysis Section A 是本話題的第一課時。 Topic1介紹了感冒、頭疼等常見病的名稱,出現了疾病名稱的詞:toothache, backache, fever, cough, headache, stomachache等以及相對應的短語:have a cold, have a fever, have a cough, have a headache, have a toothache, have a backache, have a stomachache等。 Section A的主要活動為1a和Exerc
2、ise 2。 1a 通過Kangkang 和Betty的對話,呈現了詢問生病情況的對話: “Whats wrong with you?”/ “Whats the matter with you?”, “I have a ”等,以及表達關心所提的建議:“You should ”和 “You shouldnt”。本課的語法重點是You should 和You shouldnt。語言功能方面要求學生學會用英語描述疾病并能根據疾病征求他人意見、給他人提建議等。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 能正確運用以下短語進行書面表達:have a cold, have a fev
3、er, have a cough, have a headache, have a toothache, have a backache, have a stomachache等。2. 能正確地運用should, shouldnt 提建議:You should drink enough boiled water.You shouldnt drink coffee or tea in the evening. Skill aims:1. 能聽懂有關日常小病的名稱及相關話題。2. 能熟練地運用should,shouldnt針對日常小病提建議。3. 能正確朗讀介紹日常小病的對話或文章。4. 能用sh
4、ould, shouldnt 結合本話題短語描述日常生活小病并提出有益的建議。Emotional aims:通過語言學習,要學會關心他人,同時也要積極鍛煉來遠離日常疾病。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:have a cold, have a fever, have a cough, have a headache, have a toothache, have a backache, have a stomachache等短語的理解及運用。 Difficult points:就日常小病用英語提建議。. Learning strat
5、egies1. 培養(yǎng)學生根據圖片猜單詞意思的能力。2. 培養(yǎng)學生模仿已有例句造句的能力。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, pictures of different illnesses,textbooks, blackboard and so on. Teaching proceduresStep one: Lead-in1. Enjoy a song: to get “Now, come on, everybody! Lets stay healthy!” and all the students say it loudly aga
6、in.2. Show picture of Mr. Lai( our Chinese teacher):He is healthy.He goes cycling everyday.He seldom falls ill.3. Show pictures of three students:Who is he? He fell ill, right? Whats wrong with him? (have a cold/ headache/ toothache.)Step two: Presentation1. New words/phrases: have a (backache/ stom
7、achache/cough/ fever.)2. Sentences: Whats wrong with? / Whats the matter with? 3. Practice: Fill in the blanks ( to review different kinds of illnesses) Listen and number the picture. ( Deal with 1C on Page27) Guess: to ask and answer different kinds of illnesses. Memory games: “I say, you do” “I ac
8、t, you guess” “One student acts, Others guess.”4. Sentences: I have a toothache: I should see a dentist at once. / I shouldnt eat too much candy. I have a headache: You should have a good sleep. / You shouldnt stay up late.5. Practice: Work alone. ( to finish Exercise2 on Page28) And show some pictu
9、res to strengthen the expressions: “boiled water, coffee, tea, lift heavy things.”Step three: Listening-task Listen to 1a carefully to finish 1bStep four: Reading-task Whole-class reading Role-play readingStep five: Production Ss work in groups , make a survey, and give advice Ss work in groups, mak
10、e new conversations according to the survey, and then act out in front of class. Creative-work: Look at pictures and give suggestions to these classmates as more as possible.宋以后,京師所設小學館和武學堂中的教師稱謂皆稱之為“教諭”。至元明清之縣學一律循之不變。明朝入選翰林院的進士之師稱“教習”。到清末,學堂興起,各科教師仍沿用“教習”一稱。其實“教諭”在明清時還有學官一意,即主管縣一級的教育生員。而相應府和州掌管教育生員
11、者則謂“教授”和“學正”?!敖淌凇薄皩W正”和“教諭”的副手一律稱“訓導”。于民間,特別是漢代以后,對于在“?!被颉皩W”中傳授經學者也稱為“經師”。在一些特定的講學場合,比如書院、皇室,也稱教師為“院長、西席、講席”等。Step six: Emotional Aim We should do more exercise to keep away from illnesses.Step seven: Summary/ Conclusion Summarize the key points on the blackboard. Conclude which group is the best one
12、. Blackboard designUnit 2 Topic 1 Section ANew words Sentence Patterns Othershave a headache Whats wrong with you? drink coffee or teahave a toothache I have a toothache. lift heavy thingshave a backache drink enough boiled waterhave a stomachache Whats the matter with him/her? have a cold He/She ha
13、s a toothache. get wellhave a cough have a fever You should see a dentist. You shouldnt lift heavy things. I hope youll get well soon. 我國古代的讀書人,從上學之日起,就日誦不輟,一般在幾年內就能識記幾千個漢字,熟記幾百篇文章,寫出的詩文也是字斟句酌,瑯瑯上口,成為滿腹經綸的文人。為什么在現代化教學的今天,我們念了十幾年書的高中畢業(yè)生甚至大學生,竟提起作文就頭疼,寫不出像樣的文章呢?呂叔湘先生早在1978年就尖銳地提出:“中小學語文教學效果差,中學語文畢業(yè)生語文
14、水平低,十幾年上課總時數是9160課時,語文是2749課時,恰好是30%,十年的時間,二千七百多課時,用來學本國語文,卻是大多數不過關,豈非咄咄怪事!”尋根究底,其主要原因就是腹中無物。特別是寫議論文,初中水平以上的學生都知道議論文的“三要素”是論點、論據、論證,也通曉議論文的基本結構:提出問題分析問題解決問題,但真正動起筆來就犯難了。知道“是這樣”,就是講不出“為什么”。根本原因還是無“米”下“鍋”。于是便翻開作文集錦之類的書大段抄起來,抄人家的名言警句,抄人家的事例,不參考作文書就很難寫出像樣的文章。所以,詞匯貧乏、內容空洞、千篇一律便成了中學生作文的通病。要解決這個問題,不能單在布局謀篇等寫作技方面下功夫,必須認識到“死記硬背”的重要性,讓學生積累足夠的“米”。 Teaching Reflection:Its a little hard for the students to give proper suggestions on illnesses. They should practice more after class.第 3 頁