Svdhm One (20 poinhe 2 points each)
Directions: Lhten (o I he Ciinversiilhm and fill in the blanks with thr word% you hmr. Writr the worth on the Answer Sheet.
Nancy t Hrllo?
Mari ? M/iy I apenk m Nancy pirate?
^ancy i S[w^^king.
Mari: Uh hu uh?
2、 rny nnmc is Mnri? and 11 rn eallitig Jibout tht room for rc?il> 1 皿w ynui ad ay the cnrnpu?i (1) of(kc<
Nancy: Oh< right. ()K? uh. me you a Mrudeni?
Mari: WelL right ?ow< I * m just -.ludylhM Englit.h> but I'm pbinning tn 5tarl
A/an : I've been living in n hounc svilh some other ntb. bill 1 thin'I hke it there.
Nancy)Why? Whftt *5 I hr (3)
Mari ; Well> first of bIL really noisy ? nnd not very vIcjhu The other people in ihe house .ire real slohs. I rnrnri they ntjv?r lilt a fi?grr tn ckdn up ?htr thcttuelves. h really b
4、ugs mr! I need a plnec thatclenncr and more privnic.
Nnney i Welk ite- n-ally ( I)_ _ hen% Wr*rr not homr very rnuclh
.Mfln i What du yon de?
Nancy i I uach 卜:n-lXh nt the college
AJdn : Wmt n Tiiittnir ; Dxln' I we meet yv?ierclny nl lhe (5) lxnm?
Nancy i ()h .? ym「re the ^nl from Jiip^n! WHhi
5、 w〞 you: tu>mr ngiiin9
Mari: Mnru
iN(j/icy ; RirIh. Whnt a ^ninll world!
Ahui l( really k. By the w^y. who eht hves in tin- houHe? Fhc acI said there art three people.
iVcnic v : Well bcidu int? t Ikmv1 s my ( G ) . Andrew ? nml :ny ri)u.Hin> Ivff. Ht f r o
mu$iann nnd n pnrt-tinw ^tihlcnt< Ulu
6、 you OK with having nuilt? n?nniin:itv%9
Mari i Sun ?仙 long they1 re rlean ^ncl not ton noisy.
Nancy s I >onf I worry. I hey "re both id hvr with.
yiari i I >K. I m? is thr neighborhood safe?
Nancy ; ()h siirca We Iwivrn f t had any probleni5t and you cun (7) to school from
A/uH : It h
7、iuitHl.n rrnlly mn. VVhm cnn I i tnnc by anil mw it,?
Nancy : < nn you rnnkr n dnn ovenniw Around (ivt?? Hirn you c/m meet (he guys, tocx
Mnri: Ycrtlu five n\ lock is wood, Whm、thi <8) ?
M1115 b "7 > llaywprth Avenue^ l>o you know where thnt u?
M〃ri ; Nn< I don ' l.
Pitney ()K I* rmn University
8、 \ il"戚 you go irvi n blc「k、on Olympic /Xv^nue. At I he inierM-ction of (>lyinpic nml Alfred there1 h a (9) ? Turn left* and go up one
and *i hall bkxJu. Our houae is in the middle of the lilnrk on the M\.
Mari j Thnt idutida rn*y.
Xancy i Yrnh< you c/in*i (!0) I JKren> I "vc ?ot ro g Sonironr1^
9、At ihr doon
See you thi* evenings
!\hn r OK< mx? yon InhT. By<\
Sancy t Bye bye.
Scctiun I wii <2U points> 2 poinl.s each)
Part One
l) irectl(HK| Ymi nrc ftoing to listen to llvr short ronvcrsnlioiiv pi?Nji}>cs. After each coinerMition passage< there h one question. Choo^r lhe hrs! un?wer to e
10、ach question and write )
H. 38133$.
C. 381330.
Ntunber I hr: u converHatioH
I3< Wh;n *n ihr nuiri |()h?
A. A utlor.
K A (ktntnt.
C. A reecptionifiL
Number Four t a conversation
14< I low does the girl feel about the boy S hair?
A. She likes n<
K Shv does not like it.
C. She thinks it fn funny-
Number Fiv
12、r : a talk
15< Whm can wc infer (mm this passflgr?
A? Dihcoveneo and invcTHions u&ually h/ippen di the sahiv time.
11 All discoveries depend on inventions
('? A discovery and An invenrion are not the aarne thing.
Part I wo
Directions; You arc to Ihlen to unv con%er5atiun. After the conversalio
13、ne there are five <1 licit ions. Choose the best imswcr lu each question and write your answers on lhe Answer ShccL
16. Whac if; the main topic of the conversation?
A. Ilfiirt problemA-
Il Mrdicrtl 而]
(\ Nrw nivdirmvN.
17. Why did fhr girl nml a wond hrnrt nperniian?
I^Tnusc bcr nrw henn didn
14、1 \ work.
B. Ikcnusc her old heart didn't work.
L\ cniihv aIw nredcil mint hrr hcaf h
18. Whs Jan< -.ayr. I hii! *5 〞,itviri/. whrH dor s Tin ill?
A, li ‘% ?<)od>
K h、ntn truc<
C< h 's ^irnngr.
19. VVhrii)Hnr My>? "【MMrum〞 Whm 山心 rntari9
A ? I dnn*! brlivvr you.
Il It hnrd to hrhevc.
(\ It
15、 iRnfl Inir.
20. Why im ihr story HinHrIrig?
/\. Bemuse ihr KirlS dnginal hrwri re better.
11 l-kcntj5c ihr girl wn> l^rh with two htJttrH-
C\ Bccuune thr girl hud n nrw hcnrL
Section Three (30 points. 3 points ench)
Dirfctions: \ ou They need (37 > i
I hry have more opponuniiim ilwn they
16、did 30 or < 3d)
ycnr? 咔
re goins to listen to a con^rsntion. After the conversation there arc ten statrmrnts. Decide whether the lol lowing statemrnts arc true or f;il<5cr Write 1 For tnic und V hir Ch!sc on the Answer SheeL J he conversation will l>c rva
22 CiHn|Ux4l I la!! is behind ihr (ouniain<
23. M/iri is going to C—pbrll I fall to attend an art clnss.
2\. Nanry is /m English uaclirr.
25. Mari is from Koren.
26. Man only wani$ io Major in inirrnntional business-
27. Mari has h? > n here for three xvreks-
2& Mnn has nvvrr the Sinter R
29< Mnri *s father hns n compnny<
30. Man thniks Engli5h)s irnporinm for her career.
SrdhMi l our (3() pnintna ? poitils tmeh)
Dhc< tiiuihr Listen hi the Icthirr mid IHI in I hr bhmki l<> nnii|>ktr (In1 notes U rife)otir nnswers
lopic: ChiHigcn in Amerienn I rtmil}
L lypicid Ainrricnn hiniilv
A, In 195(1%:
(31) went to weL
(32) _ sio.ycd home ?nd took enrr of ihr hminc und die chiklrcn?
Tlw tv nrr 33 ) (Iwiw numy) rhililtrn ui tin (ntnily.
li.( Iuiiikc* hnluy t
n. People nri hnvmg (34 > rhildrrn?
b. More ond inor
20、i? i hildtvii nrr ^rnwum(ip in tingli purrni (ihihIk^ larmlirK wnh only n mol hr r nr only n (35) _ i
l nenrried molhcr worked llir lioniri i(i
2002 nbou! (3fi) prrrrnt of tnntlit rf( wr?n working
pi obk ii)>
1) Who tnke-i cnre of biibir.H nn
2> Whr (3Q) . cooks nnd cIcjjjjsj
3) Who vnluntvi rs ni lhe children f> (40)
Section One (20 |M>lnUt 2 poInU each)
1. housing 2? March 3. problem
4. quiet
5. iilMcrrnrrH
6. huHbnnd 7. walk 8- Hcldress
9. staphghi
10. HHS 黑
Section Two (20 points. 2 points eachl
11. A 12. B 13. A
H. A
IS. c
16. B I?. A 18< C
20. A
Section Three (30 points, 3 points each)
21. F 22. T 23. F
24. T
25. F
26. F 27. T 28. F
29. T
30. T
Section Four (30 points, 3 point* each)
31. EftihorM/ A fwiher
32. M