1、國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大本科【高級(jí)英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)說(shuō)2】2021期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):1356) 盜傳必究 Section One (20 pointi9 2 points each) Direction%: Listen to lhe conversation and fill In (he blunks with lhe words you bean Write I hr word# on the Answer Sheet. Dad ; Hello? "〃:Hi. Dnd. Dad: Jeff! How are you? Jrff: I'm (me I*)ad. How *s Morn? Di
2、d she get over her (I) ? Dad : Ye?t nheS fine now. She went buck to work yEerdny. J妙〃:1 hut S good< LJrru Dud. I need to nsk you something. Dad : Sure? non# whut (2) il? Jiff: Wdlt uh? the truth i、lfm broke ngairu Could you lend me $ 200 junt till the end of the month? Dad : Broke ngain? Jeff#
3、 when you moved (3) with Nancy And Andrew, you you could miikc ends meeu But this in the third time you1 ve asked mt for help! Jr//: I knowe I know. I'm aorryk But? ?cct my old guitar broke# nnd I hnd to buy a new onc< I (4) pUy on a broken guitnr> right? Dad : Look Jeff# if you want to play in n
4、 band, that1 s OK with mt. But you can11 keep Aftking me to pny for it J Jtff: OK? OK,you#re But whut do you think I oukHi to (5) ? Everything cofitti nn arm and a leg around here. Dad : Wclli (irjit of ?IL I think you'd belter go on n budx。,Make a list of nil your income and nil your expenses. A
5、nd then itf? simple Don1! spend more than you earn. Jr//: St thni fs exactly the problem! My expenses arc (6) larger thnn my income. Thm、why 1 need to borrow money from you. Dad : Then rntiybc you should work more haunt At thr ramputcr store Jeff: DmcII 1 ?lrcndy work 15 hours a week! How enn I
6、Hiudy and work and find time to pMy wiih my bond?
Dad i Come (7) . JrH. when I wn> your ?gr ...
Jeff. | know, I know. When you wrrr my you were already married
7、d : All right, jrtf. calm down. I don1 \ rxprcl you to hr like me. But I can11 Irnd you uny more money. Your mother and I arc on ? budget toot you know. Jeff i Mnybe 1 should just drop (9) of school? work (ulhimct nnd ploy m ihc bund in the evrningn. I enn go bnck to school \n\cx. Dad : I wouldn
8、't do that if I were you < . . Je//: Ycnht but you1 re not me. remember? h'? my life! Dad ? All right? Jeff. Lffl' ? not nrKue, Why dan * t you ( 10 ) wbout ihix very cnrrfully and cnll me back in d few dayn. And in the meantime^ you1 <1 heticr find n way to poy for That new Kuiun Jr//; Yz. I)n
9、(i. Dad : All righL Good-bye? *on. Ufft By?. Section two (20 points! 2 pnlnK rach) Part One Directions: You arc Rnlng to listen Io fhr sh?rt convvrMill(m!b/pii*Migr%f After cnch convcHuition/pu^MiKct there h one question. Chinisc the b碩 answer Io each question und write your unswen on the Answe
10、r Sheet. Numb〞 One: a conversation 1 L Who is the student probnbty (alktnK to? At A Bevretnryt B. A TA. (L A roommate. Numbtr Two: a monologue 12. The speaker is a . A. a landlord B. a retired person C. a fashion model >iumber Three: a monologue 13. This man . A. is divorced has never
11、 been married C> is married with children Number Kour: a conversation 14. Where did the woman get her information about Esperanto? A. From thr televmion< B. From the rodio. C From n mAgaxine Article^ Numb" Five: a conv^nafion 15. Whnt ceremony is the conversation about? A< Anniversary^ B.
12、Funcnil C? Wedding l*Nrt Two DirccHonri: You ?rv uoing to listen to one cunvcmatioiL After lhe convcrKAth>nt Ihrrc arc five question,Choose the best answer to each question und write your answers on lhe Answer Sheet. 16< Where are the two people? A. In a bookstore, B. !n a llbniry. C. On a col
13、lege enmpus* 17. Which building does the man wnnl to find? A< Gym. B. Art museum. C. Music building. 18. Where in the building? A. Al the intersection of Willow Street nnd Alumni Su3. B. At I hr intersection of Willow Street nnd College Avenue. C. I3eiwcen Willow Si reel nnd Alumni Street
14、 19. Which of thc?e true7 A. l he woman asks the mnn to wnlk with hnn< B. Thr woman wks the tnnn if he wants to w/ilk wnh hex. C. fhr rrwin asks the woman i( he enn walk with her. 20. When Yumi says, 〞【_)h? really?1* whnt feeling doen she A> Boredom. H. Interesi. (\ Shyness. Section Three (3
15、0 poinU, 3 points each) Directions: Listen to the lecture and decide whether the following aUicmenU arc true or false. VVrltc T for true Hnd F for false on lhe Answer Sheet. 21. In hut. Arncncnn vocabulnry nnd British English vocabulary Arr vrry different^ 22. Lorry 心 n BntiMh wny of myinx truc
16、k. 23. American people unually Miy elcvtitor inAtrfld of lift, 24 If An Anirncnn mys "I'm going to wash upM. that niennn he is going to wmh the dlshm. 25. In Bntinh EnuhAh* **bnngrrft nnd mnnhM rncann MnflU5A?e And rnnthctl pot?toc5*\ 26? If n mnn 心L ** Have you KOt your Rmde y(j「'"? he i? most
17、probnbly nn Arncncnn. 27. If n man Aftks " Have you nny he mo,t probably Briiuth. 28. In the Umlrd States. it,t correct to my th?t John i? diffrrent than Mnry. 29. Speakers of ntnndnrd American nnd jtnndnrd British English hnvc no notiblc unikritAndiriK one nnothcr, 30. American English and Brit
18、ish English mc two different Iwngunges. Section Foor (30 point%, 3 points each) IHrcctinmi: IJMcn to the lecture nnd fill in the blank% to complclc the notes. Write your answers on the Answer SherL A. The meaning of (rencnition Y: Ycilhw Americans who werr born between the Intr 197皈 nnd the enrl
19、y (31) . 什.Tht number of Heneradon Y ers is significant? becauset Thz gencrntian will be the (32) generation by the year 2020. —It will be the (iHwt (33) for n I most nil consumer brAnds> -MinketerM know they huve to ntny in touch wnh thm generation if they want thrir products to succeed. C\ T
20、he important chnrnctcrtstics of Generation Y i h)【34) in this Kcncrntion grew up in fiinKle pnrcni homes. b〉75 percent of generation Y—r? have (35) who work. c) Onc third arc not Caucasian* d) Gcneration Y-cru arr tolerant< optimistic, confident> independent and (36) . D? Generation Y ers* foi
21、al incomes: (37 ) $ _ billion a year. E. (JeneMtion Y ers spend money on fashion. (38) (noci. movies, ClM, clecrronics & concert tickets. F. Grncrtttion Y era like anything thatf a hip or hot at ihr momrntt but thnt c^n (39> very fast. So the moin thing for the marketers to remember is that Ge
22、ncr/irion Y ia the (40) gencrMtiun unH they nrc very Rhinrl ahopprrN< 試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (僅供參考) Section One (20 |M>inlst 2 point* each) L cold 2. 19 3. in 4. can't 6. Always 7. on % oul Section Two (20 paintst 2 points each) 12. B 14. 16. C 18. Section Three (30 pointsf 3 points each) 22. T
23、 26. F 27. T 28. 29. 5. du 10. think 15. C 20. B 25. T 30. F 32. larRest 34# ( )n(rfourth 36. rich 38. fast 40. Internet Section Four (30 poinUf 3 points each) 31. 1990s 33. rniirkct 35. mothers 37. 211 39. change 口試題簽一 Section One Direction*: Read aloud lhe part between
24、 (hv Mun ( ? )? (2 minuter) ilnvc you ever ?rrn ihc old tckvisinn ?huw hathrr Khuwa Ref? You probably hnvcnft been use n was ? papulnr conirdy ?how in the 1950s way Iwlorr you were born. Il wn^ nbout ft fnnillyt a fathert who went to work every days n mother, who ntMyrd home and took care of th- hn
25、uKei ?nd fh?- children two or three, I enn * t rrnHaml>crt Anyway? in those dnyy thnt wm con^idtrccl to be n typical American fumily. C ?〉“3 hxhy? the Aniericnn family ia vrry different. First, fnmilio nre srnnlkr todny thnri hrforc, I rnenn< people arc hnving (rwer chilrlr
26、rc children nrr Mowing up in Mingle parent Mrnilis (innilieH with only a mother or only n father. not going to go into the reason* for that here brrnuse I want to fociin on the third "nd btggcjit chnngr in I hr American Umilyt I he role of rnnrrird mothers nnd the effects qf 【hi. nrw role. ( on^idc
27、r f hrsr stntinticMi In Ihr I 950m* only 11 percent of nmrricd vnothor* Worked outside the home. In 2002? about 70 pcrccni of mothers were employed. ( ? ) ScclSn 1 wo Speak bu^cd on one of the followin^ topkn:(3 minutes) L Pa you think ii\ iniporinnt tci explurc Mari? Why or why not? ?? ? 2. bes
28、enhr your economic nituntion bnsed on thr following questionst Aa I low much do you earn rnch month? H, How much du you upend each month? 「? Cnti you tnnkc both cndsi nirct? IX !>o you k() on a bucigci? R Whul if you enn't make both endn meet? 口試題簽二 Section One Directions: Read uloud lhe par
29、t between the slurs ( ■ ). (2 minutes) Now moving cm. the third aren I wnnt to look nt rnhnR cuMoms. 1 dun f t nieon the foods that people like lo rnl in different countnes hut rnthcr some of thr bchaviorti that arc connected with eating. Urn. one of thejic is the use of utensils You probably know
30、that people in many A^inn cultures iijsc ch()|)>ticks while in the West they usually ie fork— knives* and spoons. ( )r for c)oimple. in pnrtj* of Indin ? and in tradttionnl Arab fnmiliz. ion< iE cu?ium?ry to efti with your fingers or io n piece of brend to sctxjp up foo 31、 some cultures eating everything on your plate is impolite* In Egypt< for cxnmplrt you should leave some food in your dish at the end of the meal in order to show that your hosts were genrrou* and gnve yon more I han enough id eau However, people from Bolivia? in South America? expect vi^itorK to en 32、t everything on fheir plates, and Americans nlso think a rltAn plnte nicuru you were satisfied with thr food.
(? ) Finallyi thr Inst nren of behavior that I want to mention today is gift giving. Thr rulc$ of Kift giving can be very corriplicotcd? and it can be embarrnssing if you don't know them< F 33、or ex/implct in ihr United Stntvn. if youfre invited to someonef5 home fnr dinner, you can bring wine or flowers or a smnll gift from your country ? but Americans genernUy don't give gifts m business &nuation?> On the other hand, the Japnneset like many other people in Asm. give o(tent especially if 34、 they want to thank someone like a tcnclwr or o doctor (or their kindnE. In Japan, the tradition o( gift giving U very wncirntr nnd there ore detailed rules for everything from the color of rhe wrapping puper to lhe time of the gift presentAtioru Another interesting fnct nboui gift giving 將 that man 35、y culture<< hnve strict rules about ?ifts you should not give. For example, never give yellow flowers to people from Iran# or they9U think you hate them! ( ?)
Section Two Speak based on one of the following topics: (3 minutes)
L Where? do you live* in r big city? or a smull town, or n villwgr? Whn 36、t' * your neighborhood like? h it safe and quiet? Do you like it? Why or why not?
2. Ikscribr the university system in our country based on the following topics:
A. Types of university courNtfs
B. Who tcflcheji university course!i
C. Class sires
IX Course requirements for differetH major、
E. T 37、ype* of exnms
Ft Punishment for plagi&hsm
Sccllon Onr
DirectIorm: Rcud uloud the part bclwrvn lhe stun ( ? ). (2 miiiiitm)
Ikj yau want tn know whnt I da an a typjcnl day? WcIL lfll tell you whm I did yc^lcrdny nn example. I woke up before my wifr nnd son< a nd the firM thiri^ I did wmn t 38、o cornt into I he kitchen and make the cafft?c< Then 1 nindc rny nanf a lunch > you know t to lake to M:hool? ?*nd rtfter tlul I *Uirtrcl cooking brcnklasL I rnnde ontrncnL nnd Ton>t bccaunc I alwnyt wnn! my hniily to ntnrt the day with n full stornneh. 1 hen my wifr mid M>n cwmr into the kitvhrn nn 39、d unr down ?)rat. While they wert? culniKf 1 threw n bn^ket of laundry into thr wn*hmg rnwchirirt nnd then I aImi sal down lo ent.
< . )After breakfasts I walked my son to the bus stop, and I wnitcci with him until the bu? CAmt. 1 k?M?cd lum good bye and wnlkrd home. A? soon 1 entered thr huunce th 40、e |>hnnr rwnge It w?5 my mothcr in-lnwt She wnntctl to know if my wdc null tlwrc* bin 1 tobJ hrr ?hr had jujit left. So I talked with her lor a few more minuter, nbout ihr weather ond her and then 1 not off the phone. After thal< uh. let1% 心? I ?ipcnt three hourn
clenninR thr huuKr# And nfirr lunch 41、 ? 1 wrnl nhoppiiiK for groccrtcn^ By thrn it was three <>" clock t and it w*in nlrcndy time to pick up my wn at I hr Ihjr ntu|>> I helped him with hm homework ? and then rny wife came home. Norinnlly 與hr g-t, home at about 6>00 P. M. , but yentrnbiy ?hc wn? a (cw minutt5 early> I war no buny all da 42、y llmt I hndn "t had time to wntcr the gnrden. h?j I did it while my wifr made dinner. Einnlly> alter dinner* I washed the dishes while rny wife put our *on to heel. And then both of us just colUpnrd In front u( rhr TV. And that wnn my doy. NuthinK Khimorous jun! rettily buny! ( ?)
Section I wo Spe 43、ak lm?cd on one of the follnwinic tuples( (3 minulrb)
1. I)<)you think women xhould work? Why or why not?
2. Describe your typiml day h??ed on your annwert to the following question*!
A. Wh?i time do you usu/illy get up?
K What do you ununlly do nfter you Rd up? (c. g. cook# wiuh. go to work? )
( Whnt do you u^nnlly do nt work? (If you get n job)
11 Wh?H do you do ai hum。? (If you don't 好I a job)
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