??Hello?everyone,today I will lead you look back the American History.Everybody knows that the U.S history is very short compared with others,but it’s a superpower. What did happen in this lengendary country.Ok,let us begin.
First?we?'ll?recognize?the?Discovery?of?American.Columbus??discovered?the?new?continent?by?the?for?voyages?wonder?the?support?of?Spanish?Queen?.In1492,columbus?landed?at?on?of?the?Caribbean?islands?and called?the?local?people Indians .But he became a beginning which exploit and colonize the American Continent .Meanwhile it also destroied the Indians’civilizattion .
After?all?these,America?steped?in?the?cdonial?Era.Between?sixteenth?century?and?eighteenth?century,?Eu-ropean?powers?established?colonies?in?north?Americanespecially?France?and?Britain?British?settlers?immigr-ants?in?north?America?and?established?13?colonies?there.With?the?outbreak?of?war?,strict?manpower?shor-tage?produce?unfree?labours?like?slaves?,thus?the?brutal?Negro Trade prevailed in the U.S.
That’s a map of the Unite States in that period.
Americans?have?a?idea?to?independent?under?the?B-ritish?harm.?And?Britain?further?implernent?coercionpolicy.In1773 ,British?government?passed?a?new?law?on-the?Tea?Act.It?proposal?“No?taxation?without?repre-senation?“.So Americans set up the committees and lead the wars to resist Britain.In?1776-1781,?Americans opposed?Britain?bravely?under?the?leadership?of???Washington.In1783,?Britain?and?American?signed?the?pa-ris?peace??conference,which admit that American is independent.It also performance American courages and wisdom when they faced the colonial rules.
On?July4,1776the?Second?Continental?Congress?officially??declared?independence?and?formed?the?United?States?of?America?by?adopting?the?Declaration of?Independence,written?on?by?Thormas?Jefferson?of Vorginia?.It?clarified?that?all men are created equal and are endowed with unalienble rights to life ,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness Government are institued for the purpose to protect these right and people have the right to abolish government.
It?opposed?the?fudalrank?system?and?the?absolutepower?of?emperor.The?Jeffeeson?Summarized?locker's?th-ought?essence,and?made?it?widely?disseminated?.It also?charged?Americans'?general?knowledge?into?the?d-ecoration?and?prouded?a?theory?basis?for the war of independence.
In1789?,federal?government?found?and?the?Washington?beame?the?first?president?in?American?.In1812-1814,the ? U.S.?begin?the?second?war?with?Britain?.TheAmerican?get?successful?and?it?become?a?completeindopondent?sovereign?state.
At the same as the territorial expansion ,the economy is?different?between?the?north?and?south.In?north,itdevelop?seaborne?trade?and?industry?and?commerce.But in?south,?Grop?farming??enlarged?continually?enlarged?continually?.Meanwhile?it?spread?the?slavery.?Withthe?keennes?of?the?different?economic?system.The?mas-sive?anti-slavery?movement?developed?wildely.The?pred-ient?also?realized?the?importance?of?liberating?sla-ves.?At?last,the?civil?war officially ended with the unconditional ?uncondotioral?surrrenor?of?the?south.?In?battle,?it?resolved?two fundamental issues.On the one hand ,the Slavery was completely abolished.On the other hand,American became a single and stronger nation.
In?the?first?half?of?nineteenth?Century,American?torritory?expand?from?the?Atlanttic?Coast?to the?Pacific?Coast.?The?millions?of?the?people?movedthouards?the?west.?America?became?the?new?colonist gradually?and?bring?the?very?grave?suffering?to?theperipheral?nations.?Look?at?the?first?picture?,you?can?know?the?aggressive?pathes .
The?war?continued?four?years?and?the?south?suff-er?serious?ruin?.Evermore,the U.S.?regain integrate and that it doesn’t implement slavery no longer.
After?rebuilding?,In?1889,?America?convoke?the?Pan-American?Congress?.In?1898,the?Spanish-American?warbroke?out,American?established?colonies?in?spain?forthe?important?economic value.It means that American rised abruptly as a independent military force.
In?early?nineteenth?Century,American?began?the?in-dustrialization.In1914,?the?world?war?break?out?and it promote the American economy .But American break out ?the?economic?crisis?because?of?the?overproducti-on?and abnormal economic development.It marked the beginning ?of?the?Great?Depression.?During?this?time,the?United?States?experienced?deflation?unemployment soared?form?3%?in 1929 to 25% in 1993.And manufacturing output?collapsed?by?one?third.
In?1932,Franklin?Roosevelt?was?selected?as?presid-ent.He?implement?the?New?Deal.?It?consolidated?the financial?and?restore?bank?credit?.It?adjusted agricultural?and?industrial.It?adopted?the?"Agricultur-al?Adjustment?Act"and?national?industrial?rehabilitat-ion?law?and?work?for?the?Dole,increased?job?opport-unities .
The New Deal was over with the expansion of the European crisis.The Federal government has the prim responsibility for the welfare of the people and must not be limited by narrow concepts of states rights.That bold experimentation is the way to find solutions to new social problems.That active presidential leadship of Congress and the people is vital in a world of growing complexity.
After the Second World War.American and Soviet Union become the superpower.They confront each other in political,economy and military.
In 1947,American president Truman issued that hostiled to socialist country.He propose the guiding ideology that regard “keep down the communism” as the external policy.It marked that the Cold War between American and Soviet Union began formally.Afterwards,American Secretary of State George Marshall propose the plan than support to the Eurpean contries.It’s benificial with the Eurpean integration.
In 1991,American became the only superpower after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
Thank you!
Powerpoint TemplatesPage 1Powerpoint TemplatesThe history of AmericaPowerpoint TemplatesPage 2 IntroductionThe Discovery of AmericaThe War of IndependenceThe American Civil War Westward ExpansionThe Great DepressionPowerpoint TemplatesPage 3The Discovery of America Columbus found new mainland In 1492,Columbus landed at one of the Caribbean islands and called the local people Indians.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 4Colonial EraC The English and French settlers occupied many colonies.With the outbreak of war,brutal Negro Trade prevailed in the U.SPowerpoint TemplatesPage 5 The map of the Unite States in that periodPowerpoint TemplatesPage 61607-17331607-1733Powerpoint TemplatesPage 7Boston Tea Party 波士頓傾茶事件ton Tea Party 波士頓傾茶事件 傾茶事件 Boston Tea Party Background In 1773,British government passed a new law-the Tea Act.Slogan “No taxation without representation”Time December 16,1773 Event A group of Americans threw 342 boxes of tea into Boston Harbour(波士頓港).Powerpoint TemplatesPage 8The War of IndependenceTimeOn October 19,1781 Result The British soldiers were forced to surrender.Consequences George Washington became the first President.The 4th of July became the national holiday of America-the Independence Day.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 9The colonial period of the United States1607-1733Powerpoint TemplatesPage 10The Declaration of Independence On July 4,1776 the Second Continental Congress officially declared independence and formed the United States of America by adopting the Declaration of Independence,written by Thomas Jefferson(托馬斯杰斐遜)of Virginia.(July 4 is celebrated as the nations birthday.)Powerpoint TemplatesPage 11The declaration of independencetnAll men are created equal and are endowed with unalienable rights to life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness.nGovernment are instituted for the purpose to protect these right.nPeople have the right to abolish governmentPowerpoint TemplatesPage 12InfluenceuOpposed the feudal rank system and the absolute power of emperor.u Jefferson summarized Lockers thought essence,and made it widely disseminated.uChanged Americans general knowledge into the declaration,and provided a theory basis for the war of independencePowerpoint TemplatesPage 13California Gold Rush加州淘金者People traveled to California in the search for quick riches.The number of westwardmigrants multiplied.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 14Abraham Lincoln A*March 1861-took the office of the president.*April 12,1861-the Civil War began.*September 22,1862-issued the Emancipation Proclamationwhich granted freedom to about 4 million slaves.*Made a famous speech in Gettysburg.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 15The Civil War 1861-1865lon April 9,1865The Civil War officially ended with the unconditional surrender of the South.lIt resolved two fundamental issues:Slavery was completely abolished;America became a single and stronger nation.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 16The Civil War 1861-1865Powerpoint TemplatesPage 17Westward Expansion “Manifest Destiny”西進運動 The hardship of early pioneer settlers Oregon Trail (俄勒岡小道俄勒岡小道)The trip on foot took four to six months.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 18The Spanish-American WarlAmerican established colonies in Spain for the important economic value.lIt means that American rised abruptly as a independent military force.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 19The Great DepressionIn October 1929,the stock market crashed,marketing the beginning of the Great Depression.During this time,the United States experienced deflation,unemployment soared from 3%in 1929 to 25%in 1933,and manufacturing output collapsed by one-third.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 20Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal 羅斯福新政lConsolidating the financial and restore bank credit;l Adjustment of the agricultural and industrial,lAdopted the Agricultural Adjustment Act and national industrial rehabilitation lawlWork for the Dole,increase job opportunities Powerpoint TemplatesPage 21 lThe New Deal was over with the expansion of the European crisis.lThe federal government has the prime responsibility for the welfare of the people and must not be limited by narrow concepts of states rights.lThat bold experimentation is the way to find solutions to new social problems.lThat active presidential leadership of Congress and the people is vital in a world of growing complexity.Influence.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 22Cold War American and Soviet Union confront each other in political,economy and military.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 23 The Truman Doctrian and The Marshall Plan The former propose the guiding ideology that regard“keep down the communism”as the external policy.The latter is a plan that American support the Western Europe.Powerpoint TemplatesPage 24 American become the only superpower after the disintegration of the Soviet UnionPowerpoint TemplatesPage 25The Appollo landed on the moon successfully in 1969Powerpoint TemplatesPage 26Industrialization of America 1890-1914Powerpoint TemplatesPage 27Pattons time From 2001-The United States 911 terrorist attacks 2001-9-11Powerpoint TemplatesPage 28The Iraq War 2003-2010Powerpoint TemplatesPage 29At the beginning of 2009,Barack Hussein Obama was elected the forty-forth president of the United StatesPowerpoint TemplatesPage 30Manhattan in NewYorkPowerpoint TemplatesPage 31The aircraft carriers of AmericaPowerpoint TemplatesPage 32Now evevrything is changedPowerpoint TemplatesPage 33 THANK YOU ALL一、 The Discovery of American ----Columbus
二、 Colonial Era-----the U.S was occupied
Background:Boston Tea Party
三、 The Founding of A Republic
War of Independence
Declaration of Independence
The Civil War
四 、War between the States
Westward Movement
五、 Reconstruction :American-Spanish War 1898
The Great Depression
六、During the world war
The New Deal
American&The Soviet Union
七、Cold War period Truman Doctrine
Marshell Plan
八、The development of America in 21th century
Hello,everyone,now, we will learn the British History.British History is very long.Such as the Chinese.In prehistoric,it also exist ancient civilization.It experienced old stone age,middle stone age,new stone age,bronze age,iran age and the dawning of English History.In this way,Britain have the deep cultural deposis.
Britain have a official title----Unite Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island.It include Great Britain,the whole is Ireland and all the offshore island.
This is the map of Britain.Actually,the area of land is very small compared with others like China and America.
Britain isolated from Eurpe by the English channel and the North sea.Once perceived as being on the edge of the world.Because of the special geographic position,the seas around Britain also acted as barriers against attempted invasions.For example,the Armada,1588,the French,1805and Nazi Germany ,1904.
British Whether is so mild that it allows farming to flourish across the country.It established abundant material basis for the future progress.In north it have less gertile land and it’s wetter,but in South,it oppose.
Then,from?55BC—410AD Britain enter the Roman Emperor make inroads in Britain and change it as its province.With the increasement of fight,Roman Emoire went down gradually.Meanwhile,British also rsisted Roman actively.So it left in around 410AD.
This is the meaning of BC and AC.BC stands for befor christ,while AD stands for the Latin Phrase anno domini.It means in the year of our lord.
After the Roman left,German invaded Britain continually.British is expeled and became alaves.Then British society began the feudolization .From 8 century,Denmark began invaded Britain.To resist Danes,Britain set up a unitive kindom.During the intrusion,British feudolization accelerated and peasant go bankrupt.It promoted the number of the serf.
After Willian conquar the Britain,it enter the royalty era.To know the property condition,Willian dispatched officials to survey and took notes.It was called domesday book.So britain established powerful centralized feudal autocracy.It consolidated the feudal hierarchy and royalty.
But from the house of plantagenet,finance appear pressure because of war.To solve the question .John accepted the Magna Carta.Before long,John denied it.The monarch and his subjects have a deep contradiction.In 1295,to raise money for the war,Edward convene the model meeting.In 1297,Britain developed two parliaments.
In Tudor royal,the movement of endosures became a important way to accumulate capitals.
In 1588, Britain bet the Spanish fleet and it take a step to get the right to control seas.
Britain began to from the feudai society to capitalist society.It implement mercantilism policy to strenghen national power.Meanwhile,it carried out the absolute autocracy.In 1534,Congress passed the imperial oders ,and English King became the leader of church of England.It’s also one of the ways to accumulate capitals.
From 1603,Britain began the Stuant Dynasty.With the quickly development of capitalism,the capitalist class have serious contradiction with autocracy.But James1 ignored it,In 1628,congress put forward petition of right.King dismissed the congress .But Charles1 convened the long-term meeting and tenmpery meeting .To solve uprising.It means that Britain revolution began.
In 1641,congress put forward grand remonstrce.But Charles1 refused to approve it and provoked the civil war to attack insurgent.
The English Civil War is the struggle between a new bourgeols aristocraty and fedual autocracy.The British bourgeois revolution had reached a highed peak.At last ,king failed .In 1653,Cromwell established military dictatorship.
In 1660,Stuant Dynasty came back.Although James2 attempted to recover autocracy,social change can’t be changed.
In 1688,British capitalist class developed the Glorious Revolution.It overthrew James2 authority and the Bill of Right were written into law,limited the power of the monarch,guaranteed the authority of the parliament.It announced Bill of Rights and eatablished the foundation of constitutional monarchy.
In 1733,Britain began the industrial revolution.With the brisk development of revolution,Britain became the world factory and began to carry out conlonial expansion.In the end of 19 century ,Britain became the biggest colonial emperor.
After the world war,Britain lose the monopoly position in dustry and became the second-class nation.
In 1973,Britain join the Eurpean Communities.
In 1979,Mrs Thatcher pushed forward privatization and it made British economy recover ennergy.