(考前輔導)中考英語考能提升 聽力專題 人教新目標版

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《(考前輔導)中考英語考能提升 聽力專題 人教新目標版》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《(考前輔導)中考英語考能提升 聽力專題 人教新目標版(15頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、聽力命題特點剖析 掌握中考聽力的命題特點,有的放矢,提高中考應試能力。 重點:了解中考對聽力的考查要求。 難點:做好聽力試題,除了要有好的語言知識儲備、大量的聽說實踐之外, 還需要掌握一定的聽力技巧。 聽力是中考英語測試中比較固定的題型,它主要用來考查學生通過錄音材料獲取信息和迅速處理信息的能力。聽力測試成績的好壞與學生平時英語基礎知識的掌握情況有直接關系。聽力在中考中的分值為20-30分。 中考聽力能力要求 1. 能根據(jù)語調和重音理解說話者的意圖。 2. 能聽懂有關熟悉話題的談話,并能從中提取信息和觀點。 3. 能借助語境克服生詞障礙、理解大意。 4

2、. 能聽懂接近正常語速的故事和敘述,理解其中的情節(jié)和因果關系。 5. 能在聽的過程中按指令要求做出相應的反應。 6. 能針對所聽語段的內容記錄簡單信息。 中考聽力特點剖析   第一,中考其實是一項檢查性考試,絕大多數(shù)題目都是對基本知識點的考查。在聽力中,這種特點就表現(xiàn)在絕大部分內容均是課本和日常生活中最為常用的詞匯和場景,僅會在長對話和短文中出現(xiàn)超綱詞匯,但一般不會影響理解。   第二,中考聽力的語速和平時課本磁帶的語速差不多,而且發(fā)音準確,因此不必擔心聽力材料語速過快或有口音。   第三,中考聽力一般放兩遍。第一遍可以熟悉內容,對于直接型題目(即對話中直接提供答案的)馬

3、上就能選出答案,對于稍有疑問的題目,可第二遍再仔細辨別;對于聽力基礎較好的同學來說,第二遍則能起到一個檢查的作用,這樣一來,聽力考試的確是一個“較為輕松的任務”。   最后,中考聽力幾乎全為選擇題,每一小題后只有3個選項,且3個選項一般差別較大,容易區(qū)分,相對于閱讀和單項填空的4 個選項來說,準確率更高。   注意兩點: 1. 保持一種爭取基本題盡量不失分,難題盡量多拿分的態(tài)度來應對考試。千萬不要因為一道題沒聽到或沒聽清楚就焦躁不安,影響整場考試乃至整個中考的表現(xiàn)。 2. 聽力考試要求全神貫注加上適度緊張,所以切不能犯困或精神不集中。英語科目的考試時間一般在下午,要保證中午良好

4、的休息。 聽力問題的類型 常見的聽力問題包括以下幾種類型: 1. 考查具體事實和信息。如時間、地點、人物、價錢、數(shù)量、原因、目的、結果等,有時還要對聽到的信息加工處理,如數(shù)字運算、時間順序、比較篩選、同義轉換、因果關系等。常見話題的細節(jié)問題有: Where has Jack been? What time will they meet? What will the weather be like the day after tomorrow? Who will be in the sports meeting? What is wrong with the man? W

5、hy cannot the woman help the man? How long could she keep the book? How far is it from here to the bookshop? How many people are mentioned in the passage? How much are all the things? 2. 推測談話背景,判斷人物身份。要求同學們理解對話地點、背景和對話者之間的關系。常見的考查背景的問題有: Who are the two speakers? What is the relationship bet

6、ween the two speakers? Which sport will the boy maybe win? Where are the two speakers? Where are they? Where are they talking? 3. 領會弦外之音,理解觀點意圖。要求同學們不僅能理解所聽內容的主旨大意,而且能通過其中的重要細節(jié)、具體事實,揣摩、推斷說話者的意圖、觀點和態(tài)度等。這類問題常見的有: What can you know from the passage? What do you know from the dialogue? 句子理解:

7、聽句子,從所給的三幅圖中選出與你所聽到的句子情景相同(相近)的圖畫。(每小題讀兩遍) (加入音頻) 【聽力原文】 1. I would like some noodles for lunch. 2. It’s six o’clock. It’s time to get up. 3. A camera is used for taking photos. 4. When a house is on fire you should call firefighters for help. 5. The whole family are having a big dinne

8、r at the moment. 答案:1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 聽力考查類型解讀 把握中考聽力的題型,輕輕松松應對中考。 重點:中考聽力考查題型。 難點:把握聽力題型。 聽力測試作為了解學生獲取信息能力的有效辦法,仍然會在今年及以后的中考中占有重要的位置(120分的試題,聽力占20-30分)。初三年級的學生,要想在中考英語測試中取得理想的成績,在復習階段,無論在心理上,還是時間利用上,都不能忽視對這一部分能力的提高。 聽力考查題型 中考聽力試題在形式上最近兩年沒有太大改變。主要涵蓋了下列題型:單詞、短語、數(shù)字、句子聽

9、辨題;句子理解題;情景反應題;對話理解;綜合短文聽力理解;聽短文填詞題??傮w上,試題內容分為短句、對話和短文(綜合性的短文)。 聽力測試所涉及的日常生活話題有:問候、邀請、看病、約會、購物、問路、打電話、談論天氣、詢問時間等,測試內容大致可分為:時間和數(shù)字、地點和動向、價格和數(shù)量、人物和事件、情景和背景等。 在復習階段的聽力訓練中,同學們應該對以上提到的試題類型做到心中有數(shù),同時,應該在平時的訓練中明白自己的軟肋在哪里,并有針對性地采取補救措施。 單詞、短語、數(shù)字、句子聽辨題。 對這部分比較薄弱的同學,建議在英語的語音基礎知識方面多下工夫。在平時的學習中要注意總結、分清發(fā)音相似的單詞,

10、如homework,housework,housewife;space,place,please;bottle,table,little,middle等。同時,平時自己就要做到發(fā)音準確,把單詞讀準確。多積累短語和背誦各種有用的句型,注意相似句型之間的轉換。 情景反應及對話理解題。 首先要熟悉和掌握各種日常生活話題中的基本對話和用語,如平時在練習中自己沒有做對,就要先把它讀得非常熟練(或兩個同學分角色對話練習),形成語感層次的自然反應,再去聽的時候就會很自然地做出正確反應了。通過平時練習的積累,就能不斷提高自己做情景對話聽力題的能力;另外要注意做題技巧,捕捉對話中的關鍵信息,如時間、地點、人

11、物或人物相互之間的關系等,提高做題的準確率。切忌用中國式的語言思維方式。 短文題。 首先要多做泛聽的練習,擴大自己聽力的知識面和范圍;其次,做題技巧上要注意帶著問題去聽,即從短文中聽到或篩選出自己需要的重點信息。平時練習中有許多短文的閱讀理解,不妨把閱讀理解作為一篇短文聽力去朗讀一遍,以熟悉不同的文體或題材。只有聽力接觸的面廣了,聽到不同的短文內容心里才不會發(fā)怵,才能提高自己做聽力短文題的信心。 題型分類解讀 短對話 短對話是相對而言比較簡單的題型。這類題目的對話短到只有兩句,分別由一男一女朗讀,每道題后只有一個問題。短對話中??嫉氖情g接型題,即考生要通過簡單的思考來確定答案

12、,這類題目著重考查考生的基本語法知識和英語基本常識,例如: W: What’s your full name please? M: Well, my family name is Brown, but people often call me John. Q: What’s the man’s given name? A. Brown B. John C. John Brown 這道題的關鍵之一在于考生是否知道什么是“given name”,英文中的命名方法及如何稱呼是入門的基本常識,在剛進初中時老師基本都講過,舉這道題為例是要告訴大家任何最基本的知識

13、點都有可能考到,因此平時對西方文化中的一些基本常識要有所了解。 此外提醒大家注意三點: ①短對話的答案一般出自第二個人的話中,大家聽第二個人的話時精神要格外集中。 要根據(jù)問題的類型,從第二個講話者的言語中捕捉關鍵詞?! ? 例:What’s the man going to do? A. Run to the airport. B. Wait for another bus. C. Hurry to get the next bus. 答案:C 錄音原文: M:Excuse me, can you tell me when the next bus leave fo

14、r the airport? W:It leaves in three minutes. If you run, you might catch it. 思路分析:根據(jù)選項來看,對話似乎與bus有關,主要信息捕捉范圍是在“Hurry”或“Run”和“Wait”之間。聽音范圍明顯縮小。關鍵詞“run”和“catch”正好對上答案C項的“Hurry”和“get”。 ②大家對時間及地點的常用表達方法要牢記于心,因為這是聽力中常出現(xiàn)的內容,掌握熟練的話會大大提高反應速度與準確率。 在獲取時間信息時,不要誤把會話中提到的時間簡單確定為問題的答案。中考聽力考查時間時往往要進行簡單的時間換算。 例

15、:At what time does the train to Leeds leave? A. 3:00 B. 3:15 C. 5:00 答案:B 錄音原文: W:Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train to Manchester is? M:Sure. Well, it’s 3 now. The next train to Manchester leaves in 2 hours, but you can take the train to Leeds which leaves in 15 mi

16、nutes, and then get off at Manchester on the way. 思路分析:對話中提到了三個時間:It’s 3 now, in 2 hours, in 15 minutes?,F(xiàn)在是3點,開往Manchester的火車要兩小時后才開,即The train to Manchester leaves in 2 hours。若簡單機械地把3點和2點相加,會得出火車5點才開的錯誤選項C項。問句中問的是去Leeds的火車幾點離開,15分鐘后自然是3:15。 ③注意細節(jié)??忌⒁饴犌鍐栴}中的句子是否有“not”等小詞,以免中埋伏。中考聽力中常常涉及數(shù)字,學生一定要注

17、意區(qū)別以“ty”和“teen”結尾的數(shù)字詞發(fā)音的區(qū)別,兩者的元音及發(fā)音時間不同,前者音短而后者有一個長元音,因此發(fā)音時間較長,這類題目每年必考,如結合基本的計算時考生應特別小心。注意more,less,as much(many)as,another,double,to,past,quarter;記住時間是60進制。 例:At what time does the office open? A. At 8:15 B. At 8: 00 C. At 7:45 答案:B 錄音原文:M:I wonder why the office is still not ope

18、n. W: But it’s not yet eight. In fact, it’s only a quarter to eight. 思路分析:從常識判斷,辦公時間往往以整點開始,而不會在幾點幾分。根據(jù)“還沒到8:00呢,事實上差15分鐘8點”,故8:00 開門。 長對話與短文 長對話后的問題有兩個到四個不等,學生普遍反映丟分較多。長對話和短文或獨白的解題技巧相通,所以在這里一并講述。 在長對話和短文或者獨白中,極少出現(xiàn)間接和理解型題目,因其信息量較大,一般在原文中都已直接給出答案,就看考生是否聽得到,抓得準了。這里給大家送上九個字——“多用腦,勤動筆,多積累”。 多用

19、腦: 所謂“多用腦”是指帶著問題去聽文章。在發(fā)下試卷到正式開考前的10多分鐘里,抓緊時間看試卷上的問題。即使問題沒有印在試卷上,也要根據(jù)選項猜測這是有關什么方面的問題。這樣做題時就能有的放矢,提高效率。 勤動筆: “勤動筆”是指注意記錄,第一遍主要用來記錄基本信息,尤其是涉及具體的時間、地點、年份等??键c時,這種方法極為有效。第二遍主要是檢查與補充。 多積累: 要想做好上述兩點,平時的積累與準備是很重要的。因為很多時候考生要通過對話的具體情節(jié)和背景判斷對話發(fā)生的地點、人物的職業(yè)、人物的關系等。 對話理解:根據(jù)你所聽到的對話內容,選擇最佳選項回答問題。(每段對話讀

20、兩遍) 聽下面6段短對話,回答第6至11小題。 6. What day is it today? A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday. 7. What’s the woman’s hobby? A. Fishing. B. Swimming. C. Hiking. 8. How is the weather in March in Tianjin? A. Windy. B. Mild. C. Rainy. 9. Where does the conversation mo

21、st probably happen? A. In a bookshop. B. In a restaurant. C. In a clothing shop. 10. What does the man mean? A. Someone else will take the seat. B. The woman can take the seat. C. The man will take the seat himself. 11. How old is the girl? A. Four. B. Nine. C. Thirteen. 答

22、案:6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. C 聽力原文: 6. W:What? You haven’t got ready? Isn’t it Thursday today? M:No, it isn’t. It’s Wednesday. 7. W:What’s your hobby? M:I like fishing very much. What about you? W:I 1ike hiking. 8. W:How is the weather in spring in Tianjin? M:It’s often windy in M

23、arch. In April. It’s mild. Sometimes it rains in May. 9. W:May I help you? M:Yes,please. I’d like the white shirt. Can I try it on? W:Sure. 10. W:Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here? M:Of course not. W:Thank you. 11. W:Hello! I’ve come to see if my brother and I can join the club. M:How

24、 old is your brother? W:He’s nine, and I’m four years older than him. 聽力解題技巧點撥 掌握聽力題的解題技巧,提高中考英語成績。 重點:解聽力題的總體技巧。 難點:識別聽力題中的陷阱題。 “聽力能力測試有心理、瞬時、信息三個方面的效應,決定聽力高低的關鍵在于能否盡快理解所聽材料的內在聯(lián)系,領會其大意,抓住其重點?!甭犃斫獾恼Z言材料有別于閱讀材料,語言結構不如書面語言嚴謹,較接近我們日常生活中的口語表達,有猶豫、停頓、重復、思考、重音、略音、拖長音、被打斷、語序顛倒等現(xiàn)象,句子簡短,但內涵信

25、息多。同學們做聽力試題時,除了聽錄音內容外,還要特別注意說話人的語音、語氣、語調等方面包含的信息。 解聽力題的總體技巧 1. 穩(wěn)定情緒,集中精力。 心理素質的好壞直接影響聽力的理解。同學們應有一個良好的精神狀態(tài),在聽時必須鎮(zhèn)定自信,頭腦清醒,沉著不亂,全神貫注,凝神諦聽,以積極向上的心理盡快進入答題狀態(tài)。 2. 審清題意,預測內容。 如果自己對題目了如指掌,答題時就可從容不迫,有的放矢,不會因來不及讀題而錯過答題。因此,同學們應盡量利用“試卷分發(fā)”到“播放試音樂曲和試音材料”之間的時間,及時、迅速地閱讀題目(題干和選項),根據(jù)題目中所包含的信息來推測對話的內容。 預測是在做

26、聽力理解之前根據(jù)各種暗示,如所給答案選項、段落或對話標題等已有知識,對即將聽到的段落或對話內容進行預測。 (1)據(jù)選項預測 例:Q: What does Tom do? A. He’s a truck driver. B. He’s a ship captain. C. He’s a pilot. 答案:C 錄音原文: W:Tom flew to Anchorage last night,then took some passengers from there to Dollas. M:Yeah, but he couldn’t land because the air

27、port in Dollas was snowed in. 思路分析:從選項看,問題應是關于職業(yè)方面的,再從flew,passengers,airport這些信息詞中可知道Tom的職業(yè)。 (2)據(jù)說話人口吻預測 在A,B兩人的對話中,如果B是附和或贊成,往往說 “Yes”,“I agree”,“Sure”,“I think so”等。但如A用否定句,B表同意則用 “No”,“Neither / Nor…”等。 3. 捕捉信息,快速記錄。 聽錄音時做好筆記,有助于記住所聽內容。特別可防止對人名、地名、數(shù)字等聽過即忘的現(xiàn)象。有時即使聽力理解的能力很強,不做筆記也難以記住長對話或passa

28、ge中的全部細節(jié),或來不及對需推理、運算的結果做出反應。筆記還可以抓住人物(who)、事件(what)、時間(when)、地點(where)、原因(why)、方式(how)、程度(how often /soon)等信息,同學們可以按自己的方式來記這些內容,可以記關鍵詞或運用符號記錄。尤其是審題階段或預測確定那些和聽力問題相關的主題詞,更要特別留意、捕捉這些關鍵信息。 例:How much will the man pay for the tickets? A. $18 B. $24 C. $30 答案:B 錄音原文:W:Tickets for the mov

29、ie are $ 6 for adults, half price for children. M: All right, I’d like three tickets for adults and two tickets for children, please. 思路分析:筆記可簡化為:$ 6 A (代表adult),? C (代表children) ,3A+2C =3×6 + 2×3=24,故選B項。 4. 抓住重點,果斷答題。 答題時切不可因為一個詞聽不清,就停下來琢磨一陣,這樣,等反應過來時,錄音的播放已經(jīng)過了好幾句,弄得顧此失彼。同學們應知道聽力測試的“時效”性,聽力測試不

30、像筆試那樣有較長的時間去思考某一個問題,或者有選擇地先易后難,只要錄音一開始,考生只能按部就班地跟著錄音往下聽,千萬不可為一個難題冥思苦想,而要果斷地放過它,集中精力應付下一題。 聽力考試常出現(xiàn)以where引導的問句,考生要通過對話的具體情節(jié)和背景判斷對話發(fā)生的地點。一般來說,特定場景的用語和關鍵詞是基本固定的,考生對此要多了解。在遇到Where does the conversation take place? / Where does sb. work? / What’s his job? 之類的問題時,就會派上用場。特定場景的關鍵詞如下: restaurant:menu,bill,o

31、rder,tip,hamburger,beer,soup hotel:luggage,single room,double room,room number,check in(out) hospital:take medicine,temperature,pill,headache,fever,examine post office:mail,deliver,stamp,envelope,parcel airport:flight,take off,land,luggage railway station:round trip,single trip,sleeping car st

32、ore:on sale,size,wear,colour,style,price,change,bargain,fit school:professor,exam,course,term,dining hall,playground library:librarian,renew,date,shelf,magazine,seat 5. 分析推理,優(yōu)化信息。 測試時,并非所有聽力材料中的每個詞、句子都能被自己聽懂,這時同學們就要根據(jù)上下文或信息的前后聯(lián)系來推理、分析、修正、判斷、猜測詞義或問題的答案。 總之,聽力部分的解題技巧可以總結如下: 1. 考生的心理素質尤為重要,要有自信

33、心,沉著冷靜,靜心收聽,注意力要集中; 2. 在做題前一定要快速瀏覽一遍題目和選項,以便聽時有所側重; 3. 將沒聽清楚的詞或句子放一邊,不要影響下一道題; 4. 在測試過程中要積極、主動、有意識、有選擇地去聽; 5. 平時加強訓練。 每天精聽一套真題,不間斷。每天聽一套題目,6個月下來也快200套了,已經(jīng)能幫助你適應各種各樣的試題,并使你的聽力水平得到較大提高。記住,要聽各地的真題,且要選擇和自己水平相應的真題去練,循序漸進。 利用零碎時間泛聽。泛聽的材料則以一些不帶問題的材料為宜,如一些短文朗讀、故事講述之類的聽力材料,因為短文中常常出現(xiàn)的就是敘述性的文章。 這樣精聽、泛聽

34、結合,也是測試聽力與趣味聽力的交融,勞逸結合,提高必然很快。 聽第一段長對話,回答第12至14小題。 12. How far is the History Museum? A. About 4 kilometers away. B. About 5 kilometers away. C. About 6 kilometers away. 13. How will the woman go to the museum? A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus. 14. When does the museum

35、 open in the morning? A. At 8:00. B. At 8:30. C. At 9:00. 聽第二段長對話,回答第15至17小題。 15. What kind of home does Li Wei live in? A. A farmhouse. B. A townhouse. C. An apartment building. 16. Which floor does Jane live on? A. The second floor. B. The fourth floor. C. The eigh

36、th floor. 17. Who is looking for an apartment? A. Alan. B. Jane’s parents. C. Li Wei’s parents. 答案:12. A 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. A 【聽力原文】 聽第一段長對話,回答第1至4小題。 W:Excuse me,where is the History Museum? M:The museum? It’s about 4 kilometers away from here. W:Can I go there by

37、 bus? M:Yes. Please take Bus No .5, and get off at Friendship Building. Then you’ll see a post office on your right. The museum is just behind it. W:Take No. 5 bus, get off at Friendship Building. Mm, I see. By the way, when does the museum open? M:At 9: 00 in the morning. 聽第二段長對話,回答第5至7小題。 W

38、:Li Wei, what kind of home do you live in? M:It’s a townhouse with two floors. W:Do you live with your parents? M:No, they live in a big farmhouse in the country. What about your home, Jane? W:It’s an apartment. M:How many floors are there in your building? W:There are eight. And I live on t

39、he fourth floor. M:Do you like living there? W:Yes. I do. It’s near our factory. M:Oh. Alan is looking for an apartment near our factory. Maybe we can help him. (答題時間:30分鐘) 一、聽短對話,回答問題 聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試題的相應位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。 1.

40、What does the woman usually have for breakfast? A. Meat. B. Hamburgers. C. Fruit. 2. What is the woman’s last name? A. Jackson. B. Brown. C. Angela. 3. How does the woman go to school? A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bike.

41、4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At a bank. B. In a shop. C. At a ticket office. 5. When is the art festival? A. On April 22nd. B. On May 4th. C. On June 3rd. 二、聽較長對話,回答問題 聽下面一段對話,回答第6至8三個小題?,F(xiàn)在,你有15秒的時間閱讀這三個小題。 6. Who went to Sanya f

42、or winter holiday? A. Tina’s friends. B. Tina’s family. C. Tina’s teachers. 7. How was the weather there? A. It was cold. B. It was cool. C. It was warm. 8. What did the woman speaker think of the trip? A. It was long. B. It was great. C. It

43、was tiring. 聽下面一段對話,回答第9至11三個小題?,F(xiàn)在,你有15秒的時間閱讀這三個小題。 9. Why does the man feel tired? A. He goes to bed too late. B. He can’t wear his own clothes. C. He does many chores. 10. What does the woman suggest at the end of the conversation? A. The man should wake up early. B. The man should chee

44、r himself up. C. The man should study harder. 11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Mother and son. 三、聽獨白,回答問題 聽下面一段獨白。聽獨白前,你有20秒鐘的時間閱讀4個小題。聽完獨白后,你有20秒鐘的時間來選擇有關選項。獨白連讀兩遍。 12. Where did the speaker go that day

45、? A. To a restaurant. B. To a garage. C. To a village. 13. What time should they meet for the party? A. At 5:55 p.m. B. At 6:00 p.m. C. At 6:05 p.m. 14. What happened to the speaker on the way to the party? A. The wallet was lost. B. The car went wrong.

46、C. The gift was missing. 15. How did the speaker feel at the end of the party? A. Funny. B. Lonely. C. Bad. 一、聽短對話,回答問題 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B 二、聽較長對話,回答問題 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. C 三、聽獨白,回答問題 12. A 13. A 14.

47、 B 15. C 【聽力原文】 一、聽短對話,回答問題。 聽下面5段對話,每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試題的相應位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。 (Text 1) M: What do you usually have for breakfast, Cindy? W: I usually eat eggs, vegetables or fruit. But I don’t like hamburgers or meat for breakfast. (Text 2)

48、 M: Hi! I’m Martin Brown. What’s your name? W: My name’s Angela Jackson. You can call me Angela. (Text 3) M: I usually go to school on my mountain bike, but today my mum drove me here. W: I walk to school every day. (Text 4) M: Morning, madam. Can I help you? W: Yes. I’m looking for something

49、 for my son. M: We have sweaters in all colors for 30 dollars. W: Oh, that sounds good. (Text 5) M: Grace, please help me fill in these dates on my calendar. When is the school trip? W: It’s on April 22nd. M: And the art festival? W: It’s on May 4th. M: OK. And how about our sports meet? Whe

50、n is that? W: It’s on June 3rd. 二、聽較長對話,回答問題。 聽下面兩段較長對話,每段對話后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽每段對話前,你有時間閱讀各小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話讀兩遍。 聽下面一段對話,回答第6至第8三個小題,現(xiàn)在,你有15秒鐘的時間閱讀這三個小題。 M: Hey, Tina. Where did you go over the winter holiday? W: My family and I went to Sanya. M: Really? Did you

51、like it? W: Yes. It was so warm. M: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? W: We went there by plane. M: How was the beach? What did you do there? W: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures and I also went swimming. M: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? W: Sure. 聽下面一

52、段對話,回答第9至第11三個小題?,F(xiàn)在,你有15秒鐘的時間閱讀這三個小題。 W: You’re looking a bit tired! What’s the matter? M: I have to get up too early for school so I feel tired all the time. W: Well, I don’t think you should go to bed so late! M: And I hate having to wear school uniform. Why can’t I wear my own clothes? W: Wh

53、y don’t you think of more important things? M: Like what? W: Like helping me with the chores! When you’re busy working, you don’t have time to worry about anything else. M: Yes. But I have to study. And I get good marks at school! W: So you’ve got nothing to worry about. You should learn to wake

54、 up with a smile. 三、聽獨白,回答問題。 聽下面一段獨白,聽獨白前,你有20秒鐘的時間閱讀四個小題。聽完獨白后,你有20秒鐘的時間來選擇有關選項。獨白連讀兩遍。 It was my friend Christina’s birthday last Tuesday so we decided to go out for a meal. We booked a table for six o’clock at a nice restaurant in town and arranged to meet at five to six, outside the restau

55、rant. I live in a small village about six kilometers from the town and my dad kindly offered to drive me to the restaurant. Unfortunate car started again. Anyway, that made me very late. Everyone else was there and was already eating. It was then that I realized that I didn’t have Christina’s prese

56、nt or card with me-they were in Dad’s car. I felt terrible as everyone else gave Christina something for her birthday. Everything went fine after that-until the end of the meal. We got the bill and were working out how much each person had to pay when I realized that I didn’t have my wallet with me either. I had to borrow some money from one of my friends. Everyone thought it was very funny, but I was really embarrassed. 15

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