摘要 分析湖南2008年冰災引起的倒塔原因,現(xiàn)場調查了2008年湖南冰災期間≥220 kV輸電線路的受損情況,發(fā)現(xiàn)倒塔線路覆冰厚度主要集中在20~60 mm,同時微地形和微氣象造成覆冰加重和覆冰的不均勻性,檔距、塔形等對線路倒塔也存在影響。分析倒桿斷線的形式認為覆冰太厚超過設計值,垂直荷載壓垮和不平衡張力拉垮是造成線路倒塔的原因. 從而制造輸電線路上的除冰機器人成為必要,由國家863計劃和08年后的除冰機器人的研究和綜合分析,設計一個由各個選用模塊組成的高效除冰機器人。
關鍵詞 巡線機器人 除冰機器人 除冰機構 除冰方法 冰災
Mechanical Design of a Robot for Deicing Transmission Lines
Abstract The damage of the transmission lines in Hunan during the 2008 ice storm is surveyed and the main causes for the tower collapses and line failures are analyzed.It is found that the ice accretion thickness on the failed Iines mostly falls in the range of 20~60mm which is well beyond the designed standard.In addition,the situation may be worsened by the nonhomogeneity of the ice accretion due to microtopography and micrometeorology conditions,spandistance,and the imbalanced tension caused by vertical load。Thus the ice on the transmission in manufacturing, it becomes necessary to design a comprehensive analysis of each choose modules of efficient deicing robot by national 863 plan and 8 years of study and the deicing robot.
Key words line patrol robot deicing robot deicing institutions deicing method Ice plagues