畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
(可從教務處網頁上下載)打印,要求正文小4號宋體,1.5倍行 , 打印在 上 。
3.任務書內填寫的內容,必須 學生畢業(yè)設計(論文) 的情況 一 , ,應 經 所在專業(yè)及
系(院)主 領導審 后 可 填寫。
4.任務書內 學院 、 專業(yè) 名 的填寫,應寫 文 ,不 寫 字?¢。學生的 學號 要寫
號,不 £寫?后2¥或1¥ 字。
5.任務書內 主要?§文currency1 的填寫,應按'“???fi學院fl?畢業(yè)設計(論文) 寫–??的要求書寫。
6. · ? ??的填寫,應 按'?標GB/T 7408—94“ 據? ”?格式、…‰”?、?? ?
`′?–?的要求,一?用ˉ?˙ 字書寫?!?2002·4 2? 或 2002-04-02”。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
1.fl畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題應 ?的目的:
汽車主減速器及差速器? ??? 要的ˇ —分, 用? ? 的發(fā)? 給 ?車
,?汽車 ?系 減小 速、 的主要—????a主減速器前 的 ?—?,¨ 速 、分?器、
? 的 減小, 減小 速 的?? ?o, ?。fl 設計的? ?車
的主減速器及差速器 。設計內容主要 ? ?的?? 及 結構的設計 改 。
2.fl畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題任務的內容 要求( ?原始 據、fi術要求、工 要求 ):
fl 設計的? ?車的主減速器及差速器 。設計內容主要 ? ?的?? 及 結構的設計 改
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
3.對fl畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題 果的要求〔 ?圖 、實物 硬?要求〕:
1、根據計算結果利用Creo對 行實體建模、 。
2、畢業(yè)論文1 字左右(并附 的分析 據)
[1] 劉惟….汽車設計[M].北京:清華 學出版社,2001.
[2] 陳家瑞.汽車構造[M].北京: 械工業(yè)出版社,2003.
[3] 汽車工程手冊編輯委員會.汽車工程手冊[M]:設計篇.北京:人民” 出版社,2001.
[4] 余志生. 汽車理論[M].北京: 械工業(yè)出版社,2009.
[5] 王聰興,馮茂林.現?設計 ′在 ??設計 的應用[J].公路 汽運,2004,(4):6-8.
[6] 王鐵,張?忠,周淑文.路 不平度影響下的汽車 ???載荷[J].東北 學學報,2003,(1):50-53.
[7] 陳立德. 械設計基礎[M].北京: 械工業(yè)出版社,2013.
[8] 齊 丹.互?性 測ofi術[M].北京: ?電?出版社,2011.
[9] 王 榮,陳永波. 限?′基礎及ANSYS應用[M].北京:?學出版社,2011.
[10] 王?權,龔?慶.汽車設計課程指導書[M].北京: 械工業(yè)出版社,2009.
[11] 王聰興,馮茂林. 現?設計 ′在 ??設計 的應用[J].公路 汽運,2004,(4):6-8.
[12] 常曙光. 載汽車 ??齒 用鋼的 分設計[J].現?零—?,2006,(1):90-95.
[13] 季萍.汽車主減速器螺旋錐齒 械加工工藝[J].生產現場,2009,(2):53-55.
[14] 易勇,劉志浩,姜文義,楊希檢. 差速器耐久性–? 異響失效分析[J].汽車fi術,2014,
[15] 賈憲林,周雙龍,高清海,?文波.汽車主減速器圓錐滾子軸承預緊? 的確?[J].軸承,2006,
[16] 劉志峰,安吉 , ,林 .汽車 ??主減速器 預?測o 構的設計[J]. 械設計
[17] 王 ,平建 .EQ2050 汽車 減速器 ?設計[J]. 測 ,2007,(1):
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
5.fl畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題工 度計 :
2015.12.05-2016.01.15確??題,填寫審題 ;指導教師下發(fā)任務書,學生查 課題 ?§文currency1、資
料, 寫開題報 。
2016.01.16-2016.02.25 ”開題報 、外文?§資料及譯文、畢業(yè)設計(論文) ;開始畢業(yè)設計
2016.02.26-2016.04.15具體設計或 ?實 , ”畢業(yè)設計(論文)草 ,填寫 ?檢查 。
2016.04.16-2016.05.05 論文或設計 書、圖 料, ”畢業(yè)設計(論文)? ,指導 師審
2016.05.06-2016.05.13 ”畢業(yè)設計 ?文檔,學生準?¢£;? 教師? 學生畢業(yè)設計(論文)。
2016.05.13-2016.05.26根據學院統(tǒng)一安¥, 行畢業(yè)設計(論文)¢£。
負責人: 2016 · 1 22 ?
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)開 題 報 告
3.“文獻綜述”應按論文的框架成文,并 書寫(或打印)在 開題報告 一 目內,學生寫文獻綜述的
文獻應 15 ( );
4. 期的填寫,應 按 標GB/T 7408—94 據 交 格式 ?交 期 時¢£
?¥?§currency1的要求,一'用“?? ?書寫。fi“2004 4 26 ”或“2004-04-26”。
5 開題報告(文獻綜述)?fl 按–fl ??·書寫, ¢?1.5?。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
1.結?畢業(yè)設計(論文)?題”?,…據所查‰的文獻資料, ? 寫 1000?`′的文獻綜述:
汽車˙¨ ? ,? ??汽車ˇ—的 生ˇ及汽車工業(yè)的打 ,汽車 經對¨ 經 打 ?
生 ˇ生? ¥a 的 ,為? 會的 ?作?? ?o 的 獻。目前 的車用
減速器開 設計 論在 上 ? 工 上, ?在成 ??上 在 ?的差?,?其???? ?
開 創(chuàng)新能力, 段落后( 外己實 計算機編程化 電算化)。目前比較突?的˙題?, 業(yè)整
fl新ˇ—開 能力弱 工 創(chuàng)新及管理水平低,企業(yè)管理方式較為粗放,相 比例的ˇ—仍為中低檔次,?
際 力的ˇ——牌, 業(yè)整fl散亂”?依然嚴重。
目前 內汽車的差速器ˇ—的 基 源自美 德 幾個傳統(tǒng)的工業(yè) 家, 的 基 上
?引 外的基礎上 的,而且 經 ?一currency1的§模。但?目前 的差速器沒 自己的核心 ˇ—,自
主開 能力仍然很弱, ?整車新車的開 。在差速器的 開 上 很長的路要走。
前汽車在朝著經 性 動力性的方向 ,fi何能夠使自己的ˇ—燃油經 性 動力性盡?能提高? 個汽
車廠家 在做的事”, 然這?一個廣泛的概念,汽車的 一個部件 在 生著變化。主減速器及差速器也
例外,?其?那些對操?性 較高需求的車輛。因此,目前,上汽集團 東風集團 一汽集團 北汽集團 各
汽車集團正在開 ?作項目,希望能夠早 實 ¨ 先 的 軌, 斷爭取設計開 的新突破。(2)
汽車主減速器及差速器的設計涉及到的機械零部件的—種極為廣泛,對這些零部件及總成的? 也幾乎要
涉及到所 的 機械? 工 。因此, 次畢業(yè)設計將通過對汽車主減速器及差速器的學習 設計實踐 結
構的優(yōu)化設計 主要零部件強度的計算分析 限 分析 內容,? 更好地學習并 汽車零部件設計
計算分析的相 能,
通過對汽車主減速器及差速器的設計 計算,使 對綜? 用所學的基礎理論 專業(yè) ?更好的
, ? 對汽車設計的基 能?? 處理˙題的能力,為將 汽車 業(yè) currency1 實的基礎。
汽車主減速器及差速器?汽車傳動中的 重要的部件之一。它能夠將 向傳動 ˇ 的 動機 傳給 動
車?, 實 速 。主減速器及差速器對提高汽車 平 性 其通過性 著 ?的作用,?汽車設計的
重 之一。
車主減速器 差速器設計結構? 及設計方¥; 車主減速器 差速器設計 模及 工程 ;相
及?? 設計分析; 車主減速器 差速器設計 動分析 及??Creo的 化設計方¥。 次?題主要通
過對念 車主要動力 ¢分析計算,¢?其主減速器 差速器的主要 ,通過Creo£件實 主減速器
差速器的 實fl 模,并對其 動?¥,并通過ANSYS£件對相 結構 強度分析。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
2. ?題要??或??的˙題 §currency1用的?? 段('“):
一 ?題??及??的˙題
次設計的?汽車的主減速器 差速器總成,并要使其 一currency1的通過性。 次設計的內容 :方???,
結構的優(yōu)化設計 fi ,相 ?? ?? 的設計 fl核,而且在設計過程中, –?主減速器 差速器的?
成 及差速器的?理 差速過程, 用相 £件 動?¥ 結構強度分析。
1 通過查‰資料 ??并 主減速器 差速器設計結構? 及設計方¥。
2 用AutoCAD Creo £件對主減速器 差速器及相 ?? 模。
3 ??Creo的 化設計方¥,并對設計及 模后主減速器 差速器 動?¥分析。
4 用ANSYS£件對主減速器 差速器相 結構 強度分析。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
1.對“文獻綜述”的· :
能?對?題所涉及的˙題廣泛‰?文獻,并能對?題????的 ” 動? 前? 綜?分析 ·述,
2.對 ?題的‰度 廣度及工作 的意見 對設計(論文)結 的? :
對?題所涉及的??內容在 相 專業(yè) 的基礎上, 一?‰ 學習相 £件,應 能夠fi期完成 次畢
3.?`′意開題:? ′意 ? ′意
2016 03 09
2016 04 07
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)外 文 參 考 資 料 及 譯 文
譯文題目: Vehicle Navigation Using Global Views使用全局視圖的汽車導航
?! I(yè):
職 稱:
Vehicle Navigation Using Global Views
1 Introduction
Driver inattention is a major offender to highway crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that at least 25% of police-reported crashes involve some forms of driver inattention. Driving is a process that requires a driver to distribute his/her attention among different sub-tasks. First of all, a driver needs to pay attention to issues directly related to safety, including the surrounding traffic, dashboard displays, and other influx of information on the road such as traffic lights and road signs. In addition, the driver may choose to talk to a passenger, listen to the radio, and talk on the cell phone. Therefore, situation awareness plays an important role in driving safety. In this research, we are developing technologies to provide a driver with the information of dynamic surroundings around the vehicle when he/she is driving to enhance his/her situation awareness.
Situation awareness is defined as the perception of the elements in the environ- ment within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future. Sensing and representing infor- mation is a key for situation awareness in driving a vehicle. A lot of research has been directed towards improving in-vehicle information presentation. Green et al. surveyed early studies on human factor tests in navigation displays. They de- scribed objectives, principles and guidelines for the design of in-vehicle devices. Dale et al. investigated the problem of generating natural route descriptions for nav- igational assistance. Lee et al. developed a situationally appropriate map system for drivers].
Navigation user interfaces have changed dramatically over the last few years due to the availability of electronic maps and the Global Positioning System (GPS). The displays in the current GPS navigation systems show the location of a vehicle on a graphical map in a way that is similar to looking straight down at a paper map. Recently, several companies, such as Microsoft and Google, have started providing global view maps, such as aerial imagery maps, satellite imagery maps, and bird’s eye view maps. For example, in the bird’s eye view mode, Microsoft’s Windows Live Local consists of high resolution aerial imagery taken from an angle rather than straight down from four directions. Besides the GPS, a vehicle can also ob- tain information about the driving environment from other sensors, such as video cameras mounted at various positions, thermal infrared imagers, RADAR, LIDAR, and ultrasonic sensors. Among these sensors, video cameras are attractive from a packaging and cost perspective. Recent advances in computer vision and image processing technologies have made it possible to apply video-based sensors along with the GPS in driving assistance applications.
Here, we propose a novel method to enhance situation awareness by dynamically providing a global view of surrounding for drivers. The surrounding of a vehicle will be captured by an omnidirectional vision system at the top of a vehicle. In order to obtain high quality of surrounding images, we use an omnidirectional vision system consisting of multiple cameras, rather than a catadioptric camera used by the most existing systems for intelligent vehicles. The video stream from the camera is processed to detect nearby vehicles and obstacles. Positions of these detected objects will be overlaid on a global view map of the vehicle. We deduce the mapping between an omnidirectional vision system and global view map. This map can be projected onto a Head-Up Display (HUD) on the windshield and provide a dramatically realistic perspective view of the driving environment. By looking at the display, a driver can have a global picture of the situation and likely produce a good driving strategy.
The rest of this chapter is organized as the following: Sect. 8.2 describes the problem and the proposed approach. Section 8.3 discusses the imaging model of our camera system. Section 8.4 presents a panoramic Inverse Perspective Mapping (pIPM). Section 8.5 shows how to implement the pIPM. Section 8.6 introduces the elimination of the wide-angle lens radial error. In Sect. 8.7, we illustrate the pro- posed method by an example that maps vehicles detected from the video stream captured by am omnidirectional vision system onto the Google Earth map.
2 The Problem and Proposed Approach
The field of view, which is the part of the observable world that is seen at any given moment, plays an important role in driving safety. While a human has an almost 180- degree forward-facing field of view, his/her binocular vision, which is important for depth perception, only covers 140 degrees of the field of vision. In a driving situation, it is desirable to have a complete 360-degree field of view. In order to expand a driver’s field of view, automobile manufacturers have equipped a rear-view mirror and side mirrors on vehicles. More recently, rear-view video cameras have been added to many new model cars to enhance the ability of the rear-view mirror by showing the road directly behind the car. These camera systems are usually mounted to the bumper or lower parts of the car allowing for better rear visibility. However, looking at mirrors can move a driver’s attention away from the road.
Adding sensors and devices in a vehicle can potentially lead to more distractions. Inattention is one of leading causes of car accidents, estimated to account for 25% of all road traffic accidents. Our goal, therefore, is to increase a driver’s field of view without adding distraction sources. In this approach, we propose to capture surroundings of a vehicle by an omnidirectional vision system mounted at the top of a vehicle and display the dynamic global view on the windshield using an HUD. In this way, a driver can obtain a global view of the surrounding without shifting his/her attention away from the front view of the vehicle.
Omnidirectional vision system has been previously used in intelligent vehicle applications, such as vehicle tracking, indoor parking lot, and driver monitoring driver, etc.. These applications used different omnidirectional sensors, such as wide Field-Of-View (FOV) dioptric cameras, catadioptric cameras, Pan-Title-Zoom (PTZ) cameras and polydioptric cameras. Both wide FOV diop- tric cameras and catadioptric cameras have some limitations. First, their images are heavily distorted, and we have to spend much time on correcting the distortion. Sec- ond, they cannot provide high resolution images of surroundings. PTZ cameras are often used in environment surveillance by moving the cameras. Although PTZ cam- eras can provide high resolution images, mechanical motion of the cameras causes slow system responses. Instead of using these cameras, we will use an omnidirec-tional vision system consisting of multiple cameras to capture a full view of the surroundings around a vehicle with the high resolution up to 1600 × 320 simulta- neously.
However, the panoramic video stream from the omnidirectional camera cannot be easily understood by a driver, so we map the driving situation onto a global view map. That is, we automatically extract objects (vehicles, pedestrians, etc.) from the video stream and mark their positions on the global view map. We use a hypothesis– validation structure to detect the nearby vehicles surrounding a host vehicle. Without losing generality, in this approach, we have utilized Google Earth which can provide us with high quality and resolution aerial and satellite images including highways, streets, and more. In addition, data import feature from Google Earth makes it possible to sense and represent the dynamic information surrounding a host vehicle and import our custom geographic data into the Google Earth application.
3 The Panoramic Imaging Model
In this section, we describe the mathematical model of panoramic imaging and provide a context for the mapping between the panoramic image and the global electronic map. There are three different coordinate systems as shown in Fig. 3.1. Xv Yv Zv is the vehicle coordinate system. Xc Yc Zc is the coordinate system for in-
dividual camera c in the camera array where c = 0,...,N ? 1, and N is the number
of cameras. UOV is the image coordinate system of camera c. Let r denotes the radius of the camera array, and θ = 2π/N the shift angle. The 3D coordinates of the camera array center is [l, d, h]T in the vehicle coordinate system. The orientation of camera c is defined by two rotation angles αc and βc as shown in Fig.3.1(a) and (b).
Fig. 3.1 Geometric relationship among the vehicle, camera array, and image coordinate system of each individual camera: (a) front view, (b) image plane of an individual camera, (c) aerial view,(d) camera array layout
4 The Panoramic Inverse Perspective Mapping (pIPM)
4.1 The Mapping Relationship Between Each Image and a Panoramic Image
In this section, we build the mapping relationship between each image of its cor- responding camera and a panoramic image. Let (uc, vc) represent the image co- ordinates of the cth camera. Define the cylindrical panoramic image coordinates
captured by all N cameras as (θp, vp), where θp ∈ (0, 2π) is the panning angle shown in Fig. 4.1. Therefore, we obtain the mapping relationship of the cth camera
coordinates (uc, vc) and panoramic image pixel coordinates (θp, vp) according to Fig. 4.1
Fig. 4.1 The illustration of FOV of the panoramic camera in the vehicle coordinate system
5 The Implementation of the pIPM
5.1 The Field of View of N Cameras in the Vehicle Coordinate System
The first step of the implementation of the pIPM is to determine the Field of View (FOV), xv ∈ [?Hg /2, Hg /2], yv ∈ [?Wg /2, Wg/2], shown in Fig. 8.4.
5.2 Calculation of Each Interest Point’s View Angle in the Vehicle Coordinate System
For each point in the vehicle coordinate system, we calculate its view angle and determine the corresponding mapping camera. In Fig. 8.4, Xv OYv is the vehicle coordinate system, θ is the view angle, we calculate θg using xv and yv.
6 The Elimination of Wide-Angle Lens’ Radial Error
Due to the effect of the number of cameras, we often use a wide-angle lens to in- crease the angle field of view. However, the wide-angle lens will cause radial distor- tion.
7 Combining Panoramic Images with Electronic Maps
Electronic map services such as Microsoft Virtual Earth and Google Earth can help reduce a driver’s load by providing high quality electronic route and turn-to-turn di- rections. For example, Fig. 7.1 shows the route, generated by Google Earth, around Carnegie Mellon University.
We can further reduce a driver’s cognitive load by combining the images captured by the omnidirectional camera with the electronic map in real time. In particular, we perform image analysis to detect surrounding objects such as vehicles and pedestri- ans, and display the detected objects on the electronic map.
In this approach, we mainly focus on vehicle detection. Our vehicle detection approach includes two basic phases. In the hypothesis generation phase, we first determine the Regions of Interest (ROI) in an image according to lane vanishing points. From the analysis of horizontal and vertical edges in the image, vehicle hy- pothesis lists are generated for each ROI. In the hypothesis validation phase, we have developed a vehicle validation system by using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Gabor features.
Fig. 7.1 Google global navigation map
情況意識是指在一定量的時間和空間內對環(huán)境要素的感知,以及它們的含義的理解和在不久的將來對它們地位的投影。在駕駛汽車時,遙感信息和代表信息是情況意識的關鍵。許多研究已經著力提高汽車內載信息。格林等人研究了導航顯示器中人為因素試驗的早期調查。他們描述了車載設備的目標、設計原則和指導方針。戴爾 等人研究了為援助導航的所生成的路線描述的問題。李蓋爾等人開發(fā)了適合駕駛員的情形合適的地圖系統(tǒng)。
在這一節(jié)中,我們描述了全景成像的數學模型,并提供了一個在全景圖像和全球電子地圖間映射的背景。圖3.1所示三種不同的坐標系。是汽車坐標系。Xv Yv Zv是指個人相機C照相機陣列中的c = 0,…,N ?1,N是攝影機的數量的坐標系。UOV是相機c的圖像坐標系統(tǒng),讓r是指攝像機陣列的半徑,和θ = 2π/N角偏移。在車輛坐標系中,相機陣列中心的三維坐標是[l, d, h] T。c相機的方向是由雙旋轉角αc 和 βc定義的,如圖3.1(a)和(b)所示。
(a) 前視圖 (b) 單個攝像機的圖像平面 (c)空中視圖 (d) 相機陣列布局
在這一節(jié)中,我們建立了響應相機的每一個圖像和全景圖像的映射關系。讓(uc, vc)表示圖像cth相機的圖像坐標。定義被所有n個相機捕獲的柱面全景圖像坐標為(θp, vp),而搖攝角度θp ∈ (0, 2π)如圖4.1所示。因此,我們得到cth相機的映射關坐標(uc, vc)和全景圖像的像素坐標(θp, vp),如圖4.1所示。
圖4.1 從一個單一的圖像映射到全景圖像
5 pIPM的實施
實施pIPM的第一步就是確定視野區(qū)域(FOV), xv ∈ [?Hg /2, Hg /2], yv ∈ [?Wg /2, Wg/2], 如圖5.1所示。
對于汽車坐標系中的每一點,我們計算其視角和確定相應的映射相機。在圖5.1中,Xv Oyv是坐標系,θ是視角,我們用xv 和 yv計算θg。
圖 7.1 谷歌全球導航地圖