本科生畢業(yè)設計 論文 外 文 翻 譯 原 文 標 題 Elevator System Based on PLC 譯 文 標 題 PLC 控制下的電梯系統(tǒng) 作者所在系別 機電工程學院 作者所在專業(yè) 機械設計制造及自動化 作者所在班級 B13113 作 者 姓 名 胡曉斌 作 者 學 號 20134011306 指導教師姓名 賀俊杰 指導教師職稱 講師 完 成 時 間 2017 年 3 月 北華航天工業(yè)學院教務處制 譯文標題 PLC 控制下的電梯系統(tǒng) 原文標題 Elevator System Based on PLC 作 者 Leonard Knox 譯 名 倫納德 諾克斯 國 籍 美國 原文出處 中國知網(wǎng) 譯文 由繼電器組成的順序控制系統(tǒng)是最早的一種實現(xiàn)電梯控制的方法 但是 進 入九十年代 隨著科學技術(shù)的發(fā)展和計算機技術(shù)的廣泛應用 人們對電梯的安全 性 可靠性的要求越來越高 繼電器控制的弱點就越來越明顯 電梯繼電器控制系統(tǒng)故障率高 大大降低了電梯的可靠性和安全性 經(jīng)常造 成停梯 給乘用人員帶來不便和驚憂 且電梯一旦發(fā)生沖頂或蹲底 不但會造成 電梯機械部件損壞 還可能出現(xiàn)人身事故 可編程序控制器 PLC 最早是根據(jù)順序邏輯控制的需要而發(fā)展起來的 是專 門為工業(yè)環(huán)境應用而設計的數(shù)字運算操作的電子裝置 鑒于其種種優(yōu)點 目前 電梯的繼電器控制方式己逐漸被 PLC 控制所代替 同時 由于電機交流變頻調(diào)速 技術(shù)的發(fā)展 電梯的拖動方式己由原來直流調(diào)速逐漸過渡到了交流變頻調(diào)速 因 此 PLC 控制技術(shù)加變頻調(diào)速技術(shù)己成為現(xiàn)代電梯行業(yè)的一個熱點 1 PLC 控制電梯的優(yōu)點 1 在電梯控制中采用了 PLC 用軟件實現(xiàn)對電梯運行的自動控制 可靠性大 大提高 2 去掉了選層器及大部分繼電器 控制系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)簡單 外部線路簡化 3 PLC 可實現(xiàn)各種復雜的控制系統(tǒng) 方便地增加或改變控制功能 4 PLC 可進行故障自動檢測與報警顯示 提高運行安全性 并便于檢修 5 用于群控調(diào)配和管理 并提高電梯運行效率 6 更改控制方案時不需改動硬件接線 2 電梯變頻調(diào)速控制的特點 隨著電力電子技術(shù) 微電子技術(shù)和計算機控制技術(shù)的飛速發(fā)展 交流變頻調(diào) 速技術(shù)的發(fā)展也十分迅速 電動機交流變頻調(diào)速技術(shù)是當今節(jié)電 改善工藝流程 以提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量和改善環(huán)境 推動技術(shù)進步的一種主要手段 變頻調(diào)速以其優(yōu)異 的調(diào)速性能和起制動平穩(wěn)性能 高效率 高功率因數(shù)和節(jié)電效果 廣泛的適用范 圍及其它許多優(yōu)點而被國內(nèi)外公認為最有發(fā)展前途的調(diào)速方式 交流變頻調(diào)速電梯的特點 能源消耗低 電路負載低 所需緊急供電裝置小 在加速階段 所需起動電流小于 2 5 倍的額定電流 且起動電流峰值時間短 由于起動電流大幅度減小 故功耗和供電纜線直徑可減小很多 所需的緊急供電 裝置的尺寸也比較小 可靠性高 使用壽命長 舒適感好 電梯運行是跟隨最佳給定的速度曲線運行的 其特性可適應人體感受 并保 證運行噪聲小 制動平穩(wěn) 平層精度高 運行平穩(wěn)無噪聲 在轎廂內(nèi) 機房內(nèi)及鄰近區(qū)域確保噪聲小 因為其系統(tǒng)中采用了高時鐘頻率 始終產(chǎn)生一個不失真的正弦波供電電流 電動機不會出現(xiàn)轉(zhuǎn)距脈動 因此 消除 了振動和噪聲 3 電梯控制技術(shù) 所謂電梯控制技術(shù)是指電梯的傳動系統(tǒng)及操縱系統(tǒng)的電氣自動控制 作為我 國 20 世紀 70 年代電梯的主要標志是交流雙速電梯 其調(diào)速方法是采用改變電梯 牽引電動機的極對數(shù) 兩種或兩種不同級對數(shù)的繞組 其中極數(shù)少的繞組稱為高 速繞組 極數(shù)多的繞組稱為低速繞組 高速繞組用于電梯的起動及穩(wěn)速運行 低 速繞組用于制動及電梯的維修 80 年代初 VVVF 變頻變壓系統(tǒng)控制的電梯問世 它采用交流電動機驅(qū)動 卻可以達到直流電動機的水平 目前控制速度已達 6 米 秒 它的體積小 重量 輕 效率高 節(jié)省能源等幾乎包括了以往電梯的所有優(yōu)點 是目前最新的電梯拖 動系統(tǒng) 電梯在垂直運行過程中 有起點站也有終點站 對于三層樓以上的建筑物的 電梯 起點站和終點站之間還沒有??空?起點站設在一樓 終點站設在最高樓 設在一樓的起點站稱為基站 起點站和終點站稱為兩端站 兩端站之間稱為中間 站 各站廳外設有召喚箱 箱上設置有供乘用人員召喚電梯用的召喚按鈕或觸鈕 一般電梯在兩端站的召喚箱上各設置一只按鈕或觸鈕 中間層站的召喚箱各設置 兩只按鈕或觸鈕 對于無司機控制的電梯 在各層站的召喚箱上均設置一只按鈕 或觸鈕 而電梯的轎廂內(nèi)部設置有 雜物電梯除外 操縱箱 操縱箱上設置有手 柄開關(guān)或與層站對應的按鈕或觸鈕 操縱箱上的按鈕或觸鈕城內(nèi)指令按鈕或觸鈕 外指令按鈕或觸鈕發(fā)出的電信號稱為外指令信號 內(nèi)指令按鈕或觸鈕發(fā)出的電信 號成為內(nèi)指令信號 20 世紀 80 年代中期后 觸鈕已被微動按鈕所取代 作為電梯基站的廳外召喚箱 除設置一只召喚按鈕或觸鈕外 還設置一只鑰 匙開關(guān) 以便下班關(guān)電梯時 司機或管理人員把電梯開到基站后 可以通過專用 鑰匙扭動該鑰匙開關(guān) 把電梯的廳門關(guān)閉妥當后 自動切斷電梯控制電源或動力 電源 4 PLC 控制電梯的設計 隨著城市建設的不斷發(fā)展 高層建筑不斷增多 電梯在國民經(jīng)濟和生活中有 著廣泛的應用 電梯作為高層建筑中垂直運行的交通工具已與人們的日常生活密 不可分 實際上電梯是根據(jù)外部呼叫信號以及自身控制規(guī)律等運行的 而呼叫是 隨機的 電梯實際上是一個人機交互式的控制系統(tǒng) 單純用順序控制或邏輯控制 是不能滿足控制要求的 因此 電梯控制系統(tǒng)采用隨機邏輯方式控制 目前電梯 的控制普遍采用了兩種方式 一是采用微機作為信號控制單元 完成電梯信號的 采集 運行狀態(tài)和功能的設定 實現(xiàn)電梯的自動調(diào)度和集選運行功能 拖動控制 則由變頻器來完成 第二種控制方式用可編程控制器 PLC 取代微機實現(xiàn)信號 集選控制 從控制方式和性能上來說 這兩種方法并沒有太大的區(qū)別 國內(nèi)廠家 大多選擇第二種方式 其原因在于生產(chǎn)規(guī)模較小 自己設計和制造微機控制裝置 成本較高 而 PLC 可靠性高 程序設計方便靈活 抗干擾能力強 運行穩(wěn)定可靠 等特點 所以現(xiàn)在的電梯控制系統(tǒng)廣泛采用可編程控制器來實現(xiàn) 5 電梯控制系統(tǒng)特性 在電梯運行曲線中的啟動段是關(guān)系到電梯運行舒適感指標的主要環(huán)節(jié) 而舒 適感又與加速度直接相關(guān) 根據(jù)控制理論 要使某個量按預定規(guī)律變化必須對其 進行直接控制 對于電梯控制系統(tǒng)來說 要使加速度按理想曲線變化就必須采用 加速度反饋 根據(jù)電動機的力矩方程式 M MZ M J dn dt 可見加速度的 變化率反映了系統(tǒng)動態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)距的變化 控制加速度就控制系統(tǒng)的動態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)距 M M MZ 故在此段采用加速度的時間控制原則 當啟動上升段速度達到穩(wěn)態(tài)值的 90 時 將系統(tǒng)由加速度控制切換到速度控制 因為在穩(wěn)速段 速度為恒值控制波動 較小 加速度變化不大 且采用速度閉環(huán)控制可以使穩(wěn)態(tài)速度保持一定的精度 為制動段的精確平層創(chuàng)造條件 在系統(tǒng)的速度上升段和穩(wěn)速段雖都采用 PI 調(diào)節(jié) 器控制 但兩段的 PI 參數(shù)是不同的 以提高系統(tǒng)的動態(tài)響應指標 在系統(tǒng)的制 動段 即要對減速度進行必要的控制 以保證舒適感 又要嚴格地按電梯運行的 速度和距離的關(guān)系來控制 以保證平層的精度 在系統(tǒng)的轉(zhuǎn)速降至 120r min 之 前 為了使兩者得到兼顧 采取以加速度對時間控制為主 同時根據(jù)在每一制動 距離上實際轉(zhuǎn)速與理論轉(zhuǎn)速的偏差來修正加速度給定曲線的方法 例如在距離平 層點的某一距離 L 處 速度應降為 Vm s 而實際轉(zhuǎn)速高為 V m s 則說明所加 的制動轉(zhuǎn)距不夠 因此計算出此處的給定減速度值 ag 后 使其再加上一個負偏 差 即使此處的減速度給定值修正為 ag 使給定減速度與實際速度負偏 差加大 從而加大了制動轉(zhuǎn)距 使速度很快降到標準值 當電動機的轉(zhuǎn)速降到 120r min 以后 此時轎廂距平層只有十幾厘米 電梯的運行速度很低 為防止未 到平層區(qū)就停車的現(xiàn)象出現(xiàn) 以使電梯能較快地進入平層區(qū) 在此段采用比例調(diào) 節(jié) 并采用時間優(yōu)化控制 以保證電梯準確及時地進入平層區(qū) 以達到準確可靠 平層 原文 Composed by the order of relay control system is a realization of the first elevator control method However to enter the nineties with the developmen t of science and technology and the widespread application of computer technology the safety of elevators reliability of the increasingly high demand on the relay control weaknesses are becoming evident Elevator control system relays the failure rate high greatly reduces the reliability and safety of elevators and escalators stopped often to take with the staff about the inconvenien ce and fear And the event rather than taking the lift or squat at the end of the lift will not only cause damage to mechanical components but also personal accident may occur Programma ble Logic Controller PLC is the first order logic control in accordance with the needs of developed specifically for industrial environment applications to operate the electronic digital computing device Given its advantages at present the relay control the lift has been gradually replaced by PLC control At the same time AC variable frequency motor speed control technology the way the lift drag speed has been a gradual transition from DC to AC frequency converter Thus PLC control technology increases VVVF Elevator modern technology has become a hot industry 1 PLC elevator control advantages 1 used in elevator control PLC with software for automatic control of lift operation reliability greatly increased 2 layer was removed and a majority of the relay the control system structure is simple to simplify the external circuit 3 PLC can be a variety of complex control system easy to add or change control functions 4 PLC can be automated fault detection and alarm display to improve the operation of security and ease of maintenance 5 for the group control the allocation and managemen t and improve the efficiency of elevator operation 6 do not need to change the control scheme changes when the hardware connection 2 VVVF elevator control characteristi cs With the power electronics microelectro nics and computer technology to control the rapid developmen t of technology communicat ion technology VVVF also a very rapid rate AC variable frequency motor speed control technology is the power to improve the process in order to improve product quality and improving the environment and promoting technologic al progress as a primary means Frequency of its excellent performance and the speed brake from a smooth performance high efficiency high power factor and power saving effect of a broad scope of application and many other advantages of being at home and abroad recognized as the most promising approach speed Exchange characteristi cs of VVVF Elevator 1 low energy consumptio n 2 low load circuit the required emergency power supply device of small In the acceleration stage the required start up current of less than 2 5 times the rated current Peak starting current and time is short Since the starting current is drastically reduced so power consumptio n and power supply cable diameter can be reduced a lot Required for emergency power supply devices are also relatively small size 3 high reliability and long service life 4 good comfort Elevator operation is best to follow the speed curve of a given operation Their characteristi cs can be adapted to human feelings and to ensure that noise operation smooth brake Ping layer and high precision 5 Stable noise free 6 In the car the engine room and adjacent areas to ensure that noise Because their systems use a high clock frequency Always produce a true sine wave power supply current yet Motor torque ripple does not appear Therefore to eliminate vibration and noise 3 Elevator control technology The so called elevator control technology refers to the elevator drive system and electrical control system of automatic control 70 as the 20th century in China s elevator was marked by the exchange of two speed elevator Its speed is used to change the elevator traction motor of the very few two or multi level approach to the number of windings very few of them as high speed winding of the winding a very few number of windings as the low speed winding Windings for high speed elevator speed start up and running low speed windings for braking and the maintenance of elevators The early 80s VVVF inverter controlled variable lift system available It uses AC motor drives are able to reach the level of DC motor control the speed of the current has reached 6 m sec Its small size light weight high efficiency energy saving including the past almost all the advantages of the lift Is the latest elevator drive system Operation in vertical lift there is also the starting point of the terminus station For more than three story elevator buildings the starting point of the terminal stations and stops between the had not the starting point for these stations at the first floor of the terminal located at the highest floor Starting point in the first floor of the station known as base stations known as the starting point at both ends of the terminal stations and stations at both ends of intermediate stops between stations Outside the station has a call box box set are used by staff for elevator call button or touch the call button the general ends of the lift stations in the call box on the Settings button or touch of a button Middle layer of the station set up the call box button or touch button 2 No drivers for the control of elevators at various stations are set up calls me on a button or touch button Elevator car and the internal settings except for debris elevator to manipulate me Control box switch on the handle or set up stations and the correspondi ng layer of buttons or touch button control box on the touch control button or command button or touch the city button Outside the command button or touch button issue as the signal outside the command signal within the command button or touch button issue within the signal as a command signal 80 In the mid 20th century the touch button has been replaced by micro button As the elevator call box outside the base station in addition to set up a call button or touch button but also set a key switch in order to work the elevator clearance Drivers or managemen t staff to open the elevator to the base station can wriggle through a dedicated key to the key switch Close the elevator in place to automaticall y cut off the elevator control power supply or power supply 4 PLC Control Elevator Design With the continuous developmen t of urban construction the increasing high rise buildings elevators and life in the national economy has a broad application Elevator high rise buildings as a means of transport in the vertical run of daily life has been inextricably linked with people In fact the lift is based on external call control signals as well as the laws of their own such as running and the call is random the lift is actually a man machine interactive control system simple to use control or logic control order can not meet the control requirement s and therefore elevator control system uses a random control logic Elevator control is currently generally used in two ways first the use of computer as a signal control unit the completion of the lift signal acquisition operation and function of the set to achieve the lift and set the automatic scheduling function to run the election drag the control from inverter to complete the second control mode with programma ble logic controller PLC to replace the computer control signal sets the election From the control and performance these two types of methods and there is no significant difference Most of the domestic manufacture rs to choose the second approach because the smaller scale of production their design and manufacture of high cost of computer control devices and PLC high reliability convenient and flexible program design anti interference ability stable and reliable operation of the characteristi cs of Therefore the elevator control system is now widely used to realize programma ble controller 5 Elevator control system characteristi cs Operation of the lift curve is above the start to run comfort indicators lift the key features and comfort are directly related with the acceleration according to control theory for a certain amount of change according to the law must be directly controlled for elevator control system according to the ideal acceleration curve acceleration feedback to be used in accordance with the motor torque equation M MZ M J dn dt can be seen reflected in the rate of change of acceleration of the system of dynamic torque changes on the control system to control the acceleration of the dynamic torque M M MZ Therefore during this time to control the use of the principle of acceleration when the start rate of increase in steady state value above 90 the acceleration control system by the switch to speed control as in paragraph steady speed speed control for the constant fluctuations in the smaller little change in acceleration speed and the use of closed loop control can maintain a steady state speed accuracy and precision for the braking section to create the conditions ping layer Is rising at a rate in the system and although the above speed PI regulator used to control but two of the PI parameters are different in order to improve the system dynamic response indicators The brake in the system that is to reduce the speed of control necessary to ensure the comfort but also strictly in accordance with the operation of the lift of the relationship between speed and distance control to ensure the accuracy of flat layers To the speed in the system before 120r min in order to take into account both be taken to control the acceleration of time based and at the same time in each braking distance based on actual speed and speed deviations from the theory to fix the acceleration curve of a given method For example from a flat layer at the distance L the speed should be reduced to Vm s while the actual high speed V m s is illustrated by the increase in the braking torque is not enough here therefore to calculate value determined by the speed ag after it combined with a negative deviation of even here the value given by the speed of amended ag so that a given rate of deceleration and the actual increase of negative bias which increases braking torque big so fast down to the standard value when the motor speed 120r min down after the car at this time only a dozen or so cm layer anomaly low speed lift in order to prevent yet floor parking area on the phenomeno n in order to enable faster access to the lift to floor area ratio adjustment used in this paragraph and the use of optimal control of time in order to ensure accurate and timely access to elevator floor area in order to achieve accurate and reliable level layer 指 導 教 師 評 語 外文翻譯成績 指導教師簽字 年 月 日 注 1 指導教師對譯文進行評閱時應注意以下幾個方面 翻譯的外文文獻與畢業(yè)設計 論文 的主題 是否高度相關(guān) 并作為外文參考文獻列入畢業(yè)設計 論文 的參考文獻 翻譯的外文文獻字數(shù) 是否達到規(guī)定數(shù)量 3 000 字以上 譯文語言是否準確 通順 具有參考價值 2 外文原文應以附件的方式置于譯文之后