高中新課程教學設計 M2U5 ——高一寫作案例 李懷菊 大成學校 一 設計思想: 1.指導思想:關鍵詞:綜合性;原則 高中英語教學注重培養(yǎng)學生聽、說、讀、寫四方面技能以及這四種技能綜合運用的能力。寫作是綜合性較強的語言運用形式,根據(jù)一般的規(guī)律,它要求學生根據(jù)所給情景和要求寫一篇書面材料,做到所寫內容符合所給情景并要求文章通順,但又不能自行立意,隨意選材和發(fā)揮,它類似翻譯但又不同于翻譯。因為考生必須根據(jù)需要進行適當?shù)暮Y選。原則就是“不漏,不錯,不多寫,不亂寫”。它與其它技能在語言學習中相輔相成、相互促進。因此寫作教學具有重要地位。學生在習作前通過更多的與話題相關的聽、說、讀的多樣化活動,加大信息量的輸入,也只有在足夠量的輸入前提下,學生最后才能以寫的方式進行有效的信息輸出. 2.理論依據(jù):關鍵詞:強調,倡導,發(fā)展, 《高中英語新課程標準》要求教師在課堂教學中指導學生形成有效的學習策略,培養(yǎng)學生的綜合語言運用能力,在此基礎上著重提高學生用英語獲取信息,處理信息,分析問題和解決問題的能力。強調從學生的學習興趣出發(fā),倡導體驗、實踐、參與、合作交流的學習方式和任務型的教學途徑,發(fā)展學生的綜合語言運用能力,使語言學習的過程成為學生積極思維、大膽實踐、自主學習的過程 3.設計特色:關鍵詞:靈活性;搭建臺階 “老師要充分地利用教材,使教學具有彈性和靈活性。你可以選擇,刪減,補充,改變,這個靈活性在你的手里面。”教師在設計寫作教學時,要注重學生信息的輸入,挑選更多更好接近寫作話題的材料給學生閱讀和思考,并通過交談、討論等多種方式給學生更多信息輸入,通過聽和讀以及師生和生生之間的互動交流給學生多方位的語言體驗,幫助他們豐富寫作的內容,提高寫作能力,同時有效地訓練了聽、說和讀的能力。根據(jù)具體的教學素材來設計教學,一定要貼近學生,讓學生感興趣并完成任務。 二.教材分析關鍵詞: 1.分析《課程標準》,《學科教學指導意見》對本節(jié)課的教學內容的要求。 教師要善于結合實際教學要求,靈活的和有創(chuàng)造性的使用教材。教師可以根據(jù)需要對所教內容進行適當?shù)娜∩?。使教材的內容更加的符合學生的需求和貼近學生的實際生活。因此可以把課文中門基樂隊的經歷和成就,牽引到現(xiàn)實生活中,與學生喜愛的樂隊組合和歌手相結合。 2.分析本課內容的組成成分和模塊學習中的地位與作用。 通過成功事例培養(yǎng)學生對成功的追求和渴望,激勵青少年積極的人生態(tài)度,而且本單元是對音樂領域的一個領讀。 3.分析本課內容與初中教材相關內容的區(qū)別和聯(lián)系。 初中階段了解了音樂家莫扎特和對Beatles樂隊的經歷和成名的一個簡介,所以學生對音樂方面的知識還是有一定的儲備。 三 學情分析關鍵詞: 1.分析學生已有的認知和能力基礎。 學生處于高一年級的第一學期,因此高中學習是一個剛剛起步的階段,學生的詞匯和句型還是相對貧乏。加之高中寫作對于他們是一個全新的領域,因此可行的設計需要大量的鋪墊和引導。這節(jié)課結束時讓學生有寫作的快樂感,讓學生在心理上弱化寫作的難度,為今后兩年多的寫作學習中打下一個自信的基礎。 2.分析學生學習本節(jié)課可能遇到的困難和難題。 本節(jié)課設計了3個任務,Task1 的困難不會太突出,因為M2U2中已學過如何表達喜好的詞組和句型,在于教師如何的幫助學生回憶起所學的知識。而對于“組成”的句型,初中只學過There be; They are 。為了擴充知識給出另外的兩個句型:The band is formed; The band is made up of。。。。用法,學生便可以迎刃而解Task1的困難了。真正的困難在于Task2對羽泉組合的信息描述,最根本原因是在經歷和成就中找不到句式的支持。這個環(huán)節(jié)應予以重視,若輕視會導致學生不知所措,思想不前,以致影響到整節(jié)課的教學效果。 3.分析在學習的過程中可能采取的各種學習策略。 認知策略,調控策略,交際策略的應用。 在整節(jié)課中學生會借助認知和調空策略回憶已學過的知識并對現(xiàn)有的知識歸納總結。在分享成果環(huán)節(jié)中為學生創(chuàng)造機會去體驗學習帶給他們的有效方式,從而掌握有效的學習方法。 四 教學目標:關鍵詞: 1.知識與技能:本節(jié)寫作課是學生從音樂的知識入手獲取信息并靈活的加以運用。這一過程是培養(yǎng)學生的總結和歸納能力,也是培養(yǎng)學生正確對待課本內容的態(tài)度。 2.過程與方法:通過對門基樂隊的經歷和成就信息的提煉與篩選,整節(jié)課對羽泉組合描述起一個“引子”的作用,起到舉一反三的作用,同時啟發(fā)并激活學生寫這篇文章的興趣,并掌握類似文章的結構。 3.情感與態(tài)度:讓英語課活起來。 在通過寫作內容和相關信息的輸入與輸出過程中,保持學生學習英語的愿望與興趣,能夠激活學生的學習英語的思維,和獲得新知開啟創(chuàng)新的意識,達到一種和諧的英語教學環(huán)境。 讓學生動起來。 通過小組活動,使學生愿意與他人分享各種學習的資源,并通過交流體會到與人分享的快樂感和成就感,增強對英語學習的熱情。 五 重點難點關鍵詞: 重點:針對本節(jié)課寫作任務的設計能較順利地完成文章的前兩段并且注意時態(tài),人稱和連詞的使用。 難點:在對于經歷和成就中的兩個細節(jié)描述采用了圖片和簡單句問答的形式,從而簡化了信息難度。問題的設計要以全班都能參與為標準,最終起到讓學生自己總結出主要句子結構。 六 教學策略與手段 關鍵詞: 1.教學模式:講解接受模式;問題教學模式 在多媒體教學手段的使用下,利用了講解接受教學模式。 其在分析所給的材料,整節(jié)課的初始階段起到了使學生掌握文章的段落結構和要點內容。 利用問題教學模式在處理教學中的難點。 在回答問題的過程中循序漸進的解決問題。教師有意識的創(chuàng)設問題的情境,組織學生循序漸進的回答問題,從而使難點迎刃而解,并且讓學生親身體會到學習是一個認識的過程。 開放的課堂教學模式體現(xiàn)在Task3和Homework 中,留給學生充分的想象空間去自由的發(fā)揮,并且內容做到了貼近學生生活,體現(xiàn)了語言的實用性。 2.教學策略:自主學習策略,合作學習策略,探究學習策略。 合作學習對于學生而言是一種學習方式,對老師是一種教學策略。在實際的課堂中合作學習促進了學習的成效,讓他們感受成就,就會有更深刻的記憶。而且讓學生從他人看問題的角度擴展自己的視野。從而提高了課堂教學,使之充滿活躍的氛圍。 探究學習的策略強調學生的發(fā)現(xiàn)問題,解決問題的能力。在老師的幫助下樂于思考,充分的給學生獲取直接經歷和直接體驗的機會。使學生動腦思考,感悟,了解,參與。探究學習能夠促進學生與他人共同學習,與他人分享經驗的快樂。 3.教學手段: mult-computer 七 課前準備:worksheet 八 課后反思: 1.在新課程改革的大背景下,應樹立終身備課的過程,要以科學的教育理論來指導自己的教學實踐,不再把備課看作是短期的行為,而是一個長期的積累和發(fā)展的過程。 2.古訓: 不積跬步無以致千里,不積細流無以成江河。學然后知不足,教然后知困。要做好“書面表達”并非是一件易事,它需要平時積累和訓練以求水到渠成。 3.調查:兩次較正規(guī)的寫作課的比較:第二次明顯好于第一次。源于第一次的寫作訓練。也就是說,學生可能是基礎很差,但是如果能恰當?shù)慕o與他們引領和指導,再加之實踐的習作,我相信學生還是有提高的空間。 4.授課前要精心的規(guī)劃時間,避免前松后緊,影響教學任務的完成。 八 教學過程 Unit 5 Music Writing Topic: my favorite band Type of lesson: writing Teaching aims: At the end of the lesson, the students will: 1. Learn to analyze the situation how many parts should be included in the passage. 2. Learn some useful words and phrases about musician 3. Learn how to describe a famous musician Teaching procedures: Step 1: Present the writing task to students. Situation: Your E-pal ,Tom, hopes you to help him to introduce Yuquan band’s experiences, achievements and reasons why you like it .. So you prepare for a form and will write a short passage to introduce your favorite band. Band’ name The band’s experiences 1. 在酒吧唱歌 2. 周華健發(fā)現(xiàn)了他們的天分 3. 周華健幫助他們錄制了歌曲 The band’s achievements 1. 1999年,推出了第一張專輯—最美 2. 出了許多唱片專輯 3. 其中的很做專輯都是銷售冠軍 4. 被邀請參加各種演出 The reason why you like it (開放部分) 1. 2. Question: 1. What are you going to write? ( favorite band, group member, band’s experiences, band’s achievements, the reason why you like it) 2.How many parts are there in your passage?. 3 .What will you write about your favorite band in your passage? Part1: Who Title: My favorite band Part2 What ( experience and achievement) Part3 Why Part1. Who is your favorite band? Part2. What is the band’s experience and achievement? Part3. Why do you like this band? Step 2: Get students to focus on each part of the passage. 1. help students to get to know how to express preference Possible answer: (1) My favorite band (2) I like/love … very much. (3) I am fond of (4) I enjoy… (5) I am interested in …. (6) I am crazy about … help students to get to know how to introduce the group member of the band Chen Yufan and Hu Haiquan Group member (1)…formed this band, they are… (2)The band was formed in … (3) The band is made up of …. Task1:Detailed information about Yuquan Band. Part 1 --- Who is your favorite band? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Ask students to read and distinguish the sentences which show the experience and achievement. And underline the sentence structure of each sentence. (1) They practice their music in someone’s house. (2) They may play to passers-by in the street or subway. (3) Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs. (4) They make records in a studio. (5) They sell millions of copies. (6) They become millionaires. (7) They produced their own records. (8) They started touring. (9) In the USA they became even more popular than the Beatles. (10) They sold even more records. (11) They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them. Experience: (1) They practice their music in someone’s house. (2) They may play to passers-by in the street or subway. (3) Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs. (4) They make records in a studio. Achievement: (5) They sell millions of copies. (6) They become millionaires. (7) They produced their own records. (8) They started touring. (9) In the USA they became even more popular than the Beatles. (10) They sold even more records. (11) They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them. 3. Ask students to fill in the form according to the given information and try to use structures from the text Experience --- ( ) 1. practice their music in someone’s house. ( ) 2. play to passers-by in the street or subway. ( ) 3. give performances in pubs or clubs. ( ) 4. make records in a studio. band’s experiences 1. 在酒吧唱歌 2. 周華健發(fā)現(xiàn)了他們擅長唱歌 3. 周華健幫助他們錄制了歌曲 1. give performances in… (text) 2. ?sb find them, help… 3. make records (text) Achievement --- ( ) 5. sell millions of copies. ( ) 6. become millionaires. ( ) 7. produce their own records. ( ) 8. tour. ( ) 9. become popular. ( ) 10. sell even more records. ( ) 11. formed clubs band’s achievements 1. 1999年,推出了第一張專輯—最美 2. 賣出了許多唱片專輯 3. 為了更好了解羽泉歌迷們?yōu)槠浣瞬┛? 4. 被邀請參加各種演出 1.produced their own records in… ( text) 2. sell millions of copies. (text) 3. form Blog in order to (text) 4 ?get invitations to perform 4. Help students to know information: Questions: 周華健發(fā)現(xiàn)了他們擅長唱歌 1) .Who found out Yuquan? (Zhouhuajuan found out them.) 2.)What does zhouhuajian fid out Yuquan?( be good at ) (Because they are good at singing?) 3)So what did he do ? (So he helped them.) 被邀請參加各種演出 1). What are they ? ( They are invitations.) 2). Who get invitaions? ( Yuquan get invitations.) 3). Later what are they going to do? (They are going to perform .) 5. Help students get to know the logic of their writing. Logical words and expressions: at the beginning, at the early age, then, some years later, finally, after Tense: 一般過去時,一般現(xiàn)在時 Person: 第三人稱 Task 2: Ask students to write the band’s experiences and achievements according to the form. Part2: What is this band’s experience and achievement? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Step3: Task3:Open ideas: Part 3 --- Why do you like this singer/band? I like her/him/them because … I like her/him/them for two reasons. The first reason is …, the second reason is … ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Step3:: Ask students to do evaluation for their passages. Self evaluation - Peer evaluation - Class evaluation Evaluation (評價,評估) 人稱 第三人稱 ( ) ( ) 時態(tài) 一般現(xiàn)在時 ( ) ( ) 一般過去時 ( ) ( ) 內容 Who ( ) ( ) What Experience ( )( ) practice music ( )( ) play to ( )( ) give performances ( )( ) make records ( )( )sell copies ( )( ) some other experiences Achievement ( )( ) become millionaires ( )( ) produce records ( )( ) tour ( )( ) become popular ( )( ) sell records ( )( )form clubs, get familiar with ( )( ) some other achievements Why ( ) ( ) 結構 使用連接成份( ) ( ) 其他 單詞拼寫( ) ( )大小寫( ) ( ) 標點( ) ( ) Step 2: Ask students to read the sample passage. Sample: Yu Quan is my favorite band. This band is made up of two people Chen Yufan and Hu Haiquan. These two young people are fond of music. Like many bands, they gave performances in pubs to earn money at the beginning. After several years, a famous singer Zhou Huajian found that they were really good at singing, so he took them to the studio and helped them make a record. In 2000, Yu Quan produced their first record, which was popular with young people. Gradually they started to become famous. They gave concerts in different parts of China and got many invitations to perform. They were even invited to give a performance on CCTV Spring Festival . As a successful band, they got many awards and of course they had a lot of fans all over China. I like Yu Quan for two reasons. First they are very talented because most of their songs are created by themselves. Second, their songs are really beautiful. Blackboard design: Homework: 1. Write your favourite band or singer 2. Self-evaluation your passage.- 配套講稿:
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- 高中課程 教學 設計 M2Unit5Writing