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英漢翻譯技巧 教學課件ppt 英漢互譯翻譯技巧
英漢互譯實踐與技巧,第一講 翻譯簡論 第二講 英漢語言對比研究 第三講 Amplification 增詞法 第四講 Omission 省略法 第五講 Nouns 英語名詞的翻譯 第六講 Prepositions 英語介詞的翻譯 第七講 Adjectives 英語形容詞的翻譯 第八講 Adverbs 英語副詞的翻譯 第九講 Hypotactic vs. Paratactic 形合與意合 第十講 Passive vs. Active 被動與主動 第十一講 Restructuring 結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整 第十二講 Impersonal vs. Personal 物稱與人稱 第十三講 Affirmative vs. Negative 肯定與否定 第十四講 Nominal Clauses 名詞性從句 第十五講 Attributive Clause 定語從句 第十六講 Adverbial Clause 狀語從句,實用文體翻譯1:簡歷 實用文體翻譯2:求職信 實用文體翻譯3:通知 實用文體翻譯4:致辭 實用文體翻譯5:企業(yè)或?qū)W校簡介 實用文體翻譯6:說明書 實用文體翻譯7:新聞 實用文體翻譯8:論文題目、摘要 實用文體翻譯9:科技英語,Assessment,Attendance (10%) Assignments(15%2= 30% ) Final Exam (60%),Suggested reading books,仝益民 說詞解句:英漢語言對比與翻譯大連理工大學出版社 2009年 許建平 英漢互譯實踐與技巧清華大學出版社 2006年 陳海慶布局謀篇:英漢篇章互譯技巧大連理工大學出版社 2009年 郭著章、李慶生英漢互譯實用教程武漢大學出版社 1996年 張培基 英漢翻譯教程上海外語教育出版社 1980年 張光明 英語實用文體翻譯中國科學技術(shù)大學出版社2009年 連淑能 英漢對比研究高等教育出版社 1993年 李瑞華 英漢語言文化對比研究上海外語教育出版社 1997年,第一講-1 A Brief Introduction to Translation 翻譯簡論,一、教學重點: 1. 翻譯的信達雅標準 2. 直譯與意譯 二、教學內(nèi)容: 1. 翻譯的重要作用 2. 翻譯的性質(zhì)和范圍 3. 翻譯的原則和標準 4. 直譯與意譯 5. 翻譯技巧種種,. Important Role of Translation 翻譯的重要作用,好的譯文:Coca Cola可口可樂、 Hacker 駭客、 club俱樂部 、 laser 激光 不好的譯文: laser鐳射(名不副實) 、 menu菜單(容易誤導) 、nylon尼龍(讀寫不一) “芳芳” Fangfang Mokasutu “默殺”,. Nature and Scope of Translation 翻譯的性質(zhì)和范圍,Definition定義舉例: 我國最流行的說法:“翻譯是運用一種語言把另一種語言所表達的思想內(nèi)容準確而完整地重新表達出來的語言活動”。 美國翻譯理論家E.A.Nida:“Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. 所謂翻譯,是指從語義到語體(風格)在譯語中用最切近而又最自然的對等語再現(xiàn)原語的信息?!?英國翻譯教育家Peter Newmark:“It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. 翻譯是按作者的創(chuàng)造意圖把一篇文章的意思用另一種語言描述出來的過程?!?英國的J.Catford:“翻譯是把一種語言的文字材料替換為另一種語言的對等的文字材料。” 現(xiàn)代漢語詞典:“翻譯是把一種語言文字的意義用另一種語言文字表達出來。”,. Nature and Scope of Translation 翻譯的性質(zhì)和范圍,Nature性質(zhì): Translation is not a word for word activity 1、她現(xiàn)在非常紅. *She is very red now. (She is very popular now.) 2、你給我站住!*You Give Me Stop! (Stand!) 3、蠢蠢欲動。 *Stupid stupid want to move . (Be ready to do sth.(bad) 4、寒暄 *coldly talk for a while (to exchange greetings and make small talk ) 5、跳傘處 *“Site of jumping umbrella“ (paragliding site) 6、請愛護花草* “Cherishing Flowers and Trees“ (keep off the grass.),. Nature and Scope of Translation 翻譯的性質(zhì)和范圍,. Nature and Scope of Translation 翻譯的性質(zhì)和范圍,類別:,. Principles or Criteria of Translation 翻譯的原則和標準,Principle原則: 嚴復:信,達,雅(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance) 魯迅:易解、保持原作的風姿 林語堂:忠實、通順、美 傅雷:神似說(spiritual conformity) 錢鐘書:化境說 (sublimed adaptation) 許淵沖:三美說(意美、音美、形美) 泰特勒Tytler :翻譯三原則 費道羅夫等:等值論 (translation equivalence) 奈達:讀者反應論 (dynamic equivalence),. Principles or Criteria of Translation 翻譯的原則和標準,Principle原則: 嚴復Yan Fu :the first Chinese who made a penetrating(敏銳的) and relatively systematic study of translation standard in modern times. Evolution and Ethics天演論 The Wealth of Nations 國富論,. Principles or Criteria of Translation 翻譯的原則和標準,Principle原則: 嚴復: 信 faithfulness/ accuracy 忠實/準確 達 expressiveness/ smoothness通順/流暢 雅 elegance ?,. Principles or Criteria of Translation 翻譯的原則和標準,Principle原則: 譯文和原文的關(guān)系: faithfulness/ accuracy 忠實/準確 original contents original meaning and views original form and style 譯文和讀者的關(guān)系: expressiveness/ smoothness通順/流暢 easy, readable rendering idiomatic expression,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,Process翻譯過程: 理解 Comprehension :comprehend the source text completely 表達 Expression:render the source text into the target language text (a rough translation) 校正 Proofreading:proofread the rough translation & polish,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,理解: 1. semantic system 語言分析 2. context (linguistic and nonlinguistic) 語境分析 3. background information and specialized knowledge 4. Logic 邏輯分析,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,表達: Context Avoid translationese 翻譯腔 所謂“翻譯腔”是指譯文表達不流暢,似通非通,不地道,詰屈聱牙,給人“怪怪的”感覺,簡單地說,就是漢譯出現(xiàn)“歐化”(Europeanized)現(xiàn)象而英譯出現(xiàn)“漢化”(Chinglish)現(xiàn)象 例:-照搬詞典的釋義,望詞生義 She then uncrossed her legs. 她于是使她的腿不交叉。 于是她收起二郎腿。,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,怎樣避免: 1. 具有端正的翻譯態(tài)度 2. 正確使用工具書 3. 了解英漢語主要差別 4. 掌握必要的翻譯技巧 5. 培養(yǎng)跨文化意識,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,校正: 1. 對原作理解的錯誤; 2. 原作詞句或段落的漏譯; 3. 譯文中措辭不當之處或錯別字; 4. 譯文語句不通順的地方; 5. 人名、地名、日期、數(shù)字、專有名詞等方面的誤譯; 6. 譯文的格式是否合乎規(guī)范; 7. 譯文的標點符號和其他專用符號使用是否正確; 8. 是否應添加必要的注釋,等等。,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,Literal Translation 直譯: Not to alter the original words and sentences. To keep the sentiments and style of the original. To reproduce the ideological content and the style of the original works and retain as much as possible the figures of speech.,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,直譯的例子: crocodile tears 鱷魚的眼淚; armed to the teeth 武裝到牙齒; chain reaction 連鎖反應; gentlemens agreement 君子協(xié)定 one country, two systems 一國兩制; The three religions and the nine schools of thought 三教九流; paper tiger 紙老虎; go to ones external rest 安息;the long sleep 長眠; see Marx 見馬克思;go west 上西天; go to heaven 上天堂;,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,Free Translation 意譯: an alternative approach generally used to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to copy its sentence patterns or figures of speech. E.g.: 粗枝大葉(比喻工作粗糙,做事不認真細致;形容很簡略,不細致,不具體。 ) To be crude and careless (死譯:with big branches and large leaves) 無孔不入(比喻有空子就鉆。 含貶義 ) To take advantage of every weakness, poke into every nook and corner (死譯:to get into every hole),. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,意譯的例子: Adams apple 喉結(jié); at sixes and sevens 亂七八糟 It rains cats and dogs. 大雨滂沱. Do you see any green in my eye? 你以為我是幼稚可欺的嗎?,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,More Examples: 1) Little fish does not eat big fish. 直譯:小魚吃不了大魚。 意譯:胳膊擰不過大腿。 2) Theres no pot so ugly it cant find a lid. 直譯:再丑的罐子也不愁配個蓋兒。 意譯:再丑的姑娘也不愁找不到婆家/丑女不愁嫁。 3) What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster! 直譯:孵出來是母雞就別想冒充公雞! 意譯:生就是個女人就別想冒充男人!,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,直譯字對字翻譯 word for word translation : 直譯要近情理,便于讀者理解、接受,否則就會變成硬譯、死譯。 How are you? *怎么是你? How old are you? *怎么老是你? He is lying on his back . 他臥在他的背上。 心花怒放 heart flower angry open to be wild with joy; to be elated; to feel exuberantly happy; to burst with joy ,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,Difference between word-for-word translation and literal translation: Word-for-word translation: translate word by word without making any adjustment, starchy, stiff, unintelligible (死板、生硬、難理解) unacceptable, unqualified translation Literal translation: make some necessary adjustment; smooth, clear & natural. Can have almost the same feeling as the SLR. acceptable, good translation,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,Free translation wishful translation (to add or delete the content of the original, or add personal emotion) 意譯應當注重事實依據(jù),不能無中生有、隨意杜撰,否則就會變成胡譯、亂譯。,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,Relationship between literal translation and free translation: Complementary, instead of contradictory Literal translation and free translation may be alternatively used in the process of translation.,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,1) Dont lock the stable door after the horses has been stolen. Literal translation: 不要等馬被盜后,才去鎖楖門. Free translation: 不要賊走關(guān)門. 2) Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful, nor it is a way to make social problem evaporate. Literal translation: 砸鏡子不能使丑八怪變漂亮,也不能使社會問題煙消云散. Free translation: 砸鏡子并不能解決實際問題.,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,3) 無風不起浪 Literal translation: There are no waves without wind. Free translation: Theres no smoke without fire.,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,Some sentences can only be translated freely. Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that hold us in. Literal translation: 我們的兒子一定得進學校,他一定得打破這個把我們關(guān)在里面的罐子. Free translation: 我們的兒子一定要上學,一定要出人頭地.,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,When to use free translation? 1. When it is difficult to understand if translated literally; 2. When literal translation can not express the deep meaning of the original; 3. When idioms can be used.,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,1) Maybe Kino has cut off his own head and destroyed himself. Literal translation: *也許Kino會割掉自己的腦袋,把自己毀了. Free translation: 也許Kino走了絕路,自己毀了自己. 2) Cast pearls before swine. Literal translation: *把珍珠扔到豬面前. Free translation: 對牛彈琴. 3) Barbara was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Literal translation: *Barbara嘴里叼著銀調(diào)羹出生的. Free translation: Barbara出生于富貴人家.,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,How to use them properly and proficiently? know source language and target language culture as much as possible and have extensive knowledge with the problems which the original wrote or talked about. comprehend source language message correctly and thoroughly. practice makes perfect.,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,Domestication 歸化/ Foreignization 異化vs. Free / Literal Translation Free / Literal Translation is on the linguistic level Domestication / Foreignization is more concerned with the cultural level 歸化使原文作者盡量靠近譯文讀者,以目的語(target language)文化為中心 習慣認為,當原文與譯文之間因文化差異而出現(xiàn)不能通達的情況時,“要用譯語文化替代原語文化”即把在譯語中找不到對等的外語詞匯改頭換面,或套用譯語中與之相似的現(xiàn)成的表達法,把它們變成讀者熟悉的譯語文化形象。 異化使譯文讀者盡量靠近原文作者,以源語(source language)文化為中心。 讀異國文學是為了欣賞異國作品特有的韻味和語言風格, 應著力于全面、完整地向譯語讀者介紹對方的全部意蘊,包括文化,. Literal Translation and Free Translation 直譯與意譯,All roads lead to Rome. 條條大道通羅馬 不能譯成:殊途同歸 To teach ones grandmother to eat eggs. 教老祖母吃雞蛋 班門弄斧 班門弄斧:show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter.,. Translation Techniques 翻譯技巧種種,影響因素: 1. Text Types 2. Translation Purpose 3. Socio-cultural Constraints 技巧方法源于翻譯實踐,Practice,1. He was a dead shot. However, he met his Waterloo this time. 2. After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands on slippery ground. 3. He carried his age astonishingly well. 4. Shed never again believe anything in trousers. 5. Nixon was pleased by the distinction, but not overwhelmed. 6. “Ill have Lisa where I want her. “ 7. Yet China was a land of constant surprise and shifting impression.,Answer,1. 他是一個神槍手,可這一次卻遭到慘敗。 (遭遇了滑鐵盧) 2. 他上一篇小說寫砸了,他的名聲從此岌岌可危。 3. 他一點兒不顯老,面容年輕得令人驚訝。 4. 她再也不愿相信任何男人。 5. 尼克松對受到破格禮遇非常高興,但并沒有受寵若驚。 6. 我要讓麗莎乖乖聽話。 7. 而中國是一片令人驚訝、日新月異的土地。,Send=送? 1. Who sent the letter? 2. Have you sent off the order? 3. Please send him in. 4. He sends words that he wouldnt be coming. 5. Could you send sb. to help us? 6. Please send the goods by air. 7. The shot sent the birds flying away. 8. Send for the doctor, please.,送 = send? 1. 送某人一本書 2. 送禮 3. 送信 4. 送客 5. 送行 6. 送雨傘 7. 送命 8. 送孩子上學 9. 送某人回家 10. 將衛(wèi)星送上天 11. 送葬 12. 送罪犯上法庭審判,Answer 1. give sb. a book 2. present a gift to sb. 3. deliver a message 4. see a visitor out 5. see sb. Off 6. bring sb. an umbrella 7. lose ones life (get killed) 8. take a child to school 9. escort sb. home 10. launch a satellite 11. take part in a funeral procession 12. hand the criminal over to the court for trial,第一講-2 英漢語言對比研究,一、教學重點: 1. 英漢語言宏觀對比 2. 提高三種翻譯能力 二、教學內(nèi)容: 1. 英漢語言宏觀對比 2. 通過比較研究和翻譯 批評提高實際能力,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,一、綜合語與分析語(Synthetic vs. Analytic) 綜合型語言,運用詞的形態(tài)變化來表達語法關(guān)系。e.g. German, Old English. 分析型語言,不運用詞的形態(tài)變化而用詞序及虛詞等手段來表達語法關(guān)系。e.g. Chinese 現(xiàn)代English:綜合-分析型語言, Three major grammatical devices of English: Inflection形態(tài)變化, word order詞序, and function words虛詞,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,一、綜合語與分析語(Synthetic vs. Analytic) 1. 英語有形態(tài)變化,漢語沒有嚴格意義的形態(tài)變化 英語:affixation詞綴變化(prefix前綴、suffix后綴), gender性, number數(shù), case格, tense時, aspect體, voice語態(tài), mood語氣, degree of comparison比較級, person人稱, parts of speech詞性 漢語:“著”、“了”、“過”、“的”、“地”、“得”之類的助詞,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,一、綜合語與分析語(Synthetic vs. Analytic) 2. 英語詞序比較靈活,漢語詞序相對固定 英語詞序倒置的現(xiàn)象較多(原因在于:形態(tài)變化和運用豐富的連接詞)。 漢語只能按照表意的需要排列詞序。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,一、綜合語與分析語(Synthetic vs. Analytic) 2. 英語詞序比較靈活,漢語詞序相對固定 定語的位置 A candidate with little chance of success 一個當選希望極微的候選人 英國是第一個承認中國的西方大國。 Britain was the first west power to acknowledge the P.R.C.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,一、綜合語與分析語(Synthetic vs. Analytic) 2. 英語詞序比較靈活,漢語詞序相對固定 狀語的位置 English:S+V+O+ manner + place + time Chinese:S + time + place+ manner + P +O 她溫柔地點了點頭。 She nodded in a tender way./ tenderly. 她每天清晨在室外高聲朗讀英語。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,一、綜合語與分析語(Synthetic vs. Analytic) 3. 英漢都有大量的虛詞,但各有特點 英語:articles冠詞, prepositions介詞, auxiliaries助動詞, coordinators并列連接詞, subordinators從屬連接詞 漢語:介詞、連詞、 助詞 動態(tài)助詞:著、了、過 結(jié)構(gòu)助詞:的、地、得 語氣助詞:嗎、呢、吧、啊、嘛、呀、哪,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,二、緊湊與松散( Compact vs. Diffusive ) 英語的主謂結(jié)構(gòu)可歸納為五種基本句型: SV, SVP, SVO, SVoO, SVOC 各種長短句子,一般都可以看作是這五種基本句型及其變式、擴展、組合、省略或倒裝。 語法一致原則 grammatical concord 意義一致原則 notional concord 就近原則 principle of proximity 注重形式接應 formal coherence,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,二、緊湊與松散( Compact vs. Diffusive ) 漢語主謂結(jié)構(gòu)要復雜得多,注重意念連貫(semantic coherence) 警察抓住了小偷; 三個小偷都抓住了;(受事主語) 昨晚抓住了三個小偷;(時間主語) 公共汽車上抓住了三個小偷。(地點主語),. 英漢語言宏觀對比,三、形合與意合( Hypotactic vs. Paratactic ) Hypotactic: 句中的詞語或分句之間用語言形式手段(如關(guān)聯(lián)詞)連接起來,表達語法意義和邏輯關(guān)系。 Paratactic: 詞語和分句之間不用語言形式手段連接,句中的語法意義和邏輯關(guān)系通過詞語或分句的含義表達。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,三、形合與意合( Hypotactic vs. Paratactic ) 英語:形合法:關(guān)系詞、連接詞、介詞、其他 漢語:意合法:語序、反復、排比、對偶、對照、緊縮句、四字格 英語句子:一棵參天大樹,一串葡萄 樹形擴展,多枝共干,節(jié)外生枝 漢語句子:一根竹子 線型擴展,連續(xù)鋪排,逐步交代,層層鋪開,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,三、形合與意合( Hypotactic vs. Paratactic ) 車未停穩(wěn),請勿上下。 Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a standstill. 無事不登三寶殿。 I wouldnt come to you if I hadnt something to ask of you. 他不來,我不去。 If he wont come here, Ill not go there. 欲蓋彌彰 The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,四、繁復與簡短(Complex vs. Simplex) 英語:從屬結(jié)構(gòu)是現(xiàn)代英語最重要的特點之一。句子呈句首封閉、句尾開放。書面語句子長而復雜,環(huán)扣相嵌,盤根錯節(jié),句中有句。造句采用“樓房建筑法”。 漢語:常用散句、松句、緊縮句、省略句、流水句或并列形式的復句,以中短句居多。句子呈句首開放、句尾收縮。造句采用“流水記事法”。 注重繁簡句式與文體的關(guān)系。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,四、繁復與簡短(Complex vs. Simplex) 英譯漢時要破句重組,化繁為簡。 In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours. 門口放著至少有十二把五顏六色、大小不一的雨傘。 門口放著一堆雨傘,少說也有十二把,五顏六色,大小不一。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,五、物稱與人稱( Impersonal vs. Personal ) 英語:常用物稱表達法。不用人稱來敘述,而讓事物以客觀的口氣呈現(xiàn)出來。 漢語:常用人稱表達法。較注重主題思維,以“萬物皆備于我”作主導,從自我出發(fā)敘述客觀事物,或傾向于描述人及其行為或狀態(tài)。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,五、物稱與人稱( Impersonal vs. Personal ) 英語常用非人稱主語,漢語常用人稱主語 Alarm began to take entire possession of him. 他開始變得驚恐萬狀。 An idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到了一個主意。 “無靈主語”+“有靈動詞” Beijing has witnessed a great many historical events. 北京目睹過許多偉大的歷史事件。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,五、物稱與人稱( Impersonal vs. Personal ) 英語常用被動式,采用物稱表達法;漢語常用主動式,采用人稱、泛稱或隱稱表達法。 Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered. 發(fā)現(xiàn)了錯誤,一定要改正。 Specialties in colleges and universities should be adjusted and teaching methods improved. 必須調(diào)整高等院校的專業(yè)設(shè)置,改進教學方法。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) 英語常用被動語態(tài) 原因:1、施事的原因: 施事未知而難以言明 The murderer was caught yesterday, and it is said that he will be hanged. 施事從上下文中可以不言自明 She told me that her master had dismissed her. No reason had been assigned.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) 施事不如受事重要,或受事需要強調(diào) Her only son was run over by a car. 由于特殊原因而不要指明施事 Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) 原因:2、句法的要求: 為了使句子承上啟下、前后連貫、便于銜接 Some kinds of plastics can be forced through machines which separate them into long, thin strings, called “fibres”, and these fibres can be made into cloth. 為了使句子平衡,保持末端中心和末端重量,以符合主語簡短、謂語復雜的表達習慣 I was astonished that he was prepared to give me a job.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) 原因:3、文體的需要: 科技文體、新聞文體、公文文體、論述文體,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) 漢語常用意義被動式(用主動形式表達被動意義) 原因:1、漢語被動式的使用受到限制: It was done. 這件事已做。 It was well done. 這件事做得好。 It was poorly done. 這件事做得不好。/這件事搞壞了。/這件事被弄壞了。/這件事給弄糟了。 “讓、給、叫、挨、受、遭、蒙”,大多表達不如意或不企望,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) 漢語常用主動形式表達英語的被動意義 Language is shaped by, and shapes, human thought. 人的思想形成了語言,而語言又影響了人的思想。 Not only politeness but an attitude of reverence is demanded in church. 在教堂里,人們不僅要有禮貌,而且應該有一種虔誠的態(tài)度。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) 2、使用受事主語導致大量的“當然被動句” 昨晚我蓋了兩條被子。 Last night I was covered up with two quilts. 一匹馬騎兩個人。 Two persons rode one horse.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) 3、當不需要或不可能說出施事者的時候,漢語可以采用無主句或主語省略句來保持句子的主動形式 要制造飛機,就必須仔細考慮空氣阻力問題。 Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be manufactured.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) 4、當施事者難以指明時,漢語還可以采用通稱或泛稱(如“人”、“有人”、“人們”、“人家”、“別人”、“某人”等)作主語,以保持句子的主動形式。 It is said that 有人說,據(jù)說,據(jù)云 Voices were heard calling for help. 有人聽見呼救的聲音。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) 5、當不便使用被動式時,漢語可采用某些轉(zhuǎn)換式來表達被動意義。 “把字式”或“將字式” 風把樹刮倒了。 The wind blew down the tree. These questions should not be confused. 不要把這些問題混在一起。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) “為所”或“被所”式 她被花言巧語所陶醉。 She is intoxicated with sweet words. “是的”式 這些產(chǎn)品是我國制造的。 These products are made in our country.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,六、被動與主動(Passive vs. Active) “的是”式 推薦我的是一位教授。 I was recommended by a professor. “加以/予以”式 這個問題將在下一章加以討論。 This problem will be discussed in the next chapter.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,七、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)( Static vs. Dynamic ) (本節(jié)將在以后的章節(jié)具體介紹) 英語傾向于多用名詞,因而敘述呈靜態(tài) 漢語傾向于多用動詞,因而敘述呈動態(tài),. 英漢語言宏觀對比,七、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)( Static vs. Dynamic ) 英語的靜態(tài)傾向表現(xiàn)在: 1、名詞化 Insulin is used in the treatment of diabetes. 胰島素用于治療糖尿病。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,七、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)( Static vs. Dynamic ) 英語的靜態(tài)傾向表現(xiàn)在: 2、用名詞表示施事者,以代替動詞(大量由動詞派生的名詞) He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 他能吃能睡。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,七、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)( Static vs. Dynamic ) 英語的靜態(tài)傾向表現(xiàn)在: 3、用名詞代替形容詞,構(gòu)成標題式短語(名詞連用) space shuttle flight test program 航天飛機試飛計劃,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,七、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)( Static vs. Dynamic ) 英語的靜態(tài)傾向表現(xiàn)在: 4、名詞優(yōu)勢造成介詞優(yōu)勢 He is at his books. 他在讀書。 The machine is in operation. 機器正在運轉(zhuǎn)。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,七、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)( Static vs. Dynamic ) 英語的靜態(tài)傾向表現(xiàn)在: 5、用形容詞或副詞表達動詞的意義 You are ignorant of the duties you undertake in marrying. 你完全不懂你在婚姻方面應承擔的責任。 He is out. 他出去了。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,七、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)( Static vs. Dynamic ) 漢語的動態(tài)傾向表現(xiàn)在: 1、動詞連用(連動式和兼語式句子) 他想辦法擺脫了困境。(連動式) He thought his way out of the dilemma. 我們請她唱歌。(兼語式) We asked her to sing.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,七、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)( Static vs. Dynamic ) 漢語的動態(tài)傾向表現(xiàn)在: 2、動詞(詞組)可以充當漢語句子的各種成分 他們喜歡乘火車旅行。(連動式詞組做賓語) They enjoy traveling by train.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,七、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)( Static vs. Dynamic ) 漢語的動態(tài)傾向表現(xiàn)在: 3、漢語動詞常常重復或重疊 要吃有吃,要穿有穿。 You will have enough to eat and sufficient to put on. 說說笑笑,跑跑跳跳,孩子們過得十分愉快。 Talking and laughing, running and jumping, the children had a good time.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,八、抽象與具體( Abstract vs. Concrete ) 英語:大量使用抽象名詞 漢語:以具體的形象表達抽象的內(nèi)容,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,八、抽象與具體( Abstract vs. Concrete ) 漢語用以下手段表達英語的抽象詞義 1)用動詞取代抽象名詞: His familiarity with many rarely used languages surprised us all. 他通曉多種不常使用的外國語,這使我們大家感到很驚訝。 High blood pressure is a contraindication for this drug. 高血壓患者忌服此藥。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,八、抽象與具體( Abstract vs. Concrete ) 漢語用以下手段表達英語的抽象詞義 2)用范疇詞使抽象概念具體化: He discussed greatness and excellence. 他探討了偉大和接觸的涵義。 3)用具體的詞語闡述抽象的詞義: The stars twinkled in transparent clarity. 星星在清澈的晴空中閃爍。,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,八、抽象與具體( Abstract vs. Concrete ) 漢語用以下手段表達英語的抽象詞義 4)用形象性詞語使抽象概念具體化: lack of perseverance 三天打魚,兩天曬網(wǎng) with great eagerness 如饑似渴 await with great anxiety 望穿秋水,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,九、間接與直接(Indirect vs. Direct ) 英語表達傾向于間接、委婉 漢語表達傾向于直接、明快 英語委婉語舉例: 1、官方委婉語: 嚴重的失業(yè)現(xiàn)象: underutilization(未充分利用人才)或human resources underdevelopment(人力資源未充分開發(fā)) 生活在貧困線下的窮人:the underprivileged(受到不公正的待遇)或disadvantaged(機遇不佳),. 英漢語言宏觀對比,九、間接與直接(Indirect vs. Direct ) 英語委婉語舉例: 2、職業(yè)委婉語: prison officer (=gaoler)監(jiān)獄看守 sanitary engineer (=plumber)管子工 meat technologist (=butcher)屠戶,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,九、間接與直接(Indirect vs. Direct ) 英語委婉語舉例: 3、學校委婉語: 遲鈍或呆笨的學生:unflamboyant (不浮夸) 低能兒:subnormal (智力遜常),. 英漢語言宏觀對比,九、間接與直接(Indirect vs. Direct ) 英語含蓄舉例: To my no small astonishment, I found the house on fire. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)房子著了火,這使我大吃一驚。 He didnt half like that girl. 他非常喜歡那姑娘。 I couldnt agree with you more. 我太贊成你的看法了。 Would you mind doing it?,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,十、替換與重復(Substitutive vs. Repetitive) 英語:傾向盡量避免重復 漢語:傾向于重復(重疊、反復、對偶與排比),. 英漢語言宏觀對比,十、替換與重復(Substitutive vs. Repetitive) Avoid the following repetitions in English 1. Repetition of syllables 音節(jié)重復 Version 1:Close examination of the results of the investigation led to a reorganization of the department. Revised:Close study of the results of the inquiry led to a reorganization of the department.,. 英漢語言宏觀對比,十、替換與重復(Substitutive vs. Repetitive) Avoid the following repetitions in English 2. Repetition of words 詞語重復 Version 1:We listened to an account of the customs of
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