第 3 部分電動機控制
3.3 繼電器和接觸器
3.3.1 控制繼電器
繼電器一般用于放大機或放大接觸能力,或試驗設備的開關(guān)函數(shù)添加更多電路。大多數(shù)繼電器用于控制電路;因此,他們的低評級(0-15 安培最大到 800 伏特)顯示的當前水平降低它們的運作方式。
初學者來說,接觸器,繼電器是相似的在建設和運營,但并不相同??刂评^電器在各種單或雙擲安排常開的組合(不)和常閉(NC)接觸電路。雖然有一些 single-break 用于工業(yè)繼電器的接觸,大部分的繼電器用于機床制 15:40 接觸。這可能是特別感興趣的電工改變聯(lián)系人,常常閉,或反過來數(shù)控沒有。大多數(shù)機床繼電器有一些手段使這種變化。它的范圍從簡單的翻聯(lián)系刪除搬遷彈簧位置變化。同時,通過重疊接觸器在
FIG.3-5 晶體管固態(tài)
3.3.2 固態(tài)繼電器
3.3.3 晶體管作為開關(guān)
圖 3 - 5 顯示了一個基本的固態(tài)開關(guān)裝置用于邏輯組件(繼電器)。晶體管是
3.3.4 過載保護
3.3.5 接觸器
磁接觸器 eletromagnetically 操作開關(guān)提供一個安全、方便意味著連接和中斷分支電路。校長之別接觸器和電動機起動器,接觸器不包含過載繼電器。接觸器結(jié)合試驗控制裝置用于開關(guān)照明和取暖負荷和控制交流電機過載保護的情況下單獨提供。更大的接觸器尺寸用于提供遠程控制相對大電流的電路太貴的權(quán)力運行導致遠程控制位置,FIG.3-6。這種靈活性是主要優(yōu)勢之一的電磁控制手動控制。飛行員等設備按鈕, 浮子開關(guān)、壓力開關(guān)、限位開關(guān)、恒溫器提供接觸器的操作。
FIG.3-6 遠程控制負載的一個優(yōu)勢
重型接觸 arc-chutes 提供大多數(shù)的更大的接觸器。的降落傘包含重銅線圈稱為防線圈,安裝以上聯(lián)系人在系列負載提供更好的消弧線。這些防磁線圈幫助撲滅電弧在接觸交流和直流負載下開放。電弧可能
是相似的強度隨著電弧焊接過程。一個 arc-quenching 設備使用保證接觸壽命更長。自熱電弧從接觸技巧非常迅速,聯(lián)系人保持冷靜,所以他們持續(xù)時間更長。接觸和電動機起動器接觸,經(jīng)常打破沉重的水流受破壞性的燃燒
FIG.3-6 遠程控制負載的一個優(yōu)勢
重型接觸 arc-chutes 提供大多數(shù)的更大的接觸器。包含重銅線圈稱為防線圈,安裝以上聯(lián)系人在系列
是相似的強度隨著電弧焊接過程。一個 arc-quenching 設備使用保證接觸壽命更長。自熱電弧從接觸技巧非常迅速,聯(lián)系人保持冷靜,所以他們持續(xù)時間更長。接觸和電動機起動器接觸,經(jīng)常打破沉重的水流受
圖 3 - 7 是一個草圖防磁鐵的直導線(ab)位于與磁鐵場和串聯(lián)。這個數(shù)字可以表示直流極性或瞬時
交流,交流電流、防線圈磁場和導體(電弧)磁場同時反向。根據(jù)弗萊明的左手定則, 電機動作會力量
圖 3 - 8 顯示了年代的圖 3 - 7 節(jié)線(ab)取而代之的是一組聯(lián)系人。聯(lián)系人已經(jīng)開
始開放,他們之間有一個弧。圖 3 - 9 顯示了什么是因為磁性的行動。部分顯示了開始時的撓度弧由于影響電動機的行動。B 部分表明,接觸更多的然后和弧開始爬上角,因
為汽車行動的影響增加溫度。圖 3 - 9 所示的 C 部分的角附近的弧。在這點,電弧加長,
3.3.6 機械交流接觸器和繼電器
指的是圖 3 - 10,暫時按下“關(guān)”按鈕時,當前的流動從 L1 到“on”按鈕接觸通電線圈通過現(xiàn)在的關(guān)閉
清除接觸,L2?,F(xiàn)在的繼電器關(guān)閉和鎖存器機械。在同一時間關(guān)閉聯(lián)系人(在圖 3-11),照明燈具的銀行當斷路器關(guān)閉。
圖 3 - 12 顯示了一個三相電力負荷的應用程序使用一個主接觸器斷開配電盤。選擇性單、三相分支電路可以切換由其他獨立機械接觸器或繼電器舉行。這些機械接觸器和繼電器機電設備,圖 3。他們提供了一個安全、方便的切換電路,安靜的操作,能量電路連接效率和連續(xù)性的要求安裝。例如,電路連續(xù)性在電源故障自動處理設備通常是重要的,在一系列的操作必須繼續(xù)從權(quán)力后中斷嗎恢復,而然后返回序列的開始。接觸器和安靜的操作繼電器是必需的在許多控制系統(tǒng)用于醫(yī)院、學校、辦公樓。機械接觸器和繼電器通常用于地方輕微的嗡嗡聲,交流磁設備的特點,是令人反感的。此外, 機械繼電器機床控制電路中經(jīng)常使用。這些繼電器可以鎖住和拉開通過限位開關(guān)的操作, 時間繼電器,起動器聯(lián)鎖、timeclocks 光電電池,其他控制繼電器、按鈕。一般來說, 機械繼電器可在 10 - 15-ampere 大小;機械接觸器也可以在尺寸范圍從 30 安培 1200 安培。
3.4.2 流體減震器時間繼電器
磁,油緩沖器延時繼電器可能用于電壓 800 伏交流電直流。聯(lián)系人是由鐵芯的運動。的磁場
■ 控制加速電機接觸器開始
■ 時間關(guān)閉或打開閥門的制冷設備
■ 為任何應用程序的操作序列延遲。
不同粘度的影響時間由于環(huán)境溫度的變化。硅膠流體運作成功的環(huán)境溫度范圍+ 48.9℃到-34.4℃。的
可以輕松調(diào)整時間范圍從 2 秒到 30 秒。多次接觸緩沖器時間繼電器用于直流電機起動。當線圈這種類型的延時繼電器精力充沛,紛紛聯(lián)系密切,中間有一個時間差每一個結(jié)束。
3.4.3 氣動計時器
■ 不受正常環(huán)境溫度和大氣壓力的變化
■ 可調(diào)在一個廣泛的時間周期
■ 良好的重復精度
■ 可用各種各樣的聯(lián)系和時間安排。
這種類型的繼電器有一個氣動延時單元,由一個機械操作磁鐵的結(jié)構(gòu)。延時功能取決于空氣通過一個限制的轉(zhuǎn)移孔板鋼筋的使用合成橡膠波紋管或隔膜。時間范圍是調(diào)整定位針閥不同數(shù)量的孔或排氣限制。激勵的過程或斷電路可以控制的氣動時間繼電器試驗設備(如按鈕、限位開關(guān)或恒溫繼電器。自從權(quán)力了由時間繼電器線圈是小, 敏感的控制設備可用于控制操作序列。氣動時間繼電器用于汽車加速和自動控制電路。自動控制是必要的在應用程序重復精度是必需的,例如控制序列操作的機床和控制,工業(yè)過程操作,輸送線。
3.4.4 磁限時繼電器
如果線圈中的電流增加,那么由于自感電動勢方向反對行為增加線圈的電流。如果線圈中的電流減少,emf 由于自感線圈的行為方向反對降低線圈的電流。一種磁期
限繼電器有一個線圈繞在一個空心銅柱含鐵核心。其他時間限制繼電器線圈銅夾套。對任何一種繼電器、時間延遲繼電器下降時提供。線圈的電路斷開時,電流迅速下降到零。因此,作為線圈的磁通量減少,削減短路銅缸和在汽缸產(chǎn)生一個電壓。這種感應電壓發(fā)送電流通過銅汽缸。由于當前,通量是磁鐵電樞的產(chǎn)生一段時間后,線圈電路壞了。延遲時間是有限的在電路中線圈和鐵。Figure3-15 素描的磁時間限制繼電器。繼電器是精力充沛時,電樞(M)畫的核心(N)。同時,在嗎彈簧的張力會畫出電樞遠離核心。維護的通量當前在銅套死,時間電樞釋放所依賴一些嗎春天的緊張程度。釋放
時間也可以通過插入不同的銅墊片在 M 和 N 之間的差距,更厚的墊片,通量越低, 越早電樞釋放。磁期限繼電器用于短路電阻啟動的步驟馬達。這種類型的繼電器銜鐵, 皮卡是瞬時的。輟學的時間延遲通過使用非磁性電樞調(diào)整墊片和彈簧。
3.4.5 電容器限時繼電器
線電壓的值和當前出現(xiàn)在線圈。如果線圈和電容器組合是現(xiàn)在從這條線,當前的線圈將開始減少曲線如圖 3-16 所示。
如果調(diào)整繼電器,使銜鐵釋放在當前 i1,t1 的時間延遲獲得的。時間延遲可以增加到一個值的t2 通過調(diào)整繼電器,以便電樞不會被釋放,直到i2 的電流降低到一個值。電位器用作一個可調(diào)電阻來改變時間。這
3.4.6 電子計時器
電子計時器使用固態(tài)組件來提供所需的時間延遲。圖 3 - 17 所示圖這個計時器。計時器有一個發(fā)光二極管(LED)當時間繼電器斷開,而時機一一閃過,而精力充沛。的單位符合標準的工業(yè)控制繼電器安裝。
3.4.7 選擇延時繼電器
■ 長度所需的時間延遲
■ 時間范圍要求
■ 容許誤差
■ 周期或操作和重置時間
■ 成本
■ 額外的需求
長度所需的時間延遲所需的時間延遲是由機器或過程的類型計時器將控制。時間延遲將范圍從一小部分第二個幾分鐘。所需的時間范圍這句話時間范圍意味著的各種時間間隔計時器調(diào)整。計時器是可用的,可以設置為 1 秒的時間延遲,100 秒,之間的延遲或任何值 1 和 100 秒。在選擇使用一臺機器或一個計時器過程中,應該足夠?qū)挿秶赡苄枰幚淼母鞣N延時時間機器或過程。具體時間值必須找到時間范圍內(nèi)任何位置的審判和錯誤。規(guī)模提供了一個計時器主要目的是允許快速重置計時器到時間位置之前確定是正確的對于一個給定的操作。
容許誤差,計時器都受到一些錯誤,也就是說,可能會有正負時間變化連續(xù)時間操作之間相同的設置。誤差隨的數(shù)量類型的定時器和操作條件。這個錯誤通常的百分比表示時間設定。任何計時器的誤差百分比取決于類型的計時器,環(huán)境溫度尤其是低溫), 線圈溫度、線電壓和之間的時間長度操作。
3.5 二線控制
雙線式控制可能是撥動開關(guān),壓力開關(guān),浮子開關(guān),限位開關(guān),溫控器,或任何其他類型的開關(guān)有明確的立場。表示,設備類型通常被設計成處理小電流。雙線式控制裝置不會攜帶足夠的電流操作大型汽車。此外,230 伏電機和三相電機通常需要不止一個聯(lián)系人聯(lián)系提供二線設備。雙線式控制可以連接到操作線圈的磁開關(guān),如圖3-18 所示。開關(guān)關(guān)閉時,通過線圈控制電路完成 M),當線圈激勵它關(guān)閉聯(lián)系人在 M 和電機運行。
3.6.1 三線控制
三線控制電路采用瞬時接觸,起停站和電路聯(lián)鎖連接在開始按鈕的同時,保持電路。一般來說,三線設備連接,如圖 3-19 所示。雖然安排的各個部分可能會有所不同從一個制造商的切換到另一個,基本電路是相同的。這個電路的操作順序是:當開始按鈕被推,通過線圈電路完成(顯示為 M)和聯(lián)系人在 M 關(guān)閉。的權(quán)力電路接觸電動機也密切(沒有顯示)。開始按鈕被釋放時,保持聯(lián)系在保持這個輔助觸點。當起動器中使用這種方式,它據(jù)說是“維護”或“封口”。保持聯(lián)系關(guān)閉,電路仍然是通過線圈完成。如果停止按鈕被推,線圈的電路壞了,失去了能源和聯(lián)系人在開放。停止按鈕被釋放時,電路仍然開放因為保持聯(lián)系和開始按鈕必須再次被推到完成電路。過載保護的操作打開控
制電路,導致相同的的效果。如果電源電壓失敗,電路斷開。當電源電壓恢復,電路仍然開放,直到重新開始按鈕推。這樣的安排被稱為無電壓保護和保護運營商和設備。按鈕站接線圖圖 3-19(B)代表物理站。它顯示單元的相對位置,內(nèi)部線路,連接起動器。電線終端貼上 1、2 和 3(引起名稱“三線控制”)。常閉輔助觸點用于開關(guān)指示燈。電動機沒有運行,這些聯(lián)系是開放的,當電機停止,關(guān)閉,指示燈。一個指示燈可以安裝時顯示電機運行。對于這個情況下,指示燈控制終端 3 和 2 號線之間的連接。除了這個修改電路是一個基本的三線,按鍵控制電路。
3.6.2 順序來推動測試指示燈
有必要重新啟動電機后,停止了三線控制電路低電壓保護。一個指示燈通常是當電動機停止,這樣它的信號可以導致罷工的問題是清除后重新啟動。因為飛行員燈是一個重要組成部分在這種情況下,他們經(jīng)常以確保操作進行測試。來推動測試飛行員燈光炫耀立即如果電路或者如果燈燒壞了。圖 3 的一部分顯示了這種電路的線路。三線電動機起動器控制電路像往常一樣連接。注意,信號燈是能量從三號航站樓到 C,通過常閉按鈕 L2。測試,燈被打開在 C 和電路在 L1 關(guān)閉它。按鈕的安排,測試燈直接跨線 1 和 2
3.6.3 報警沉默電路
警報喇叭,大聲蜂群還用于生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)調(diào)用故障。問題是承認企圖壓制這種“噪音污染”。一個典型電路如圖 3 - 21 所示。假設一個工業(yè)系統(tǒng)的高壓危險的繼續(xù)。這樣的條件將關(guān)閉一個壓力開關(guān)。這個開關(guān)關(guān)閉時,鬧鐘響起通過常閉觸點 s .此外,紅色的指示燈光。提醒時,維修人員可以通過壓低沉默鬧鐘“關(guān)閉”按鈕。紅燈繼續(xù)默默地宣布
3.6.4 單獨控制
它有時需要操作按鈕或其他控制設備在一些低電壓電動機的電壓??刂葡到y(tǒng)的這種情況下,一個單獨的來獲得的隔離變壓器或一個獨立的電壓供應─提供控制的權(quán)力電路。這個獨立的電壓是電動機的主電源分開。一種單獨的控制圖 3-22 所示。這是一個冷卻的原理圖電路對商業(yè)空調(diào)安裝。恒溫器要求冷卻時,壓縮機電動機起動器線圈(顯示為 M)是通過降壓隔離精力充沛變壓器。當線圈 M 是亢奮時,在 240 伏電源接觸開關(guān)啟動制冷壓縮機電機。由于控制電路是電源電路的分開隔離控制變壓器,沒有兩個電路之間的電氣連接。對于這個原因,起動器上的跳線連接到 L2 為不同電壓應該刪除。然而,過載繼電器控制必須包括在單獨的控制線路接觸。維護技術(shù)人員還必須確保控制變壓器電壓匹配電壓,使用適當?shù)倪B接。
3.3.1 Control Relays
Control magnetic relays are used as auxiliary devices to switch control circuits and large motor starter and contactor coils, and to control small loads such as small motors, solenoids, electric heaters, pilot lights, audible signal devices and other relays.
A magnetically held relay is operated by an electromagnet which opens or closes electrical contactors when the electromagnet is deenergized.
FIG.3-3 Elementary diagram using (A) FIG.3-4 Heavy duty, double selector
A single-break, three-position selector switch for (A)Two position switch and (B) Two-position, single- and (B) Three position
break switch
Relays are generally used to enlarger or amplify the contact capability, or multiply the switching function of a pilot device by adding more contacts to circuit.
Most relays are used in control circuits; therefore, their lower ratings (0-15 amperes maximum to 800 volts) show the reduced current levels at which they operate. Magnetic relays do not provide motor overload protection. This type of relay ordinarily is used in a two wire control system (any electrical contact-making device with two wires).
Whenever it is designed to use momentary contact pilot devices, such as push buttons.
Any available normally open contact can be wired as a holding circuit in a three-wire system. Starters, contactors, and relays are similar in construction and operation but are not identical.
Control relays are available in single- or double-throw arrangements with various combinations of normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC) contact circuits. While there are some single-break contacts used in industrial relays, most of the relays used in machine tool
control have double-break contacts. It may be of particular interest to an electrician to know about changing contacts that are normally open to normally closed, or the other way around NC to NO. Most machine tool relays have some means to make this change. It ranges from simple flip-over contact to removing the contacts and relocating with spring location changes.
Also, by overlapping contactors in this case, one contact can be arranged to operate at a ifferent time relative to another contact on the same relay. For example, the normally open contact closes (makes) before the normally closed contact opens (breaks). Relays differ in voltage ratings, number of contacts, contact rearrangement, physical size and in attachments to provide accessory functions such as mechanical latching and timing.
In using a relay for a particular application, one of the first steps should be determine the control (coil)voltage at which the relay will operate The necessary contact rating must be made, as well as the number of contacts and other characteristics needed. Because of the variety of styles of relays available, it is possible to select the correct relay for almost any application.
Relays are used more often to open and close control circuits than to operate power circuits. Typical applications include the control of motor starter and contactor coils, the switching of solenoids, and the control of other relays. A relay is a small but vital switching component of many complex control systems. Low-voltage relay systems are used extensively in switching residential and commercial lighting circuits and individual lighting fixtures.
While control relays from various manufacturers differ in appearance and construction, they are interchangeable in control wiring system if their specifications are
matched to the requirements of the system.
Control relays are available in many shapes and configurations. There is dustproof, transparent enclosure of a control relay. The terminals plug in, like an electron tube.
Another type of relay is the very small reed relay, with the contacts enclosed in glass. It is operated with a magnetic field.
3.3.2 Solid-state Relay
In comparison to an electromagnetic relay, the solid-state relay has no coil or contacts and requires only minimum values of voltage and current to turn it on and off. The
solid-state relay depends on electronic devices, such as transistors and silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR) for switching.
3.3.3 The Transistor as A Switch
Figure 3-5 shows a basic solid-state switching deviceused in a logic component (relay). The transistor isthe heart of the element. The base of the transistorcontrols the current flow between the emitter and thecollector. In this type of the transistor, a negativevoltage on the base allows emitter- base current to flow. This is due to the properties of the material at the junction of the emitter and the base. The emitter-base current causes the transistor to conduct a current flow from the emitter to the collector. A positive voltage on the base prevents emitter-base current from flowing, and the transistor stops
conducting. Therefore, it behaves as a closed contact in the first state and as an open contact in the second For this reason, the action is called solid-state switching, that is, no moving contacts are required. There is only an electrical signal to open or close the circuit. As a result, the solid-state device is very reliable and has an exceptionally long life.
Solid-state devices are not subject to arcing, wear, or deterioration, as are magnetic relays.
3.3.4 Surge Protection
When solid-state devices are used with magnetic switches, a voltage transient suppressor may be necessary to prevent some of the more harmful electrical “noise”. Much more sophisticated protection is required for microcomputers that control robots on assembly production lines.
3.3.5 Contactors
Magnetic contactors are eletromagnetically operated switches that provide a safe and convenient
means for connecting and interrupting branch circuits. The principal diference between a contactor and a motor starter is that the contactor does not contain overload relays. Contactors are used in combination with pilot control devices to switch lighting and heating loads and to control ac motors in those cases where overload protection is provided separately. The larger contactor sizes are used to provide remote control of relatively
high-current circuits where it is too expensive to run the power leads to the remote controlling location, FIG.3-6.This flexibility is one of main advantages of electromagnetic control over manual control. Pilot devices such as push buttons, float switches, pressure switches, limit switches, and thermostats are provided to operate the contactors.
FIG.3-6 An advantage of a remote control load
Magnetic Blowout
Heavy-duty contact arc-chutes are provided on most of larger contactors. The chutes contain heavy copper coils called blowout coils, mounted above the contacts in series
with the load to provide better arc suppression. These magnetic blowout coils help to extinguish an electric arc at contacts opening under alternating current and direct-current loads. The arc may be similar in intensity as the electric arc welding process.
Anarc-quenching device is used to assure longer contact life. Since the hot arc is transferred from the contact tips very rapidly, the contacts remain cool and so they last longer.
Contact and motor starter contacts that frequently break heavy currents are subject to a destructive burning effect if the arc is not quickly extinguished. The arc that is formed when the contacts open can be lengthened, and extinguished by motor action if it is in a magnetic field.
This magnetic field is provided by the magnetic blowout coil. Since the coil of the magnet is usually in series with the line, the field strength and extinguishing action are in proportion to the size of the arc.
Figure 3-7 is a sketch of a blowout magnet with a straight conductor (ab) located in the field and in series with the magnet. This Figure can represent either dc polarity or instantaneous ac. With ac current, the blowout coil magnetic field and conductor (arc) magnetic field will reverse simultaneously. According to Fleming’s left-hand rule, motor action will tend to force the conductor in an upward direction. The application of the
right-hand rule for signal conductor shows that the magnetic field around the conductor aids the main field on the bottom and opposes it on the top, thus producing an upward force on the conductor.
Figure 3-8 shows s section of Figure 3-7 with the wire (ab) replaced by a set of contacts. The contacts have started to open and there is an arc between them. Figure 3-9 shows what happens because of the magnetic action. Part A shows the beginning deflection of the arc because of the effect the motor action. Part B shows that the contacts are separated more then in A and the arc is beginning to climb up the horns because of the motor action and the effect of increased temperature. Part C of Figure 3-9 shows the arc near the tips of the horns. At this point, the arc is so lengthened that it will be extinguished.
FIG.3-7 Illustration of the magnetic blowout FIG.3-8 Section of blowout magnet with
principle. Straight conductor simulates arc. straight conductor replaced by a set
conducting between
contacts. An arc is
the contacts.
The function of the blowout magnet is to move the arc upward at the same time that the contacts arc opening. As a result, the arc is lengthened at a faster rate than will normally occur because of the opening of the contacts alone. It is evident that the shorter the time the arc is allowed to exist, the less damage it will do to the contacts. Most arc quenching action is based upon this principle.
3.3.6 AC Mechanically Held Contactors and Relays
A mechanically held relay, or contactor, is operated by electromagnets but the electromagnets are automatically disconnected by contacts within the relay. Accordingly, these relays are mechanically held in position and no current flows through the operating coils of these electromagnets after switching. It is apparent, therefore, that near continuous operation of multiple units of substantial size will lower the electrical energy requirements. Also, the magnetically held relay, in comparison, will change contact position upon loss of voltage to the electromagnet, whereas the mechanically held relay will respond only to the action of the control device.
Sequence of Operation
Referring to Figure 3-10, when the“off”push button is pressed momentarily, current flows from L1 through the “on” push button contact energizing the M coil through the now closed clearing contact, to L2. The relay now closes and latches mechanically. At the same time it closes M contacts (in Figure 3-11), lighting a bank of lamps when the circuit breaker is closed.
To unlatch the relay, thereby turning the lamps off, the off button is pressed momentarily, unlatching the relay and opening the contacts M, turning off the lamps. Most operating coils are not designed for continuous duty. Therefore, they are disconnected automatically by contacts to prevent an accidental coil burnout. These coil clearing contacts change position alternately with a change in contactor latching position.
FIG.3-9 Arc deflection between contacts FIG.3-10 Mechanically held relay control circuit
Figure 3-12 shows a three-phase power load application using one main contactor to disconnect distribution panel. Selective single, or three-phase, branch circuits may be
switched independently by other mechanically held contactors or relays.
These mechanically held contactors and relays are electromechanical devices, Figure 3-13. They provide a safe and convenient means of switching circuits where quiet operation, energy efficiency, and continuity of circuit connection are requirements of the installation. For example,circuit continuity during power failures is often important in automatic processing equ