長期以來,水利水電工程固定卷揚式啟閉機(簡稱啟閉機) 的設計一直沿用經驗的類比設計方法,不僅所需的設計周期較長,而且只在少數幾個方案中進行比較分析, 沒有精確的評價標準來衡量所選擇方案的優(yōu)劣,一般很難得到近乎最優(yōu)的設計方案。隨著電子計算機的發(fā)展與應用,可以建立一種設計過程自動選取最優(yōu)方案的有效方 法,即優(yōu)化設計。這種設計方法是數學規(guī)劃與計算機技術相結合的產物,能夠成為解決復雜設計問題的一種工具。然而,由于設計中某些因素如載荷性質、材質優(yōu)劣很難用確定的數學量表示,導致了設計的模糊性。普通優(yōu)化方法沒有考慮這些模糊因素的影響,缺乏處理模糊概念的手段和方法,把許多因素人為地當成確定的或隨機性地進行處理,往往漏掉了真正的優(yōu)化方案,甚至帶來矛盾的結果。這就是啟閉機普通優(yōu)化設計難以真正被工程技術人員接受的根本原因所在。啟閉機的模糊優(yōu)化能夠克服普通優(yōu)化的缺點,它研究啟閉機優(yōu)化過程中普遍存在的模糊性,運用模糊數學的原理, 系統(tǒng)地分析整機及其滑輪機構、卷揚機構、傳動機構、機架結構、電氣系統(tǒng)等各機構的內在和外在聯系,合理地確定和計算各項參數,以期達到最優(yōu)化的目的。采用模糊優(yōu)化設計不僅可以突破傳統(tǒng)的設計格局,克服經驗的、類比的或采用由許多假設和簡化導出的計算公式進行設計、校核、計算時的諸多局限,而且可以克服普通優(yōu)化設計無視模糊問題,采用剛性的約束條件的缺點,使復雜問題模糊化,變精確的約束條 件為模糊約束條件,使設計更快速、更精確、更可靠、更方便。這一方法可以大大縮短設計周期,降低產品材料消耗,提高產品精度和性能,并獲得巨大的經濟效益。因此, 啟閉機的模糊優(yōu)化將成為本行業(yè)眾多研究人員追求的目標。
1 模糊優(yōu)化研究綜述
1.1 模糊技術
1965 年, 美國California 大學L. A. zadeh教授首次提出了Fuzzy (模糊) 集
論的概念,經 M. Sugeno 、汪培莊等眾多學者的努力,于70 年代末建立了比較完善的模糊數學理論體系。在模糊數學理論基礎上發(fā)展起來的高新技術———模糊技術雖只有20 余年的歷史,但它在機械、電氣、化工、輕工、航空航天、土木、地質、水利、氣象、企業(yè)管理和社會經濟等領域的發(fā)展勢頭迅猛,其應用已創(chuàng)造了巨大的經濟效益和社會效益。日本為了確保21 世紀的競爭力,確定了模糊基礎研究、模糊計算機、機器智能、人機系統(tǒng)、人與社會系統(tǒng)、自然系統(tǒng)等六個模糊技術的重點發(fā)展領域。美國不甘落后,重點討論模糊邏輯與神經網絡的 結合問題,并舉辦過一次國際性的模糊技術研討會。法國順應潮流地成立了神經模糊研究所,用以全面地計劃開發(fā)模糊技術。德國的電子和信息部門也把模糊技術作為重要的研究課題之一。美國市場信息研究公司(MIBC) 最新調查結果表明,到本世紀末,模糊技術的世界市場將比現在大30 倍。模糊技術的研究在日、美、德、法、韓等國已成果累累。我國在模糊技術的研究方面具有自己的特色,主要表現在模糊數學理論研究實力較強,但缺乏學科間的交叉,應用背景不明顯,研究的驅動力不強,實際應用研究更是薄弱環(huán)節(jié)。
1.2 模糊機械學
近10 年來,國內外一些機械科學工作者正在不斷努力,使用模糊方法將機械科學中一切能用經典集合描述的概念、原理和方法加以推廣,采用模糊數學理論來刻劃人們對復雜的、動態(tài)的機械系統(tǒng)的模糊性的認識,逐步形成和完善了模糊機械科學與技術的理論體系,模糊機械學已經研究或正在研究的課題有: (1) 人工智能與模糊專家系統(tǒng); (2) 模糊機器人技術; (3) 模糊神經網絡; (4) 模糊控制理論及應用; (5) 模糊識別與故障診斷 (6) 模糊綜合評判; (7) 模糊聚類; (8) 模糊優(yōu)化; (9) 模糊可靠性。 所有這些研究課題都取得了研究成果并正在取得重要進展。
1.3 機械模糊優(yōu)化
在機械零部件和機械系統(tǒng)設計中,設計的優(yōu)劣標準、材料強度及適用范圍、某些載荷的分布和性質等,尤其是著眼于經濟和效益的優(yōu)化指標,都具有模糊性,應用模糊優(yōu)化理論能夠將 設計中的模糊因素和模糊信息定量化,通過合理給定約束函數、目標函數的容許值、期望值及其模糊分布函數來體現專家的經驗、觀點和某些公認的設計準則。西南交通大學黃洪鐘教授研究了模糊機械優(yōu)化的基本思想,研究把模糊
1.4 國內啟閉機的優(yōu)化研究
啟閉機傳統(tǒng)的設計方法以經典力學和數學為基礎,采用半理論、半經驗的設計法和類比法,設計過程反復多,周期長,設計精度差。近年來,隨著電子計算機技術的迅猛發(fā)展,許多跨學科的現代設計方法得到應用,如極限狀態(tài)設計、優(yōu)化設計、可靠設計、CAD、有限元法、動態(tài)仿真設計、模塊化設計、三次設計、通用化設計。這些現代設計方法使啟閉機的設計進入了創(chuàng)新、高質量、高效率的新階段。其中,優(yōu)化設計研究最為廣泛。武漢水利電力大學李純教授研究了面向方案的啟閉機優(yōu)化建模、優(yōu)化方法、啟閉機CAD 原電力部中南勘測設計院薛瑞葆教授級高工研究了啟閉機專家系統(tǒng);中國礦業(yè)大學孫幼蘭教授研究了啟閉機的結構優(yōu)化設計,所有這些研究都取得了豐碩成果。然而遺憾的是,到目前為止,這些成果還沒有全部應用到實際工程的設計與制造中去。隨著模糊機械科學技術的發(fā)展,啟閉機的模糊優(yōu)化研究將成為本行業(yè)的重要發(fā)展方向。由于模糊優(yōu)化反映了中介過渡普遍存在的模糊性,反映了定量研究從物理領域進入到事理領域必然遇到的大量的模糊概念,反映了啟閉機系統(tǒng)必然要涉及的種種模糊因素,反映了定量值的模糊屬性,必將推動啟閉機的優(yōu)化進入一個新高潮,從而研究出能被工程界普遍接受的新成果。
2 啟閉機模糊優(yōu)化的現實意義
我國水能資源有37853 萬千瓦, 其中的90 %待開發(fā),水電開發(fā)靜態(tài)投資約35582 億元,啟閉機約占總投資的3 % ,預計,采用模糊優(yōu)化可節(jié)約成本20 % ,因此, 可節(jié)約投資214 億元。
3 啟閉機模糊優(yōu)化的發(fā)展方向
從目前水利水電工程系統(tǒng)的實際情況來看,啟閉機模糊優(yōu)化應著眼于系統(tǒng)地研 究和探討啟閉機模糊優(yōu)化的關鍵技術,以便獲得系統(tǒng)及其機構模糊優(yōu)化的通用模型, 并利用這些理論和方法指導啟閉機模糊優(yōu)化軟件設計,以期獲得功能強、規(guī)模適中、
(1) 研究啟閉機機構的模糊設計,導出機構的模糊優(yōu)化的一般模式。
(2) 分析并實現計算機輔助設計、工藝的原型系統(tǒng),為實際工程提供一種廉價有效的分析工具,同時為進一步的系統(tǒng)擴展打下良好的基礎。
(2) 啟閉機的整體模糊優(yōu)化策略,研究機構與子機構的作用,模糊主導參數與模糊作用參數及模糊內部參數的描述。
(3) 討論基于啟閉機模糊優(yōu)化方案的模糊判決。
(4) 研究啟閉機的多目標模糊優(yōu)化模型,探討其求解方法。
(5) 研究機架結構及卷揚機構等重要子機構的模糊優(yōu)化。
(6) 研究繩鼓制造過程中的工藝參數的模糊優(yōu)化
Fuzzy - Optimization on Fixed Cable Hoist Preface
Long-term since, hydropower engineering fixed roll Yang type hoist (hereinafter ref erred to hoist) design have been used for experience, not only logic.analog design method for the design cycle longer, and only a few scheme comparison and analysis, no exact ev aluation standard to measure have options, there is get judged almost optimal design. Wit h the development and application of the electronic computer, it can establish a design pr ocess automatically choose the most effective method of optimal scheme, namely optimiz ation design. This design method is mathematical programming and computer technology, the combination of the solution of complicated design problem can become a tool. Howe ver, due to design some factors such as loading properties, material quality is difficult to use mathematical quantity said, leading to the design ambiguity. Ordinary optimization m ethod has not considered these fuzzy factors, lack of treating fuzzy concept means and m ethods, many factors of artificial as determined to undertake handling, or randomness ofte n missed the real optimization scheme and even contradictory results. This is hoist ordina ry optimization design difficult to really be engineering and technical personnel to accept the root causes of the place. Hoist the fuzzy optimization can overcome the shortcomings, it common optimization study of hoist optimization process prevalent ambiguity, using t he theory of fuzzy mathematics and systematically analyzing the machine and pulley insti tutions, hoisting, a transmission mechanism and frame structure, electrical systems and so on various agencies internal and external links, reasonably determine the parameters, cal culation and in order to achieve optimization purposes. Using fuzzy optimization design not only can break through the traditional design pattern, overcome experience, is used b
y many analogy or assumptions and simplify the calculation formula is derived for design, checking, calculation, and many limitations when can overcome ordinary fuzzy optimiza tion design problem, a rigid ignore the constraint conditions of faults, make complex prob lems, blur variable accurate constraint conditions for fuzzy constraint conditions, make a design more quickly and more accurate, more reliable and more convenient. This method can greatly shorten the design cycle, reduce product material consumption, improve prod uct precision and performance, and access to the huge economic benefits. Therefore, hois t the fuzzy optimization will become the industry many researchers pursuit of the goal
1 fuzzy optimization research reviewed
1.1 fuzzy technology
In 1965, the United States California university professor l. a. zadeh Fuzzy (firstly p ut forward the concept of Fuzzy) set theory, via
M. Sugeno, based on the efforts, many scholars in the 1970s established a better fuz zy mathematics theory system. In fuzzy mathematics theory developed on the basis of hig h-tech -- fuzzy technology is only 20 years history, but it in mechanical, electrical, chemi cal industry, light industry, aviation, civil, geology, water conservancy, meteorology, enter prise management and social economic and other fields, the booming its application has c reated huge economic benefits and social benefits. Japan in order to ensure that the comp etitiveness of the 21st century, establishing fuzzy basic research, fuzzy computer, machin e intelligence, man-machine system, people and social system and natural systems and so on six fuzzy technology key areas for development. The United States unwilling fall behi nd, mainly discussed the neural network and fuzzy logic, and held the combination of onc
e international fuzzy technology seminar. France to tide neuro-fuzzy institute was establis hed to comprehensive plan to develop fuzzy technology. Germany's electronic and inform ation department has made fuzzy technology, as one of the important research topic. The American market information research company (MIBC) latest survey results show that b y the end of this century, fuzzy technology world markets will be 30 times greater than it is now. Fuzzy technology research in Japan, the United States, Germany, France, South K orea and other countries is already achievement. Our country in fuzzy technology researc h has their own characteristics, main performance in fuzzy mathematics theory research i s very strong, but the lack of discipline, the crossover between application background is not obvious, the driving force is not strong, the actual application research is weak links.
1.2 fuzzy medicine
In the past 10 years, the domestic and foreign some mechanical science worker is co ntinuous efforts, the fuzzy method used in the machinery science with classic set describi ng all concept, principle and method, the fuzzy mathematics extended to skinned people t o the theory of complex and dynamic mechanical system fuzziness of understanding, gra dually formed and improved fuzzy mechanical science and technology theory system, the fuzzy medicine has research or are subjects of study are:
(1) artificial intelligence and fuzzy expert system; (2) fuzzy robot technology; (3) fu zzy neural network;
(4) the fuzzy control theory and applications. (5) fuzzy identification and fault diagn osis (6) the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; (7) fuzzy clustering; (8) the fuzzy optimizati on; (9) fuzzy reliability.
All of these research subject all achieved research results and are made important pr ogress.
1.3 mechanical fuzzy optimization
In mechanical parts and mechanical system design, design quality standard, material strength and applicable scope, certain load distribution and properties, especially focusin g on the economy and efficiency of optimization, all the indicators are fuzzy, the applicati on of the fuzzy optimization theory can will
In the design of the fuzzy factors and fuzzy information given by reasonable quantit ative restraint function, the objective function of the allowable value, expectations and fu zzy distribution function to reflect the experience, views and expert the design criterion o f some recognized. Southwest jiaotong university professor HuangHongZhong studied th e basic idea of fuzzy optimal machine the fuzzy optimization problem, research into the method of fuzzy optimization problem. Shandong university of technology was studied C henJu hua's fuzzy multi-objective optimization method, the optimum similarity scale, mat hematical, the weighting factor and sexual modal analysis, etc. All these studies have ma de great progress. At present, the mechanical structure of fuzzy optimization has made gr eat achievements, institutions and overall fuzzy optimization still needs further research.
1.4 domestic hoist optimization research
Hoist the traditional design method to classical mechanics and mathematical basis, u sing half theory, half the design method and experience of analogy
Method, design process, cycle is long, repeatedly design accuracy is poor. In recent years, with the rapid development of the computer technology, and many cross
Disciplines of modem design methods get applications such as limit state design and optimization design, reliable design, CAD, finite element method, the dynamic simulatio n design,
(1) artificial intelligence and fuzzy expert system; (2) fuzzy robot technology; (3) fu
zzy neural network;
(4) the fuzzy control theory and applications. (5) fuzzy identification and fault diagn osis (6) the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; (7) fuzzy clustering; (8) the fuzzy optimizati on; (9) fuzzy reliability.
All of these research subject all achieved research results and are made important pr ogress.
2 mechanical fuzzy optimization
In mechanical parts and mechanical system design, design quality standard, material strength and applicable scope, certain load distribution and properties, especially focusin g on the economy and efficiency of optimization, all the indicators are fuzzy, the applicati on of the fuzzy optimization theory can will
In the design of the fuzzy factors and fuzzy information given by reasonable quantit ative restraint function, the objective function of the allowable value, expectations and fu zzy distribution function to reflect the experience, views and expert the design criterion o f some recognized. Southwest jiaotong university professor HuangHongZhong studied th e basic idea of fuzzy optimal machine the fuzzy optimization problem, research into the method of fuzzy optimization problem. Shandong university of technology was studied C henJu hua's fuzzy multi-objective optimization method, the optimum similarity scale, mat hematical, the weighting factor and sexual modal analysis, etc. All these studies have ma de great progress. At present, the mechanical structure of fuzzy optimization has made gr eat achievements, institutions and overall fuzzy optimization still needs further research.
3 domestic hoist optimization research
Hoist the traditional design method to classical mechanics and mathematical basis, u sing half theory, half the design method and experience of analogy
Method, design process, cycle is long, repeatedly design accuracy is poor. In recent years, with the rapid development of the computer technology, and many cross
Disciplines of modem design methods get applications such as limit state design and optimization design, reliable design, CAD, finite element method, the dynamic simulatio n design,
engineering to provide a cheap effective analysis tools, at the same time for further s ystem extension lay a good foundation.
Hoist fuzzy optimization development:
(1) the hoister, fuzzy design including the design parameters of fuzzy description, de sign constraints transition improvement.
(2) the whole hoister fuzzy optimization strategy, research institutions and son agenc ies role, fuzzy leading parameters and fuzzy function parameters and fuzzy internal para meter descriptions.
(3) to discuss the fuzzy optimization scheme based on hoister of fuzzy decision. (4) r esearch hoister of multi-objective fuzzy optimization model, discusses the solution. (5) re search frame structure and hoisting and other important son institutions the fuzzy optimiz ation.
(6) research rope drum production process of fuzzy optimization of process paramet