The introduce of the clutch
Stick to the car ,clutch is an important component of the auto power system ,it bears will power and the engine cut and connection between the work . In urban road sections or complex ,our most frequently used clutch became one of the components ,and clutch ,use directly reflects the driving of level ,but also reflects the good protection for vehicles . Used correctly principle of clutch clutch in special circumstances using clutch to solve problems ,each bock is driving the car manual should master enthusiasm .
So-called clutch ,just as its name implies is using “from” and “close” to deliver the amount of power . By friction clutch ,shrapnel ,pressure plate and dynamic output shaft ,decorate in the engine and transmission between ,used to be the flywheel storage engine torque to gearbox ,ensure vehicles in different driving conditions apply to drive wheels ,belong to the driving force and torque powertrain category . In half the time of the clutch ,linkage power input and output power is allowed ,namely through rotational speed to realize the amount of power transmission .
The clutch is divided into three working condition ,not on the clutch type on the part of the clutch ,under half step down ,and the type of clutch type . When the vehicle in normal operation ,the pressure plate is tightly packed on the friction of friction ,pressure plate and the friction between the biggest slice ,input shaft and the output shaft remains relatively static friction between both speed and in the same . When the vehicle ,the driver started on the clutch pedal ,clutch plate movement by pulling back ,also is the pressure plate and friction slices ,pressure plate and the separation of the flywheel no contact will not exist relatively friction .
Finally ,also is a type of clutch . At this time ,the pressure plate and the friction in small type . Clutch disk friction slices with flywheel is sliding friction between state . The flywheel speed than the output shaft speed ,the power transmission from the flywheel part to the gearbox . This engine and driving wheel is equivalent to a soft connection between state .
Generally speaking ,the clutch is started and shift in vehicles ,at the time of transmission shaft and a second shaft rotation difference exists between the power of the engine ,must be with a shaft cut ,can be very good synchronizer will keep a shaft speed and synchronous ,block into later ,again with a shaft through clutch of engine power ,power continue to transmit .
In the clutch ,and an indispensable buffering device ,it consists of two similar to the flywheel disk playing together ,in rectangular groove is decorated in the slots in the spring ,the impact of fierce encounter between the two disks ,spring ,mutual happen elastic cushion external stimuli . Effective protection of engine and clutch . In all parts of the clutch plate ,intensity of spring ,the friction coefficient is higher ,the diameter of the clutch ,clutch performance is better .
When beginning to have time ,to ensure the linkage of half started smoothly . Sit novice car have such experience ,or remove ,or started a quiver yishan ,these are not good skills and linkage . The car at the start of the second shaft ,gearbox ,when we are still hang a block ,need on the clutch ,a transmission axis and power ,through the synchronizer hang a block ,a shaft also become motionless . Power is out from the flywheel ,there must be a rotating shaft with great speed ,which is why started of half of requirements than the shift much when the main reason ,clutch before a stationary components ,a movement .
So the speed of the poor by half linkage to digest must ,is at the beginning of the power transmission shaft ,and give a part of the vehicle to a smooth start posture ,once the vehicle ,speed difference will become small ,at this time will clutch ,there won’t be fully up the impact .
Start to higher ramps and linkage skills . Half the speed and the engine can be digested linkage between the wheel speed difference ,i.e. ,the power can be passed to the wheel ,but not running wheel ,which often occurred in the ramp . General for driving technology not skilled driver ,start up the ramp when handbrake ,then let the clutch is linkage ,panasonic ,vehicle handbrake stationary car after disaster prevention ,slip . The gravity of the slide backwards and vehicle by the engine is the power to provide against ,and clutch is responsible for eliminating the speed difference exists here .
Vehicles in this kind of circumstance ,the driver can easily start ,continue to trample accelerator pedal to obtain enough to further improve speed of torsion ,vehicle goes up the slope . Now the skills required for half a linkage ,if half linkage too weak ,might efforts in the open hand brake when slide backwards ,easy to cause the vehicle’s panic ,if half of a joint efforts ,easy is accelerating and hit limber fast-drawing . So for beginners ,can let the engine speed slightly tall ,and the greater half linkage ,make vehicles have a walk when the trend ,and loosen the handbrake .
When will the novice driving some mistakes on the use of the clutch . As a novice ,due to driving technology ,it will be difficult to unskilled oil from good coordination ,resulting in use when the clutch . As a novice ,due to driving technology ,it will be difficult to unskilled oil from good coordination ,resulting in use when the clutch of some beneath the clutch ,and these operating methods are also appeared in the half of time .
Avoid clutch at half time state can effectively protect the linkage of clutch . Some of the novice just when due to stress ,oil from bad cooperation and started out in the car ,then remove and clutch shot big throttle pressure very low ,but also don’t lift realize all along ,the linkage of engine speed and a shaft rotational speed of the huge ,and vehicle speed is slowly started ,the great speed and a shaft rotational speed of the huge ,and vehicle speed is slowly started ,the great speed of all poor by clutch linkage ,this is very destroyed digestion . Clutch ,in order to avoid using the ramp frequent trample brake ,so half feet in half the speed KongZhiChe linkage to ,or a clutch . Frowsty
The whole process of sliding friction clutch occurs ,the long time of sliding friction will damage the clutch . Driving on the left foot in general like the clutch not consciously ,resulting in the clutch pedal under pressure for a long time ,the vehicles at half linkage . All of these operations can accelerate the clutch disc wear ,the dynamic performance and fuel economy of vehicle can cause damage .
The clutch is a frequent automobile parts of the friction over time ,it will be increased frequency of use and wear ,and can produce clutch skid phenomenon . For experienced pilots can be found ,such as advance whether we can judge the clutch in situ skidding car when a block ,then hang soonly ,and then slowly lift clutch brake up until completely ,if the clutch lift ,engine flameout this proof of your clutch not sliding ,anyway if the clutch is completely lift and car is not leaving the clutch is proof that you .
There is in start when suddenly felt clutch position ,also the clutch ,another is the precursor of sliding speed in urgent when we just fell engine speed in rising ,and speed ,but not all of these conditions are signs of sliding clutch . When the clutch when we want to wear or skid timely inspection ,replacement ,otherwise will make the engine output power can effectively to the output shaft ,but will power loss in the clutch plate and the sliding friction between the flywheel ,and the friction between energy consume ,for it will cause power transmission ,also dues increase the cost of oil transport .