1、國(guó)家開放大學(xué)電大本科《文學(xué)英語賞析》2026-2027期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):1062) purl 1 Litcmry Ftind*mcntai [3。points] ScctiiMi 1. Match the world with their wrilen (10 polnUh Works U Ht/Zf /ti Wh2 ElfphaftU 2. / Have a Preawi 3. LorW 0/ 而 . 4. Etxt/iiw St TAf Pearl Writer* A. John Steinbeck H. Ralxrr 1 Frost G Otcer Wilde
2、 D. William GoldinK E. Ernctr Hemingway F. jAmc Joyce G? Arthur MUIcr H. Martin Luther King Section 2. Decide whether (he following staUraenli urc Trot (T) or Fate (F) (10 poi0t?). 6. Hamirt K one o( Shakespeare# wclkknown irgdic. the other three being Macbeth ? and Ktng Lfar. 7. ScrooKc i
3、 a character evented by Charku Dickcnn in hn novel (nrat fexpfr 8 Anhur MillerS play 77k CrunHe \n 麗心 砒 expeaing 血 hypnensy of ih< m^y-owning cI*m of the Unhed SteteK 9. Thr now I TH,of Darknfu exposes corruption > cruelty and gretid of the colon**! system fn Africa^ 10. W!t Whitman is ? famous
4、American poc,. Section 3,CliMi^e the correct enswcrA to complete lhe tollowitiK sentence* (10 poInU) c?n hr cwtublhhed by deMcribing thr phee where the Action tnkc piner> or the MtnMion *t the start of th story. A. Cltmax Bt Point of view C* riaBhback IX Setting 12. IL A controlled wny.
5、 15 fourtrcn line lyric puein which rhymm tn ■ highly K couple FX haiku A. onnct C ballad 1& Which figure of speech is used in the following lines? A. Sitnilr C. Pun WNA the beM oi (irncs. h wo the worst of limtM* ii waa the of wisdom* it was the age 討 foohqhrw”…” B. PurAlIvliisin H.
6、IX PcroniGc4Hon wax awnrried ihc Nobrl Prue for LitrrAiurr tn 2005. H? John Steinbeck C. Jnmea Joyce A? Hnrold Pmicr Lt Alfred rcnny&on 15. In hii essay *(H scudien*, Bacon warng agaimit over rdinnee on bookiah study thunt A. "Somtf lx)nk^ arc fa be tasted, others to be Kwnllowcd. nnd omc fe
7、w 10 be chewed and diRsird…二 K - To M^nd "2 mmh time in Mudic^ i、doth4 2 ug thi ni too much for ornament. m AffactBtioni to make judgmeni wholly by their ruleA. in the humor of a uchol" ?? (“Hmurie mnktf rncn wisei imwIa wiuy( the muthcrnWw aubtiki naturni philosophy deep? mural grave> logir und r
8、hetoric able tu contend - ninn* conference a rejidy mnni mid writing an I). M Reading maketh a full cxiict inniu Part |1 Reading Compfrhcnsion [50 points] Read the extracts and chooM? the best answer to each question. Text 1 Lady Bracknelli (fitting dawn) You can lake seat. Mr. Worthing. (/
9、ooA.v in her packet fnr nul^book and pencil.) J nek Worthing: Thank you* Lady Bracknell ? 1 prefer standing. Lady Bracknell (pencil and nnteboak in hand^t I feel bound to tell you thnt you are not down on my list of eligible young men. although 1 have the 5ame list the dear Duchess of Bolton has.
10、We work together in fact. However. 1 am quite ready to enter your namet should your manners be wha‘ n really affectionate mother requires. Do you smoke? Jack Worthing: WclL yes. 1 must admit 1 smoke. Ludy Bracknell: 1 am glad to hear it A man should always have an occupation of some kind There are
11、 far too many idle men in London m it H How old are you? Jack worthing t Twenty-nine. Lady Bracknelli A very good age to be married at. 1 have been of opinion that a rnnn who desires to get married should know either everything or nothing. Which do you know? Jack worthing (.after sornt hesitation
12、) i 1 know nothing? Lady Bracknell. Lady Bracknell: i am pleased to henr it. I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance* Ignorance in like a delicate exotic fruit i touch it .nd the bloom in 印rw? The whole theory of modern education if radically unsound. Fortunntely in England
13、* at any rate,education produces no effect whtttsocvcr. If it did. it would prove a serious danger to the upper cIasbcji. and probably lead to nets of violence in Grosvenor Square. What is your income? Jack Worthing: Between seven and eight thousand a ymr. Udy Bracknell (mak^ a note in htr book)i
14、In land, or in investments? Jack Worthing i In investment, chiefly. Lady Brarknellt Tht is gisfactory. What betwwn the duties expected of one during ones lifetime* anti the duties exacted frorn one filter one、death, bind ha‘ ccMed to be cither n profit or n pleasure. It gives one povition* and pre
15、vents one from keeping it up. That、all lhat can be 函d about land. J"k Worthing: I hf country houe with some land, of course, mxhed 2 if. about fifteen hundred I behcvci but 1 donft depend on th^t for my real income. In faw.心 for " ] can make out. the posher a arc the only people who make anything o
16、ut of It. 期y Badmdlr A country house} How many bedrooms? Well, that point ean be c,carcd 叩 afterwnrds. You have a town house. I hope? A girl with a 前mp、unspoiled nature, like Gwendolen, could hardly be expected to reside in the country. Questhmg 16—19 (.12 points) 16. The extract in taken from ,
17、 A. The Birtliday Party ft TAr Im fiancee of Bring Earner %C An Ihsfleeter Calh 17-,n thiB cxtract, 5 Bracknell is interviewing Jack Worthing on his $uiubllity “ n possible A. investment ndviy R live-in damestic helper C husband for her daughter 18. Which of the following statement h true of
18、the extract? A? Lady Braekndl uses highly exaggerated language and 如心 from one topic to nnothcr abruptly. H? l』dy Bracknell believer h is impartant ro own land because it i g “fc and continuous source of income. C. Few of Lady Bracknellqu^tionn focus pn Jack Worthing^ income> properly flnd family
19、 connections. 19. Ldy Bracknell is portrnycd as .. A. an open-minded career counselor B. a Anobhish wnmnn C. a shrewd human resource manager Text 2 Though I had now extinguished my candle and was laid down in bed# 1 could not 時(shí)etp for thinking of his look when he pm件cd in the avenue* and told
20、how his destiny had ri^rn up before himt and dared him !□ be happy at Thomficld. ,Why not?f ! asked myselL * Whnt alienates him from the house? Will he Icuve it Again aoonf Mrs Fairfax wtud he seldom stayed here longer than u fortnight at a timet and now he hus been resident eight weeks. If he does
21、 the chanRc will hr dolcfuL Suppose he should lack Worthing: I hve a country houne with some land> of coursev attached 2 it. nbout fifteen hundred ncrcs? 1 behevea but 1 dont depend cm th^t for my real income. In fault om for as I can make out< the po chcrn are the only people who make anything out
22、 of it. Lady Bracknellf A country house| How many bedroomn? Wellf that point can b cleared up afterwardse You have a town house* I hope? A girl with a simpkf unspoiled naturet like (Gwendolen? could hardly be expected to reside in the country. Questions 16—19 (12 points) 16. The extract in tflk
23、cn from .
A. The Birt/itiay Party R The 1 m fiartanee u f Bring Earnest
C< An Inspector Call%
17. In this extract> l』dy Bracknell is interviewing Jack Worthing on hi,5ui!abthty ns n
possible ?
A. investment Advisor liv 24、 statement in true of the cxtrnct?
A. Lady Hracknvll unes highly exaggerntrd language and 25、g S income* properly and family connections
19. Lady Bracknell E portrayed g .
Ae nn open-minded career counselor FL a MinhbtMh woman
C. a shrewd humun resource munuKcr
Text 2
Though I had now extinguished my candle nnd was hid down in bed. 1 could not dexp far thinking of hin look when hr pnun 26、ed in the avenue? and told how his destiny had risen up before him. and dared him to b happy a! Thornficlda
Why not? ! asked myselL a What alienates him from rhe house? Will he leave it Againmoom Mrs Fairfax Mid he seldom stayed here longer than a fortnight ata time,血 now he has been mident eigh 27、t weeks. If he does g rhe change will be doleful. Suppose he Mhould
be absent 中mg? summer and mnurnnt how joylesa wuahnru and Bnc dnyw will gem!,
J hardly know whether I had nlept or not after this muini at any rate. ! siartrd wide nWMke on hearing a vague murmur, peculiar and lugubrious, which so 28、unded. 1 thought, just above mr 1 wished I had kept my candle burning? the night was drearily dark: my spiri槌 Were depressed. I rasr nd war up in bed listening. The Bound was hushed.
1 e』to sleeps but my hen bent anxiously, my inward trnnquillity wm broken. The clock, hr down in the hnll. struck tw 29、o. Jg then it s^meil my chamher-dnor was touched, A5 u Gn^cr^ had swept (he panels in groping a way along the dark gallery outside, I “id. ?Who iff there?* Kaihing answe/ed. J was chilled with kin.
Qucsdixu 20—22 (9 points)
B Heart of Darkness
20. The extrnd is taken from
A, Th,P^arl
C> Janr. 30、Eyrt
K In Mrs FairUx1^ bedroom.
21. Where is thi? pnrt of the story "i?
A.!n the narmtorS bcdnwE.
Q In Mr Rochesters bedroom.
K depressed and in fear
22. The narrator is portrayed os
A. proud and indignant
31、 hk ■ book
To rake us |and awayt
Nur my conrnrrn《股馬)hkr n P只” Of prnntmn poetry.
Thh trnvimie may the poorest twke Without uppres* of tolls
How Ixugal is the chariot
Tht bears a human scuL (Emily Dickinson)
Quctlkm, 23—25 (9 point* )
23, Which of thr following tummurixra the main idea of the 32、pom? A? No journey if cool or “ inexpennive an rcaiiinK . book. R RradinK **ook cun touch h perun"可■頃
C? Thr poor urr ko likely to travel than ihc rich.
Which of the following l true of the poem?
A? rhe speaker ■叩rc.m that by reading wc enrich the mind.
B* The spenker it raseiniited with travdli 33、ns by ?hip.
(、. The ?pslur cnjoy the compiiny of horsem
25. Which ol the followinH doo the poem imply?
A. There arc more booku than bom隊(duì)
K h X bmt” to have vehicle for the body than for the mmd.
C Book* arc excellent wny to experience the world.
Text 4
Rcad lhe extrarl Md give brief amiwm tn 34、 lhe quevtionw 26—29 that fo|| 35、oUM,,hr(n,gh ,hr g|rrrtl* ot Wigbuw Lntrr hr married girl who hd nionvy* She hM been M Urge fertile Mm when her father died. The girl ws quiet, mil. and dnrk. and io many Eg。皿 Memed very bcomifuL Everyone in Wiesbur wondered why he mnrrini th。doctor. Within ■ year after the marH* the died.
I hr k 36、ngkl,、ol ih< lixtur*B hnndo were cxtrnorchnArily large. Wh 37、r nprn.d the window. Oner on Me duy in Aurumi he tried but found h muck Lun nnd nfier that ht 山刊? all uliout it
Win^burg hod (orgonen rhe aid man, but in Doctor Reefy there were the x血 of sonitthing very fine. Alone in his musty office in the Heffner Block above the Pans Dry Good^ Company * s store 38、. hr worked ceaselessly, building up something I hat 2 himmlf de5troyed. Little pyramids of tnith he erected and after erecting knocked them down again that he might have the truthi to erect other pyramids
Doctor Reefy was a tnli man who had worn one suit of clothes for ten years, h was frnycd at l 39、he bIccvcs and little h。舊 had appeared at the knees and elbows. In the office he wore a|so a linen duster with huge pockets into which he continually stuffed scraps of pxpcL After some weeks the scraps of paper became little hard round balls, and when the pockm were filled he dumped them out upon th 40、e floor. For ten gr he had but one friend, another o]d mnn rmmed John Spitniard who owned a tree nursery. Sometimes, in a playful m 41、critd?
nhaking with laughter-
Th< ectary of Ductor Rerfy nnd h courtship of the tail dM girl who became hm wife nnd Idt hr mcney to him is n vrry cunou> Mory. It 心 delicious, like the ?w,md httlc appls that Rrow in the urchardF ol Winesburg. In the fall one walks in the orchards and the ground m 42、 hard with fras! underfoot The Apples hove been tnken from the mz by thr pickg 1 hey have been put 43、y look like the knuckle ol Doctor R"? hf One nibble at them and they Are 44、w know the
Aweetnens of the rwiMed
The Kiri and Doctor Rcvly began their courtship on ft summer afternoon. He wm fartyJive then nnd already hr had begun the pmcticc of fiKing hi pockm with hc ^raps of gpu that became hnrd bnlh wrf were thrown away. : he habit had been fomu 45、hind the jaded white horse nnd went slowly along country eM On the pnper^
wcrc written thoughts* ends of thoughts* beginnings of thoughts.
C)ne 時(shí) one the mind of Doctor Reefy hnd made the thoughts Out nf many of them ne formed a truth thut arose gigAnttc in his mind. The truth clouded the world. I 46、t became terrible and then faded away and the little thoughts began 叩嘰
1 h。tall dark girl came tu see Doctor Reefy because h< was in the (amily way and nad become frightened. She was in that condition because of m xri” of circurnsfance^ al^a curious.
The death of her (nther and mother and lhe rich 47、 acres of irad that had come down to her had b tram of suitors an her Iwrla. For two yenr> ^he rmw suitors almost every evening. Except i wo they wrrr all ohke. Fhcy ifilked to her of passion and fhrre was n ntratned eager qwdity in their voices fcnd in their eyes when they looked at hen The two who 48、 were difierent wcrc much unlike each other. One of them, n slender young man wirn white hjiniU* the wn o, a jrwtler in Winesburg, talked continually of virginity. When he was with her he was ncver off 血,wbjed. The other, n black haired boy with l^rgc ears. nothing &t oil but a|waXs managed to get h 49、er into the darkness, where he began to ki” her.
For . time the tail dark girl thought she would marry the jeweler * s son. For hours 50、 in alJ the others.
tiniest it 心nwd to her tliat as hr talked he wnn holding her body in his hands. She inwgimd him turning it dowly about in the white hmdsi and ttahng hi h. A( mght she dreamed that he had bitten into her body and that hu j.ws were dripping. She had the oreum lhr€ “EE then she b 51、ecame m the way tn 52、g ^nd without her wying nnythmR hr seemed to know what hud happened to her.
,n lhc offire o( ihc docsr there was a woman, the wife of the mon who kept the bookstore in Winesburg. Like all old fa^hioncd country practitioners* Doctor Reefy pulled teeth? find the woman who wnilrd held n hnndkerchicf t 53、o her tcrlh end groaned. Her huxbAnd was with her and when the tooth was taken out they both screamed and blood ran down on the womans white dss The ull dark girl did not poy any attention. When the woman and the man h.d gone the doctor milect “I will take you driving into the country with metw he s 54、aid.
For Kcveral wcek the tall dark girl and the doctor were together aimoM every day. The condition that had brought her to him passed in an illness, hut she was like one who has disc jvered the weetncs^ of the twwtcd apples, she could not get her mind fixed again uPn the round perfect fruit that 55、is eaten in the city apartments, in the fall after the beginning of her acquaintanceship with him she married Doctor Reefy nd in the following spring she died. During the winter he read to her all of the odds and ends of thoughts he had scribbled on the bus of paper. After he hud read them he laughe 56、d and stuffed them owny in his pockets to become round hard balls.
Quest!uni 26—29 (20 points)
26. What do you think the title “Pup" PUh* refer to?
27. Why do you think the ull d^rk girl married Doctor Reefy?
28. What details did the writer provide to instill a icen-ws of Doctor Reefy lonrlinesj 57、*?
29. What function do the twisted 叩pls play in the novel?
Part HI Writing [20 Points]
30. Summarize the plot of the Ktor> "Paper Pili*** in about 100 words.
Literaf7 Fundamentals [30 points]
Section L Mutch the wrilen with their work* (2 points each)
5. A
Section 2. Decide wbetter the folluwlng statemcnti are True (T ) or Fahc (F) (2 points each)
6. T
9. T
Section 3. Choose the correct answers to complete the followinx MMitenccs (2 points cnch)
14. A
Part II RcadinK Comprehension [50 points]
TcxU 1—3
30 poinU for quesUan 59、M 16—25 (3 point* each)
16- B 17. C !8. A
19. B
20. C
22. B
24. A
25. C
Text 4 (20 points)
? Ideas most be correct? Wording can be different PoinU should be tiven whvn hlou nrc similar or stand to reason.
? 5 points ciich for qucitionN 26—29.
? Every 5 mhtakrs In grammAr e spelling or of 60、 any wlher kind will lead tn Uw rcdurtlon of one
26. (Points should be uiven when idcusi simihr to liny ONK of the following)
? The paper pilk Doctor Reefy kept in Wr pocket arr a kind of symbol for all the doctor1 a fecUnRik and love for his young wife*
? The *papcrpillsH are a form of me 61、dicine curing rhe girL
? paper pilk arc the pieces of paper with the protagonist * a pnvate thoughts.
27. She had been badly hurl by her experiences with the two younger men. She mg have feh safe and protected by the essential kindness and humi>niky of this older man,
28. Award 5 points for ANY T 62、WO of the following
? He is isolated in his musty office
? Winesburg had forgotten the old man.
? He tends to a dying medical prnettee nlonc.
? He unburdenN his thoughts on scraps of pngr.
. He suffers from the tragedy of his young wife*s dcinh who oJercd him s cnance to open up* to share himse 63、lf with others.
29. Any ideas similar to the following.
The twisted apples are miftshApen but sweeter th^n the most perfect oneji. They yveas a symbol of the Doctor in the story: his facial Bnd body features are ugly, but therr z sweelne^A in his characters he in not h^nchome or Myiim bur he is de 64、eply nwcet mzde. This symbol plays An im|>ortiint rule in giving the novel nn rxtendrd dimennion. In the novel ns the unwanted Htwmted applen^ nrc left on the tree to rotten< o u Doctor Kcefy lef: to wnntc nwayt The writer show deep fiympAthy / rmpcb to people who arc *twiexcci "plW in Bodetyt
Port (Q Writlnx [20 Points]
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