1單元 W: Thanks for meeting with me, Dr. Pearl. I need permission to drop your class, Literature and Writing. 謝謝你和我見面,珀爾醫(yī)生。我需要你放棄你的課,文學(xué)和寫作。 M: Its only the second week of class, Stacey, why are you giving up so quickly? Weve only written one essay so far, and you wont get your grade back until next Wednesday! 男:這只是上課的第二個星期,斯泰西,你為什么這么快就放棄了?到目前為止,我們只寫了一篇文章,直到下星期三你才會恢復(fù)你的分?jǐn)?shù).! W: I know, sir. But as a third-year engineering student, I dont want to risk lowering my grade point average by scoring poorly in a writing class! 我知道,先生。但作為三分之一年工程專業(yè)的學(xué)生,我不想在寫作課上成績不好而降低我的平均分?jǐn)?shù).! M: OK ... Whats worrying you? 男:好的…什么讓你擔(dān)心? W: I spent two weeks readingGreat Expectations, and then it took me 10 hours to write the three-page essay. Well, engineering courses are easy but important, as we know. But a writing course ... I dont know. Ill just take a film class next semester, not hard at all – a two-paragraph review for each film. That will cover my humanities requirements. 女:我花了兩個星期讀了很高的期望,然后花了我10個小時寫了這篇長達(dá)三頁的文章.。嗯,工程學(xué)課程很簡單,但很重要,因為我們知道。但寫作課程…我愿意不知道。我下學(xué)期只上一門電影課,一點也不難--每部電影的一二段評論.。這將涵蓋我的人文要求。 M: OK Stacey, listen: In college, I was the opposite. Math was hard; literature was easy. But later, when I opened my coffee shop, The Found Librarian, located on the 15th street, math helped me! 男:好的,斯泰西,聽著:在大學(xué)里,我是相反的。數(shù)學(xué)很難,文學(xué)很容易。但后來,當(dāng)我打開我的咖啡館,發(fā)現(xiàn)圖書館員,位于第十五街,數(shù)學(xué)幫助我! W: Wait! You own The Found Librarian? Thats our favorite coffee place. We get coffee and dessert there every week — and work on math homework. 女:等!你擁有找到的圖書管理員嗎?那是我們最喜歡的咖啡館。我們每周都在那里喝咖啡和甜點,然后做數(shù)學(xué)作業(yè).。 M: Yeah, thats my shop. Stacey, lets reconsider. Success in life needs a variety of skills. Humanities majors need math. Engineering majors need writing skills. This writing class will serve you well. Go to the University Writing Center and sign up for free tutoring. Then stop by my office each Friday at 11 a.m. and Ill work with you. Together you can succeed in becoming a strong writer. A good deal? 是的,那是我的商店。斯泰西,讓我們重新考慮。生活中的成功需要多種技能。人文專業(yè)學(xué)生需要數(shù)學(xué)。工科專業(yè)需要寫作技巧。這樣的寫作課將為你服務(wù)好去大學(xué)寫作中心,報名免費(fèi)輔導(dǎo)。每個星期五早上11點到我辦公室來,我會和你一起工作。你可以成為一個堅強(qiáng)的作家。一個好的交易嗎? W: Yes! Thank you, Dr. Pearl! 女:是的!謝謝你,珀爾博士! Q1: Why does Stacey come to Dr. Pearls office? Q2: What is worrying Stacey about her studies? Q3: Which of the following does Dr. Pearl suggest Stacey do? Q4: What is Dr. Pearls attitude toward Stacey? 2單元 W:HappyFridayChris!Isntthatmountainbeautifultoday...GoshChris,areyouOK?Areyoucrying?DidIsaysomething? 女:快樂星期五克里斯!今天那座山不漂亮嗎…天啊,克里斯,你還好嗎?你在哭嗎?我說了什么嗎? M:No,itsfine,Sally.Itsjustthattodayistheone-yearanniversaryofmyfathersdeath. 男:不,很好,莎麗。今天是我父親去世的一周年紀(jì)念日。 W:Imsosorry.Todaymustbeespeciallydifficult. 女:我很抱歉。今天一定特別困難。 M:Iwokeupthismorning,lookedoutatMountRainierfor45minutesthinkingabouthim.Itwashisfavoritemountain,andfromthetimewhenIwassevenyearsolduntilhediedlastyear,everyyear,everyyearwewouldgohikingandcampingtogetherupthatmountainatleastthreeorfourtimes. M:我早上醒來,看了看45分鐘,想著他芒特雷尼爾。這是他最喜歡的山,從我七歲的時候,直到他去年去世,每年每年我們都會去爬山和露營至少三到四次。 W:Wow.Thatsmyfavoriteplacetoo.Ilovealltheblueandyellowflowersthatcovertheslopesinearlysummer. 哇哦。那是我最喜歡的地方。我愛所有的藍(lán)色和黃色的花朵覆蓋在初夏斜坡。 M:Helovedthoseflowerstoo,andwehadbasketsandbunchesofthematthefuneral. 男:他喜歡那些花,我們在葬禮上有籃子和串他們。 W:Thatsoundsreallyspecial.Thoselittledetailscanbesuchacomfort. 聽起來真的很特別。那些小小的細(xì)節(jié)可以如此舒適。 M:Yes,itwasareminderofourhappiestmemoriestogether.Honestly,Ihopetodieaspeacefullyashedid.Wehadjustcomehomefromafive-dayhikingandcampingtripinJune.Wehadcaughtsixfishfordinnerandmomwaspreparingtheminthekitchen.Dadsatdowninhisfavoritegreenchairandhadaheartattackanddiedquicklyandpeacefully. 男:是的,這是一個提醒我們最幸福的回憶在一起。老實說,我希望和他一樣平靜地死去。我們剛剛回家從五天的遠(yuǎn)足和露營在六月。我們捉到了六個魚吃飯,媽媽正在準(zhǔn)備他們的廚房。爸爸坐在他最喜歡的綠色椅子上,心臟病發(fā)作,很快就平靜地死去了。 W:Itstoughtolosesomeoneyoulove,butitsoundslikehehadagreatlife. 很難失去你愛的人,但這聽起來像他有一個偉大的生活。 M:Hecertainlydid.Hewas78whenhedied.Agoodlife,though,averygoodlife. 男:他肯定做了。他去世的時候是78歲。一個好的生活,雖然,一個非常好的生活。 W:Chris,takethedayoff.MaybegohikingonMountRainier.Itsbeautifulweather.Itmightmakeyoufeelbettertohikeupthemountain. 克里斯,休假一天。也許去徒步旅行在芒特雷尼爾。這是美麗的天氣。上山可能會讓你感覺好一些。 M:Sally,youreagoodbossandagoodfriend.Thanks. 男:莎麗,你是個好老板和好朋友。謝謝. Q1:HowoftendidthemangohikingandcampingwithhisfatheronMountRainiereveryyear? Q2:WhyisMountRainiersospecialtotheman? Q3:Whathappenedtothemansfatherafteratriptothemountain? Q4:Whatistherelationshipbetweenthetwospeakers? 3單元 W:Hello,Mr.Lucas,Imheretoaskfor10daysoffwork,nextmonth,inAugust.Togetherwiththetwoweekends,Illhaveafull14daysofffromwork. 你好,盧卡斯先生,我是來請你10天假的,下個月,8月.。再加上兩個周末,我將有整整14天的假期.。 M:TwoweeksinAugust?Lucy,astheelectionseasoniscoming,thenewsandstoriesarecatchingtheeyeofthepublic.Wemayneedourbestnewsproducers—likeyou—tobehereforinterviews.Whatssoimportant? 男:8月份的兩周?露西,隨著選舉季的到來,新聞和故事都吸引了公眾的眼球.。我們可能需要我們最好的新聞制作人--像你--來面試.。世界衛(wèi)生大會T是如此重要嗎? W:Iknowitisabusyseason,butIvebeentakingtwoweeksoffeveryyeartovolunteerforHabitatforHumanity—itsacommitmentIvekepteveryyear,nomatterwhat.Itssuchagreatorganizationthatbuildslow-costhomesforpeopleinneed.Theworkisallvolunteeringandmostofthesuppliestobuildthehousesareprovidedforfree.Itsagreatwaytobuildcommunityandmakefriends. 我知道這是一個繁忙的季節(jié),但是我每年都要休兩個星期來為人類的棲息地做義工,這是我每年都要做的承諾,不管怎樣。這是一個偉大的組織為需要幫助的人們建造低成本住房。這項工作是所有志愿服務(wù)和大部分的建設(shè)房屋供應(yīng)提供免費(fèi)。這是建立社區(qū)和結(jié)交朋友的好方法。 M:IloveHabitatforHumanity!In2005,afterHurricaneKatrinainLouisiana,over150,000volunteershelpedbuildmorethan2,200homes.MydaughterworkedwiththeminNewOrleansandmybrotherhasvolunteeredwithHabitatforHumanityforfiveyears. 我愛人類的棲息地!2005,在颶風(fēng)卡特麗娜在路易斯安那,超過150000志愿者幫助建立超過2200家。我女兒和他們一起在新奧爾良和我哥哥哈自愿為人類居住五年。 W:Wow!YouknowmyhusbandandIhavebeenvolunteeringforsixyearshereinSeattle.WhenIstarted,Ididntevenknowhowtoholdahammer,butnowIvelearnedhowtopaint,buildroofs,andeveninstallkitchensinks!Ilovethefeelingofcommunitywedevelopwithourfellowvolunteersandwiththecommunitiesthatbenefitfromourwork. 哇哦!你知道我丈夫和我在西雅圖做了六年的志愿者。當(dāng)我開始,我甚至不知道如何舉行錘子,但現(xiàn)在我學(xué)會了如何油漆,建造屋頂,和夏娃安裝廚房水槽!我喜歡社區(qū)的感覺,我們發(fā)展與我們的志愿者和社區(qū)受益于我們的工作。 M:Alright!Wellworkitout.Illgiveyouthetimeoff.Maybethisyearyoucanlearnhowtoinstalldoorsaswell! 男:好吧!我們會努力的。我會給你時間。也許今年你可以學(xué)習(xí)如何安裝門以及! Q1:Whyisthewomanaskingfortwoweeksofffromwork? Q2:Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrue? Q3:Accordingtothewoman,whyisshewillingtovolunteerforHabitatforHumanity? Q4:Whatdoweknowaboutthemanfromtheconversation? 4單元 M:Alas!Thiscreativewritingclassistoomuch!Ihavetowriteafive-pageshortstorybyOctober8th,andIhavenoideawhattowriteabout. 男:唉!這個創(chuàng)意寫作課太多了!到10月8日我不得不寫一五頁的短篇小說,我不知道該寫些什么.。 W:Werealreadytwomonthsintothesemester,youmusthavewrittenstoriesbeforenow.Whatdidyouwriteaboutlasttime? 我們已經(jīng)有兩個月了,你必須寫故事之前。你上次寫的是什么? M:Thatsjustit—weveonlyhadtowritetruestoriessofar,funnylittlethingsthathappenedtousorourfamilies.Myfirstthreestorieswereabouthuntingorfishingwithmychildhooddog,Brownie,andvisitingmygrandmotherduringthesummerswhenIwasinhighschool.Thistime,ithastobefictional.Hey!Youreagreatartist,howdoyougetyourideas? 男:就這樣,我們只寫了真實的故事到目前為止,有趣的小事情發(fā)生在我們或我們的家庭。我的前三個故事是關(guān)于狩獵或捕魚與我的童年的狗,Brownie,和去看望我的奶奶在暑假期間我在高中的時候。這一次,它必須是虛構(gòu)的。嘿!你是一個偉大的藝術(shù)家,你怎么知道你的想法? W:Thankyou,butImnotsurepaintingandwritingareexactlythesame.WhenImreadytostartanewpainting,Iusuallygoforlongwalksalongthebeachoroutinthewoods.Ifindmostofmyinspirationinnature. 謝謝你,但我不確定繪畫和寫作是完全一樣的.。當(dāng)我準(zhǔn)備開始一幅新畫時,我通常會沿著海灘散步或在樹林里散步.。我發(fā)現(xiàn)我的大部分在自然的呼吸。 M:Hmm...Idontthinkthatwouldreallyworkforme.Ineedcharactersandaplot. 男:嗯…我不認(rèn)為這對我真的有用。我需要的字符和一個情節(jié)。 W:Youshouldtryhangingoutatthetrainstation.Therearealwaysinterestingpeoplewithoddhatsoraccentscomingandgoing,dramaticgoodbyesandromanticreunions.Justsitinthelobbyforanhourortwoandwatcheveryone.Trytoimaginewhotheyare,wheretheyregoing,whytheyreinsuchahurry. 你應(yīng)該試著在火車站閑逛.。總是有奇怪的帽子或口音來來去去的有趣的人,戲劇性的告別浪漫的聚會。只是坐在大廳的一個小時或兩個小時,看每個人。試著去想象他們是誰,他們要去哪里,為什么他們?nèi)绱舜颐Α? M:Thetrainstation?Thatsactuallyaprettygoodidea!Howdidyoucomeupwithsuchagreatidea? 火車站?這實際上是一個很好的主意!你是怎么想出這么好的主意的? W:Imgladyoulikeit,butIcanttakeanycredit.ItsanoldtrickIlearnedfrommanyartistsandwriters.Youjustneedsomethingnewandexcitingtogetthosecreativeideasflowing. 女:我很高興你喜歡它,但我不能采取任何信貸。這是我從許多藝術(shù)家和作家那里學(xué)到的一個老把戲。你只是需要一些新的和令人興奮的,使那些創(chuàng)造性的想法流動。 Q1:Whatstheproblemwiththeman? Q2:Howdoesthewomangetherideasbeforepainting? Q3:Whatisthemansattitudetowardthewomanswayofgettinginspiration? Q4:Whatdoesthewomansuggestthemandoatthetrainstation? 5單元 M: Michelle, I really wish I could quit this awful job — today — if I could afford to pay my rent without it. Just think of working outside in this terrible heat the whole summer ... I dream of my future when Im rich! 男:米歇爾,我真希望我能辭掉這份可怕的工作--如果今天我能付得起房租的話.。想想在這個可怕的夏天工作在整個夏天…我的夢想我的未來你當(dāng)我有錢! W: Oh Mark, its not that bad! Ill admit, its crazy hot, and Id love some ice-cold lemon juice right now. But youre only a gardener, how do you think youll ever get rich? Do you think youll plant a money tree and harvest bags of gold? 哦,馬克,這并沒有那么糟糕!我承認(rèn),這是瘋狂的熱,我現(xiàn)在想要一些冷檸檬汁。但你只是一個園丁,你認(rèn)為你會發(fā)財嗎?你認(rèn)為你會計劃嗎一棵金錢樹,收獲一袋金子? M: I may be only a gardener now, but Ill be rich some day. Ill start my own business and make millions! Ill have a corner office in a big building with a big black leather chair and a view of the whole city! 男:現(xiàn)在我可能只是個園丁,但有一天我會變得富有。我要開創(chuàng)自己的事業(yè),賺幾百萬!我將在一幢大房子里有一個角落,辦公室里有一把黑色的大椅子和一張黑色的椅子.洞市! W: Well, I have no idea it is so easy to be a millionaire! If its as simple as that, I think Ill be rich too. But Im not going to work in some boring office. 女:嗯,我不知道做百萬富翁這么容易!如果事情那么簡單,我想我也會變得富有。但我不打算在一些無聊的辦公室工作。 M: Oh no? Where then? If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? 男:哦不?然后在哪里?如果你能在世界上找到工作,那會是什么? W: Any job in the world? I suppose Id want something fun. Hmm ... maybe play video games for a living ... or maybe I could be a pilot ... or a professional ballroom dancer! Thats it! I could be a dancer, waltzing around the floor in beautiful evening dresses! 在這個世界上有什么工作嗎?我想我會想要一些有趣的東西。隱馬爾可夫模型...也許玩電子游戲為生…也許我可以成為一個飛行員…或是一個專業(yè)的舞廳舞者!是這么回事!我可以成為一個大舞,華爾茲在地板上美麗的晚禮服! M: You, dancing? Im not so sure about that ... You ballroom dancing ... hmm ... 男:你跳舞嗎?我不太肯定…你的舞廳跳舞…隱馬爾可夫模型... W: Oh, please. Ive taken ballroom dancing for seven years and Im really good! You should see me ... Want to go dancing next Thursday at 8 p.m.? 哦,請。我參加交際舞已經(jīng)七年了,我真的很好!你應(yīng)該看到我…想在下星期四下午8點去跳舞嗎? Q1: What is the man complaining about? 問:男人抱怨是什么? Q2: What does the man dream of being? 問:作為人的夢想是什么? Q3: What is the womans attitude toward the mans dream? 問:女人對男人的夢想是什么態(tài)度? Q4: What does the woman dream of doing? Q4:做女人的夢想是什么? 6單元 W: It is hot outside! 外面很熱! M: Hi Daisy! What is it, 75 degrees Fahrenheit? 男:嗨,戴茜!它是什么,75華氏度? W: Its over 100 Grandpa! Youre just cool because youve had the air conditioning on! Ive been working in the yard all morning. Im so hot and I feel like Im melting! 女:這是100多歲的爺爺!你很酷,因為你有空調(diào)!我整個上午都在院子里工作。我是如此的熱,我感覺我正在融化! M: At least you can come inside and have a nice cool glass of lemon juice. 至少你可以進(jìn)來喝一杯檸檬汁.。 W: And I sure need it! Ive been baking in the Arizona sun for two hours now, and I cant imagine anything better than standing in the cool air enjoying an ice-cold drink. 女士:我真的需要它!我已經(jīng)在亞利桑那州的陽光下烤了兩個小時了,我無法想象有什么比站在涼爽的空氣中享受冰飲料更好的了.。 M: Back when I was your age, we didnt have any air conditioning. Willis Carrier didnt invent air conditioning until 1902, and it wasnt available in peoples homes until after World War II. M:當(dāng)我在你這個年齡時,我們沒有任何空調(diào)。威利斯開利直到1902才發(fā)明空調(diào),直到第二次世界大戰(zhàn)后才在人們的家中使用.。 W: Wow! What was life like for you? 哇哦!你的生活是什么樣的? M: I worked as a farmhand for the neighbors, building fences all day. You should have seen me when I was 13, sunburned and dirty. M:我作為一個鄰居的農(nóng)場工人,建筑圍欄一整天。你應(yīng)該看到我,我13歲的時候,曬傷和臟。 W: And you still lived in Arizona back then? 女:你那時還住在亞利桑那州嗎? M: No, I was in Texas. We survived the heat by swimming all the time. There was a stream running through the farm, and every few hours, I would leap into the water! Even with my clothes completely soaked with water, the sun would still dry me off in 10 minutes! 男:不,我在德克薩斯。我們一直靠游泳來度過高溫.。有一條小溪穿過農(nóng)場,每隔幾個小時,我就會跳進(jìn)水里.!即使我的衣服完全被水浸濕了,太陽還是會在10分鐘內(nèi)把我擦干.! W: I know you didnt have cell phones and computers, but I forget about the little comforts like the air conditioning. 我知道你沒有手機(jī)和電腦,但我忘記了像空調(diào)這樣的小舒適.。 M: Yes, a lot has changed, but not this summer heat! 是的,有很多改變,但不是這個夏天的熱! W: I wonder what scientists will come up with in the next century to keep us cool. 我想知道下個世紀(jì)科學(xué)家們會想出什么辦法讓我們保持冷靜.。 M: Id like a weather machine to make it rain during these long dry spells. 男:我想要一個天氣機(jī)器,使雨在這些長期干法術(shù)。 W: Personally, I hope someone invents a personal ice cream machine! It could follow me around all day making chocolate ice cream! 女:就我個人而言,我希望有人發(fā)明一個人的冰淇淋機(jī)!它可以跟著我一整天做巧克力冰淇淋! Q1: What was the girl doing on such a hot morning? Q1:女孩在這樣一個炎熱的早上做了什么? Q2: What do we know about the air conditioning from the conversation? 問:從對話中得知空調(diào)我們做什么? Q3: What can we learn about the man when he was 13? Q4: What would the girl like to have in the next century to keep cool? 問:什么樣的女孩會喜歡在下個世紀(jì)保持冷靜? 1單元 W: Thanks for meeting with me, Dr. Pearl. I need permission to drop your class, Literature and Writing. M: Its only the second week of class, Stacey, why are you giving up so quickly? Weve only written one essay so far, and you wont get your grade back until next Wednesday! W: I know, sir. But as a third-year engineering student, I dont want to risk lowering my grade point average by scoring poorly in a writing class! M: OK ... Whats worrying you? W: I spent two weeks readingGreat Expectations, and then it took me 10 hours to write the three-page essay. Well, engineering courses are easy but important, as we know. But a writing course ... I dont know. Ill just take a film class next semester, not hard at all – a two-paragraph review for each film. That will cover my humanities requirements. M: OK Stacey, listen: In college, I was the opposite. Math was hard; literature was easy. But later, when I opened my coffee shop, The Found Librarian, located on the 15th street, math helped me! W: Wait! You own The Found Librarian? Thats our favorite coffee place. We get coffee and dessert there every week — and work on math homework. M: Yeah, thats my shop. Stacey, lets reconsider. Success in life needs a variety of skills. Humanities majors need math. Engineering majors need writing skills. This writing class will serve you well. Go to the University Writing Center and sign up for free tutoring. Then stop by my office each Friday at 11 a.m. and Ill work with you. Together you can succeed in becoming a strong writer. A good deal? W: Yes! Thank you, Dr. Pearl! Q1: Why does Stacey come to Dr. Pearls office? Q2: What is worrying Stacey about her studies? Q3: Which of the following does Dr. Pearl suggest Stacey do? Q4: What is Dr. Pearls attitude toward Stacey?- 1.請仔細(xì)閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預(yù)覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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- 新視野 大學(xué) 英語 第三 視聽 教程 對話 聽力 材料
