《中國潛水打撈行業(yè)協(xié)會沉船打撈標準合同》 (總承包價―分期付款) ________年__月__日 ________(簽署地) (以下稱公司) (以下稱打撈方)同意簽訂本合同,本合同于 年 月 日生效。雙方同意按本合同規(guī)定的條款打撈本合同第一條所述的船舶。 1. 船舶 船名 船籍 注冊地 總長/型寬/型深 設計吃水 總噸/凈噸/載重噸 貨物詳情和性質(zhì) 船舶位置、狀態(tài)及作業(yè)工地情況 本合同中術語“船舶”應包括任何性質(zhì)的船舶、艇筏、財產(chǎn)或其部件,包括裝載于其中或其上的任何物品,諸如但不限于本條描述的貨物和燃料。 2.服務 打撈方同意在履行合同時做到應有的謹慎,并盡量在第10條規(guī)定的地點交付或處置船舶。在與合同中約定的服務性質(zhì)不起沖突的前提下,打撈方要以應有的謹慎防止和減小對環(huán)境造成的危害。 打撈方應提供本合同附件1所載明的人員、船艇、設備,這些人員、船艇,設備應當是打撈方根據(jù)船舶狀況、位置以及工地情況認為在服務過程中所必須使用的。 打撈方的作業(yè)方法應按照附件2的約定,并且應當使用附件1中列明的人員,船艇和設備。 3.價格和支付條款 3.1 打撈總承包價(大小寫): 3. 2 延誤費率: 元/天 3.3 支付方式: 第一期 第二期 第三期 第四期 3.4 所有向打撈方支付的款項應按照以下約定的銀行帳戶和貨幣進行支付: 開戶行: 開戶名: 帳號: 貨幣 : 3. 5總承包價的每期付款都應按本合同約定,在合理期限內(nèi)完全并不可撤銷地由打撈方取得。 本合同下所有應向打撈方支付的費用,應該沒有任何折扣、扣除、抵銷、留置、索賠或者反索賠。 3. 6根據(jù)本合同支付的所有款項,打撈方應盡快給公司開具發(fā)票。如果打撈方在合同約定期限的3個銀行工作日內(nèi)未收到公司應支付的款項,則該款項應按年 息 %記取利息。 3. 7如果公司在約定期限7日內(nèi)未支付合同應付款項,或者應打撈方的要求,根據(jù)第12條需要的擔保未在5個銀行工作日內(nèi)提供,打撈方可以在以后的任何時間,在不損害本方已得費用及所享有的進一步對公司的權利或救濟的情況下,終止本合同。但是打撈方對其行使救濟權利應至少提前3個工作日通知公司。 4.公司代表 在作業(yè)過程中應打撈方的合理要求,應當有一名公司全權代表隨時在場。公司應盡可能向打撈方提供所要求的一切信息。 另外,公司應在自己承擔風險和費用的情況下,提供足夠的高級船員或同等資質(zhì)人員,這些人員應熟悉貨物體系和船舶布置情況,并在作業(yè)過程中應打撈方的合理要求在現(xiàn)場,以便為打撈方提供作業(yè)建議。 5.作業(yè)方法 和(或)人員、船艇和設備的調(diào)整 5.1 如果在履行合同前或履行期間,由于以下原因,需要對本合同項下的服務或人員、船艇、以及設備進行實質(zhì)性的調(diào)整,則打撈方應該書面通知公司,并告知其為完成服務而估計增加的額外費用(這種調(diào)整非因打撈方的過失): 5.1.1由于公司的疏忽,打撈方在作業(yè)時所依據(jù)的材料或數(shù)據(jù)錯誤; 5.1.2船舶或者作業(yè)工地的位置情況有重大變化。 5.2 雙方應不延遲地對承包價上增加的額外費用進行協(xié)商并達成協(xié)議。 如果在打撈方提供額外費用的5天內(nèi),雙方不能達成一致協(xié)商,那么在不損害第5.1.1條打撈方索賠權利的情況下,任何一方都有權終止本合同下的服務,但是必須征得主管當局的同意。此情況下,打撈方有權根據(jù)本合同的規(guī)定在終止時取得全部應得費用。 如果主管當局不同意終止合同,公司應隨時按照第3條規(guī)定的延誤費率向打撈方支付費用。公司有責任向打撈方支付持續(xù)提供服務所發(fā)生的合理且必要的費用。 5.3就額外費用的合理性和金額,根據(jù)合同的條款,雙方也可以協(xié)商將此提交仲裁,以取得仲裁員的裁決(僅在17.1條被選用時適用)。 在提交仲裁的過程中,打撈方應繼續(xù)提供本合同下的服務,同時保留其對額外費用的索賠權。 5. 4 在合同履行前或履行期間,如果船舶或者作業(yè)工地的位置情況發(fā)生重大變化,導致原打撈方案(見附件2)無法實施,打撈方有權變更方案,但打撈方應將方案的變更情況書面通知公司。 6.其他約定 6.1公司應該安排所需的船舶設標和警告并支付相應費用。打撈方應該安排作業(yè)期間本方設備所需的設標和警告并支付相應費用。 6.2打撈方在履行合同期間或為了達到合同目的,可以免費合理地使用船舶機械、索具、設備、錨、鏈、貯藏品,以及其他附屬品,但不能對財產(chǎn)標的做出不必要的損壞、棄置,或者拋棄。 6.3在取得公司同意 (公司不得不合理地拒絕)并征得主管當局的許可的情況下,如果打撈方認為是為完成合同目的所合理必須的,打撈方有權從船舶上移除、處置或者拋棄貨物、船舶部件或設備。 6.4應打撈方的要求,公司應向打撈方提供船舶圖紙,貨物艙單,積載圖紙等資料。 7.許可證 公司/打撈方應當取得并持有為履行合同目的所需的執(zhí)照、批準書、資質(zhì)證書、授權書或許可證,同時支付相關費用。另一方應在取得許可證方面提供合理幫助。 8.延誤 如果在履行合同期間,打撈方由于公司、公司服務人員或代理人違反合同、疏忽,或任何其它過失或由于任何打撈方所不能控制的其它原因?qū)е路占芭c之有關的工作,則在延誤期間,公司應按照第3條第2款所列的延誤費率給予打撈方補償,不足一天按適當比例計算。 打撈方應將所有延誤情況及時告知公司,公司應盡快以書面形式確認實際發(fā)生的延誤情況。 9.終止 9.1在打撈方的人員、船艇、設備調(diào)遣開始之前,公司有權隨時終止合同。終止時應支付 的終止合同費用。 9.2在履行合同時或進行第5條雙方同意的調(diào)整時,打撈方在技術上和事實上已經(jīng)無法繼續(xù)進行,在征得公司同意后(公司不得不合理地拒絕),打撈方可以終止合同且不承擔責任,終止合同時,打撈方有權根據(jù)本合同取得所有應得費用。 9.3如果主管機關不允許暫?;蛘呓K止合同,公司應當按照第3條規(guī)定的延誤費率,在打撈方待命期間,向打撈方支付人員、船艇和設備的費用。 同時,公司應當向打撈方支付因持續(xù)提供服務而產(chǎn)生的合理且必要費用。 10.船舶交付 10.1 交船地點: 10. 2 公司或其授權代表應當在收到打撈方的書面交船通知后 小時內(nèi)在交船地點接受并且接管船舶。 船舶交付地點對打撈方自有或者租用的船艇以及船舶的進入和操作應該是安全的,并且應該是打撈方經(jīng)政府或者相關當局允許交付或者處置船舶的地方。 如果公司在收到打撈方書面交船通知后 小時內(nèi)沒有接受船舶,或者由于打撈方所不能控制的政府或者相關部門的行為致使船舶交付受到阻止或者延誤,應由公司承擔從預計交付之日起打撈方發(fā)生的所有必要費用,且應該在第3條指定的延誤支付費用上進行追加。 10. 3 如果打撈方認為無法在交船地點交付或處置船舶,或認為交船地點不安全,且公司未指定替代交付地點,則打撈方在無不合理延誤的情況下,有權在其可以安全到達的最近地點交付船舶。一旦交付或處置船舶后,可視為已經(jīng)履行了應有的合同義務。 公司應按照第3條規(guī)定的延誤費率并根據(jù)此款所使用的額外時間,對打撈方予以補償,并應對打撈方在此款規(guī)定下發(fā)生的任何額外費用負責。 10. 4 如果船舶是在泵和(或) 空壓機或者其他設備的控制下交付,則公司應做出適當派遣,安排己方設備和操作人員替換打撈方的設備和操作人員。 替換完成后,公司應按照合理費率支付給打撈方,自船舶交付之日起至打撈方設備和人員返回打撈方基地之日止(包括到達日)的打撈方設備和人員的使用費用,及與此相關的其它額外費用。 10. 5服務結束后,如果公司在打撈方提供書面交付通知書后5日內(nèi)沒有及時接受船舶,或者打撈方認為船舶可能會惡化,腐爛,變得沒有價值,或者會產(chǎn)生超過船舶價值的倉儲或其它費用,打撈方可以不經(jīng)通知且不產(chǎn)生任何責任的變賣或者處置船舶,變賣船舶所得應返還給公司,并可將收益沖抵公司應支付給打撈方的費用。本條款不影響打撈方所享有的對公司的其它索賠權利。 如果上述變賣所得不足以支付打撈方的應得費用,公司仍應支付不足部分。 10. 6 船舶交付應包括船舶部件、船上的貨物以及船舶上的其他物件,并且可以在不同時間、不同地點進行交付。 11.額外費用 以下所有的費用/成本,當其到期時,應該由公司支付: 11.1所有港口費用、引航費用、港務和運河費,以及對打撈方擁有或者租用的船艇進行征收或者應支付的所有其他相似性質(zhì)的費用。 11.2當打撈方合理認為是必要的,或者由港口、其他當局規(guī)定的輔助拖輪的服務費用; 11.3所有與港口手續(xù)、代理、簽證、擔保有關的費用,以及所有類似的費用。 11.4所有稅費、社會治安防衛(wèi)費用(非打撈方在其主要營業(yè)地點所在國正常交納的費用)、印花稅,或者與本合同有關的其它應征收的費用、進出口稅和海關關稅; 11.5在履行合同時所發(fā)生的超出打撈方合理費用以外的應政府、相關當局要求而發(fā)生的費用。 11.6在對船舶進行處置或其他作業(yè)時,承包方合理消耗的便攜式救助設備、材料或者儲藏品的所有費用。 如果以上費用實際上已經(jīng)由打撈方或者打撈方代表進行了支付,公司在收到打撈方發(fā)票時應根據(jù)打撈方實際發(fā)生的費用補償給打撈方。 12.擔保 公司應在簽署本合同時,以雙方協(xié)商同意的形式和數(shù)額提供不可取消和無條件的擔保。如果在簽署合同時未約定擔保,但事后打撈方要求做出擔保,則公司應當對應付或?qū)⒏犊铐椀娜炕虿糠?,以雙方協(xié)商同意的形式和數(shù)額提供擔保或者進一步擔保。 應打撈方要求,這種擔保應一次或者多次予以提供。 13.責任 13.1.1在履行合同期間,由于下列人員的傷亡所裁定的應負責任或經(jīng)過合理調(diào)解的索賠,公司應保障打撈方不受損害: ———公司的服務人員或其代理人; ———代表公司或應公司的請求,不論何種目的處在或靠近作業(yè)工地的其他 人員。 13.1.2在履行合同期間,由于下列人員傷亡所裁定應負責任或經(jīng)過合理調(diào)解的索賠,打撈方應保障公司不受損害: ———打撈方的服務人員或其代理人; ———代表打撈方或應打撈方的請求,不論何種目的處在或靠近作業(yè)工地的其他人員。 13.2.1公司及其服務人員和代理人對打撈方所有或租用的船艇或設備(不包括在對船舶處置或其他作業(yè)期間合理消耗的可攜帶的救助設備、材料或儲備品)遭受的任何性質(zhì)的損失或損壞,不負任何責任,不論這種損失或損壞是否由于公司及其服務人員和代理人違反合同、疏忽或其它過失所致。 13.2.2打撈方及其服務人員和代理人對船舶所遭受的任何性質(zhì)的損失或損壞包括但不限于船體變形、結構損壞等,不負任何責任,不論這種損失或損壞是否由于打撈方及其服務人員和代理人違反合同、疏忽或其它過失所致。 13.3.1 在履行合同期間,公司應負責并同意保障打撈方免受不論任何原因?qū)е碌挠纱爱a(chǎn)生的實際的或潛在的任何污染損害引起的索賠、成本、費用、行為、訴訟、要求和責任。 13.3.2 在履行合同期間,打撈方應負責并同意保障公司免受不論何種原因?qū)е碌挠纱驌品阶约夯蜃庥玫拇Мa(chǎn)生的實際的或潛在的污染損害所引起的索賠、成本、費用、行為、訴訟、要求和責任。 13.4 除非本合同有其他額外規(guī)定,公司或打撈方對任何原因引起的另一方的利潤損失、使用損失、生產(chǎn)損失或其它間接損失不負有責任。 14.喜瑪拉雅條款 本合同規(guī)定的有利于打撈方或公司的全部例外、豁免、辯護、免除、責任限制、賠償、優(yōu)惠和條件將同樣適用于打撈方或公司各自的分包人、經(jīng)營人,船東(如果公司是光船承租人)、船長、高級船員和船員;也適用于各自的母公司、子公司、分公司或與其在同一管理下的所有法人團體,以及團體中的全部董事、高級職員、工作人員和代理人;也適用于代表雙方實行合同的所有工作人員,代理人和分包人。打撈方或公司應充當上述人員、實體和船舶的代理人或受托人,并代表他們的利益,但目的僅限于為了將利益擴大給上述人員、實體和船舶。 15.留置權 在不損害打撈方享有的對人或物的權利的情況下,打撈方為了取得合同中的應得款項,有權對船舶行使留置權,在行使留置權的過程中,有權占有船舶財產(chǎn)。同時,打撈方或其代表在執(zhí)行留置權時不論何種原因所產(chǎn)生的成本和費用,公司都應當支付給打撈方。 16.訴訟時效 任何由本合同引起的或與本合同有關的爭議,或由履行合同所引起的索賠,應以電傳、傳真、電報或其它書面形式通知被索賠方,通知要在完成服務或服務終止后的12個月內(nèi),或在第三方提出索賠請求的12個月內(nèi)提出(以較遲者為準)。訴訟應當在向被索賠方提出索賠請求的一年內(nèi)提出。否則,將會失去本合同下的索賠權利和訴訟權利。 17.適用法律和管轄 本合同受中華人民共和國法律管轄并據(jù)此解釋;由本合同引起的爭議應由合同雙方友好協(xié)商解決,如協(xié)商不成,則按以下方式解決(二者選一): 17. 1 提交中國海事仲裁委員會在北京按其仲裁規(guī)則仲裁。 17. 2向 海事法院提起訴訟。 簽字(公司): 簽字(打撈方): 《中國潛水打撈行業(yè)協(xié)會沉船打撈標準合同》 (總承包價—分期付款) 附件1-----人員、船艇、設備細目表 《中國潛水打撈行業(yè)協(xié)會沉船打撈標準合同》(總承包價—分期付款) 附件2-----打撈方案 40 China Diving and Salvage Contractors Association (CDSCA) Wreck Removal Agreement Lump Sum –Stage Payments Date: Place: This Agreement is entered into by and between (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and (hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor”) and is effective this day of . The Company and the Contractor mutually agree to remove the vessel stated in Clause 1 subject to terms and conditions hereunder. 1. The Vessel Name Flag Place of Registry Length/Beam/Depth Maximum Draft GT/NT/DWT Details and Nature of Cargo Position and Conditon of Vessel, Condition of Worksite The term "Vessel" shall include any vessel, craft, property or part thereof of whatsoever nature, including anything contained therein or thereon, such as but not limited to cargo and bunkers, as described in this Clause. 2. The Services The Contractor agrees to exercise due care in performance of this Agreement, and will endeavour to deliver or dispose of the Vessel at the place indicated in Clause 9. Insofar as it is not inconsistent with the nature of the services to be rendered under this Agreement, the Contractor will also exercise due care to minimize damage to the environment. The Contractor shall provide the Personnel, Craft and Equipment set out in Annex I of this Agreement which the Contractor deems necessary for the services based upon the Specifications, Condition and Position of the Vessel and Worksite. The Contractors Method of Work shall be as described in Annex II, utilising the Personnel, Craft and Equipment described in Annex I. 3. Price and Conditions of Payment 3.1 Lump Sum Price (in figures and words): 3.2 Delay Payment Rate: 3.3 Payments: 1st Installment 2nd Installment 3rd Installment 4th Installment 3.4 All payments to the Contractor shall be made in the currency and to the bank account stipulated hereunder. Bank: Account Name: Account Number: Currency: 3. 5 Each installment of the lump sum shall be fully and irrevocably earned at the moment it is due as set out in this Clause. All monies due and payable to the Contractor under this Agreement shall be paid without any discount, deduction, set-off, lien, claim or counterclaim. 3.6 The Contractor shall promptly invoice the Company for all sums payable under this Agreement. If any sums which become due and payable are not actually received by the Contractor within 3 banking days after due, they shall attract interest at annual rate of ______. 3.7 If any amount payable under this Agreement has not been paid within seven (7) days of the due date, or if the security required in accordance with Clause 12 is not provided within five (5) banking days following the request by the Contractor, then at any time thereafter the Contractor shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement without prejudice to the sums already due to the Contractor and to any further rights or remedies which the Contractor may have against the Company. Provided always that the Contractor shall give the Company at least three (3) working days notice of its intention to exercise this right. 4. Company Representative If reasonably required by the Contractor a representative of the Company will be available during the operations with the full authority to act on behalf of the Company. The Company will use its best endeavours to provide all information required by the Contractor. In addition, the Company will provide at its sole risk and expense sufficient officers or their equivalents, who are fully conversant with the cargo system and layout of the Vessel, and who should be in attendance when reasonably required during the operations in order to provide advice as and when requested by the Contractor. 5. Change of Method of Work and/or Personnel, Craft and Equipment 5.1 The Contractor shall forthwith give notice in writing thereof to the Company and of the estimated additional costs to effect the services, if before or during performance of this Agreement, , there is a substantial change in the work to be done under this Agreement, or in the Personnel, Craft and Equipment required to undertake the services due to(provided always that such changes are not caused by fault on the part of the Contractor): 5.1.1 any error in the information or specification upon which the Contractor has relied caused by the neglect of the Company. 5.1.2 a material change in the position and/or condition of the Vessel or the worksite. 5.2 The parties shall, without delay, consult each other to reach agreement on the amount of the additional costs to be added to the Lump Sum. In the event that the parties are unable to reach agreement on the additional costs within 5 days of the Contractor providing details of the extra costs, either party may terminate the services under this Agreement, without prejudice to any claim the Contractor may have under Clause 5.1.1 , provided always that such termination is permitted by the competent authorities. In such event the Contractor is entitled to be paid all sums due at the time of termination in accordance with this agreement. If permission to terminate is not given by the competent authorities the Contractor shall be paid by the Company at the Delay Payment Rate set out in Clause 3 during any standby period, and the Company shall be liable for the Contractors reasonable and necessary costs of continuing with the services. 5. 3 Alternatively the parties may by agreement refer the matter to Arbitration in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for a decision by the Arbitrator on the reasonableness and quantum of such extra costs (only applicable when Clause 17.1 is selected). In the event the matter is referred to Arbitration the Contractor will continue to provide the services hereunder, without prejudice to his claim for additional remuneration. 5. 4 Before or during performance of this Agreement, if the method of work (as specified in Annex II) can not be carried out as a result of a material change in the position and/or condition of the Vessel, or the worksite, the Contractor is entitled to change the method of work provided always that notice in writing of such changes of the method of work is given to the Company by the Contractor. 6.Miscellaneous 6.1 The Company shall arrange and pay for any marking of the Vessel and cautioning required. The Contractor shall arrange and pay for any marking or cautioning required in respect of its own equipment during the services under this Agreement. 6.2 The Contractor may make reasonable use of Vessels machinery, gear, equipment, anchors, chains, stores and other appurtenances during performance of and for the purposes of this Agreement free of expense but shall not unnecessarily damage, abandon or sacrifice any property the subject of this Agreement. 6.3 Subject to approval of the Company, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, and subject to it being permitted by the competent authorities, the Contractor shall be entitled to remove, dispose or jettison cargo, or parts of the Vessel or equipment from the Vessel if such action is considered by the Contractor to be reasonably necessary to perform this Agreement. 6.4 The Company will provide the Contractor with such plans and drawings of the Vessel, cargo manifests, stowage plans, etc.a(chǎn)s the Contractor may require. 7.Permits All necessary licenses, approvals,qualification, authorizations or permits for the purpose of this Agreement shall be obtained, maintained and paid for by the Company/the Contractor. The other party shall provide the party above with all reasonable assistance in connection with the obtaining of such licenses, approvals, authorizations or permits. 8.Delays If the Contractor is prevented from performing any meaningful work in and about the services due to breach of contract, negligence or any other fault on the part of the Company, its servants or agents, or due to any other reasons outside the control of the Contractor, then during all such delays the Contractor shall be remunerated by the Company at the delay payment rate set out in Clause 3.2 which shall apply on a pro rata basis for parts of a working day. The Company shall be promptly advised by the Contractor about all delays, which shall be confirmed in writing as soon as possible. 9.Termination 9.1 The Company may terminate this Agreement at any time prior to commencement of mobilization of the personnel or the craft or the equipment of the Contractor, upon payment of the Cancellation Fee of . 9.2 The Contractor, with the agreement of the Company, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, may terminate this Agreement without any further liability if performance of this Agreement or completion of any agreed change of work under Clause 5 hereof, becomes technically or physically impossible. In the event of such termination, the Contractor shall be entitled to payment of all monies due in accordance with this Agreement 9.3 If permission to suspend or terminate is not given by the competent authorities the Contractor shall be paid by the Company at the delay payment rate set out in Clause 3 for Personnel, Craft and Equipment during any standby period, and the Company shall be liable for the Contractors reasonable and necessary costs of continuing with the services. 10.Delivery 10.1 Place of Delivery: 10.2 The Vessel shall be accepted forthwith and taken over by the Company or its duly authorized representative at the place of delivery within hours after receiving the written notice of delivery from the Contractor. The place of delivery shall be safe and accessible for the Contractors own or hired-in craft and the Vessel to enter and operate in and shall be a place where the Contractor is permitted by governmental or other authorities to deliver or dispose of the Vessel. In the event the Vessel is not accepted forthwith by the Company within hours after receiving the written notice of delivery from the Contractor or delivery is prevented or delayed by action of governmental or other authorities outside the control of the Contractor, all costs necessarily incurred by the Contractor from the moment of the tender for delivery shall be for account of the Company. These costs shall be in addition to any delay payment as set out in Clause 3. 10.3 If it is considered by the Contractor to be impossible or unsafe for the Vessel to be delivered or disposed of at the place of delivery and the Company is unable to nominate an acceptable alternative place, the Contractor is at liberty to deliver or dispose of the Vessel at the nearest place it can reach safely and without unreasonable delay, and such delivery or disposal shall be deemed a due fulfillment by the Contractor of this Agreement. The Company shall reimburse the Contractor for any additional time used pursuant to this sub-clause at the Delay Payment Rate set out in Clause 3, and shall be liable to the Contractor for any additional expenses arising under this sub-clause. 10.4 In the event the Vessel is delivered under the control of pumps and/or compressors or other equipment the Company shall with all due dispatch arrange for their own equipment and operators to replace the Contractors equipment and their operators.Until such replacement the Company shall pay the Contractor for the use of its equipment and operators at reasonable rates as from the day of delivery, until and including the day of arrival of the equipment and personnel at the Contractors bas- 配套講稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 關 鍵 詞:
- 沉船 打撈 標準 合同