畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
(可從教務處網頁上下載)打印,要求正文小4號宋體,1.5倍行距,禁止打印在 上 。
3.任務書內填寫的內容,必須 學生畢業(yè)設計(論文) 的情況 一 , ,應 經 所在專業(yè)
系(院) 領導審 后 可 填寫。
4.任務書內 學院 、 專業(yè) 名 的填寫,應寫 文 ,不 寫 字 ?。學生的 學號 要寫
號,不 ¢寫£后2?或1? 字。
5.任務書內 要¥?文§ 的填寫,應按currency1'“???學院fi?畢業(yè)設計(論文)fl寫 –?的要求書寫。
6. ?· ?的填寫,應 按currency1?標GB/T 7408—94' 據? ?”格式、?…?”、 ? ‰
? `? ′的要求,一?用?ˉ? 字書寫。˙ 2002?4·2 或 2002-04-02”。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
1.fi畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題應¨ 的目的:
?? 汽?工業(yè)?ˇ發(fā)—, 發(fā) 機的要求 , 、 、 要求 ?發(fā) 機 ?
a 發(fā)—, 發(fā) 機 要的 ??,活塞?o要 的a 應 的工 ? ?;钊?發(fā) 機
£ 的 ???一, 的 要 用 ?? 的?體 力,并?此力? 活塞 給 ,推 曲軸旋轉。
的工 情況直接影響 發(fā) 機整體的性 、可靠性 耐久性。
近? , 限?的分析也 漸 熟,運用 限?軟? 效地分析結構的性 ,所以被廣泛接 。fi次
畢業(yè)設計 汽油機活塞的工 ? 進行熱力學的 限?分析,旨在模擬穩(wěn)態(tài)下活塞的溫 場,以 燃?燃燒產
生的?體 力、在?內往 運 的慣性力、側向力 摩擦力 ,研究活塞在熱負荷 綜合應力下的 形 a
情況。這 改善活塞結構、提 工 可靠性 耐久性 要意義。
2.fi畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題任務的內容 要求(包括原始 據、?術要求、工 要求 ):
fi課題 基于 限?的發(fā) 機活塞熱力學分析, 發(fā) 機活塞進行三維建模 熱力學分析。并根據研究
需要 活塞的振 模態(tài) 疲勞a 進行深入分析?;钊趦热紮C工 系統(tǒng) 工 條?惡劣,周?性(進?、
縮、做 、排?四沖程) 溫、 與腐蝕,因此各沖程 的摩擦 熱泄露損失? ?替出 。? 基
于 限?的發(fā) 機活塞熱力學分析這一課題的研究深入了解活塞工 狀況,并積極提出 效優(yōu) 案。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
3. fi畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題 果的要求〔包括圖?、實物 硬?要求〕:
1、 汽?發(fā) 機活塞進行實體建模
2 、在ANSYS軟? 進行 限?模型的熱力學分析
3 、得出活塞工 狀態(tài)下各種應力云圖并進行優(yōu) 設計
4、畢業(yè)論文1萬字左右(并附 的分析 據)
4. 要¥?文§:
[1]楊世銘,陶文銓.熱 學[M]北京: 教育出版社,2006
[2]楊杰.DME發(fā) 機活塞溫 場的三維 限?分析與實驗研究[D].武 : ?? 學, 2007
[3] .?內直 發(fā) 機結構原 與維 [M] 京: ?學?術出版社,2009
[4] , , .汽?a 性標準導 [M].北京:? 工業(yè)出版社,2012
[5]程文 .發(fā) 機活塞 形與 三維 限?分析[D].合 :合 工業(yè) 學,2009
[6] . 型 活塞熱負荷分析[J]. ?用 力,2009,135(3)
[7]楊 .活塞的熱分析 ?研究[D]. : 工 學,2008
[9]currency1'“,???.ANSYS14.0機§與結構分析 限?分析從入fi ??[M].北京:機§工 業(yè)出版社,
[10]fl –,fl云?.175FMI活塞熱耦合分析[J].機§,2010,37(6)
[11]?文¨.汽?構·[M].北京: 學出版社,2009
[12]????.汽?設計 ·指 [M].北京:機§工業(yè)出版社,2011
[14] 世 .發(fā) 機活塞機§疲勞損?與可靠性研究[D]. :`′ 學,2007
[15]??ˉ, ? .汽?發(fā) 機構·與原 [M].北京:?學出版社,2009
[16]˙¨ .汽?發(fā) 機原 [M].北京: 學出版社,2010
[17]??.活塞在溫 機§載荷 用下的 限?分析[D]. : ? 學,2007
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
5.fi畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題工 進 計?:
2015.12.05-2016.01.15ˇ′—題,填寫審題?;指導教師下發(fā)任務書,學生查 課題 ¥?文§、資
料,fl寫開題 。
2016.01.16-2016.02.25提?開題 、外文¥?資料 譯文、畢業(yè)設計(論文) ;開始畢業(yè)設計
2016.02.26-2016.04.15具體設計或研究 案實 ,提?畢業(yè)設計(論文)草 ,填寫 ? 查?。
2016.04.16-2016.05.05 論文或設計 書、圖 料,提?畢業(yè)設計(論文)′ ,指導 師審
2016.05.06-2016.05.13提?畢業(yè)設計 文檔,學生準 ; 教師 學生畢業(yè)設計(論文)。
2016.05.13-2016.05.26根據學院統(tǒng)一?排,進行畢業(yè)設計(論文) 。
所在專業(yè)審查意 :
負責人: 2016 ? 1 · 22
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)開 題 報 告
2016 年 1 月 8 日
3.“文獻綜述”應按論文的框架成文, 書寫(或打?。┰?開題報告 一 目內,學生寫文獻綜述的
文獻應 15 ( );
4. 年月日 日期的填寫,應 按 標GB/T 7408—94 據 交 格式 交 日期 時 ?
¢£?¥?的要求,一§用currency1'“ ?書寫。?“2004年4月26日”或“2004-04-26”。
5 開題報告(文獻綜述)??fi按fl? –?書寫,? ·1.5 。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
1.?合畢業(yè)設計(論文)?題??,”據所查?的文獻資料,…‰ 寫 1000?? 的文獻綜述:
一 `題的目的 意′
作為??機ˉ?要的˙¨ ,活塞??要 ?的?ˇ— 應 的工作 。它的 要作用 ˉ
的 ? 力, 此力 活塞 ?給 a, ? ?。它的工作?? ??o??機整?的
? 。
年—, 的分析 日?成 , 用 ? ? 效?分析??的 ,所? 。
?題對汽油機活塞的工作 進?熱力學的 分析,旨在模擬穩(wěn)態(tài)下活塞的溫ˇ場,?及燃 燃燒產生的
? 力 在 內往 ?的慣 力 側向力及摩擦力 ,研究活塞在熱負荷 綜合應力下的變形 ?ˇ??。
這對改善活塞?? 提高工作 ? ?要意′。
二 ?題研究領域的研究現(xiàn)狀 ?展趨勢
年—,在內燃機的 要˙¨ 設計 ?ˇ分析ˉ, £已成為一種十分 效的方£。對 機
械負荷 熱負荷嚴?的活塞而言,像ansys這種 分析? 必 的工具。
目前對活塞的溫ˇ場計算 熱應力應變分析 機械應力應變分析已日趨成 ,已 大量的成果的論文報
道。應用 ? 時,確?邊界條 最為 鍵的一步。活塞?熱 一個 程,邊界條 很難精確確?,
?;钊麩徇吔?三種確?方£:(1) 一類邊界條 ,即已知活塞邊界上的溫ˇ;(2) 二類邊界條 ,
即已知活塞邊界上的熱流密ˇ; 三類邊界條 ,即已知與活塞相 觸的流?介質的溫ˇ 熱交 系 。由
測?活塞?面全¨溫ˇ節(jié)點很 方便,因此在工程計算ˉ較多的采用 三類邊界條 ,對 三類邊界條 的
邊界熱系 a 溫ˇT0 常采用試算£確?。先由經驗公式估算活塞各邊界與燃 汽 套 冷卻油腔
內機油?及 箱內油霧之 的放熱系 相應的介質溫ˇ,計算活塞溫ˇ場?后 某些特點上的溫ˇ計算值
與預先 實測的溫ˇ值進?校驗。這樣 多 修正, 至某些特征點上的計算溫ˇ值與實測值基 吻合為
對 活塞應力與應變 分析方面, 內對其的研究 持續(xù) 斷的。但 在計算機還沒?展成 的時候,
對 活塞的應力應變分析 僅局 二維 對稱的。九十年代?后,活塞研究??趨向三維多向的了。
活塞 [11]研究了活塞在熱 荷 機械 荷作用下的?ˇ; 工學 工業(yè)大學方 對活塞
進?熱變形 熱應力 機械變形 機械應力 耦合變形耦合應力 分析,?現(xiàn)了活塞在熱負荷 機械負荷
的作用下其變形 的; 工學 13 對汽油機活塞在熱力耦合作用下應力與應變及其?ˇ
進?了 分析,?現(xiàn)活塞整?的應力分 較 ,活塞 上側面的 效應力較大; 大學
15 對活塞溫ˇ-應力場耦合計算, o活塞變形量最大的 在活塞 面 一 的交界面,最大應
力 現(xiàn)在活塞 邊?處與¢¨的交界處。
三 £?
汽油機活塞 設計 ?¥ o?§工currency1 '用 的 ?, ?條 很多,?應力“?,質量“? 變形
“? 溫ˇ“? ?? 全系 “? 。但 對 活塞的研究 ??o了??機 ,所?對活塞的熱力學
研究 很 必要的。
[1]fifl ,–文?.熱?學[M] ?:高 教· ?,2006
[2]fi?.DME??機活塞溫ˇ場的三維 分析與實驗研究[D].??: ˉ”?大學, 2007
[3]…‰ . 內 ???機?? `與維修[M]′?:??”學?ˉ ?,2009
[4]??˙,¨ ?, ? .汽??? 標準導?[M]. ?: ˇ工業(yè) ?,2012
[5]程文—.??機活塞變形與 三維 分析[D].合 :合 工業(yè)大學,2009
[6] . 全 活塞熱負荷分析[J].現(xiàn)代?用?力,2009,135(3)
[7]fi .活塞的熱分析及 ?冷卻研究[D].大 :大 `工大學,2008
[8] .Creo3.0模具設計實 精 [M]. ?:機械工業(yè) ?,2014
[9] ? ,a .ANSYS14.0機械與??分析 分析 ?o精 [M]. ?:機械工 業(yè) ?,
[10]??o,? .175FMI活塞熱耦合分析[J].機械,2010,37(6)
[11] , 學?.活塞?ˇ 分析[J]. 內燃機,1999,59(1)
[12] ?.汽?設計?§指′[M]. ?:機械工業(yè) ?,2011
[13] , .高?汽油機活塞 分析[J].內燃機,2004(5)
[14]¨fl?.??機活塞機械????與 研究[D]. ′: 大學,2007
[15] .活塞???ˇ 分析[D]. : 大學,2012
[16] .汽???機 `[M]. ?:清 大學 ?,2010
[17]何屹.活塞在溫ˇ 機械 荷作用下的 分析[D].大 :大 海事大學,2007
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
2. ?題要研究或 決的問題 擬采用的研究 段(途徑):
一 要研究或 決的問題:
?題 基 的??機活塞熱力學分析,對??機活塞進?三維建模 熱力學分析。 ”據研究需
要對活塞的振?模態(tài)及???ˇ進?深 分析?;钊趦热紮C工作系統(tǒng)ˉ工作條 惡劣, 期 (進 縮
做功 排 –沖程) 高溫 高 與腐蝕,因此各沖程ˉ的摩擦 熱泄露?失之 交替 現(xiàn)。 對基
的??機活塞熱力學分析這一?題的研究深 了 活塞工作狀?, 積極提 效?¥方案。
二 擬采用的研究 段:
(1)做好`論基礎的準備,? ? 活塞的 力 熱??;(2)查?大量 書籍 論文,學
習 ?題領域的研究方£;(3)?? 項目預?目標 研究步驟 實施;(4)加?與指導老師 專業(yè)‰
員的交流,探討 決遇o的疑難問題。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
針對?題所涉及的問題 ??文獻, 對?題研究領域的現(xiàn)狀 ?態(tài) ?展前景 進?綜合分析 評述,
2.對 ?題的深ˇ ˇ及工作量的意見 對設計(論文)?果的預測:
對?題所涉及的研究內容在現(xiàn) 相 專業(yè)知識的基礎上,進一步深 學習相 ? ,應 ??期完成 畢
3. 否同意開題:√ 同意 □ 同意
2016 年 03 月 09 日
2016 年 04 月 07 日
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)外 文 參 考 資 料 及 譯 文
譯文題目: Hybrid Electric Vehicles
專 業(yè):
職 稱:
Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Conventional vehicles with IC engines provide good performance and long operating range by utilizing the high-energy-density advantages of petroleum fuels. However, conventional IC engine vehicles have the dis- advantages of poor fuel economy and environmental pollution. The main reasons for their poor fuel economy are (1) mismatch of engine fuel efficiency characteristics with the real operation requirement (refer to Figures 2.34 and 2.35); (2) dissipation of vehicle kinetic energy during braking, especially while operating in urban areas; and (3) low efficiency of hydraulic transmission in current automobiles in stop-and-go driving patterns (refer to Figure 2.21). Battery-powered EVs, on the other hand, possess some advantages over conventional IC engine vehicles, such as high-energy efficiency and zero environmental pollution. However, the performance, especially the operation range per battery charge, is far less competitive than IC engine vehicles, due to the much lower energy density of the batteries than that of gasoline. HEVs, which use two power sources(a primary power source and a secondary power source), have the advantages of both IC engine vehicles and EVs and over- come their disadvantages.1,2 In this chapter, the basic concept and operation principles of HEV power trains are discussed.
5.1 Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
Basically, any vehicle power train is required to (1) develop sufficient power to meet the demands of vehicle performance, (2) carry sufficient energy on- board to support the vehicle driving a sufficient range, (3) demonstrate high efficiency, and (4) emit few environmental pollutants. Broadly, a vehicle may have more than one power train. Here, the power train is defined as the combination of the energy source and the energy converter or power source, such as the gasoline (or diesel)–heat engine system, the hydrogen–fuel cell– electric motor system, the chemical battery–electric motor system, and so on. A vehicle that has two or more power trains is called a hybrid vehicle. A hybrid vehicle with an electrical power train is called an HEV. The drive train of a vehicle is defined as the aggregation of all the power trains.
A hybrid vehicle drive train usually consists of no more than two power trains. More than two power trains will make the drive train very complicated. For the purpose of recapturing braking energy that is dissipated in the form of heat in conventional IC engine vehicles, a hybrid drive train usually has a power train that allows energy to flow bidirectionally. The other one is either bidirectional or unidirectional. Figure 5.1 shows the concept of a hybrid drive train and the possible different power flow routes.
A hybrid drive train can supply its power to the load by a selective power train. There are many available patterns of operating two power trains to meet the load requirement:
1. Power train 1 alone delivers its power to the load.
2. Power train 2 alone delivers its power to the load.
3. Both power train 1 and power train 2 deliver their power to the load simultaneously.
4. Power train 2 obtains power from the load (regenerative braking).
5. Power train 2 obtains power from power train 1.
6. Power train 2 obtains power from power train 1 and the load simultaneously.
7. Power train 1 delivers power to the load and to power train 2 simultaneously.
8. Power train 1 delivers its power to power train 2, and power train 2 delivers its power to the load.
9. Power train 1 delivers its power to the load, and the load delivers the power to power train 2.
FIGURE 5.1 Conceptual illustration of a hybrid electric drive train.
In the case of hybridization with a gasoline (diesel)–IC engine (power train
1) and a battery–electric machine (power train 2), pattern (1) is the engine- alone propelling mode. This may be used when the batteries are almost completely depleted and the engine has no remaining power to charge the batteries, or when the batteries have been fully charged and the engine is able to supply sufficient power to meet the power demands of the vehicle. Pattern (2) is the pure electric propelling mode, in which the engine is shut off. This pattern may be used for situations where the engine cannot operate effectively, such as very low speed, or in areas where emissions are strictly prohibited. Pattern (3) is the hybrid traction mode and may be used when large power is needed, such as during sharp accelerating or steep hill climbing. Pattern (4) is the regenerative braking mode, by which the kinetic or potential energy of the vehicle is recovered through the electric motor functioning as a generator. The recovered energy is then stored in the batteries and reused later on. Pattern (5) is the mode in which the engine charges the batteries while the vehicle is at a standstill, coasting, or descending a slight grade, in which no power goes into or comes from the load. Pattern (6) is the mode in which both regenerating braking and the IC engine charge the batteries simultaneously. Pattern (7) is the mode in which the engine propels the vehicle and charges the batteries simultaneously. Pattern (8) is the mode in which the engine charges the batteries, and the batteries supply power to the load. Pattern (9) is the mode in which the power flows into the batteries from the heat engine through the vehicle mass. The typical configuration of this mode is that the two power trains are separately mounted on the front and rear axles of the vehicle, which will be discussed in the following sections.
The abundant operation modes in a hybrid vehicle create much more flexi- bility over a single power train vehicle. With proper configuration and control, applying a specific mode for a special operating condition can potentially optimize the overall performance, efficiency, and emissions. However, in a practical design, deciding which mode should be implemented depends on many factors, such as the physical configuration of the drive train, power train efficiency characteristics, load characteristics, and so on.
Operating each power train in its optimal efficiency region is essential for the overall efficiency of the vehicle. An IC engine generally has the best efficiency operating region with a wide throttle opening. Operating away from this region will cause low operating efficiency (refer to Figures 2.30, 2.32, 2.34, 2.35, and 3.6). On the other hand, efficiency suffering in an electric motor is not as detrimental when compared to an IC engine that operates away from its optimal region (refer to Figure 4.14).
FIGURE 5.2 A load power is decomposed into steady and dynamic components.
The load power of a vehicle varies randomly in real operation due to frequent acceleration, deceleration, and climbing up and down grades, as shown in Figure 5.2. Actually, the load power is composed of two components: one is steady (average) power, which has a constant value, and the other is dynamic power, which has a zero average. In designing the control strategy of a hybrid vehicle, one power train that favors steady-state operation, such as an IC engine and fuel cell, may be used to supply the average power. On the other hand, another power train, such as an electric motor, may be used to supply the dynamic power. The total energy output from the dynamic power train will be zero in a whole driving cycle. This implies that the energy source of the dynamic power train does not lose energy capacity at the end of the driving cycle. It functions only as a power damper.
In a hybrid vehicle, steady power may be provided by an IC engine, a Stirling engine, a fuel cell, and so on. The IC engine or the fuel cell can be much smaller than that in a single power train design because the dynamic power is taken by the dynamic power source, and then can operate steadily in its most efficient region. The dynamic power may be provided by an electric motor powered by batteries, ultracapacitors, flywheels (mechanical batteries), and their combinations.1,3
5.2 Architectures of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
The architecture of a hybrid vehicle is loosely defined as the connection between the components that define the energy flow routes and control ports. Traditionally, HEVs were classified into two basic types: series and parallel. It is interesting to note that, in 2000, some newly introduced HEVs could not be classified into these kinds.4 Hence, HEVs are presently classified into four kinds—series hybrid, parallel hybrid, series–parallel hybrid, and complex hybrid—that are functionally shown in Figure 5.3.5 Scientifically, the classifications above are not very clear and may cause confusion. Actually, in an HEV, there are two kinds of energy flowing in the drive train: one is mechanical energy and the other is electrical energy. Adding two powers together or splitting one power into two at the power merging point always occurs with the same power type, that is, electrical or mechanical,
FIGURE 5.3 Classifications of hybrid EVs. (a) Series (electrically coupling), (b) parallel (mechanical coupling), (c) series–parallel (mechanical and electrical coupling), and (d) complex (mechanical and electrical coupling).
not electrical and mechanical. So perhaps a more accurate definition for HEV architecture may be to take the power coupling or decoupling features such as an electrical coupling drive train, a mechanical coupling drive train, and a mechanical–electrical coupling drive train.
Figure 5.3a functionally shows the architecture that is traditionally called a series hybrid drive train. The key feature of this configuration is that two electrical powers are added together in the power converter, which functions as an electric power coupler to control the power flows from the batteries and generator to the electric motor, or in the reverse direction, from the electric motor to the batteries. The fuel tank, the IC engine, and the generator constitute the primary energy supply and the batteries function as the energy bumper.
Figure 5.3b is the configuration that is traditionally called a parallel hybrid drive train. The key of this configuration is that two mechanical powers are added together in a mechanical coupler. The IC engine is the primary power plant, and the batteries and electric motor drive constitute the energy bumper. The power flows can be controlled only by the power plants—the engine and electric motor.
Figure 5.3c shows the configuration that is traditionally called a series– parallel hybrid drive train. The distinguished feature of this configuration is the employment of two power couplers—mechanical and electrical. Actually, this configuration is the combination of series and parallel structures,possessing the major features of both and more plentiful operation modes than those of the series or parallel structure alone. On the other hand, it is relatively more complicated and may be of higher cost.
Figure 5.3d shows a configuration of the so-called complex hybrid, which has a similar structure to the series–parallel one. The only difference is that the electric coupling function is moved from the power converter to the batteries and one more power converter is added between the motor/generator and the batteries.
We will concentrate more on the first three configurations—series, parallel, and series–parallel.
5.2.1Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains (Electrical Coupling)
A series hybrid drive train is a drive train in which two electrical power sources feed a single electrical power plant (electric motor) that propels the vehicle. The configuration that is most often used is the one shown in Figure 5.4. The unidirectional energy source is a fuel tank and the unidirectional energy converter (power plant) is an IC engine coupled to an electric generator. The output of the electric generator is connected to a power DC bus through a controllable electronic converter (rectifier). The bidirectional energy source is a battery pack connected to the power DC bus by means of a controllable, bidirectional power electronic converter (DC/DC converter). The power bus is also connected to the controller of the electric motor. The traction motor can be controlled as either a motor or a generator, and in forward or reverse motion. This drive train may need a battery charger to charge the batteries by wall plug-in from a power grid. The series hybrid drive trainoriginally came from an EV on which an additional engine–generator is added to extend the operating range that is limited by the poor energy density of the batteries.
FIGURE 5.4 Configuration of a series hybrid electric drive train.
混 合 動 力 汽 車
基本上,任何汽車動力驅動系統(tǒng)都需要(1)提供充足動力來滿足汽車性能需求;(2)攜帶足夠的能量以支持行駛足夠的里程;(3)具有高效能;(4)排放較少的環(huán)境污染物。一般來說,一輛汽車可能擁有不止一個動力驅動系統(tǒng)。在這里,這個動力系統(tǒng)被定義成能量源和能量轉換裝置的結合或者動力源,比如汽油(或柴油)--熱機系統(tǒng), 氫燃料電池電動系統(tǒng),化學電池--電機系統(tǒng)等等。一個擁有兩個或兩個以上動力系統(tǒng)的汽車稱為混合動力車。一個具有電動動力系統(tǒng)的混合動力車稱為電動混合動力車。車輛的驅動系統(tǒng)將所有的動力系統(tǒng)聚集起來。通?;旌蟿恿嚨尿寗酉挡粫嘤趦蓚€動力系統(tǒng)。多于兩個動力的驅動系非常的復雜。為了回收傳統(tǒng)內燃機車輛制動過程中變成熱消耗掉的能量,混合動力驅動系通常有一個動力系統(tǒng)允許能量雙向流動。另外一個可能是雙向的也可能不是。圖5.1表示的是混合動力驅動系的概念和可能的能量流動路線?;旌蟿恿︱寗酉悼梢詫恿νㄟ^可選擇的路線傳遞給負載。兩個動力系統(tǒng)滿足負載的有效方式有很多種:
1、 動力系統(tǒng)1單獨傳遞動力到負載。
2、 動力系統(tǒng)2單獨傳遞動力到負載。
3、 動力系統(tǒng)1和2同時傳遞動力到負載。
4、 動力系統(tǒng)2從負載獲得能量(再生制動)。
5、 動力系統(tǒng)2從動力系統(tǒng)1獲得能量。
6、 動力系統(tǒng)2同時從動力系統(tǒng)1和負載獲得能量。
7、 動力系統(tǒng)1同時將動力傳遞給動力系統(tǒng)2和負載。
圖5.1 混合汽車驅動系統(tǒng)的概念說明
汽油機(柴油機)--內燃機(動力系統(tǒng)1)和電動動力系統(tǒng)(動力系統(tǒng)2)組合的情況下,方式(1)是發(fā)動機單獨驅動模式。通常是電池幾乎完全用盡并且發(fā)動機沒有剩余動力給電池充電,或者是電池已經完全充滿而發(fā)動機能夠提供足夠的動力來滿足車輛的負載需求。方式(2) 是純電動模式,發(fā)動機關閉。這種方式是在發(fā)動機不能有效地運行的場合,比如速度非常低,或者某些嚴禁排放的區(qū)域。方式(3)是混合驅動模式,可能在需要大功率的情況下運用,比如急加速或者爬陡坡。方式(4)是再生制動模式, 通過電動機作為發(fā)電機運行來回收動能或潛在的能量。再生的能量儲存到電池里,以后再利用。方式(5) 是充電模式,當車輛停止,滑行或者下小斜坡的時候,沒有動力傳遞到負載,也沒有動力傳回來。方式(6)再生制動和內燃機同時給電池充電模式。方式(7)是發(fā)動機驅動車輛行駛同時給電池和負載充電。方式(8)發(fā)動機給電池充電,電池提供動力給負載。方式(9)是發(fā)動機將動力通過車身傳遞給電池。典型的這種模式是,兩個動力系統(tǒng)分別裝在前后軸上,在接下來的部分里將進行論述。
圖5.2 平均負載功率和動態(tài)負載功率
圖 5.3 混合動力汽車的分類 (a) 串聯(lián)式 (電耦合), (b) 并聯(lián)式 (機械 耦合), (c) 串并聯(lián)式 (機電耦合),和 (d) 復雜式(機電耦合) .
圖5.4 混合動力汽車動力驅動系統(tǒng)配置.