0 本科生畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 外 文 翻 譯 原 文 標 題 Crane development and Introduction 譯 文 標 題 起重機的發(fā)展與介紹 作者所在系別 機電工程學院 作者所在專業(yè) 車輛工程 作者所在班級 B13142 作 者 姓 名 魏子軒 作 者 學 號 201322237 指導教師姓名 許文娟 指導教師職稱 完 成 時 間 2017 年 2 月 25 北華航天工業(yè)學院教務(wù)處制 共 15 頁 第 0 頁 譯文標題 起重機的發(fā)展與介紹 原文標題 Crane development and Introduction 作 者 Elkeson 譯 名 埃爾克森 國 籍 美國 原文出處 譯文 發(fā)展 隨著現(xiàn)代科學技術(shù)的迅速發(fā)展 工業(yè)生產(chǎn)規(guī)模的擴大和自動化程度的提高 起重機在現(xiàn)代化生產(chǎn)過程中應(yīng)用越來越廣 作用愈來愈大 對起重機的要求也越 來越高 尤其是計算機技術(shù)的廣泛應(yīng)用 許多跨學科的先進設(shè)計方法出現(xiàn) 這些 都促使起重機的技術(shù)進入嶄新的發(fā)展階段 起重機發(fā)展趨勢 輕型化和多樣化 有 相當批量的起重機是在通用的場合使用 工作并不很繁重 這類起重機批量大 用途廣 考慮綜合效益 要求起重機盡量降低外形高度 簡化結(jié)構(gòu) 減小自重和 輪壓 也可使整個建筑物高度下降 建筑結(jié)構(gòu)輕型化 降低造價 因此電動葫蘆 橋式起重機和梁式起重機會有更快的發(fā)展 并將大部分取代中小噸位的一般用途 橋式起重機 德國德馬格公司經(jīng)過幾十年的開發(fā)和創(chuàng)新 已形成了一個輕型組合 式的標準起重機系列 起重量為 1 63 噸 工作級別為 A1 A7 整個系列由工字形 和箱型單梁 懸掛箱形單梁 角形小車箱形單梁和箱形雙梁等多個品種組成 主 梁與端梁相接以及起重小車的布置有多種型式 可適合不同建筑物及不同起吊高 度的要求 根據(jù)用戶需要每種規(guī)格起重機都有三種單速及三種雙速供任意選擇 還可以選用變頻調(diào)速 操縱方式有地面手電門自行移動 手電門隨小車移動 手 電門固定 無線遙控 司機室固定 司機室隨小車移動 司機室自行移動等七種 選擇 大車及小車的供電有電纜小車導電 DVS 系統(tǒng)兩種方式 如此多的選擇項 通過不同的組合 可搭配成百上千種起重機 充分滿足用戶不同的需求 這種起 重機的另一最大優(yōu)點是輕型化 自重輕 輪壓輕 外形尺寸高度小 可大大降低 廠房建筑物的建造成本 同時也可減小起重機的運行功率和運行成本 與通用產(chǎn) 品相比較 起重量為 10t 跨度 22 5m 通用雙梁橋式起重機自重是 24t 起重機 軌面以上高度 1876mm 起重機寬度 5980mm 德馬格起重機的自重只有 8 7t 重量輕了 176 起重機軌面以上高度為 920mm 降低了 104 起重機寬度為 2980mm 外形尺寸減少了 100 自動化和智能化 起重機的更新和發(fā)展 在很大程度上取決于電氣傳動與控制 的改進 實現(xiàn)起重機的自動化和智能化 大型高效起重機的新一代電氣控制裝置已 發(fā)展為全電子數(shù)字化控制系統(tǒng) 主要由全數(shù)字化控制驅(qū)動裝置 可編程序控制器 故障診斷及數(shù)據(jù)管理系統(tǒng) 數(shù)字化操縱給定檢測等設(shè)備組成 變壓變頻調(diào)速 射 頻數(shù)據(jù)通訊 故障自診監(jiān)控 吊具防搖的模糊控制 激光查找起吊物重心 近場 感應(yīng)防碰撞技術(shù) 現(xiàn)場總線 載波通訊及控制 無接觸供電及三維條形碼技術(shù)等 將廣泛得到應(yīng)用 使起重機具有更高的柔性 以適合多批次少批量的柔性生產(chǎn)模 式 提高單機綜合自動化水平 重點開發(fā)以微處理機為核心的高性能電氣傳動裝 置 使起重機具有優(yōu)良的調(diào)速和靜動特性 可進行操作的自動控制 自動顯示與 記錄 起重機運行的自動保護與自動檢測 特殊場合的遠距離遙控等 以適應(yīng)自 動化生產(chǎn)的需要 介紹 在修橋筑路等建設(shè)中 常常有大量的物料 零部件 成品需要運輸 大量的 共 15 頁 第 1 頁 物料搬運在建筑工地 采石廠 鐵路 港口和倉庫中都存在 水泥廠 灰泥廠和 長期加強混泥產(chǎn)品都需要各種物料提升機械 在倉庫等場所所做維修工作 也將 用到起重機械可作間歇作業(yè)或連續(xù)作業(yè) 根據(jù)機械作用目的不同 可分為以下主要兩類 a 起重機械 如 絞車 千斤頂 升降機和連續(xù)起重機 b 運輸機械 各種運輸設(shè)備 傳送帶 吊桶 螺旋機 纜索 氣后操縱設(shè)備 和 裝載設(shè)備 叉車 單斗車 1 起重機主要參數(shù) 1 提升能力 特定條件下起重機最大吊起量 2 提升高度 從地面把貨物提升到最大位置時吊鉤中心的最低點的垂直 距離 3 幅度 起重機旋轉(zhuǎn)軸線到取物裝置中心線之間的距離 4 跨度 起重機運行軌道軸線之間的水平距離 5 工作速度 起重各機構(gòu) 提升 運行 下降 旋轉(zhuǎn) 的速度 6 空間尺寸和重量 7 穩(wěn)定性 固定起重機的錨釘 壓板或其它裝置應(yīng)保證起重機在工作情 況下 起重臂各個方向的穩(wěn)定保證 在暴風雨等惡劣條件下起重機穩(wěn)定 如果是有軌起重機 固定裝置在計算起重機穩(wěn)定性時不應(yīng)計算在內(nèi) 2 起重機的重要零件 吊鉤 吊鉤用來提取重物 可分為單鉤和多鉤或板鉤 盡管通常的做法是將吊鉤懸 掛在 滑輪組 殼體內(nèi)的滑輪上 當裝卸小負荷 重小于 3 噸 時 吊鉤可直接 裝在鋼絲繩方向自由運動 當貨物達到 40 噸時應(yīng)采用抗剪鉚接吊鉤 B S3017 或 三角型 B S3317 吊鉤 還需裝置鎖定機構(gòu) 防止吊鉤旋轉(zhuǎn) 鋼絲繩 鋼絲繩是由可彎曲的能傳遞力的重要零件 鋼絲繩由直徑 0 5mm 2mm 的鋼 絲纏繞而成 可承受 1400 2000 的拉力 鋼絲繩有不同的形式 建筑或道2mN 路建設(shè)中經(jīng)常采用直徑為 1mm 32mm 的各種材料雙向繞 正向和反向 鋼絲繩 雙繞鋼絲繩是用預先繞成螺旋狀的鋼絲般制造的 鋼絲的纏繞方式和鋼絲繩 的纏繞方式是一樣的 正向繞制的鋼絲繩中的雙繞鋼絲是反向絞繞的 為使鋼絲 繩有足夠的可繞性和潤滑性 可采用浸泡在潤滑油的纖維繩芯 在起重領(lǐng)域還可 碰到一種特殊的編織而成的鋼絲繩 這種繩一般用于觸輪設(shè)備 它的表面形成特 殊的潤滑層 這種繩可繞性低 但防潮耐用 滑輪和卷筒 滑輪的作用是導向和支承鋼絲繩 滑輪上的槽的邊緣要有規(guī)定的形狀以免夾住鋼絲繩 滑輪的名義直徑為滑輪槽底直徑 D 滑輪直徑的大小直接影響鋼絲繩的彎曲 力的大小和鋼絲繩的壽命 用此滑輪直徑的選擇一定要按照標準 在提升或拖拉貨物時 鋼絲繩會在光滑的有槽的卷筒表面受到損害 還使單根繩子上的壓力較小 這樣可以延長鋼絲繩的壽命 制動器 制動裝置是起重機提升重物過程的一個重要裝置電力起重機裝有一個自動的 電控制動器 當貨物突然失控時它將由交流螺旋線圈起動 為防止重物下降時失 速 有時裝上一個離心式制動器 但采用電位計動態(tài)控制的電制動器能使重物放 慢速度達到正確移動效果 產(chǎn)生的力矩可使功力裝置對其靈活的控制 在沃特連 共 15 頁 第 2 頁 納德系統(tǒng)中經(jīng)常會用到一個大型動力裝置 它可以單一控制的傳動裝置高速 它 的動力發(fā)生器可節(jié)約通用控制器的花費 制動器由高強度金屬制成 有光滑的摩 擦表面 無裂紋 共 15 頁 第 3 頁 原文 Developm ent With fast developments of the modern technology the expansion of industrial production and the growth of the automatic level applications of the carne in the modern manufacture have been more and more extensive the effect has been bigger and bigger Higher and higher requirement has been caused Especially with the broad application of computer technology and the appearance of the advanced design method of a lot of inter discipline which urge 共 15 頁 第 4 頁 the technology of the carne into a brand new seed time Hoist crane development tendency light and diversification Has the suitable batch the hoist crane is in the general situation use the work not very is certainly arduous This kind of hoist crane batch big the use is broad considered the synthesis benefit requests the hoist crane to reduce the contour altitude as far as possible the simplification structure reduces is self possessed with the wheel pressure also may cause the entire building highly to drop 共 15 頁 第 5 頁 construction structure light reduces the construction cost The electric hoist bridge type hoist crane and the beam crane can have a quicker development and majority of substitutions in small tonnage general utility bridge type hoist crane The German Germany Maagcomp any passes through several dozens years development and the innovation has formed a light combined type standard hoist crane series The lifting capacity is 1 63 ton the work rank is A1 A7 the entire series by labor character 共 15 頁 第 6 頁 shape and box Shan Liang is hanging box shape Shan Liang angular small carriage shape Shan Liang Hexiang shape double Liang and so on many varieties is composed The king post and the end girder docking as well as the crab arrangement has the many kinds of patterns may suit the different building and the different hoisting up high request Needs each kind of specification hoist crane according to the user all to have three kind of Shan Su and three kinds double fast for will fully chooses but also may select the frequency conversion 共 15 頁 第 7 頁 velocity modulation The operation way has the ground electric switch voluntarily to move the hand electric switch moves the hand electric switch fixedly along with the car the wireless remote control control room is fixed control room moves along with the car control room voluntarily moves and so on seven kind of choices The large cart and the car power supply has the electric cable car electric conduction the DVS system two ways The so many choices item through the different combination may match hundred and thousand of kind of hoist 共 15 頁 第 8 頁 cranes fully meets the user different need This kind of hoist crane another biggest merit is light is self possessed lightly the wheel pressure light the external dimensions is highly small may greatly reduce the workshop building the construction cost simultaneousl y also may reduce the hoist crane the working power and the movement cost Compares with the general product the lifting capacity is 10t span 22 5m the general double beam bridge type hoist crane dead weight is 24t hoist crane track surface above highly 共 15 頁 第 9 頁 1876mm hoist crane width 5980mm The German hoist crane dead weight only had 8 7t the weight has been light 176 the hoist crane track surface above highly was 920mm reduced 104 the hoist crane width is 2980mm the external dimensions reduced 100 The automation and the intellectualiza tion the hoist crane renew land the development is decided in the very great degree by the electrical transmission and the control improvement realizes the hoist crane Automation and the intellectualiza tion The 共 15 頁 第 10 頁 large scale highly effective hoist crane new generation of electricity control device has developed for the entire electron numerical control system Mainly by entire numerical control drive the programmabl e fore word controller the breakdown diagnosis and the data management system the digitized operation assigns equipment and so on examination is composed The live pressure frequency conversion velocity modulation the radio frequency data communicatio n the breakdown from will 共 15 頁 第 11 頁 examine the fuzzy control the laser search hoisting up center of gravity the near field induction which the monitoring the hoist will guard against swings guards against the collision technology the field bus the carrier current communicatio n and the control the non contact power supply and the three dimensional barcode technology and so on widely obtains the application Enable the hoist crane to have a higher flexibility suits many raids of few batches the flexible production pattern raises the single plane synthesis 共 15 頁 第 12 頁 automation level The key development take the microprocess or as the core high performance electricity transmission device enable the hoist crane to have the fine velocity action and the static dynamic characteristic may carry on the operation the automatic control the automatic demonstration and the record the hoist crane movement automatic protection and the automatic detection the special occasion long distance range remote control and so on meets the automated production need Introduct ion Vast 共 15 頁 第 13 頁 quantities of materials pa rts and products have to be moved in road and bridge construction Loads are handled in construction and erection jobs in loading materials excavated from quarries or delivered by railway and water transport onto trucks and other vehicles and in storehouses servicing the construction site Factorie s producing concrete mo rtars and prefabricate d reinforced concrete products widely utilize all kinds of materials bandling equipment a s do various depots All materials hangdling equipment 共 15 頁 第 14 頁 is either intermittent or continuous action Depe nding on its purpose it consists of the following two main groups a Hoisting machinery winches jac ks hoists and cranks for intermittent operation b Conveyi ngmachiner y conveyors belt bucket screw cable ways air operated equipment a nd loading equipment fork life single bucket loader 1 Main Parameters of Cranes 1 Lifting Capacity Th e maximum load under specified condition for which the crane may be used 2 Height of Lift The 共 15 頁 第 15 頁 vertical distance between the ground level or datum level and the lowest point of the throat of the hook when the hook is in the highest working position 3 Radius The horizontal distance measured between the centerline of the hook and a perpendicul ar projected through the center of rotation 4 Track center The horizontal distance between the centers of each pair of track rails 5 Working speeds The working speeds of different mechanisms hoisting tra veling derric king slewing for crane 6 Overall 共 15 頁 第 16 頁 Dimensions and Weight 7 Stability Th e anchoring and or ballasting of the crane shall be such as to ensure that with the jib in any position the righting moment imposed under service conditions Under storm conditions the crane shall be stable If the crane is rail mounted the devices for anchoring the crane to the rails shall not be taken into account when determining the stability of the crane 2 Specific Parts for Cranes Hooks They are used to lift loads There are single hooks and solid or built up dual hooks 共 15 頁 第 17 頁 To handling small loads upto 3 tons a hook may be attached directly to the free end of the rope althoug h the usual practice is to suspend the hook in a casing with a moving rope sheave A bearing seating ring supporing the hook nut allows the load and the hook to turn freely around the vertical axis For loads exceeding 40 tons hooks of the ramshorn type B S301 7 or of the triangular type B S331 7 are preferable If required a locking device shall be fitted to prevent rotation of the hook Steel wire Ropes Steel 共 15 頁 第 18 頁 wire ropes are used as flexible appliances to lift loads and transmit motion and forces such ropes are wound from steel wire from 0 5 mm to 2 mm in diameter and have an ultimate strength of 1400 2000 Ste2mN el wire ropes are available in a great variety of designs Machines used in amterials handling construction and road making are provided mostly with round double lay cross or regular lay ropes from 11 mm to 32 mm in dismeter Double lay ropes are manufactured from preliminarily twisted spiral wire strands In a parallel Long lay rope the direction of twist of the direction of twist of the wires in the strand is the 共 15 頁 第 19 頁 same as that of the atrands in the rope while regular lay ropes are so constructed that the direction of twist of the wires in the strand is opposite to that strands in the rope To make the ropes more flexible and provde proper lubrication of wires of the strands are laid on a hemp core impregnated with oil Special locked coil steel wire ropes find application in cable cranes and cable ways These ropes used to carry trolleys have the cross section The outer specially shaped wires form a smooth surface These ropes have a low flexibility and high resistance to wear and keep out moisture Lleys and Drums Ropes are supported and guided by means of cast iron 共 15 頁 第 20 頁 pulleys The groove on the pulley rim is shaped so as not to pinch the rope The nominal diameter of the pulley D is the diameter of the circle described by the exis of the rope The pulley diameter appreciably affects the magnitude of the bending stresses and the rope servive life and for this reason the existing norms should be taken into account in selecting a pulley diameter During lifting or other displacemen t of the load the rope may be wound around drums drums in the form of cylinders with a 共 15 頁 第 21 頁 smooth or grooved surface A rope resting in a groove ensures besi des the proper direction a smaller pressure on separate wires in the rop which increase the rop service life Brakes One of the most important components crane is the brake on the hoisting motion Elec tric cranes are invariably fitted with an automatic electric mechanical brake actuated by solenoid or on alternating current by a thrustor which applies itself immediately current is cut off from the motor Centr ifugal brakes are occasionally 共 15 頁 第 22 頁 fitted to prevent excessive acceleration when lowering but it is preferable to use some system of electric braking such as dynamic with potentiomet er control on direct current and one of the systems of creating an opposing torque with alternating current Slo w speeds for accurate movement can be obtained by a manual brake applied to create a torque and so load up the motor to make it sensitive to resistance control On large power installations the Word Leonard system is frequently used as it provides for a large range of 共 15 頁 第 23 頁 speeds with simple control gear but the cost of the motor generator set offsets the saving in cost of main current controllers Brake drums are preferably made of a high tensile iron which maintains a smooth rubbing surface without tearing 共 15 頁 第 24 頁 指 導 教 師 評 語 外文翻譯成績 指導教師簽字 年 月 日 注 1 指導教師對譯文進行評閱時應(yīng)注意以下幾個方面 翻譯的外文文獻與畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 的主題 是否高度相關(guān) 并作為外文參考文獻列入畢業(yè)設(shè)計 論文 的參考文獻 翻譯的外文文獻字數(shù) 共 15 頁 第 25 頁 是否達到規(guī)定數(shù)量 3 000 字以上 譯文語言是否準確 通順 具有參考價值 2 外文原文應(yīng)以附件的方式置于譯文之后