題目: 鎖芯套冷沖壓工藝及級進(jìn)模設(shè)計
信機(jī) 系 機(jī)械工程及自動化專業(yè)
學(xué) 號: 0923215
學(xué)生姓名: 王 吉
指導(dǎo)教師: 鐘建剛(職稱:副教授)
(職稱: )
目 錄
題目: 鎖芯套冷沖壓工藝及級進(jìn)模設(shè)計
信機(jī) 系 機(jī)械工程及自動化 專業(yè)
學(xué) 號: 0923215
學(xué)生姓名: 王 吉
指導(dǎo)教師: 鐘建剛 (職稱:副教授)
(職稱: )
1.發(fā)展高效模具 對于大批量生產(chǎn)用模具,應(yīng)向高效率發(fā)展。如為了適應(yīng)當(dāng)前高速壓力機(jī)的使用,應(yīng)發(fā)展多工位級進(jìn)模以提高生產(chǎn)效率。
2.發(fā)展簡易模具 對于小批量生產(chǎn)用模具,為降低成本,縮短模具制造周期,盡量發(fā)展薄板沖模,鋅合金、低熔點合金,環(huán)氧樹脂等簡易模。
3.發(fā)展多功能模具 為了提高效率和保證制品的質(zhì)量,要采用多工位級進(jìn)模及具有組合功能的雙色,多色塑料注射模等。
4.發(fā)展高壽命模具 高效率必然需要高壽命,為了達(dá)到高壽命,除模具本身結(jié)構(gòu)優(yōu)化外,還要對材料的選用和熱處理,表面強化技術(shù)予以開發(fā)和創(chuàng)新。
5.發(fā)展高精度模具 要實現(xiàn)模具的高精度,在模具的設(shè)計與加工中必然要使用高精度加工設(shè)備和高技術(shù)加工工藝。要進(jìn)一步發(fā)展數(shù)控機(jī)床和加工中心的使用,要發(fā)展CAD/CAE/CIM等高新技術(shù)。
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Categories of stamping forming
Many deformation processes can be done by stamping, the basic processes of the stamping can be divided into two kinds: cutting and forming.
Cutting is a shearing process that one part of the blank is cut form the other .It mainly includes blanking, punching, trimming, parting and shaving, where punching and blanking are the most widely used. Forming is a process that one part of the blank has some displacement form the other. It mainly includes deep drawing, bending, local forming, bulging, flanging, necking, sizing and spinning.
In substance, stamping forming is such that the plastic deformation occurs in the deformation zone of the stamping blank caused by the external force. The stress state and deformation characteristic of the deformation zone are the basic factors to decide the properties of the stamping forming. Based on the stress state and deformation characteristics of the deformation zone, the forming methods can be divided into several categories with the same forming properties and to be studied systematically.
The deformation zone in almost all types of stamping forming is in the plane stress state. Usually there is no force or only small force applied on the blank surface. When it is assumed that the stress perpendicular to the blank surface equal to zero, two principal stresses perpendicular to each other and act on the blank surface produce the plastic deformation of the material. Due to the small thickness of the blank, it is assumed approximately that the two principal stresses distribute uniformly along the thickness direction. Based on this analysis, the stress state and the deformation characteristics of the deformation zone in all kind of stamping forming can be denoted by the point in the coordinates of the plane principal stress(diagram of the stamping stress) and the coordinates of the corresponding plane principal stains (diagram of the stamping strain). The different points in the figures of the stamping stress and strain possess different stress state and deformation characteristics.
(1)When the deformation zone of the stamping blank is subjected toplanetensile stresses, it can be divided into two cases, that is σγ>σθ>0,σt=0andσθ>σγ >0,σt=0.In both cases, the stress with the maximum absolute value is always a tensile stress. These two cases are analyzed respectively as follows.
2)In the case that σγ>σθ>0andσt=0, according to the integral theory, the relationships between stresses and strains are:
εγ/(σγ-σm)=εθ/(σθ-σm)=εt/(σt -σm)=k 1.1
where, εγ,εθ,εt are the principal strains of the radial, tangential and thickness directions of the axial symmetrical stamping forming; σγ,σθand σtare the principal stresses of the radial, tangential and thickness directions of the axial symmetrical stamping forming;σm is the average stress,σm=(σγ+σθ+σt)/3; k is a constant.
In plane stress state, Equation 1.1
3εγ/(2σγ-σθ)=3εθ/(2σθ-σt)=3εt/[-(σt+σθ)]=k 1.2
Since σγ>σθ>0,so 2σγ-σθ>0 and εθ>0.It indicates that in plane stress state with two axial tensile stresses, if the tensile stress with the maximum absolute value is σγ, the principal strain in this direction must be positive, that is, the deformation belongs to tensile forming.
In addition, because σγ>σθ>0,therefore -(σt+σθ)<0 and εt<0. The strain in the thickness direction of the blankεt is negative, that is, the deformation belongs to compressive forming, and the thickness decreases.
The deformation condition in the tangential direction depends on the values ofσγ and σθ. When σγ=2σθ,εθ=0; when σγ>2σθ,εθ<0;and when σγ<2σθ ,εθ>0.
The range of σθ is σγ>=σθ>=0 . In the equibiaxial tensile stress state σγ=σθ ,according to Equation 1.2,εγ=εθ>0 and εt?<0 . In the uniaxial tensile stress stateσθ=0,according to Equation 1.2 εθ=-εγ/2.
According to above analysis, it is known that this kind of deformation condition is in the region AON of the diagram of the diagram of the stamping strain (see Fig .1.1), and in the region GOH of the diagram of the stamping stress (see Fig.1.2).
2)When σθ>σγ >0 and σt=0, according to Equation 1.2 , 2σθ>σγ >0 and εθ>0,This result shows that for the plane stress state with two tensile stresses, when the absoluste value of σθ is the strain in this direction must be positive, that is, it must be in the state of tensile forming.
Also becauseσγ>σθ>0,therefore -(σt+σθ)<0 and εt<0. The strain in the thickness direction of the blankεt is negative, or in the state of compressive forming, and the thickness decreases.
The deformation condition in the radial direction depends on the values ofσγ and σθ. When σθ=2σγ,εγ0;when σθ>σγ,εγ<0;and when σθ<2σγ,εγ>0.
The range of σγ is σθ>= σγ>=0 .When σγ=σθ,εγ=εθ>0, that is, in equibiaxial tensile stress state, the tensile deformation with the same values occurs in the two tensile stress directions; when σγ=0, εγ=-εθ /2, that is, in uniaxial tensile stress state, the deformation characteristic in this case is the same as that of the ordinary uniaxial tensile.
This kind of deformation is in the region AON of the diagram of the stamping strain (see Fig.1.1), and in the region GOH of the diagram of the stamping stress (see Fig.1.2).
Between above two cases of stamping deformation, the properties ofσθandσγ, and the deformation caused by them are the same, only the direction of the maximum stress is different. These two deformations are same for isotropic homogeneous material.
(1)When the deformation zone of stamping blank is subjected to two compressive stressesσγandσθ(σt=0), it can also be divided into two cases, which are σγ<σθ<0,σt=0 and σθ<σγ <0,σt=0.
1)When σγ<σθ<0 and σt=0, according to Equation 1.2, 2σγ-σθ<0與εγ=0.This result shows that in the plane stress state with two compressive stresses, if the stress with the maximum absolute value is σγ<0, the strain in this direction must be negative, that is, in the state of compressive forming.
Also because σγ<σθ<0, therefore -(σt +σθ)>0 and εt>0.The strain in the thickness direction of the blankεt is positive, and the thickness increases.
The deformation condition in the tangential direction depends on the values ofσγ and σθ.When σγ=2σθ,εθ=0;when σγ>2σθ,εθ<0;and when σγ<2σθ ,εθ>0.
The range of σθ is σγ<σθ<0.When σγ=σθ,it is in equibiaxial tensile stress state, henceεγ=εθ<0; when σθ=0,it is in uniaxial tensile stress state, hence εθ=-εγ/2.This kind of deformation condition is in the region EOG of the diagram of the stamping strain (see Fig.1.1), and in the region COD of the diagram of the stamping stress (see Fig.1.2).
2)When σθ<σγ <0and σt=0, according to Equation 1.2,2σθ-σγ <0 and εθ<0. This result shows that in the plane stress state with two compressive stresses, if the stress with the maximum absolute value is σθ, the strain in this direction must be negative, that is, in the state of compressive forming.
Also becauseσθ<σγ <0 , therefore -(σt +σθ)>0 and εt>0.The strain in the thickness direction of the blankεt is positive, and the thickness increases.
The deformation condition in the radial direction depends on the values ofσγ and σθ. When σθ=2σγ, εγ=0; when σθ>2σγ,εγ<0; and when σθ<2σγ ,εγ>0.
The range of σγ is σθ<= σγ<=0 . When σγ=σθ , it is in equibiaxial tensile stress state, hence εγ=εθ<0; when σγ=0, it is in uniaxial tensile stress state, hence εγ=-εθ /2>0.This kind of deformation is in the region GOL of the diagram of the stamping strain (see Fig.1.1), and in the region DOE of the diagram of the stamping stress (see Fig.1.2).
(3) The deformation zone of the stamping blank is subjected to two stresses with opposite signs, and the absolute value of the tensile stress is larger than that of the compressive stress. There exist two cases to be analyzed as follow:
1)When σγ>0, σθ<0 and |σγ|>|σθ|, according to Equation 1.2, 2σγ-σθ>0 and εγ>0.This result shows that in the plane stress state with opposite signs, if the stress with the maximum absolute value is tensile, the strain in the maximum stress direction is positive, that is, in the state of tensile forming.
Also because σγ>0, σθ<0 and |σγ|>|σθ|, therefore εθ<0. The strain in the compressive stress direction is negative, that is, in the state of compressive forming.
The range of σθ is 0>=σθ>=-σγ. When σθ=-σγ, then εγ>0,εθ<0 , and |εγ|=|εθ|;when σθ=0, then εγ>0,εθ<0, and εθ=-εγ/2, it is the uniaxial tensile stress state. This kind of deformation condition is in the region MON of the diagram of the stamping strain (see Fig.1.1), and in the region FOG of the diagram of the stamping stress (see Fig.1.2).
2)When σθ>0, σγ <0,σt=0 and |σθ|>|σγ|, according to Equation 1.2, by
means of the same analysis mentioned above, εθ>0, that is, the deformation zone is in the plane stress state with opposite signs. If the stress with the maximum absolute value is tensile stress σθ, the strain in this direction is positive, that is, in the state of tensile forming. The strain in the radial direction is negative (εγ<=0), that is, in the state of compressive forming.
The range of σγ is 0>=σγ>=-σθ. When σγ=-σθ, then εθ>0,εγ <0 and |εγ|=|εθ|; when σγ=0, then εθ>0,εγ <0, andεγ=-εθ /2. This kind of deformation condition is in the region COD of the diagram of the stamping strain (see Fig.1.1), and in the region AOB of the diagram of the stamping stress (see Fig.1.2).
Although the expressions of these two cases are different, their deformation essences are the same.
(4) The deformation zone of the stamping blank is subjected to two stresses with opposite signs, and the absolute value of the compressive stress is larger than that of the tensile stress. There exist two cases to be analyzed as follows:
1)When σγ>0,σθ<0 and |σθ|>|σγ|, according to Equation 1.2, 2σθ- σγ<0 and εθ<0.This result shows that in plane stress state with opposite signs, if the stress with the maximum absolute value is compressive stress σθ, the strain in this direction is negative, or in the state of compressive forming.
Also because σγ>0 and σθ<0, therefore 2σγ- σθ<0 and εγ>0. The strain in the tensile stress direction is positive, or in the state of tensile forming.
The range of σγis 0>=σγ>=-σθ.When σγ=-σθ, then εγ>0,εθ<0, and εγ=-εθ;when σγ=0, then εγ>0,εθ<0, and εγ=-εθ/2. This kind of deformation is in the region LOM of the diagram of the stamping strain (see Fig.1.1), and in the region EOF of the diagram of the stamping stress (see Fig.1.2).
2)When σθ>0, σγ <0 and |σγ|>|σθ|, according to Equation 1.2 and by means of the same analysis mentioned above,εγ< 0.This result shows that in plane stress state with opposite signs, if the stress with the maximum absolute value is compressive stress σγ,the strain in this direction is negative, or in the state of compressive forming, The strain in the tensile stress direction is positive, or in the state of tensile forming.
The range of σθ is 0>=σθ>=-σγ.When σθ=-σγ, then εθ>0,εγ <0, and εθ=-εγ;when σθ=0, then εθ>0,εγ <0, and εθ=-εγ/2. Such deformation is in the region DOF of the diagram of the stamping strain (see Fig.1.1), and in the region BOC of the diagram of the stamping stress (see Fig.1.2).
The four deformation conditions are related to the corresponding stamping forming methods. Their relationships are labeled with letters in Fig.1.1 and Fig.1.2.
The four deformation conditions analyzed above are applicable to all kinds of plane stress states, that is, the four deformation conditions can sum up all kinds of stamping forming in to two types, tensile and compressive. When the stress with the maximum absolute value in the deformation zone of the stamping blank is tensile, the deformation along this stress direction must be tensile. Such stamping deformation is called tensile forming. Based on above analysis, the tensile forming occupies five regions MON, AON, AOB, BOC and COD in the diagram of the stamping stain; and four regions FOG, GOH, AOH and AOB in the diagram of the stamping stress.
When the stress with the maximum absolute value in the deformation zone of the stamping blank is compressive, the deformation along this stress direction must be compressive. Such stamping deformation is called compressive forming. Based on above analysis, the compressive forming occupies five regions LOM, HOL, GOH, FOG and DOF in the diagram of the stamping strain; and four regions EOF, DOE, COD and BOC in the diagram of the stamping stress.
MD and FB are the boundaries of the two types of forming in the diagrams of the stamping strain and stress respectively. The tensile forming is located in the top right of the boundary, and the compressive forming is located in the bottom left of the boundary.
Because the stress produced by the plastic deformation of the material is related to the strain caused by the stress, there also exist certain relationships between the diagrams of the stamping stress and strain. There are corresponding locations in the diagrams of the stamping stress and strain for every stamping deformation. According to the state of stress or strain in the deformation zone of the forming blank, and using the boundary line in the diagram of the stamping stress MD or the boundary line in the diagram of the stamping strain FB, it is easy to know the properties and characteristics of the stamping forming.
The locations in the diagrams of the stamping stress and strain for various stress states and the corresponding relationships of the two diagrams are listed in Table 1.1.It shows that the geometrical location for every region are different in the diagrams of the stamping stress and strain, but their sequences in the two diagrams are the same. One key point is that the boundary line between the tensile and the compressive forming is an inclined line at 45°to the coordinate axis. The characteristics of the stamping technique for tensile and compressive forming are listed in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 clearly shows that in the deformation zone of the blank, the characteristics of the force and deformation, and the patterns relevant to the deformation for each stamping method are the same. Therefore, in addition to the research on the detail stamping method, it is feasible to study stamping systematically and comprehensively. The characteristic of the systematic research is to study the common principle of all different types of stamping methods. The results of the systematic research are applicable to all stamping methods. The research on the properties and limit of the sheet metal stamping has been carried out in certain extent. The contents of the research on the stamping forming limit by using systematic method are shown in Fig.1.3.
State of stress
Location in the diagram of the stamping strain
Location in the diagram of the stamping stress
Types of deformation
Stress Strain
Biaxial tensile stress state
σγ> σθ
+ +
+ +
Biaxial compressive stress state
σγ< σθ
— —
— —
Stateof stress with opposite signs
+ +
— —
State of stress with opposite signs
+ +
|σγ|> |σθ|
— —
Table 1.1 Comparison between states of stress and strain in stamping
Table 1.2 Comparison between tensile and compressive forming
Tensile forming
Compressive forming
Representation of the quality problem in the deformation zone
Fracture in the deformation zone due to excessive deformation
Instability wrinkle caused by compressive stress
Forming limit
1. Mainly depends on the plasticity of the material, and is irrelevant to the thickness
2. Can be estimated by extensibility or the forming limit DLF
1. Mainly depends on the loading capability in the force transferring zone
2. Depends on the anti-instability capability
3. Has certain relationship to the blank thickness
Variation of the blank thickness in the deformation zone
Methods to improve forming limit
1. Improve the plasticity of the material
2. Decrease local deformation, and increase deformation uniformity
3. Adopt an intermediate heat treatment process
1. Adopt multi-pass forming process
2. Change the mechanics relationship between the force transferring and deformation zones
3. Adopt anti-wrinkle measures
Fig.1.1 Diagram of stamping strain Fig.1.2 Diagram of stamping stress
Fig.1.3 Examples for systematic research methods