姣 涓 璁 璁★紙璁 鏂囷級浠 鍔 涔? ? ? ? ? ? ?
璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級棰樼洰錛氭苯杞﹁濺闂ㄨ交閲忓寲鐮旂┒涓庡垎鏋?
瀛︾敓濮撳悕錛氶儹鍚翠寒 瀛 鍙鳳細(xì)? 1204202013
涓 涓氾細(xì)杞﹁締宸ョ▼ ?
鎵€鍦ㄥ 闄?細(xì)鏈虹數(shù)宸ョ▼瀛﹂櫌
鎸囧 鏁欏笀錛氬崲鍐涢攱
鑱 縐幫細(xì)鍓暀鎺? ?
浠誨姟涔﹀~鍐欒 姹? ?
鐢熸墍鍦 涓 € 錛 櫌錛 ?瀵 瀛 鐢熸 浠誨姟涔﹀ 鍦 瘯
涓氳璁★紙璁烘枃錛 濮 涓€ ㄥ 騫 ?緇欏¢鐢£€?
2錛?換鍔′功鍐¥ ?§currency1鐢'“? ??fifl鏁翠功鍐欙紝涓 –? ?· 濺?変功鍐欙?·?€?”
鏁欏姟?…‰涓€璁捐 鐨…數(shù)瀛 枃? `′??ˉ?紙鍙 ˙鏁欏姟?…¨ ??涓 ?錛?ˇ—幫紝
枃 鍙 浣 紝? 1.5 紝 鎵撳 鍦ㄥ ? a涓 €? ?
3錛?換鍔′功鍐¥~鍐 鍐¥ 錛?? 誨?瀛︾敓姣o 璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級? 鐨 儏鍐? 涓€
紝?ユ 鍙 ?錛? ??? 墍鍦 涓氬 伙紙闄 級涓葷 棰嗗?℃壒鍚庢柟鍙噸鏂板~?
4錛?換鍔′功鍐? 鍏斥€滃 闄⑩€濄€佲€滀 涓氣€濈瓑鍚嶇 О鐨勫~鍐欙紝搴fi啓涓 枃鍏ㄧ О錛
屼笉鑳藉啓鏁板瓧浠g爜 傚 鐢熺 鈥滃 鍙封€濊?鍐欏叏鍙鳳紝涓 兘鍙 啓鏈€鍚?浣嶆垨 1浣嶆暟
5錛?換鍔′功鍐呪€滀富 佸弬鑰冩枃鐚 €濈 啓錛? 鎸夌収 婇噾闄??鎶€瀛﹂櫌鏈 ?姣o
璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級鎾板啓瑙勮寖 嬬 涔﹀啓 ?
6錛庢 鍏沖勾鏈堟棩絳?棩鏈熺 啓錛? ?撴”鐓 у浗鏍嘒B/T 7408鈥?4 婃暟鎹 厓鍜屼氦鎹
㈡?ˉ忋€佷俊鎭 氦鎹?€ 棩鏈熷?鏃墮棿琛ㄧず娉曘€ ?? 錛屼竴寰嬬敤闃挎媺浼暟瀛
椾功鍐欍€傚 鈥? ?002騫 鏈 鏃モ€濇垨鈥? ? ?002-04-02鈥濄€?
姣 涓 璁 璁★紙璁 鏂囷級浠 鍔 涔? ? ? ? ? ? ?
1錛庢湰姣o 璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級璇鵑?搴旇揪鍒扮 鐩 錛?
閫氳繃鏈 姣o 璁烘枃 瀛︾敓鑳藉?鍒╃敤鏈 檺鍏冭蔣浠 姹借濺杞﹂棬 涜?鍒?瀽涓庣
爺絀訛紝鍏剁洰鐨勫湪 庡煿鍏誨 鐢熺患鍚堝垎鏋愬?瑙e喅鐩稿叧闂 ?鐨…嫭绔 fl浣滆兘鍔? 撳
鍜 鐢熺 錛 煿鍏誨 鐢熸 鐢 鏈 鏂? 藉 璁捐 鎵 錛 琛
暟鎹 ? ? 啓鎶€鏈 枃浠剁瓑鏂 鐨勫fl浣滆兘鍔 ?浣 鐢熷 · 宸 佸 ,
宸 浣 傚 鏃?¢£? ¤ 琛?¥ ョ爺絀?€§ 鍚currency1'闄“€§ 鍚?敓 ??fi宸 fl鍜?fl?
– 鏈 fl ?¢涔? 宸 鏂· ?
2錛庢湰姣o 璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級璇鵑?浠誨姟鐨勫 ??? 錛堝? ?濮–暟鎹 € 鏈 ?姹
?€佸fl浣滆 姹”瓑錛?細(xì)?
浠嬬…姹借濺杞﹂棬杞‰ ?鐮旂┒?扮 錛屼`緇 濺闂ㄧ 緇撴′錛屼`緇嶆苯杞﹁交閲忓寲??
?閫fiˉ錛? 杞‰ ?濺闂ㄧ 鍙currency1?˙ 嫭 涜?浠嬬… 傚€¨ 宸? 鐨 苯杞﹁濺闂ㄨ交閲忓寲
鐮旂┒鏂· 錛? 杞﹂棬鍐¥??挎 鏂欏 闃??? 緇撴′ 涜?杞‰ ?璁★紝瀵ˇ璁—
杞﹂棬 涜 ?鎵 鑳藉 鍒?瀽錛?湪 €涓 寰 濺闂 鏂欏?闃??? 緇撴′ ?
ц兘寰椾 ? 錛? 鏃 浼?‰杞﹂棬鐩稿 姣 紝浠 € ?浣 a鍒 · 鑰 ′忓?鎺?
? o 姹”爺絀 ?· 紝? 錛 鍚堣?鏂 鍐欒 紝宸 閲忓? 紝姣o 璁捐? ?
鏂??? ?錛? €傚 鍏 ?璁—畻鏈轟竴鍙幫紝 pro/e杞 歡錛孉 NSYS杞 歡鐩稿叧鏂
?尞浠庢牎 湡鍒婄¨鑾 – ?
姣 涓 璁 璁★紙璁 鏂囷級浠 鍔 涔? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3錛庡 鏈瘯涓氳璁★紙璁烘枃錛夎 棰 鏋滅 fi? 浘琛ㄣ€佸'鐗╃瓑 歡
鎸?湡? 涓€綃? 鍚 噾闄??鎶€瀛﹂櫌璁烘枃瑙勮寖鐨 瘯涓氳 璁★紙姣o 璁烘枃錛? .5涓囧
瓧浠 ?錛堝茍闄… 鍏崇 鍒?瀽鏁 嵁錛?浘琛 級錛?兘璇︾粏璇存槑鐮旂┒ 濊礬錛涜兘鏈夌粨鏋勫?
畬鏁 紝鍚堢悊鍙 潬鐨 鏈 柟?堬?鑳芥 鐩稿 鐨勮 璁 ¤鏄庯紝 劇a鍜 鏈 弬鏁拌 鏄庯紝
騫 皢楠?瘉緇撴灉鍦 枃涓 垪′恒€?
4錛?富 佸弬鑰冩枃鐚細(xì)
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姣 涓 璁 璁★紙璁 鏂囷級浠 鍔 涔? ? ? ? ? ? ?
5錛庢湰姣o 璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級璇鵑?宸 璁 錛?
2015.12.05-2016.01.15 閫 ?錛?~鍐欏 棰 錛 寚瀵兼暀甯 鍙戜換鍔′功錛? 鐢熸
闃 棰樼 鍏沖弬鑰冩枃鐚 € 鏂欙紝鎾板啓ˉ€棰 €?
2016.01.16-2016.02.25£ 氦ˉ€棰 €佸 鏂囧弬鑰冭 鏂欏 璇 枃 瘯涓氳璁★紙璁?
烘枃錛 ぇ ?ˉ€濮–瘯涓氳璁?璁烘枃 ) ?
2016.02.26-2016.04.15鍏 璁捐 ·栫爺絀?柟?堝'鏂 紝£ 氦姣o 璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級?夌
錛?~鍐 鏈熸 ? ? ?
2016.04.16-2016.05.05? 璁烘枃·?璁 ¤鏄?功 佸浘 瓑? 錛 瘯涓氳璁★紙
璁烘枃錛 紝鎸囧 鑰佸笀?℃ ?
2016.05.06-2016.05.13£ 氦姣o 璁捐 鏂 錛? 鐢熷 ?? 杈??璇勯¢鏁欏笀璇勯
¢瀛︾敓姣o 璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級 ?
2016.05.13-2016.05.26鏍·嵁瀛﹂櫌緇£竴???錛? 琛 瘯涓氳璁★紙璁烘枃錛夌 杈¥€?
鎵€鍦 涓氬 ユ?瑙§細(xì)
currency1細(xì) 2016 騫 ? 1 鏈 ? 22 鏃
姣 涓 璁 璁★紙璁 鏂囷級寮€ 棰 鎶 鍛? ? ? ? ? ? ?
璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級棰樼洰錛氭苯杞﹁濺闂ㄨ交閲忓寲鐮旂┒涓庡垎鏋?
瀛︾敓濮撳悕錛氶儹鍚翠寒 瀛 鍙鳳細(xì)? 1204202013
涓 涓氾細(xì)杞﹁締宸ョ▼ ?
鎵€鍦ㄥ 闄?細(xì)鏈虹數(shù)宸ョ▼瀛﹂櫌
鎸囧 鏁欏笀錛氬崲鍐涢攱
鑱 縐幫細(xì)鍓暀鎺? ?
2016 騫 ? 1 鏈?8 鏃 ?
寮€棰樻姤鍛婂~鍐欒 姹? ?
1錛庡紑棰樻姤鍛婏紙鍚 €滄枃鐚 患榪扳€濓級浣滀負(fù)姣曚笟璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級絳旇京濮斿憳浼?xì)?瀛︾
敓絳旇京璧勬牸瀹℃煡鐨勪緷鎹潗鏂欎箣涓€銆傛鎶ュ 斿 鎸囧 鏁欏笀鎸囧 涓 姣
曚笟璁捐 錛堣 鏂囷級宸 鍓 鍐 暀 鎵€鍦 涓氬 ュ
? ¢£錛?
2錛庡紑棰樻姤鍛婂?瀹¥?§currency1'“???fifl宸 –??· ?鏁欏???”涓€璁捐 鐨?數(shù)瀛?枃
…‰ ? 牸寮 `′幫 ?? 鎵撳ˉ鍦ㄥ?瀹˙¨涓婂?鍓 錛? ?? 斿 鏃 ? ? 暀
3錛 €滄枃鐚患榪扳€ 鎸 鏂 … ?枃錛? ??·錛 鎵撳ˉ錛 鏈 紑棰樻
姤鍛 涓€? 洰鍐a 瀛︾敓鍐?枃鐚 患榪 鍙 € 枃鐚 涓 ??? 5?囷紙涓 o
€? 鍐?級錛?
4錛 ?鏈 絳 鏈? ? ·錛? ??? у ? B/T 7408 ?4銆婃暟鎹 厓鍜屼?鎹
㈡牸寮忋€佷俊鎭 ?鎹?€? 鏈 拰鏃墮棿琛ㄧず娉曘€嬭?瀹氱 瑕?眰錛屼竴寰嬬'闃挎媺浼暟瀛
椾功鍐欍€傚 ? ?004騫 鏈? ?6鏃モ€濇 ?004-04-26 濄€?
5銆 紑棰樻姤鍛婏紙鏂 尞 艱堪錛 瓧浣撹 鎸 畫浣撱€ 皬鍥涘彿??·錛岃?闂磋窛 1.5鍊嶃€?
姣 涓 璁 璁★紙璁烘枃錛 寮€ 棰 鎶 鍛? ? ? ? ? ? ?
1錛庣粨鍚 瘯涓氳璁★紙璁烘枃錛 棰樻儏鍐碉 ?規(guī)嵁鎵€ ラ槄鐨勬枃鐚祫鏂欙 姣忎漢鎾板·涓
???000瀛楀乏鍙崇 鏂 尞 艱堪錛?
閫夐 鐨?洰鐨勫拰鎰忎箟錛? ?
闅 潃 祹鐨勫彂灞曪 姹借濺淇濇 閲忎篃 稿 鍦板ぇ騫 害鎻愰珮錛屾苯杞︽ 鏀¥彉鐫€?
虹被鐨勫伐浣滀笌 ¢椿,姹借濺鐨勪嬌 ㄥ皢浼?xì)娑堣€楀ぇ閲 鐕 補(bǔ)錛岃濺闂 涓鴻濺韜 閲嶈?
勬垚閮ㄥ垎錛?洜姝ゆ苯杞﹁濺闂ㄨ交閲忓寲璁捐 絎?悎?撲粖娼 祦銆傚悓鏃跺 鍚?被紕版挒?嬫晠
閫 垚? 憳浼 涓 姹借濺 ч 紕版挒 ? ?鎾 鍥 姹借濺杞﹂ 瑕? ?
鐨? 闂 彂 ?粨鏋勫彉?㈡ 鍚 紕版挒?х敓鐨 閲 鎵€ 負(fù)? 嬌杞﹂ 鐨?粨鏋 璁
℃ 悎 鍦 杞﹂ 閲 鐨勫?鎻¢£錛屼嬌杞﹂ 鐨勫? ︾ 鍚堣?姹¥ 鍦ㄥ?鏈
§璁currency1'“???fifl杞﹂ 氬害瑕?眰浣滀負(fù)杞﹂ 璁捐–鐨勬 ? 箣涓€錛?? 嶈濺闂ㄧ ?屾
璁捐 銆· ㄨ濺杞﹂ 斿?????? 寮 害銆 ? ?拰鎸 ?”規(guī)€ э ュ?…板 ‰濺
闂ㄥ紑闂 鐨 €??? € у 涓`′紕版 鐨 €?挒?х?鍚ˉ??ц 瑕?眰銆˙¨? 淇??
杞﹂ 氬害鍜? §規(guī) ? ? ?涓 ˇ·—瀹 杞﹂ ? 璁捐 鐨 ?姹¥ ?fi 寰
墮 瑕 €?
鍥 ?? 細(xì)
闅 潃… ?姹借濺璁捐 瑕?眰鐨勬 ?a ?? 闄?厓娉 杞﹁ 璁捐 宸?? ¢負(fù)?
o 鐨 … ?杞﹁ 璁捐–宸 彂灞 ?鏈夐 銆佷 ?€ ?? 璁??鍦ㄥ?
?鐨 ? ? ?銆 ? 拰 ℃嫙闃舵 錛岃 ? ?鎶€鏈 笌… ? 靛瓙 嬭瘯鎶€鏈 浉
撳悎宸 垚涓烘苯杞﹁濺韜 腑′ 垎琛屼箣鏈 £鐨勬柟娉曘€傛垜鍥界 姹借濺宸 笟鍦ㄨ 璁″
?鏈燂 璁捐 堜滑? ч儴 嗚繘琛岀 鏄 濺韜 粨鏋 璁? 鏈夐 冨垎鏋 ч ?庤В鍐蟲
苯杞﹂浂閮 歡鐨勫 ?? ︺€佷嬌 ㄧ 鐤 姵 垮懡鐨ˉ棶棰樸€佷嬌 ㄧ 鍙 潬? у拰浣跨'榪
▼涓 駭 ? 鎸 ?鍣 0絳変竴?涚粨鏋 璁? 闂 ?銆·絾 逛 ㄨ濺杞﹂ 氬害鐨?
跺垎鏋?槸?戜箣鍙 ?錛屼富瑕 €冭檻鐨勬槸鍦ㄦ苯杞??鏉塊檮 跺垎 冮敊 煎 鏉傜 闂 銆傚? ?
婅濺闂ㄧ 氬害 ?銆 ?垎鏋愩€ 濺闂ㄧ 闇囧?鍣0闂 錛岃濺闂ㄧ 鑸掗€傛€? ? с€
畨 ㄦ€с€ €¢箙?ч 鍙 互榪涜?鏈夐 ˙ 跨 ?銆傚 ?栧 ? 苯杞﹁濺韜 旂
'鐮旂┒瑕 繙榪滄棭?庡 鍐a 騫 笖鍦ㄥ熀?庤濺闂ㄨ璁′笌 氬害 ?榪涜??嗚緝涓 箍娉涘
湴鐮旂┒ ?錛屼負(fù)? a 橀挗鏉?競鍦 姹借濺琛屼笟鐨勪喚棰濓 鍥介檯閽㈤搧′忎細(xì)鍦?996騫
紑濮 ㄧ悆18涓 瀹跺紑灞曡濺闂ㄨ 璁′笌 氬害 ?鐨ˉ? 璇ラ? 槸絎 竴涓 a
?虹 鏃 璁捐–鐨 濺闂ㄧ粨鏋勶 閫氳繃浣跨' 呴珮寮 害閽 敱杞﹂ 氬害 跨 ?? ?
鍜岃瘯楠?獙璇ˇ 鏈€ 婊¤?杞﹂ 涓 瀭 氬害鍓 a涓 瀹屾垚?嗚濺闂ㄥ 閲?0%鐨勫.涓
俱€傜帇浼熴€婃苯杞﹁濺闂ㄨ交閲忓寲鍙?qiáng)洹? 鎾 畨 ㄦ€? ц 鐮旂┒銆嬩竴鏂囦腑鎸囧嚭錛屼互
? 紕版挒 跨 ?鐨勬 闄?厓鍩烘湰 嗚 涓 熀紜€錛屼互鏈夐 冧豢鐪§蔣 負(fù)宸ュ?錛?
杞﹂ 闃 挒姊 拰闂ㄦ? 姊 繘琛屼簡 ? 浼樺寲錛? 姹借濺杞﹂ 榪涜??嗚交閲忓寲銆˙
湇瀛濇嘗銆婂熀? 柊鍨嬫澘鏉愮 姹借濺杞﹂ 杞婚 栦 栬璁 °€嬫湰鏂囬拡 ‰嬌杞﹁濺闂ㄨ繘琛
屼簡杞婚 栦 瀹 鍦ㄨ濺闂ㄦ弧 抽潤 氬害?? ц 瑕?眰鐨勫?鎻¢£,浣垮?璐ㄩ 鏈
€?忓寲銆· 垮 銆婃 鍨嬩 ㄨ濺杞﹂ 璁捐 涓 闄?厓 跨 ?銆嬩竴鏂囦腑鎸囧嚭錛氬
嬫 鍨嬩 ㄨ濺杞﹂ 鐨勬 闄?厓 跨 ″ 錛? ¥?榪涜 ? 潤 涘 跨 ?錛涢?
€氳繃 ‰濺闂ㄦ 闄?厓 ″ 鐨 ? 寰楀 ?嗚濺闂ㄧ 氬害鍊 絎?悎杞﹂ 氬害鍊
浣跨'瑕?眰銆傜帇鏂 鐨 €婃 闄?厓娉 熀紜€鍙 NSYS 旂'銆嬩竴鏂囦腑鎻?嚭錛氳
ˋNSYS 虹 鏈夐 ā鍨 鍙 互 鍓 ? 宸 鏃墮棿錛屾a 簡鏈夐 冨垎鏋愮
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姣 涓 璁 璁★紙璁烘枃錛 寮€ 棰 鎶 鍛? ? ? ? ? ? ?
2錛 湰璇? 瑕` 舵 ? 鐨ˉ棶棰樺拰 a ㄧ 鐮旂┒鎵嬫 錛˙€斿 錛 細(xì) ?
鏈 棰??鐮旂┒ 栬 В鍐崇 闂 ?
鏈 枃 ?嬌杞?負(fù) ?鐮旂┒寰 杞–濺杞﹂ 錛? 杞﹂ 鍐 ?鏉塊€o'鐨勬潗鏂欒繘琛岃 ?
‰濺闂ㄧ 闃 挒姊 繘琛岀粨鏋勪 鐨勪 ‰濺闂ㄧ 杞婚 栬繘琛?垎鏋愩€·負(fù)鐮旂┒
‰ 榪涜?pro/e涓o ? 烘ā, 'ANSYS杞 歡 虹 杞﹂ 鏈夐 ā鍨 € ㄧ?
璁 瀛 寮規(guī)€у 瀛︾?鏂規(guī) , ‰濺闂ㄧ 鏂 璐§?, 閫氳繃ANSYS杞 歡 ‰濺闂ㄥ
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潬? т 涓 ?鐮旂┒ ‰ 鐨 交閲忓寲 ? ?灉寰椾互榪愮'銆?
閲 '鐨? 舵 “?
錛 錛 仛濂界?璁 熀紜€鏂歸 鐨勫噯?囷 ˇ傛 闄?厓杞歡銆? ?
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錛 錛 寮 笌鎸囧鑰 笀鍜屼 涓氫漢鍛樼 ?ゆ祦錛屾帰璁ㄨ? В鍐抽亣 鐤戦毦闂 ?銆?
姣 涓 璁 璁★紙璁烘枃錛 寮€ 棰 鎶 鍛? ? ? ? ? ? ?
鎸囧 鏁欏笀鎰忚?錛?
1錛庡 滄枃鐚患榪扳€濈 璇 錛?
鏂 尞 艱堪鍩烘湰絎?悎姣曚笟璁烘枃璇? 鐮旂┒鐨勬柟鍚戯 涓 墍瀛? 涓氳仈緋 瘮 ˙揣 嗐€?
傚 ラ槄 稿叧璧勬枡鍚庤繘琛屼簡?currency1粨錛?熀鏈 鍚 枃鐚 患榪 ”圭偣涓庤?姹傘€?
2錛庡 鏈 棰樼 fl 害銆 箍 ? 宸 閲 鎰忚?鍜? 璁捐–錛堣 鏂囷級 ?灉鐨ˉ? 細(xì)
鏈 棰樻繁 ?箍 ﹂€·腑錛?伐浣滈 絎?悎姣曚笟璁烘枃瑕?眰錛涚?榪? 鐪 厖 ???宸
錛? ?撹 ? 鏈 ?瘯涓氳鏂囧伐浣溿€? ?
3.鏄 惁鍚屾 寮€棰橈細(xì)鈭?鍚屾 鈻?涓 悓鎰?
鎸囧 鏁欏笀錛?
2016 騫 ? 03 鏈 ? 08 鏃?
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2016 騫 ? 04 鏈 ? 07 鏃
畢 業(yè) 設(shè) 計(jì)(論 文)外 文 參 考 資 料 及 譯 文
譯文題目: THE ignition system
?! I(yè):
職 稱:
年 月 日
The ignition system
The ignition system of an automobile generates and delivers the spark,used to ignite the air/fuel mixture inside the combustion chamber.the spark must be delivered at an exact time,in the proper sequence and of sufficient duration for the engine to run correctly.in addition,extremely high voltage is needed for the spark to bridge the gap of the spark plug in the harsh environment of the combustion chamber.
Key words components the ignition timing
1 Components of ignition system
There are two parts in an ignition system.the first one is called the primary side and the second is the secondary side. The primary side consists of the distributor and the electronic control module and the secondary consists of spark plugs and wires, an ignition coil,rotor and in some systems the distributor.the ignition system relies on the vehicles battery to provide a spark which sets the ignition system in motion and starts the vehicle.
1.1 Ignition key
The key is the first and most familiar part of an ignition system.when the key is turned it releases low voltage electricity from the primary circuit of the ignition system.this electricity then goes to the ignition coil.
1.2 Ignition system coil
This part of the ignition system is an electromagnet as well as inductor that transforms high voltages from the vehicles battery.the coil is connected to the distributor.
1.3 Spark plugs
The spark plugs and spark wires force electricity to the engine creating a voltage of between 40,000 and 100.000 volts.although they are simple and fairly small parts of an ignition system, when the spark plugs or wires get worn out, the vehicle will not run.
This is why good vehicle care involves getting a regular tune-up.
The modern spark plug is designed to last many thousands of miles before it requires replacement.these electrical wonders come in many configurations and heat ranges to work properly in a given engine.
The heat range of a spark plug dictates whether it will be hot enough to burn off any residue that collects on the tip,but so hot that it will cause pre-ignition in the engine.pre-ignition is caused when a spark plug is so hot,that it begins to glow and ignite the fuel-air mixture prematurely,before the spark.most spark plugs contain a resistor to suppress radio interference.the gap on a spark plug is also important and must be set before the spark plug is installed in the engine.if the gap is too wide,there may not be enough voltage to jump the gap,causing a misfire.if the gap is too small,the spark may be inadequate to ignite a lean fuel-air mixture,also causing a misfire.
1.4 Distributor
The distributor in an ignition system itself has two parts;the rotor and the distributor cap.like the name implies,this part distributes electricity from the coil to the spark plugs and wires and the cylinders of the vehicle’s engine. The number of cylinders depends upon the vehicle but is commonly either four or five cylinders.like spark plugs and wires the distributor cap and rotor become worn out and need to be replaced periodically.
Many newer vehicles have ignition systems that do not have a distributor which are appropriately called a distributor-less ignition system.the work of the distributor is done directly through the use of modified spark plugs.this type of ignition system also does not contain spark plug wires.these vehicles are more environmentally friendly and fuel efficient as well as reducing the need for frequent tune-ups.
2 The ignition timing
Ignition timing is the measurement,in degrees of crankshaft rotation,of the point at which the spark plugs fire in each of the cylinders.it is measured in degrees before or after top dead center(TDC) of the compression stroke.
Because it takes a fraction of a second for the spark plug to ignition the mixture in the cylinder,the spark plug must fire a little before the piston reaches TDC.otherwise,the mixture will not be completely ignited as the piston passes TDC and the full power of the explosion will not be used by the engine.
Ignition timing on many of today’s vehicles is controlled by the engine control computer and is not adjustable.however the timing can be read using a scan tool connected to the date link connector.
The timing measurement is given in degrees of crankshaft rotation before the piston reaches TDC(BTDC).if the setting for the ignition timing is 5。 BTDC,the spark plug must fire 5。 Before each piston reach TDC.this only holds true,however,when the engine is at idle speed.
As the engine speed increases,the pistons go faster.the spark plugs have to ignite the fuel even sooner if it is to be completely ignited when the piston reaches TDC.to do this,distributors have various means of advancing the spark timing as the engine speed increase.on older vehicles,this was accomplished by centrifugal weights within the distributor along with a vacuum diaphragm mounted on the side of the distributor.later vehicles are equipped with an electronic spark timing system in which no vacuum or mechanical advance is used,instead all timing changes electronically based on signals from various sensors.
If the ignition is set too far advanced(BTDC),the ignition and expansion of the fuel in the cylinder will occur too soon and tend to force the piston down while it is still traveling up.this causes engine ping.if the ignition spark tis set too far retarded, after TDC(ATDC),the piston will have already passed TDC and started on its way down when the fuel is ignition.this will cause the piston to be forced down for only a portion of its travel.this will result in poor engine performance and lack of power.
3 Types of ignition system
3.1 Breaker point ignition system
Prior to the early 70’s,breaker point ignition systems were used on all vehicles and this allowed for simple automotive diagnosis,troubleshooting,and auto repair.breaker point ignition systems adequately met ignition requirements for decades,until stricter automotive emission control requirements are unveiled.in order to meet lower emission standards,passenger car and light truck manufacturers were forced to use leaner air/fuel mixtures. The voltage required to ignite a lean air/fuel mixture could not be economically provided by the breaker point system.so as a result,electronic ignition systems were developed to furnish the high voltage spark necessary to ignite the lean air/fuel mixture.
The components used in the breaker point system consisted of a distributor,ignition points,a condensor,and ignition coil.the ignition coil contains two circuits ,the primary circuit and the secondary circuit.switched ignition voltage is supplied to the positive side of the ignition coil primary circuit.the current path flows through the ignition coil to the distributor,where it is grounded by the ignition breaker points.the ignition points are placed in the distributor adjacent to a cam mounted on the distributor shaft.when the engine is running,the spinning cam opens and closes the contacts of the points hundreds of times per second.when the points are closed,current flow is allowed through the primary circuit and a large magnetic field is created inside the ignition coil.the time that the ignition points are closed,is referred to as coil saturation time.coil saturation is the amount of electrical current that builds up inside the primary coil windings. The greater the saturation,the large the voltage output of the ignition coil.when the points are closed,current flow is allowed through the primary circuit and a large magnetic field is created inside the ignition coil.the time that the ignition points are closed,is referred to as coil saturation time.coil saturation is the amount of electrical current that builds up inside the primary coil windings.the greater the saturation,the larger the voltage output of the ignition coil.when the points are opened by the distributor cam,the magnetic field is caused to collapse and high voltage is generated inside the ignition coil.this current is referred to as secondary ignition voltage.the maximum secondary voltage output is around 20,000 volts.the current path of secondary voltage is through the coil wire into the distributor cap,across the rotor and out of the distributor cap,through the plug wires to the spark plugs.
The breaker point system suffers many disadvantages;one is the longevity of the ignition points.in order to provide an acceptable length of service,the maximum amount of current that can flow through the ignition points is around 4amps.this limitation directly affects the maximum secondary voltage output of the ignition coil by reducing the amount of coil saturation.another drawback is the limitations placed on the system at high engine speeds.when the engine is at high speed,the points open and close so rapidly that coil saturation is inadequate.the points are closed for too short a duration to allow sufficient current to flow through the primary circuit.this causes a reduction in secondary ignition voltage output at higher engine speeds.another phenomenon affecting breaker point ignition systems is the tendency of the points to bounce or float,at high engine speeds.this can affect the timing of spark delivery to the spark plugs and have an adverse affect on engine operation.finally,breaker point ignition systems require frequent maintenance to ensure the correct operation of the ignition system.because ignition point are subject to wear by friction and curren flow,their replacement or adjustment during auto repair is required at regular intervals.
3.2 Electronic ignition system
The development of the electronic ignition system allowed automotive engineers to re-design the ignition system component to generate higher secondary ignition voltage.transistors were used to switch the primary ignition current instead of mechanical ignition points,so the amount of primary current was increased.this allowed higher secondary voltage above 40,000 volts on some engines.the ignition coils were re-designed for faster saturation times so that the secondary ignition voltage fall off,at high engine speeds,was reduced.transistorized ignition reduced vehicle maintenance by the elimination of the ignition points from the primary ignition system.
With the conventional automotive electronic ignition system,the point have been replaced with a signal device mounted inside the distributor.the signaling device,either a magnetic pulse generator or a Hall effect,controls the switching of a transistor in the engine control module.the transistor is used to switch the automotive ignition coil primary circuit on and off.when the engine is first started,ignition timing is under direction of the ignition control module;take special note of this before embarking on an automotive troubleshooting and repair venture.when the engine reaches a predetermined engine speed,ignition timing control is then managed by the engine control module.the engine control module modifies the signals to the transistors inside the control module to vary ignition timing,based on engine operating conditions.
3.3 Distributorless ignition system
Most late model automobiles now use distributorless ignition system.the distributorless ignition system provides higher secondary voltages,more efficient operation and lower maintenance,in comparison with conventional electronic ignition systems.
With distributorless ignition systems,ignition timing and firing order is manged by engine control module ,the engine control module determines cylinder position based on inputs from the crankshaft sensor ,and in some designs,the camshaft position sensor,the engine control module reads this information,and operates the primary ignition circuit of each coil.in sequence,using the ignition control module.
The waste spark distributorless igniton system is used on most vehicles.the system matches paired cylinders to one coil.these cylinders are referred to as buddy cylinders,since they are always in the same position,relative to the crankshaft.when one buddy cylinder is at top dead center,the other is also at top dead center.however,one cylinder will be on the compression stroke,while the other is on the exhaust stroke.the ignition coil will deliver spark to both cylinders at the same time when they reach top dead center.since one cylinder will be on the exhaust stroke,the spark delivered to that cylinder is not used for combustion ,this is known as the waste cylinder.since the energy required to allow the spark to bridge the gap of the waste cylinder are very low,a majority of the secondary voltage is used to fire the spark plug of the active cylinder.
Another type of distributorless ignition system is the direct ignition system.the direct ignition system uses one ignition coil per spark plug.most systems use an ignition driver module to control the primary ignition circuit .individual coil primary current flow is operated by signals from the engine control module to the ignition drive module.the engine control module determiner spark timing based on input information from the crankshaft position sensors.
點(diǎn) 火 系 統(tǒng)
關(guān)鍵字 組成 點(diǎn)火正時
3.3 無分電點(diǎn)火系統(tǒng)